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Everything posted by swordwoman
Q1. Rebellion
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
What the people had done was had Aaron erect "another god" (because they were impatient) and began to worship and idol, which made God angry at them. A loving God can be angry, because He is also holy, and His holiness requires a response to rebellion...which would be anger. God's sentence is justified, I believe, because He is God, and quite simply, He can do whatever He pleases. Even in our own humanness, we will "start over" when it becomes too much of a "mess." Praise God that Jesus is our remedy for "new beginnings"...and it is the redemption of God in Christ that gives us all a new start and an opportunity to repent before a Holy God. -
Ah, forgiveness, my favorite topic...we should continually ask forgiveness to keep the flow of God open. Unforgiveness on our part blocks God's blessing by allowing sin (unforgiveness) to take root and thus, impede the flow of God to and from us. The Word of God states clearly that if we do not forgive others, God will not forgive us...simple...plain...direct.
Oh, this is an "easy" one...the answer to the first two questions is that nasty five letter word: PRIDE. Double for your trouble...pride will knock you down every time... We should ask God to "give" us our daily bread so that we will recognize our absolute need for His provision to us. Whether or not we are able to provide for our needs, the ultimate resource comes from Him and His hand. Better wake up to this reality...cause when the cards come tumblin' down...it is a stark reality. Read Matthew's account of the Wise and Foolish Builders ... gain insight into the great truth of building upon the Rock...Amen?!
Q2. Kingdom and Will
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
We are asking for the return of Jesus Christ to rule and reign upon t he earth. We are asking for the Father's will to be done, because God knows (in advance) what He has planned for our lives. Satan's big lie is to "offer" us an alternative that is counterfeit to God's ultimate plan...because of the weakness of our flesh and our own evil heart's desires, we fall prey to satan's devices and "get our knickers in a twist." God, however, is faithful to His own, and always "does a Romans 8:28" on us...Amen! This prayer should affect our living in that we should always pray the Father's will on earth as it is in heaven in our lives...this kind of prayer is a prayer God will always answer and will yield the best results for our lives. Praying according to His Word is the best and most effective prayer. -
Q1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
When we come to the revelation of who we are in Jesus Christ, our lives and words are put into "divine order"...He is God and we are not. Understanding our ambassadorship in Christ and the fact that we serve a Holy God in love as His children helps as we walk in our sanctification. Desecration and besmirching of His name comes in many forms, but primarily when His name is used as "every day" vernacular and slang without any consciousness that one is using God's name in vain. As a child, I can remember being taught the holy, reverent use of God's name...the name above any other name. The ways of the world today reflect the desecration of His name as His name is used as an "exclamation" and often for things that are negative. It grieves my heart to hear His name muddied on the streets of life. When we begin to pray, we address Almighty God with reverence and respect. He is an awesome God....full of wonder and majesty. -
Hi to all blessed of the Most High King~ My name is Geri, but I go by Swordwoman as my given name, Geraldine, means "Ruler with a Spear"... This is my second Joyful Heart Bible Study, the first being this past spring when I did Sermon on the Mount. Highly recommended ...I am happy to be starting this one as I keep hearing the Spirit say: Vineyard of Prayer...I am getting ready to work my vineyard and am looking forward to working with you all. I live in upstate New York...but my heart is in Heaven.
Q4. Disobedient Disciples?
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Discerning the True Way (7:13-29)
Obedience is an act of the will. If one is truly submitted to the Lord Jesus Christ, obedience in all areas will come as He places "sections" upon the brazen altar and burns away the flesh. There are many true Christians who believe, but are walking in disobedience. That is the essence of Romans 7...we are in constant battle with our flesh...that wants and desires happiness. The Lord told me: I have not called you to happiness...I have called you to holiness...and in your holiness, you will find happiness. The world says: Don't Worry-Be Happy. The Lord says: Be holy as I am holy. 1 Peter 1:16. We are responsible for the revelation we have been given. If God shows you something...the Holy Spirit will enable you to do it. He will remain faithful, for he cannot disown Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13. Salvation is a gift. For the gifts and God's call are irrevocable. Romans 11:29. When God speaks...man listens. He is big...we are little. -
Q3. Deceiving Yourself
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Discerning the True Way (7:13-29)
One either lives in "the lie" or "the Truth"...before you come to Christ, you live in the lie. When you come to Jesus Christ, you are then translated into the Truth. Within that place of Truth, there is also the "perceived truth." The perceived truth is the place of battle and struggle. The perceptions of circumstances and people come at us...their truth (or reality) and our truth (or reality). Only when the perceived truth is held to the standard of the Word of God, are we able to see clearly whether we are walking in the Truth. Everything and everyone stands or falls against the Word. Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Truth is only truth when it is of Him. We are called hear AND obey. Obedience is an act of the will and happens when one hears and acts out what he hears in a spirit of obedience to the Father. It is possible to do "works" in the name of Jesus and not know Him, i.e. have intimacy with Him. Jesus is the One who does the healing, delivering, restoring, etc. It is not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit. So, just because someone casts out demons, heals, or performs miracles in Jesus' name, does not necessarily mean they know Him. He said you will know them by their fruit. So let's all get fruity, now... -
Q2. By their Fruit
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Discerning the True Way (7:13-29)
The fruit of false prophets are like raisins. What's "inside" is dried up and gives no life. Examples might be hypocrisy, anger, greed, idolatry, abuse, neglect, favoritism...essentially, the antithesis of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. When a false prophet reveals himself, there is no mistaking that the Truth is not being upheld. Everything stands or falls against the Word of God. Using the Word as your governor, it is easier to distinguish the true prophets and teachers from the false prophets and teachers. Another characteristic is "mixture"...a little bit of poison injected into the root system of a fruit tree brings danger to the fruit. Mixture with the Word of God disguised as Truth brings danger to the soul. The pure essence of the Gospel brings forth good fruit all the time. Going through the process (of dealing with false prophets) is difficult and it is hard to admit the ones you've trusted have proven untrustworthy...however, it causes one to the lean completely on the Lord...and no one else. Learn what you can...continually seek God...and trust the Holy Spirit to guide, direct, and energize you in the way of Truth. Praise Jesus...He is the Truth. -
Q1. The Narrow Gate and Universalism
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Discerning the True Way (7:13-29)
I have no doubt that Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate and the narrow road to life is to be believed. My attitude is 24/7 Lord...24/7 have Your way...the only Way...His Way. I witness everywhere I go...every time the Holy Spirit opens the door...I "go in." I reject Universalism in its entirety. Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life...No man comes to the Father but by Me. He said it. He meant it. I'm here to represent it. Got Jesus? Got Life! -
The Golden Rule in essence says: Treat others the way you would want to be treated...and in this, when we love the Lord our God with "all we got"...we can't help but love everyone else with "all we got." That is how they are the same. How they are different, is that unless we have our relationship with God "straight up"...we are in no way able to have our relationships "laterally" working... Practice the presence of God and stop looking at yourself...simply love...love simply.
Q2. Parables of Persistence
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Asking in Faith (7:7-12)
To quote an old one -- Ya gotta keep on keepin' on... Persistence...is key...sometimes it is a matter of just really being persistent...and that alone is the lesson learned. -
Q3. A Faithful, Loving Father We Can Trust
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Asking in Faith (7:7-12)
The verses teach us that God is loving toward His children. His characteristic response is that He gives us good gifts...that He sees the ENTIRE situation and it is from His perspective that the gifts are given. He is a good God, and He can be trusted. To be able to pray with faith, one needs to trust that the Lord is good and that He can be trusted fully to bring good no matter what we (think we) want....God is good all the time, everytime...! -
Q1. Ask, Seek, and Knock Continuously!
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Asking in Faith (7:7-12)
The three words ask, seek, and knock are all verbs. Verbs "speak" action. The distinguishing characteristics are that asking implies petition to another...seeking implies action on "your part," and knocking implies perseverance. I believe knocking conveys more intensity...almost as if the answer is "no" or at the very least "unanswered." The significance of the present, continuous, and imperative tense of these verbs is they all require relationship with the Giver of all good things... -
Q2. Judged with the Same Measure
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Judging Self and Others (7:1-6)
Whenever anyone pulls out the "judge" card, I am reminded of one of my favorite verses: Mercy triumphs over judgment! (James 2:13) . I believe the governor of our "judgment" needs to be first questioned by us..."what is my attitude, what is my motivation?" Whatever your attitude/motivation will be the way you are judged. Much like reaping and sowing...I believe we are called to "judge" the action against the Word of God and love the person. While this may be difficult to do, all things are possible with God...and His grace is sufficient to accomplish the task...no matter who the person or what the situation is. We are called to measure out mercy...we are all in need of His mercy...all the time... -
Q5. Let Tomorrow Worry for Itself
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
Whether Jesus intended the verse to be humorous or not, I believe it was a gentle admonition to "stay present." Too often people are lamenting the past (which is dead and buried)...or they're fretting about the future...and totally "out of touch" with the present. Almost like a seesaw...past, future...up, down...where's the balance? Balance on today, while it is called today. As He is the Alpha and the Omega...He was essentially getting people in touch with 'THE ETERNAL NOW'...What will be will be... Basically, I believe the command in the verse is two words: TRUST ME. -
Q4. Seeking First the Kingdom of God
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness is the command. According to the verse, our seeking God differs from our seeking food and clothing because in seeking the Kingdom we are in effect seeking peace, righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit (which is what the Kingdom of God is according to scripture)...all of which are eternal and food and clothing are temporal. The promise found in the verse is that "all these things will be added" (by God, of course) when we seek first Him and His Kingdom... The world has it all "backward" ... many people toil and spin to "get the stuff" and then seek God when "it doesn't work out." If people would first seek Him, then all the "stuff" will be added....simple truth. -
He mentions them to differentiate between the believer and the unbeliever. The point He is making is that as a believer we do not have to succumb to the "cares of this world." A Christian has the understanding that God is their provider. Our problems are God's problems and He has the answers...we do not have to bow down to worry about how our needs will be met. The emotional and faith effect that the phrase "your heavenly Father knows that you need them" has the "peace effect"...I am at peace about the things that many people in the world fret about. I have perfect peace knowing that God is sovereign and He is in control of my life. Everything that happens to me is filtered through His hands...and my times are in His hands...according to His word. Oh the Word...the everlasting enduring Word...on which I stand.
Q2. Do Not Be Anxious about Material Things
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
Many times...repetition is muscle memory...but when the truth comes to us by way of revelation...we walk in it and overcome the lie. Worry is rooted in unbelief...and is a lie from the enemy. Faith is real...it is a gift from God and we have the ability to "exercise" it ... I believe excessive worry not only borders on sin; I believe it is sin. It is sin, because Jesus says quite plainly -- Do not worry...and then He goes on to give reason why -- it will not change a thing ... (paraphrase mine) ... I believe worry and trust are exact opposites. If one trusts God for all ...then worry can't even get any "play" time... Trust and believe. -
Q1. Parable of the Birds and of the Flowers
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Temptation to Worry (6:25-34)
His point: Faggadaboudit...seriously, I believe He was making the point that God is in control of the birds of the air and the flower of the field...they don't worry, toil, or spin...He takes care of their needs. Trust and believe. I believe the point is valid. I don't worry, and I live stress fee. I trust my God in all circumstances. I have been in want and I have been in plenty...and I have learned to be content in all things. Knowing Him will do that to a person. -
Q5. If the Light within You Is Darkness
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
I look at money as a tool. Like any tool, one needs to learn how to use it properly to build. God has given us $$ to further His Kingdom on the earth. Have I ever used $$ unwisely? Probably...but as a general rule, I operate with the revelatory understanding that all the money I have is given to me from God. He has blessed me a job, and as a result of me working that job, I am given an income. The earth is the Lord's and everything in it...and that includes money. -
Q4. Serving God or Money
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
I believe the essence of what Jesus was speaking of is summed up in one word: motivation. One needs to ask themselves what is their heart's motivation. As a Christian, all motivation of the heart is to be centered in God. The verse indicates that the love of money is the root of all evil. If your love is rooted in God and not money, you're golden... If you love is rooted in money or anything else you are essentially serving two Masters and Jesus' statement is clear regarding that...you can't do it. Just doesn't work. Yes, wealthy people can serve God and some do it quite well. We are all given what we are given from the Father. Our job is to love and serve Him in the process of what we are given and not for personal gain or status. I have been in want and I have been in plenty...and I have learned to be content in all things...which is really the only way to live...perfectly content in God... -
Q3. Rewards in Heaven
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
One stores up treasures in heaven by allowing everything we do to be motivated from a heart's desire to please God. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we move and have our very being in service to Him to bring glory to the Father. These are the treasures that are eternal and will not fade or burn. Accumulation of earthy treasures is simply a temporary "fix" and will not bring eternal glory to the Father. Yes, I believe God does bless us with material possessions, but we are not to turn them into idols before our relationship with Him. He is the Giver of all things...what we do with His gifts determines whether they are of an eternal nature or temporal. I am not uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven. I am not looking for rewards, but if it is my Heavenly Father's desire to give me rewards, then let His will be done. He's God and I am not. -
Q4. Forgiving and Forgiveness
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
Forgiveness keeps the flow moving. Unforgiveness impedes the life flow of the Living God...both to me and from me. Unforgiveness blocks God's forgiveness because unforgiveness is sin...and sin needs to be confessed. -
Q3. Prayer for Daily Bread vs. Independence
swordwoman replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
The answer to the first and second question is P.R.I.D.E. ...and the answer to the third question is R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P. Simple.