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Everything posted by swordwoman
3. The Name Jesus
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
"Yahweh saves." "... You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins" The name Jesus means salvation. He came to destroy the works of the devil and save His people from their sins. His destiny he fulfilled on the cross. Jesus' mission was not of an earthly mission...but a spiritual mission. The angel gave the name to both Mary and Joseph independently because they both needed to know what His name meant for themselves so they would not forget it. When God speaks, you know it. Jesus Saves...Amen! -
Q2. The Character of Joseph
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Scripture tells us that Joseph was a righteous man, and because of this quality, he had decided to divorce Mary quietly and leniently...this so to not draw attention to her and bring her dishonor and disgrace. Mary's options being pregnant and carrying a child as an unmarried woman were the same as they are today for an unwed mother -- TRUST GOD IN ALL THINGS. The world offered her no options. But our Great and Gracious God sent His angel...and we all know the rest of the story... Amen...! Lord, you always come through...yet once again...a ram in the thicket...Jehovah Jireh -- Our Provider...! -
Q1. Son of a Carpenter
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
As the son of a carpenter, Jesus would have learned how to build not only houses, but also the finer items that would be useful in those houses, such as tables, chairs, shelving, etc. The experiences he would have been exposed to would range from dealing with the elements to dealing with the people in business settings and family-type settings. He would have been exposed to day-to-day circumstances and the realities of life as we know them to be. A trade such as carpentry creates a myriad of experiences in the process of taking raw materials and building something useful and beautiful, fit for the Master's use.... ...Ummmm sounds something like what God does with us....doesn't it? -
Q5. Titles of St. Mary
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
They are appropriate for Mary because they are true statements. We are hesitant to exalt her, because she was a mere human ... she is really no more blessed than any of us who carry the Lord Jesus Christ ...and walk in the newness of life because of being born again in Him... Amen? -
Q4. Mary's Response to the Angel
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
The essence of Mary's positive response is this: God said it. She believed it. That settled it. Done deal. Amen. What we can learn is that if God asks, we submit, and His will is accomplished. Her response was an "informed consent" because she asked the angel what she didn't understand...pondered it...and made her decision based on God's will for her life. When we respond to God we are consenting to His will for us...even if we don't understand it totally...and even if it doesn't make sense in the natural. -
Q3. The Virgin Conception
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
The virgin conception teaches us that Jesus is God come in the flesh. He is holy, divine, and pure, without sin. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and not in the natural way of a man and a woman. The doctrine of the virgin conception is right on center to the Christian message. It is this very doctrine that separates true Biblical Christianity with every other "Jesus religion" in that other belief systems that "include" Jesus, do not see Him as God...He may be a teacher, prophet, healer, cosmic superstar, but they do not see Him as God, nor worship Him as such. He is the Messiah for all of humanity. -
Q2. Mary's Question to the Angel
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Mary's "how question" what motivated by a heart of faith. She believed God in spite of her natural circumstances. Zechariah's "how question" was motivated by a heart of unbelief. He had to "see" it to "believe it" due to the natural circumstances. Mary was rewarded for her faith. Zechariah was disciplined for his lack of faith. God responds to faith -- positively or negatively, but He does respond. -
Q1. The Angel's Announcement
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Gabriel's announcement said Mary's child would be Son of the Most High...that His kingdom would endure forever. What I love about this is that we who have been chosen of God are highly favored. We are also carrying the Spirit of the Most High...we are blessed as Mary was blessed...we will live eternally (kingdom enduring forever) ... ....and it is all in the choosing...His and ours. -
Hello there...My name is Geri...I've done several of Pastor Ralph's studies and consider this opportunity a real blessing. Been married 27 years...two grown children...and God's got me right where He wants me...steeped in His Word like a good pot of tea....Looking forward to studying with all of you...
I belong to a Messianic congregation that really "gets it" -- where Jew and Gentile come together as one new man...and I love it...I look forward to being with God's people and the whole counsel of God is preached. Jesus is known...and the Presence of God is tangible and real. Deliverance, restoration, healings, we even recently had a raising of the dead...a man in our group literally dropped dead at the water fountain...praise and worship continued while paramedics arrived and the Rabbi prayed that the gentleman would arise in the name of Jesus...breath filled his body, he was taken to hospital by ambulance and has been recovering nicely since. Amazingly true...God is Alive. Worship is awesome and it is all about the LORD...and only Him. I can help by serving as the Lord leads and being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to do what God wants me to do. Examine myself regularly and come before a Holy God to seek His guidance in my life. I can also help by not being a trouble spot...and loving both close up and from afar.
Recognizing He is the Almighty...High and Holy One...the Lord of Lords, King of Kings...Forever Faithful One... I have come to believe that praying in the spirit is the way to pray. We really don't know how to pray and sometimes we get bungled up trying to bring human understanding into a situation we don't know enough about. God is God. We are not. I just pray that God's will be done...and release the situation and people to Him...asking Him to show me how to pray and relying on Him to bring me understanding if He so desires, otherwise, I trust Him that He's using my prayers with others to accomplish His will...not mine...because I realize I don't know much...but I do know that He loves me...and He is good.
When one grasps the fullest extent of Christ's love (look at the cross), you can't help but be changed. Comprehending this love, I have come to realize, is only done by God. We are incapable of understanding and comprehending the magnitude of His love for us without His help. It changes our spiritual life because we then come to God out of love and not fear or obligation. End to Christ's love? I don't think so. God is love. It is His nature.
Paul prays for strengthening of the inner man because it is in the inner man that we as humans need strength. Our spirits need to be built up in Christ. We'd pray like Paul prayed. Due to our free will choices, we have the ability to grieve the Holy Spirit and by praying that Christ dwell in our heart we are showing God that we "choose" Christ...and this needs to be done daily, sometimes several times as we have a tendency to "get off track."
Some time ago, while in prayer, I heard the Lord say: If My people would be about the business of praise and worship, and edifying, believing prayer for their brothers and sisters, the Church of Jesus Christ would be strongest force on the face of the earth. This stirred in my spirit for days and then I asked the Lord to show me the edifying, believing prayers -- and the Holy Spirit took me on "tour" -- this prayer of Paul's to the Ephesians was the first stop. ...and it is one that I have prayed not only for myself, but for others as well...both believers and unbelievers... I do believe people can come to God "on their own" -- however, I believe God uses His children to prayer for those He places in our path. People come into our lives for a reason, often it may be reasons beyond what we actually think. ...and it could be that prayer is the only reason. Keep on prayin'...This kind of prayer is very important. I liken it to "the bait that catches the fish"....!
He asked His disciples to pray so they would not enter into (fall into) the temptation that was inevidetable. The temptation that faces all of us...the temptation that is in the world. The content of their prayer was to be for strength and submission to the Father's will in order that Jesus would be able to complete His work at the Cross. No...they fell asleep. Lead us NOT into temptation, but deliver us from evil...for Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory... To be fully focused and intimate with the Father. To be alone to "pour out His heart." "Setting it all straight" without any distractions....no matter how well intended.
Q4. Arrow Prayers
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
He is in danger of losing his job or worse, his life. He prayed quickly and silently before he answers the king because he doesn't want to say anything that isn't "cloaked" in what God would have him say. He doesn't want to take any chances on what he might say in error...and is trusting God for the "right words." -
Q3. Strategic Placement
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
They were both requiring God's mercy through leaders. He places people in strategic position to have His will be done on earth through His people. Yes, I believe this has happened to me...and I pray the way I always pray...I ask Him for a Word and He is faithful to give me His Word...and then I pray that Word...stand on that Word...and Let His Will Be Done...Amen...! -
Q2. Basis of Appeal
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
Nehemiah's appeal is based on God's promises. He "argues" based on God's Word. God has told us to keep Him in remembrance of His promises. This, I believe, to keep us "tuned up" to His promises and also to keep us in the relationship with Him. This type of "dialogues" promotes relationship...and that's the whole point. -
Q1. Prayer and Mourning
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
I believe he prayed, fasted, and wept due to the gravity of the situation he saw...and he knew the only One who could help was God...Excessive...? No. I don't believe it was excessive. I have also found myself in places of "excessive" intercession...but never felt it excessive...just called to do what I believed God was calling me to do. The answer did finally come.