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Everything posted by van

  1. The ones who continued to do right will be purified, made spotless and refined even during the intense persecution. The wick shall continue to be wick. We need a lot of people in the church to awake up and take the Holy Bible seriously and not thinking it is just a book. We can prepare ourselves by praying, and continuing to study God's words in the Bible.
  2. The intense persecution will last time, times and a half during the final tribulation. God's people will be persecuted until the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all these things would be finished. We need to be ready for this.
  3. Those who are wise and influential for God will shine like the brightness of heaven and the ones who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever. God uses my past failures to bring me closer to Him, and through that I became a instrument for God's use to lead others to the Kingdom.
  4. We learn that all those who died will be awaken by the Lord Jesus Christ voice. Daniel foretold this before the New Testament was written. His teaching is found throughout the New Testament. The righteous who are raised will live with Christ forever. The unjust will be raised to be judged by their life on earth also.
  5. At the time of trouble all those whose name is written in God's book will be saved from the great distress. The great tribulation mention here is also written in Rev. 7:14.
  6. The antichrist will exalt and magnify himself above all and will say terrible things against the almighty God. The antichrist wants to take God's throne and have everyone worship him. The final battle between God and Satan the ill take place in better land of Israel.
  7. As you can see today, prophecy and history during biblical times is only repeating itself thoughout the world and through rulers and geopolitics of our times and time to come. No matter how countries and rulers think their country is better or stronger, God is going to always win in end. All of the waring and negative influences in the world God will always be on top. God always cares about His creation. Yes, I do pray for country's leaders. It's not easy trying to run a country.
  8. Daniel's vision was accurate years after his death. They were all fulfilled. The prophets of the Old Testament foretold of the coming Messiah who will take away the sins of His people. Through His birth, death and resurrection He made us justified before God be cause He was the perfect sacrifice.
  9. The Angel couldn't get to Daniel for three weeks be cause he was engaged in battle not with the Persian Prince but with a fallen angel, demonic force that had taken control of Persia. The angel messenger is helped by Michael to extricate himself from the spiritual battle. Prayer is the quickest way to reach God. We need to pray constantly for all countries. There is a lot of waring going on around the world, including the United States.
  10. The vision affect Daniel greatly because he washed devastated at the destruction of his people and what he saw. He was 80 years old and didn't eat or drink anything for three years and became weak, tired and had no strength. Daniel was physically, emotionally, and spiritually drain. When we preach a sermon or minister to God's people, I know for myself sometimes my legs and so weak I do feel as though I am going to fall and pass on. Praying right after builds my strength back up. Spiritual warfare is not waring in the fresh but in the spirit. It becomes very draining that you can't eat or drink anything.
  11. Daniel's visions and prophecies encourages all people who have and still is going through persecution all over the world. They only have to keep believing that Jesus Christ is coming again and He will have end all persecution forever.
  12. 1. Literal time periods with Antiochus Epiphanes as the end-point 2. Symbolic time periods with the first century AD as the end-point 3. Literal time periods with Christ's Second Coming as the end-point 4. Symbolic time periods with Christ's Second Coming as the end-point My interpretation is that throughout the centuries of time every person gave their views as to what Daniels meant. Daniel could be wrong I don't know in interpreting the seventy sevens vision. I do believe God would let us know all truth on that coming day.
  13. We fight over the difficult Bible passages because everyone have a different opinion each one thinking they are right. It says do not fight over whose right or wrong. Welcome different opinions. Everyone is different.
  14. 1. To securely close, put an end to sin. 2. She will give birth to a son, and His name will be called Jesus Christ be cause He takes away His people sin. 3. Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. 4. To atone wickedness, meaning to forgive. 5. Jesus Christ is our sacrifice for atoning our sins. 6. To bring everlasting righteousness.
  15. Daniel essential he praised God for who He is and also for bringing them out of bondage in Egypt. He admitted they sinned and done wrong against the Lord. Because God is a righteous God, Daniel prayed that God would away His anger and wrath from Jerusalem. God sent the angel Gabriel to give him insight and understanding of the seventy years.
  16. Daniel essential he praised God for who He is and also for bringing them out of bondage in Egypt. He admitted they sinned and done wrong against the Lord. Because God is a righteous God, Daniel prayed that God would away His anger and wrath from Jerusalem. God sent the angel Gabriel to give him insight and understanding of the seventy years.
  17. Even though Daniel was a righteous man in his generation, it was actually like he was taking the sins of others on himself and pleading to God through prayer to forgive the sins that he committed against God. Daniel being human, like all of us, bear sins through Adam and because of that Daniel includes himself in his prayer and plead to God. Jesus sought for forgiveness of His people through dying on the cross for the sins of the world.
  18. Daniel turned his face to the Lord God, seeking God by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. He confessed his people sins and he praised God for His great and awesomeness. Intercession for others is very important, and in Daniel case it was for the sins of His that was against what God talk them. To prepare for intercession your mind and heart should be totally tuned into God, earnestly pleading others causes before God.
  19. Daniel understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years." (9:1-2) Daniel realizes that this 70 years is just about up and the prophecy will be fulfilled. Because Daniel believes God's promises, he begins to pray for his people that God would forgive their sin and enable this restoration to take place.
  20. This is truth is precious to God's people because it gives us a hope of eternal live with Jesus Christ forever. The ultimate fulfillment will come when the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.
  21. These verses describe Him as coming to God on a cloud. The only other person the Bible describe as riding on a cloud is God Himself. The only person that can come before like God He way He did is the Son of God. Son of Man was given all authority all people, nations, go ferment, etc. Jesus Christ was fully man (He understands exactly what we go through as a human, also He was born of a woman), at the same time He is God only begotten Son.
  22. The relationship is that God almighty is the one that judges the world. There is a war going on between good and evil. God came to judge all nations. All of those against Him will be cast in the lake of fire. Because their is so much heartbreak throughout the world.
  23. Christians act reverently in ways that would defend God by supposing to live righteous and at the same time committing sins that are totally against what is written in he Holy Scriptures. I changed my ways to appreciate the grace and mercy God has given me. I no only want to sin against God, instead I live for Him by living according to the Holy Scriptures. Sometimes it's hard because the flesh is always fighting against he spirit, but I know God's Holy Spirit lives within me and guides me in my everyday living.
  24. Nebuchadnezzar confession about God show that he came to believe that there is only one God, the Almighty, Most High God. We are nothing without Him. He made us not we ourselves. He realized that our entire being exist be cause of God. Yes I have made a public testimony of what I learn through my trials. My testimony sound like a person finally realizing God is going to do things His way by any means to get your attention.
  25. Pride showed itself in Nebuchadnezzar's life by him believing he is the greatest king in his kingdom and everyone must obey all his rules or they would be punished. He doesn't believe God blessed him with all the wealth he had, instead he thought he was the smartest and earn the wealth by his own doing. Sometimes I have to pray that God remove selfishness and think of others. And since I completely turned my life over to God I am humbled before Him at all times. God keeps me in check by reminding me of the selfishness and that's a good thing. Pride can mask itself with humility by believing we are doing what God wants us to do, but deep down inside we know that's not what we are feeling at the moment.
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