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Everything posted by van

  1. Nebuchadnezzar should stop sinning and practice righteousness. And, his iniquities by showing her y to the oppressed. Being kind to the poor is being kind to all those that are less fortunate than yourself. I try my best to help those who are less fortunate than myself. God will always give you special blessings when you reach out to others.
  2. God rules over all men and it is proper to acknowledge Him as the most high God, creator of all. Heaven rules over the earth, and we should always remember that. The king had a problem acknowledging God as the most high because he was very selfish and felt no one is above the king. I try to acknowledge God over every area of my life because I can't make it without Him.
  3. Daniel was very afraid because the dream and interpretation wasn't something that would bring the king joy. Others have got their heads cut off for bringing the king bad news from his dream. We become afraid because we don't want to shock anyone with bad news from there dream. Anything can happen to them or to others, it's dangerous. We must pray to God to give us strength to interpret to our brothers and sisters dream.
  4. Daniel testify to the fact that he was blameless before God, therefore, God delivered him from the mouths of the lions mouth. Daniel was also found blameless before the king. The lions would have eaten him. To be blameless is not look at what someone has done to you but to keep your faith and prayers on God. When I received His grace and mercy the moment I was saved. God has stuck by me ever since.
  5. Daniel got on his knees and prayed toward Jerusalem three times a day. He gave thanks before God for every situation He brought him through. Daniel was the type of person who made petitions and plea before God for others also.
  6. The presidents and straps tried to find grounds of complaint against David but couldn't because David was faithful. No fault could be found in him. God is mighty and can bring you out of any situation.
  7. They trust in God and set aside the wing's command or law to be faith to God. The Jews yield up their bodies to God almighty to serve Him and refused to serve any other. If it's not what God say in the Holy Bible, I will not accept it. I will do what I have to do to be faithful to God.
  8. The satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the king's counselors gathered together and saw that the fire had not harm the bodies of those men. The king blessed their God because a angel of God delivered his servants. God received all the glory because He showed the king that He is much greater than the king golden image.
  9. The Jews said they had no need to answer him because the God they serve is able to do like Dr them from the fiery furnace and out of the king hand. They didn't have any resignation or defiance, they instead witness about God. They had no doubt God will deliver them from the fiery furnace. The Jews believed in God fully and had no doubt.
  10. They were reported to Nebuchadnezzar because the king made a decree that when everyone hear the musical instruments they are to fall down and worship the golden image. The king was angry because the Hebrew boys disobeyed the king decree by not worshipping their golden image. If they don't worship his god that he set up they will be thrown in the burning fiery furnace.
  11. Daniel said no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers can show to the king the mystery of his dream. The only one that can show him is the almighty God in Heaven. God doesn't like proud people. The only one that should be exalted is God. He made us and not ourselves. We should always exalt the Almight God.
  12. The king ordered all wise men to be killed including Daniel and his friends because a wise man from his kingdom couldn't interpret the king's dream. Daniel ask his friends to plead mercy from God in heaven regarding this mystery so they won't be killed along with the other wise men. According to scripture, intercessory prayer is the act of praying for other people. The Lord instructed us to pray not only for our own personal needs but to reach out and pray for others as well. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people......(1 Timothy 2:1). Intercession prayer is very effective in pleading to God for others, as seen in (Daniel 2:17-18). The church I attend have intercessory prayer on Sunday's, Monday's and Wednesday's. Intercessory prayer can be everyday of the week if that's what the Pastor feel is necessary.
  13. Daniel asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself by eating the food from the king's table. But the chief of the eunuchs were afraid he would be behead if Daniel and his friends looked in worse condition than the other youths who ate from the king's table. Then Daniel asked the steward who was assigned over them by the chief of the eunuchs to test them for ten days. Daniel and his friends were given vegetables and water by the steward. At the end of the ten days, Daniel and his friends were fatter and in better condition than the other youths who ate from the king's table.
  14. Daniel took a stand because he believed that eating and drinking of the food and wine at the king's table would defile him. They believed in dedicating their food and wine to false gods and Daniel believed in the one true God.
  15. In Jerusalem, Daniel and his friends were from royal and nobility families. In Babylon they were slaves to the king. It had to be a drastic change for them considering the names they were given were from Babylonian gods. I can't hold even imagine how they felt going from serving one God and being slaves in a place where they had many gods. Their faith was definitely tested. Daniel and his friends becoming eunuchs had a big impact on their lives, which they had to keep their minds on the one true God, their beliefs and their faith in Him at all times. They didn't compromise but instead kept their minds on the one true God.
  16. I have never made a rapid transition between my culture and a different one. But, I do feel we should take our faith with us. Even though, there are many countries punishing and killing people for having faith in Jesus Christ. Daniel is going to be interesting.
  17. Q2. (John 3:26) Have you ever resented "larger churches" that attracted people from "your" church? What is wrong with this kind of possessiveness? Is it self-pity or something else? No I haven't so I guess it would depend on the knowledge be taught?
  18. 1. (John 3:22) What is the importance of Jesus spending time with his disciples? What is his strategy? How does Jesus make disciples today? Where is our time with the Discipler? How important is your time as a discipler, "hanging out" with people God puts on your heart to disciple? Jesus was teaching them over and over so His Words will stick in t heir heart and mind. Repeating the Kingdom of Heaven is like this,my Father doesn't want to loose one sheep. Etc. Hanging out with Jesus Christ help them to learn the truth in God's Word. I talk with people I run into everyday.
  19. no I have care for it don't they focus on money to much. It's like they are trying to build their own kingdom
  20. Q1. (John 3:22) What is the importance of Jesus spending time with his disciples? What is his strategy? How does Jesus make disciples today? Where is our time with the Discipler? How important is your time as a discipler, "hanging out" with people God puts on your heart to disciple? The importance is to teach then His way. It takes listening to the teachings the Hoover and over so it Will plant in their entire body,mine, and spirit.I hang out with Jesus in His Words by reading, studying and pray for His Spirit for understanding.
  21. Q5. (3:7) How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers. How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers? TREATING ONE'S WIFE WRONGLY OR TREATING YOUR HUSBANDWRONGLY HINDER THEIR PRAY BECAUSE TTHAT PERSON IS SINNING AGAINST GOD AND GOD IS SINLESS SO HE CAN'T HEAR HEARTLESS PRAYERS.
  22. Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature? HUSBAND'S SHOULD BE CONSIDERING TO THEIR WIVES, LOVING, GENTLE, COMMITTED AN TRUSTWORTHY. HE OR SHE WANTS THE PERSON TO BE UNDERNEATH THEM SO THEY CAN CONTROLL THAT PERSON LIFE. THAT'S E A USE THEIR IS A HIGH DIVORCE RATE IN THE USA. GOD GAVE US OUR OWN ABILITY TO BE ABLE TO CONT AND THINK FOR OURSELVES.
  23. Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband? INNER BEAUTY IS OBEYING GOD, NOT BEING DISRESPECTFUL TOWARD YOUR HUSBAND, BE HUMBLE, PURE IN KEEPING HERSELF AND HIMSELF FOR THEIR PARTNER ONLY. WHEN SHE IS IN A HUMBLE STATE SHE HAS PEACE. ALSO, WOMEN NEED TO REALIZE YOU DON'T STAY YOUNG FOREVER, BUT THE INNER BEAUTY FROM GOD LAST A LIFETIME.
  25. Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian? Nobody wants to submit or obey the other they feel that they are being talk to like a child. No you can speak about things, but if it's not getting anywhere a Christian would just don't speak. Because it can get out of hand and that isn't Christ like.
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