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Majestic Dancer

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  1. No it is not a command it is an allowance, it allows divorce when there is an event that happens in a marriage. It allows because within those events the hearts are separated. Adultery separates the hearts and is against God's commandments. You cannot divorce if you are married to an unbeliever unless he wants to be divorced, because your witness may save them. In today if you are abused you should also divorec, I know the bible does not speak it but it has proven to be harmful and some have died due to abuse.
  2. use the methods you mentioned and purpose in your heart and mind to change. It has to begin with the person.
  3. Its all wrong because it causes sin, its a driver for sin. The word says he who findeth a wife findeth a good thing. The woman should be your wife before you take on sexual acts. The victims of the victimless crimes are those that are raped, molested, violated. This would also include the family, friends of those who are victims. They have to assist the others in getting back right if that happens at all, It is a never ending circle.
  4. When it does not line up with the word of God
  5. I think the two are the same or are used in that manner because they both take what does not belong to the taker. **** views images or thoughts in the mind and adultery carries out the acts of the thoughts. I think thoughts bring actions. The word says what a man thinketh so is he. You will act upon your thoughts Many replies say it starts in the heart I believe it starts in the mind and goes to the heart if it continues. The depetion goes in the heart because you feel like you can have the person or **** without anyone finding out. But God knows, and the enemy knows too he will continue to tempt you if its in your mind to do.
  6. Because he said we would have trials and it will make us stronger. I heard a song that says it will confuse the enemy satan. If you are laughing and singing through he cant steal anything from you. Satan's purpose is to steal,kill rob and destroy, if he does not know he has done that by your attitude of thanksgiving he will be confused. Praise will confuse the enemy.
  7. I feel its because of what he said those with a pure heart shall see God. I find when I am free of sin and have been prayed up I am able to hear form God. If I am worried or have things going on that are not like him it is difficult to see or hear from him. My own thinking and what others say get in the way.
  8. Righteouness, to be morally upright and without sin, This could put you at odd s with others, one they dont understand why, dont understand the benefit, and they dont know God. Some feel that it may be a waist of time and that he forgives you of your sins anyway. I think Jesus is saying follow my example have no sin walk upright and the good things he has promised would follow you. I use to have a problem with this a while back. I would watch those that totally followed God have so many trials and they were tough ones to. So I decided with all my wisdom that I would wait to completely follow him because I was afraid of the trials. I now know that they come either with him or not and the way I go through them is the test for me to see that God's way is better than my own. He said if you thirst after righteousness you will be blessed with it. If you come after him he will come for you and meet you in the middle somewhere. He will fill you with righteousness to help you to morally walk upright to live like him.
  9. The dictionary defines meek in two ways: showing mildness or quietness of nature : showing submissiveness and lack of initiative or will So does that mean the mild quiet nature is blessed compared to the wild and loud. Or is this our response to our christ like behavior. Is it our submissiveness that gets us to the blessings or our letting go of our will thats gets us to the blessings that is mentioned in this scripture. I find that being meek sometime is taken for weakness. I also find that it would take you a long way too. I choose at times to be meek but sometimes to be the boistrous and loud. I think here they are saying be quiet in spirit and show that you will allow Gods will to over ride your own to show your Christ like behavior.
  10. At first I was not sure of this question but after reading others replies I now understand. If you have everything you dont need anything because you have or can get it. You have to desire the things of God to want to learn and grow in him. If you dont recognize how you need him you wont go after him. I have always loved God and have asked for things and have cried to him. When he called me I was afraid to come to him, I knew he was there but I did not recognize how he needed me to serve him. I now recognize how the spirit can help me so I need to recognize where I am in how God wants us to be, likehim. How can you go into something that you dont know about? How can you change when you dont know what needs to be changed? How can you recognize the need if you dont know where you should be? Knowing the father helps us to want to be like him.
  11. First part is the blessing the second part is a riddle or paradox. Could also be rules to follow. Story telling was common in the day and it was easier to be understood by those that read or heard them. Contrast to the Fruit of the spirit is the attitude of the christian, how we should act. The spirit connection. These things can not be accomplished by flesh only but by the spirit of God. If you are not a believer you could not accomplish either because you would not be able to understand them nor be able to accomplish them.
  12. Hi Im from Texas, and am non denominational, I was raised baptist. I look forward to the study and this is the first time.
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