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Everything posted by van

  1. Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? IF WE LIVE LETTING CHRIST LEAD OUR LIVES EVERYDAY WITH OUR MINDS STAYED ON HIM AND HIM ONLY THAT'S HOW YOU LI E YOUR LIFE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. IT'S NOT EASY THAT'S WHY I KNOW FOR A FACT I CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT CHRIST HOLDING MY HAND. HE IS THE DRIVER AND I AM JUST A PASSENGER.
  2. Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME BECAUSE OF ALL MY SINS I HAVE COMMITTED I REALLY DO DESERVED TO BE ON THAT CROSS. THAT'S WHY EVERYDAY MY PRAY FOR FORGIVES AND MEAN FROM MY HEART. I ONLY WANT TO DO THE WILL OF GOD. IT'S EVEN HARDER BEING A DOCTOR IN GOD'S LAW AND A REVEREND I PRAY TBAT MUCH HARDER.
  3. Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? THERE IS ONE WAY TO HEAVEN AND SINLESSNESS CRUCIFIED JESUS CHRIST IS IT. JESUS SUFFERED BADLY AND I PRAY FOR HIS GIVENESS EVERYDAY. I FEEL IT SO HARD THAT I CRY BEGGING HIM TO FORGIVE HIM. THERE IS ONLY ONE SINLESS MAN I KNOW WHO CAN STAND ALL THE KIND OF CORRUPTION THAT IS THE MESSIAH.
  6. Jesus Christ anger was rightfully justify that was He Father House for praising and worshipping the Almighty God. It depends if your anger is going to be getting crazy then no that not justified. Anger showing love is justified. Uncontrollable anger will get you in trouble every time.
  7. That was a Temple for worshipping God, not quite place to make money. What He was really angry with the the money changers.coins being past back and forth. That was a big insult to Jesus Christ because that was His Father House!
  8. Christ is peaceful, loving and kind. He showed love even to those who killed wrongfully, one think I know is that I am the sinner, it would have been right for me to die. God loves us so much that He gave His Son to die for us. Daily I am growing stronger in the Lord. Thank you Jesus Christ.
  9. Q3. (2:18-20) How does being an employee "conscious of God" affect the way we act and react to injustice in the workplace? Can a conscientious Christian be a complainer? Why or why not? How do you usually react to prolonged, unfair treatment at your work? I was trying hard to be conscious of God because I always did my job and respected everyone. They still kept striking at me. They were being prejudice against me for years and I got my Doctor's degree they really started yelling at me for no reason. I prayed for years that God get me out of that misery. When I hit 25 years, I retired and all the stress was gone. God is good.
  10. We are expected to obey our employers, and that means we must obey and always respect the Almighty God at all times. He gave us life, food, clothing and a place to live. I understand how hurt God will be with obedience and in His Word it teaches OBEDIENCE!
  11. God expects us to glorify Him living the way He taught us through His Word. God is t he Almighty with power and strength and He deserves my obedience and submission. I don't like God shuts down on you. That's why I have to be obedient to His Words.
  12. God is being glorified through our complete submission and obedient and choosing to serve to only God. After all He gave His own Son life for us. I knee down before Christ every day to humble myself before Him.
  13. And we know when we go to wedding reception there will be people that get so drunk that can't even see. He performed it behind the scenes so the party people won't start thinking that He performed magic and He want all peace and love for the new couple. That Jesus is so sweet I know. Jesus is perfect in everyway. That's awesome!!!!
  14. Q3. (John 2:6-10) Why do you think alcoholics are quick to point out this miracle? Which is wrong: drinking wine or drunkenness? How can we avoid excesses and still enjoy God’s good gifts? Alcoholics are quick to point this out because they can drink more and really get drunk. That is a sin. Drunkenness is a sin. And if you know you are going to have a problem with drinking don't do it!!!
  15. Jesus new it wasn't His time yet. But because they were His kinfolk He new He had to do it for is mother's sake and He also felt the Father wanted Him to do it.
  16. Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives? What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him? How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives? Today is not like Jesus Christ time. People today has to work longer hours, has families, some people are antisocial. Jesus Christ love all people and He always took time to socialize. We can try to be more loving.
  17. Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? A priest don't look for gain from God, they are obedient to what God tells them. They offer up themselves as a sacrifice to God through Jesus Christ. We worship God through the Spirit of Jesus Christ. When offering a sacrifice we deliberately and consciously offer up to God our worship. Finally, we should offer our heart to a great God. And if you are a true believer you would seek God and all His righteous, all other things will given to you.
  18. Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored? Maybe what people are saying is true. You can't keep your dirt in the closet so to speak, God sees everything we do. Even though some people don't believe that God is watching. God don't like when people boast about themselves like they are perfect and will eventually get caught up. We need Jesus Christ good news about Himself we wouldn't have a chance to get to heaven there is only one way only through Jesus Christ. If final judgement gospel is about Christ. Like I said I don't want to go to help. Jesus Christ is my Savior and my Lord.
  19. Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness? I feel holiness is searching God with your mind, spirit and body. Constantly reading the Bible and listening to the Word being preached and to be obedient to God's words. They are not in the Bible for you to look at and if your obedient that means praying and studying God's Word. I am trying hard to keep my relationship with God on a good note. Many things He has removed from me and I don't dwell on my past, but my future.
  20. Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon? Christ coming should get our attention because He gives us hope in looking forward to the one that died for us. I would think people will want to be in self-control and sober minded because I wouldn't want to live in help for all eternity. If you are not ready when Christ comes back all I can say oh boy!"
  21. John baptized with water for purify of there sins. Jesus baptized with fire from the Holy Spirit that came upon all those that believe in God's only begotten Son Jesus the Christ. The church I attend Baptist you in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I never knew that people baptize in the name of the Holy Spirit.
  22. The "Lamb of God" means He was without any sin, He was pure. Plus He was born to die for the sins of the entire world. Everything Isaiah the prophet said came true in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
  23. John the Baptist was humble because he was doing his job, to prepare the way for the Messiah. John didn't understand completely why he had to do what he did, but he immediately knew why when he saw Jesus Christ.
  24. John was preparing the Jews for the one coming after him. He baptized with water to purify and forgiveness of sins. He was preparing the way for Christ.
  25. I believe the religious leaders were selfish and greedy and didn't want anyone to coming to stop there money. They didn't want anyone coming in and arouse the Jewish people. They wanted to keep total control. They were also afraid that John was Elijah or the Messiah.
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