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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. 1. Unfortunately our old man (our flesh) still has the ability to rise up from "the dead"....because although we have the provision to no longer sin, we still have our free will and can choose to ignore the Holy Spirit's prompting and the way of escape He provides. (What amazing Grace He extends to us) 2. It's a choice we make to "crucify" our flesh (**** of the eye, **** of the flesh and the pride of life). We now have the option to NOT sin, but it requires that we ask the Holy Spirit to help us overcome the temptation to sin as it arises, as it will until we are in Heaven with Him. 3. For me it means to try to walk surrendered to the Holy Spirit's control...which when I do, He directs my steps in righteousness....walking according to the Spirit rather than the flesh. It also means for me to spend lots of time in His Presence, pressing in for more of Him, reading the Bible daily with intention to grow in grace and knowledge of Him. It also suggests seeking Him in prayer and praise and worship. (I just learned after all these years that prayer IS worship, in that it positions us in surrender and subjection to His Sovereignty) We're never to old to learn and to stay in relationship with our precious Lord in freshness!
  2. 1. It means: Life over death for eternity. It means He lives in me now so that I have His constant companionship, guidance comfort, forgiveness, joy, help, assurance and reassuance and that all the bad I deserved to be punished for, Jesus took upon Himself, and exchanged it for all of His purity and righteousness that I didn't deserve or ever hope to achieve in any other way, than that His perfect life was sacrificed for me. It means that I am a joint heir with Him...that all that is His is now mine. How can I ever praise, or worship or thank Him enough for His amazing love for me.
  3. 1. The only acceptable sacrifice to atone for my sins had to be perfect. Jesus was without sin or any imperfection. 2. I can't even imagine the horror of it. He who had no sin to suddenly be filled with the filth and degradation of my sins and the sins of the whole world must have been unbearable. The whole crucifixion is beyond my ability to grasp what He suffered. He suffered not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. He had never been separated from His Father until the moment when God the Father turned away, unable to look upon His beloved Son in the vile condition. That was probably the most heinous...to be suffering so, and then to find Himself alone and abandoned. How I praise and thank Him for every pain, every drop of blood, every lash with the whip, every hammer of the spikes, and for His willingness to endure all of that so that I can be with Him for eternity, and in this life to know that I will never be abandoned or alone because He secured the Holy Spirit's constant Presence with me through every second that I live. 3. The only way He could bear what He suffered, is His heart of love for His Father, and for me. "He, for the JOY of obtaining the prize that was set before Him, endured the cross despising and ignoring the shame and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God"....and I am seated with Him in Heavenly places (as is each believer in Christ) Heb.12:2b, and Ephesian 2:6.
  4. 1. Jesus suffered for me personally, as the substitute for my sins, enduring unimaginable pain. Isaiah 53:4-8 describes the physical, emotional and spiritual pain he suffered for me, to redeem me from "my father the devil, the father of lies" and to forgive me of all my sins, past, present and future. To give me the gift of eternal life in His Presence forever! Emotionally "Jesus was despised and rejected and forsaken by men and acquainted with grief". He was scorned, spit upon, mocked, degraded, and hung naked on the cross, which was the ultimate shame and humiliation. "all who see me laugh at me and mock me, shoot out the lip and shake the head saying "He trusted the Lord to deliver Him....let Him deliver Him seeing that He delights in Him!" " They open their mouths like a ravening and roaring lion". I am a worm and no man; I am the scorn of men and despised by the people Psalm, 22. .He endured the agony of watching Mary, His mother in anguish at the foot of the cross, and appointed John to "be her mother" as a comfort and provision for her suffering and future care. The blood shed from the crown of thorns healed my emotional wounds to set me free to think His thoughts Physically Jesus was scourged until the bones in his back and legs were exposed, he had walked a great distance in that condition then his hands and feet were nailed to the cross with large metal spikes. "I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax, softened with anguish and melted down within me. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, with thirst my tongue cleaves to my jaws. You have brought me to the dust of death." Psalm 22. "He has borne our griefs and sicknesses and sorrows. With His stripes that wounded Him, we are healed and made whole" Isaiah 53:5 Spiritually Jesus suffered for me, the ultimate terror, that of being separated for the first time from His Father, Crying "My God, My God, why have you abandoned Me, leaving me helpless, forsaking and failing Me in My need?" Mt. 27:46. That was the first time Jesus referred to His Father as My "God", so that I can call God, "My Father, My Abba daddy". In that abandonment He experienced my abandonment, rejection and separation by my parents. (I love that our Father, gave Jesus the comfort of a new believer hanging beside Him, in the repentant thief who joined Jesus in His death) Also, "The Lord has made to light upon Jesus the guilt and iniquity of us all". Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:24,25.
  5. 1. During times of persecution and suffering, Jesus' example has sustained me many times. He is the perfect expression of God's love during His suffering: No complaining, submitting to His Father in obedience, looking forward to the glorious outcome after the suffering, forgiving rather than reviling, didn't plan revenge, nor threaten to seek it. He was sinless and undeserving and behaved as the magnificent spotless Lamb of God. 2. I pray that I will ask for His grace and mercy to behave in a manner which glorifies Him. He has reminded me several times in the past, that humility goes before honor....the cross before the crown. For Jesus who was sinless, and for me whose sins have been cleansed and forgiven.
  6. 1. We can take into consideration and ask Him how he sees the situation and ask for Wisdom as to what to do or say. We can certainly pray for whomever is being mistreated and give emotional support, and if we're the one being treated with injustice, prayer before any action is key. Prayer helps us to respond in a godly way, rather than reacting out of emotions and harsh words which can't be taken back, and thinking about how this "will reflect on God" before choosing what to do or say. 2. No. The Bible calls complaining, "murmuring"....and ultimately when we are complaining, we are indirectly blaming God for what is going on. Over the years of walking with the Lord, I've learned that many of life's trials and hardships are allowed to shape our character, develop patience and forgiveness, so instead of complaining, I've learned to ask Him what He wants me to learn in the hard situation. Self pity prolongs the "agony" and accomplishes nothing. 3. It's been years since I've been in the workplace, and I was never treated unfairly at work, (Thank you, Lord!) so I can't really comment on what I might have done.
  7. 1. We are to work at our jobs as "unto the Lord". Doing a great job at work whether secular or not, brings honor to the Lord. We are really serving Him, though our paycheck comes from our boss. 2. He is dishonored when we represent Him poorly. We are His ambassadors where ever we go, and whatever we are doing, and are given the opportunity every day to shine and reflect Him.
  8. 1. When we live "in our flesh" and in rebellion against God, we are just like the rest of society. When we are surrendered or submitted to His will and allow Jesus to "walk the earth" through our feet, hands and lips, we reflect Him and His love and care to those we meet or live with and He is "visible" and is glorified. 2. When we are rebellious we cannot be differentiated from "the world whose father is the devil" (as Jesus said). God's image is concealed by our actions contrary to Him and He is hurt. Our purpose here according the Bible is to know and love God and to make HIM KNOWN. That will not happen while we are in rebellion.
  9. 1. We are messengers or letters of love, written on hearts of flesh not on tablets of stone. When we walk with and serve our Lord daily in that spirit of love, others may see the difference and be drawn to Him. Some may ask about or notice why we are "different" or just simply respond to the loving gesture. Anytime we "reflect Him" He is praised. 2. We are not of this world, so we are not to blend in and behave as the world does. "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine...hide it under a bushel? No!" as the children's song goes, we are to reflect His radiant love to the world around us. If we try to blend in we are saying in essence:" I'm ashamed of Christ!" and desire the world's approval more than to honor our Savior, Lord and King.
  10. 1. The world tells us how to live our lives, how to eat, communicate, love, sleep, grieve, and celebrate. The problem is, the world's values, and viewpoints don't mesh with God's ways. As beloved children of our Father, we are aliens in exile and are pilgrims passing through and are not of this world. We are told not to seek the approval of others, but instead to satisfy God. Remembering this we are to crucify our fleshly desires...pride of life, cravings of the eye and of the flesh....in surrender to Jesus. "It's not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord." Peter said: sins wage war against our soul, enemies of God. We are to instead, love Him and to be joyful in His Presence, reflecting His love and beauty to a fallen world. 2 The reminder that we are the righteousness of God in Christ, and that as He is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17), changes our focus to Him and His power in us to deny our sin nature. We are blessed by being obedient to the Word. When we try to conform to the world and seek it's approval, we look like them, and lose our "saltiness" and ability to share Christ with them.
  11. 1. Though the Lord loves and cherishes me as if I were His only child and I belong to Him, I'm also a part of His enormous family. I'm not an "island" unto myself, and therefore I'm to be aware of and to pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ. He redeemed me from sin and cleansed me from all unrighteousness, so I'm to look upon brothers and sisters in the same light rather than to judge them or criticize them. He saved me in love and sends me out as His love letter written on my heart of flesh rather than on tablets of stone. Just as He sent someone to share the Gospel with me, He sends me to share with others who don't know Him so His family will include all who may be saved. As His daughter, He desires an honest and intimate personal relationship with me that includes spending lots of time with Him, soaking in His love, listening to Him, sharing my concerns, worshipping Him and giving Him praise. It also includes reading and "chewing" on His Word until it becomes a part of me. As His daughter, He owns all that I've been given, so I'm to be generous with others and with His kingdom work. What a joy to be His and to belong to you!
  12. 1. I am to offer praise "no matter what" I'm feeling. If I'm ill or feeling low, I can offer praise as a sacrifice. Dancing before Him delights Him. Singing in the Spirit is a joyful way to worship Him. He let me know that He loves when I appreciate what He has created, and I take delight in a special sunset, or gorgeous ocean waves, or get tickled like this morning on the way to church and there was a lovely gray Heron walking in a field near the road and I stopped just to admire this majestic bird. Tears of sorrow or joy can be worship when shared with our Lord. Obedience is worship...(sacrificing my will for His will). Doing anything that pleases Him or brings Him honor or glory is worship such as when we tell someone the amazing thing He has just done, or share our testimony of how He has changed our life. I recently learned that stillness or silence before Him is worship. We're told to "Be STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD" There are so many ways of offering praise, besides singing worship music at church, although that's important to, in communion with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
  13. 1. A priest is in service to the Lord rather than pursuing his own agenda. (On call at all times with a willing heart to minister to the Lord in worship and praise, and to serve others, as He leads by and through His Holy Spirit) 2. Complete surrender to the Lord. Being ready to serve in whatever capacity He desires or requests. It prompts me to be more liberal with my worship and praise!
  14. 1. Yes, for my entire life until age 30 when someone shared the Gospel with me, I said "Yes" and was born again and my entire paradigm shifted! He (and I ) have spent considerable years (77) healing the abuse, neglect and emotional pain from childhood,( and being told I was no good) teaching me, showing me, renewing my mind with His Word, that I am His beloved and precious, greatly valued daughter! 2. I am worth the inestimably precious blood of Jesus which was shed for me! 3. It says He sacrificed His only beloved Son for me....and would have done if I was the only person on earth! 4. Silver and gold and other corruptible assets have no eternal value. "Only one life, t'will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." Christ in me, the hope of Glory! 5. The only investments having eternal value are those the Holy Spirit "works" or performs through me here on earth. My works or accomplishments done in the flesh apart from the Holy Spirit are called "wood, hay and stubble" and will be burned to ash when tested. "I Corinthians 3:13 The work of each will become plainly, openly known (shown for what it is) for the Day of Christ will disclose and declare it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test and critically appraise the character and worth of the work each person has done." V14: If the work which any person has built on this Foundation survives this test he will get his reward. V15: But if any person's work is burned up under the test he will suffer the loss of it all, losing his reward, though he himself will be saved, but only as one who has passed through fire." 6. The "why" is that when I am face to face with my precious Lord and my works are tested I don't want to be ashamed and empty handed due to "doing my own thing" while here on earth, which is the only time we can store up treasure in Heaven. When I first read those verses as a new believer I remember praying "Lord, do whatever is needed in my life so that on that day there will be value in what was accomplished through my time here on earth." I want there to be no regrets over how my life was lived. (That's not to say that I don't make mistakes or sin...but those are under the blood and are not what this verse is referring to.)
  15. 1. I would say it's due to pride (I'm in charge of my life) and self righteousness (I can do no wrong)....no awareness that they are sinners in need of being saved and forgiven by the Lord's grace. The belief that "good works" or being a "good person" is enough to avoid judgment of any kind. (Road rage in California is an example....just tooting the horn at someone texting at a stop light after the light turns green, can result in shots being fired!) 2. God is Righteous and Holy...therefor He must judge sin. The Cross demonstrated how much He loves each soul and how far He would go and how much He was willing to suffer and sacrifice to save us from judgment by pouring all of His wrath out on His beloved Son. Everyone has a conscience and needs salvation. God Himself provided the Savior and only way of escape. 3. Without final judgment for rejecting His love gift of salvation and forgiveness, there would have been no purpose in Jesus dying for sin. 4. It isn't the true Gospel without consequence for rejecting Jesus. Without final judgment there is no need for salvation and Jesus died in vain.
  16. 1. Holiness: Being In Christ cleansed by His blood....and set apart for His use. (Romans 6:22):" But now since you have been set free from sin and have become the slaves of God, you have your present reward in holiness and its' end is eternal life." 2. I am in Christ because I'm His child by faith in His sacrifice for me....and therefor my sin nature was crucified with Him and I was raised with Him when He rose from the dead. I am now the righteousness of God in Christ, the great exchange having taken place where He took all of my sin on the cross in exchange for His Righteousness. The Blood of the Lamb cleanses me from all sin and unrighteousness. By faith and by choice I'm "set apart for His use" 3. My saying "YES" to His gift of Salvation and receiving Him as my Lord and Savior was the only requirement. He causes me by His Spirit to desire to live a life which honors Him. (we are saved by GRACE ALONE, not works, lest any man or woman boast" ) Service unto Him is the outworking of His grace, as I surrender daily and obey Holy Spirit's promptings, and nudges. 4. In times past Satan would "re-mind" me of sins, accompanied by guilt, and I'd forget that I AM HOLY in Christ by the blood of the Lamb. He is seldom successful anymore with that junk, because I've renewed my mind with who I am in Christ, and Whose I am for eternity. How I praise the Lord for His Grace and mercy, and for telling us in 1 John 4:17 that we may have confidence for the day of judgment with assurance and boldness to face Him because AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD. P.s This was also helpful to me during the time I was being pummeled with guilt for past sins years ago. I was reminded that the red heifer (type of Jesus crucified) was burned "outside the camp" as Jesus was crucified outside the city and that ashes are the final product of burning. That day as I read my Bible, a fire was burning in the fireplace. I wrote the sins on a piece of paper and burned it in the edge of the fire, took a spoon and scooped out a bit of the ashes representing the sins and put them in a zip lock bag to remind me they are finished, forgiven, forgotten. Maybe because it was a visual reminder and I'm a visual learner, Satan lost his power to remind me and has never again tried to taunt me.
  17. 1. When He comes again it will be the glorious fulfillment of prophecy in Scripture, signaling the beginning of His thousand year reign on earth. The Bride of Christ, His Church will be with Him, all of us riding on white horses! We will have been in Heaven for 7 years during the tribulation on earth, the Rapture having occurred seven years prior. Anticipating this event brings great joy and the devotion and desire to walk closely with Him now desiring to be conformed into His image (Rom 8:28,29) while there is still time. 2. His promise that we will rule and reign with Him during this millennial kingdom on earth, and the joy of His establishment of His Kingdom for 1000 years, gives us Biblical hope "for things believed but not yet seen." 3. When that day comes, it will be too late to surrender to Him...the time for "do overs" will be past. We don't want to have regrets! 4. If we don't really expect His Trumpet Call at any moment, we are more apt to live sloppy, self centered lives, with thoughts of "I'll surrender to Him/His will when I'm done with "doing my own thing". On the other hand we are not to live anxious, frantic lives of fear. "How do we eat an elephant? One bite at a time" and so we live for Him, getting to know Him, resting in His love and peace, obeying and serving Him, as He leads, one day at a time.
  18. 1. The wondrous joy comes from being in a love relationship with Jesus! Even though we've not seen Him, we KNOW Him and He KNOWS and loves us. 2. For me, this joy of knowing Him healed an orphan spirit and the loneliness of having been abandoned and forsaken. It far exceeds "happiness" which can be fleeting, depending upon the state of our circumstances. 3. No, it's an inner peace, and sense of fulfillment...of being complete at last. It's the wonder of knowing that I'm unconditionally loved and accepted, forgiven completely. It's also the beauty and amazement of being chosen by the God and King of the Universe...of being known and loved as if an only child. It's the confidence that I will never be abandoned again, and that He has and is EVERYTHING I want or need. At times it's so thrilling, that I experience physical tingling or goosebumps from being in His Presence or hearing Him speak to me. (most often in my spirit, but I have heard Him speak my name, and I've heard Him chuckle!) 4. Pursuing "happiness" is a never ending chore or hunt for the next thing to try to satisfy inner longing....I've found that He alone satisfies all inner longing. 5. Happiness is momentary, can be silly and giggly and fun...a lovely emotion, but doesn't last. Joy is not dependent upon circumstances....there can be joy in knowing Him even in the midst of trials or suffering as He comforts, sustains and encourages us. His ever present help, and guidance and the promise of eternity with Him in Heaven is the ultimate source of joy.
  19. 1. Yes, definitely...in fact the trials and testing's have never ceased! Shortly after I became a believer, the Lord gave me several promises....the first was in 1979 and the second was in 1988. Both are still unfulfilled, but He has reaffirmed them a number of times. The long wait has been imparting patience and perseverance in my character. There have been many tears of frustration and times of wavering faith, some anger and frustration, but all has worked together for my good (and those around me) and His glory. His faithfulness and His constant goodness and tender loving care and provision is my testimony through all of the years of waiting. (though sometimes impatiently) Another aspect of waiting and being tested is the teaching He has been doing. I've learned that there are seasons of being "set aside" to rest and reflect and to receive impartation from Him. I've learned that like Joseph who waited and served in spite of his trials, "iron" entered into his soul" until that which God promised came to pass." That "iron" is the Lord's strength which alone sustains us. The thing I love the most, is that He's changed me...and I love Him more than I ever imagined, and know that He loves me more than I could ever ask or think...perfectly and unconditionally enough to allow me to suffer in order to become more like Him. . 2. Genuine and tested faith is just that...it's no longer theory or a memorized verse of what can and will be eventually....it's based on fact and experience. The ability to share that experience not only encourages others but honors God's integrity and faithfulness...which is WHO HE IS!
  20. 1. My Father chose and called me before the foundation of the world was formed and gave me to Jesus as His love gift. The Holy Spirit chased me down, softened my heart, sent someone to tell me the Good News of the Gospel, then Holy Spirit introduced me to Jesus, who forgave me, redeemed me, took up residence in me, then gave me back to His Father as His love gift.( John 6:65 "No one comes to Jesus unless enabled to do so by the Father") (Ephesians 1:4, John 6:65, John 10:9, John 172, J?ohn 17:6, John 17:9, John 17;12,) What is your part: To remember that I am a precious, beloved, chosen gift, who has been given an unspeakably precious gift, facilitated by the Triune Godhead....and my only part has been to say "YES" and receive the free gift and Eternal life with Him for ever. My part now is to live for Him, to accept and return His love and to obey Him as He trains and refines and conforms me to His Image (Rom 8:28,29), and to worship Him freely and with great "exultant joy and gladness" as Paul said in Heb 1:9 and to live in and learn to extend grace to others...and to invite others into this amazing family of God. (I Love that we've been "re-gifted"...How can we ever thank Him enough for His amazing love, mercy and grace....
  21. 1. We first receive forgiveness when we meet Jesus at the foot of the cross. Until then we are separated from God and obedience is not possible in the sense of being led by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus or to live out His commands. 2. What I might think has no relevance if it conflicts or disagrees with what God's Word says and He says both are necessary. 3. Saying "Yes" to His gift of salvation, is not a "work"...it's a response to His amazing love and forgiveness. 4. We are told that after salvation we are to do the works which He has prepared in advance for us to do....but these are not "works of the flesh" to earn His love or approval or to be born again. They are our response to the leading of the Holy Spirit while yielding to His Lordship and He works them through us. (Works of the flesh are wood, hay and stubble which will be burned up when tested in eternity.)
  22. (Incomplete answer....tried to delete....see below for complete answer.)
  23. 1. I would say that he/she is more on the immature side of things, with heavy investment in the things of the world and little invested in the kingdom of Heaven. It takes time and growth to understand and believe that we are just passing through this life as pilgrims and that our real home is in Heaven. Until this transition takes place in our thinking and in our spirit we focus on "what we see" rather than on our real home and purpose for living. 2. As a new believer I tried to understand that concept but my children were small and so much of life was about NOW and adjusting to marriage, living in a new part of the country, etc. As I've grown in grace and faith I've come to understood that "Heaven" is about HOW I live in the now, and that my investment in Heaven begins on earth. I began to teach our children the same principles as they grew. 3. Until Jesus has more than a "foothold" in our lives, like the analogy of the Marines landing on a beach who radio back to the ship that the island is secure...when in fact they have only a toe hold or a beachhead on the island at that time.....then the battle begins to overcome the enemy, until more of the island belongs to the marines than to the opposition.) Renewing our minds takes time and growth and testing, reading and studying and applying the truth in the Bible, in order to see that the unseen world is more real than what we're experiencing on earth. When we see Heaven as our true home we will make decisions which reflect the importance of our daily priorities and how they relate to our eternal lives. I'm 74 and most of my earthly life has been lived....my priorities changed years ago toward my future home....I'm homesick for Heaven. I long to see my Lord face to face, to live in His Presence, and to finally have the "vail" of flesh removed which separates us now.
  24. A. It means to seek intimate relationship with Him....to fall in love with Him because we know Him....Not just seeking His hand and what he can do for us apart from learning His heart and His ways. He's our Abba (Daddy) and longs to be known by us...just as we long to be known. B. A hunger and longing for intimacy with our Papa is necessary. C. Moses was changed because God was no longer a distant "entity" but the Living God, who speaks and sees and listens and knows! Moses saw His Glory and experienced the change which comes from understanding the truth about Who He Is (Creator of the Universe) and who we are (His sons and daughters with whom He longs to be in relationship) D. My life was drastically changed when He hunted me down and encountered me, and I suddenly understood that the evolution I was taught in school as fact, was nonsense. I saw that I was not a freak of nature with no purpose and no future but a cold grave, which had left me in a deep depression until age 30 when my whole identity changed in Him! I understood from His Word that He saw me and called me before the foundation of the world was formed...that He formed me in my mother's womb and knows every hair on my head, my crooked teeth, my strengths, weaknesses, my thoughts before I think them, my words before I speak them, my longings, my needs, and questions, my need for reassurance, my delight in Him, every sin which has been cleansed by Jesus' blood, and which He has then quickly forgotten....He knows it all and loves me as if I were His only daughter! He knows how I love to serve Him and to flow in the Spirit in interaction with others. He knows how I am thankful every day and say so, for every thing He does for me, whether I remember to ask or not. I learned that he has a wonderful sense of humor (I've heard Him chuckle!!! And when I asked Him to send other Christians to our neighborhood and I went to meet to the new neighbor she said Hi! I'm Lori Christian! (and I knew in a few minutes that she wasn't one! I went home and told Him that wasn't funny!!! But I had the privilege of introducing her to Jesus not long after that!) I'm thankful every day that He revealed Himself to me and my eternal home is with Him in Heaven. E. Just time. Priority time from selfish endeavors. F. Yes! There is nothing so rewarding G. In seeking Him and growing in His likeness as we spend time with Him, we are changed from glory to glory, which is what will go with us when we go to Heaven!
  25. A. The earth has been replaced with His Holy City, the New Jerusalem, and is as glorious and perfect as the world was before "the fall to Satan's reign". God will dwell with us and we with Him...no longer separated by our flesh and fallen natures. No more tears, no more death or sorrow, but all things have now been made new. The Lord Himself is the Temple, and His glory provides the light, and the redeemed whose names were written in the Lambs Book of Life, shall bring their glory into the city as well. It will be a Holy and Glorious and Majestic home for us, finally able to withstand His glory with our new eyes and we will finally be one with Him....our longing in this life for Him will have been consummated for all eternity. GLORY, GLORY, GLORY!!!!
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