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Everything posted by JanMary
Q2. Reigning with Christ
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Glory and Kingdom to Come
A. I believe it means that having received Jesus as Savior and having surrendered completely to His Lordship, we walk in His delegated authority, reclaiming in His Name that which was lost when Adam and Eve rebelled against God and the world was forfeited to Satan's rule. Jesus bought us back from Satan's ownership by the power of His shed blood on the cross and His glorious Resurrection from the grave, when we said "YES" to Him. His Name is our "badge of authority" (like the traffic cop who has no power to stop the trucks and cars when he raises his hand to say "stop"....but his badge is and demonstrates his delegated authority given to him by the state or government, and traffic obeys his order) B. I'm not sure it's exactly spelled out in scripture but in some capacity we will participate in His Government for 1,000 years while He reigns on earth. C. The 1,000 year reign or Millennial reign of Jesus will be what He showed us to pray in the Lord's prayer...thy kingdom come thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven. -
A. The Son of Man will appear in the sky and all the tribes of the earth will mourn and beat their breasts and lament in anguish and they will see the Son Of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory in brilliancy. (The Bride of Christ is in Heaven, having been taken up in the great catching away or Rapture of the Church,( I Thess 4:15-17), and are celebrating the Marriage Supper of the Lamb for 7 years) The mourners are those who rejected Jesus up to this point since, Matthew 24 is written to Israel who will go through the great Tribulation. B. Daniel saw this prophetically, and described the 2nd Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds in glory.
A. We are to follow the Lord's leading in serving to accomplish His purposes and calling for the Kingdom to come to earth to His honor and glory. B. There would be fewer denominations, there would be less division in the body of Christ, more impact in this fallen and dark world, demons would be fleeing, Jesus would be known in the world as King as well as Savior. C. The body of Christ will be serving and following the Lordship of our Head, each according to the appointed gifting. He will be ruling and reigning over the earth, as it is in Heaven. He will be High and lifted up in a world having been set aright, with Satan chained for that 1,000 years. As He governs, His sons and daughters will rule and reign with Him.
A. Our rule and reign is to pray for God's kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. To use His delegated authority to overcome the darkness which is in power and to welcome and call down the Kingdom of God. B. We would be corporately and in unison working together. There would be fewer denominations, fewer power struggles and self elevation within the body of Christ. Jesus would be lifted up and glorified in our nation. C. We will be functioning as a body...each following the Head, in humility and obedience to accomplish His purposes to His honor and glory! The world will be as it was created to be before Adam and Eve rebelled against God. Satan will be chained for 1,000 years. We will be in perfect fellowship with our Lord, and with each other. We will experience the intimate fellowship with Him and with each other we long for now in our fallen condition. We will be in our glorified bodies, bondage gone, full of peace and joy!
A. The basis for my spiritual authority is His say-so, the Word of God. He has put all things under His feet and is Supreme Head of the church.....which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all in full measure Who makes everything complete and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself." v22,23. B. I think it is a lack of teaching and / or a lack of understanding. I was mystified until I had good teaching on The Authority of the Believer and read the book by the same name. When I was trying to grasp this concept, I had a dream one night which gave me revelation knowledge. I was on a girls weekend at Yosemite with two friends and had been thinking about this subject before I went to sleep. That night I dreamed that there was a knock at the door of our room and as I was the only one awake I went to answer. There was an enormous yellow vehicle like a road grader idling outside, making a lot of noise and foul exhaust. The "person" who knocked, tried to push the door open. I knew, in the dream, that this was an evil spirit, and I held out my hand and said "No! You are not welcome here and you are to leave now!" The spirit slinked away and left with the vehicle. When I woke up in the morning, I realized our authority is like that of a traffic cop standing in the middle of a bustling intersection and when he holds up his hand, the trucks and cars stop. Humanly speaking he would be ignored, but his badge gives him delegated authority of the government to "reign" at that intersection. That is like our delegated authority from God...we have no badge, but we are covered by His blood and His presence in us, and the demonic world recognizes Him in us and has to obey, back off and flee.
Q2. Seeing the Treasure Within
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. God's Glory in Clay Jars
A. As was true of Jesus as He endured ridicule, persecution, rejection, homelessness, beating, being spat upon, having his beard pulled from his face, scourging, the horrors and humiliation of being stripped naked and being crucified beside a public road with onlookers scorning and mocking Him, in front of his mother and John, and in the absence of other disciples who fled in shame and terror....with dignity, Kingliness, Holiness, forgiveness, intercession for those who instigated and carried out this form of death (though they were fulfilling perfectly God's plan to redeem any and "whosoever will come" to Him for salvation and forgiveness), the way we suffer can be a reflection of Him to those around us. (However, the opposite can be true if when we suffer we curse and blame others or blame God in our pain, or turn away from Him in anger). I learned during intense suffering, that tears and honesty with Him about our pain draws us closer to Him, and invites His comfort. This dignifies our suffering and enables us to reflect Him. B. I like the "picture" Paul "painted" with those phrases. Each of us is "a cracked pot" so to speak, and His "all surpassing power" and light shines through our brokenness and vulnerability. We are finite, weak, vulnerable and dying, while His majesty and infinite Power and glory resides in us and can be seen by those around us....the aroma which is the smell of death to the dying and the scent of life to those who are searching and open and whose hearts have been prepared by the Holy Spirit to receive Him. C. The treasure is HIM.....His Holy Spirit Who resides in our "portable tabernacles" hidden under our "skins" of fallen nature. The glory and power of Almighty God, ready to shine out whenever we yield to Him. D. To "believe in yourself" is to put ALL emphasis on the limits of strength, personality, will, talent, energy, drive of the individual. It is confidence in human insufficiency. (I didn't watch the academy awards, but when I saw pictures in the paper of some of the winners holding their "golden statue (or golden idol?) raised above their heads in victory, the reward for the act of pretending to be someone they are not, I read underneath of one picture "This demonstrates his sheer confidence in his abilities".....hmmmmmmm. He believes in himself, unfortunately unless he repents, that's all he will ever accomplish and his acting ability will not take him to Heaven. -
A. We are the light of the world in that we share the glory of God who resides in us in the form of Holy Spirit, and we reflect His glory as we live and serve Him in our dark world.( As I'm writing this, my room is aglow with light reflected from the sun shining on a car windshield parked outside. A wonderful example of how His glory can be reflected to others as His light shines through us) B. To let my light shine means that I'm living for Him and for His purposes and glory. It means that I'm aware of how others perceive my actions and words, therefor my desire is to "reflect Him" in all areas. It means that I'm His "love letter written on a heart of flesh" to bring His love and His Gospel of Grace to those around me. C. When our character reflects His character through the 9 gifts or Fruit of the Spirit, as well as including honesty, integrity, faithfulness, unselfishness, generosity, and including allowing Him to flow through the ministry gifts He's placed within us, such as evangelism, prophecy, words of knowledge, helping others, service, and so on down the list. D. We were created in Christ to do Good works which He planned in advance for us to accomplish through Him. (I loved learning that I don't have to try to come up with things which will bring Him glory...they're already in His heart for me to fulfill!)
A. Our hunger for God increases when the pleasures and attractions of this world no longer satisfy our longings, and we yearn for that intimacy with Jesus that nothing else can satisfy. B. Filling the soul and flesh with the world while starving the spirit depletes our hunger for God. C. I think prayer is the only thing which will draw us back to former hunger which has waned....Will Power is just that. Short lived and always fails. Asking the Holy Spirit to draw us back and to create again the hunger we once had, I believe is the answer. He is the one who "changes our "want to" and is our shepherd and guide and the One Who knows everything about us. Christian growth isn't a self help program of change. He is our transformer as we cooperate with Him. D. Fasting is a wonderful way to "starve" the fleshly desires, and to refocus our out of control minds or bodies, on Him. Since Jesus fasted and His word encourages fasting, it's an important part of our Christian walk to observe.
A.. The more we rely on and cling to and trust Him, the more He is glorified in our short lives. Afflictions are bearable because we know they won't last forever, and that they are part of entering into His suffering, as He promised we would, and that we have all of eternity to look forward to with Him. B. In my experience the afflictions and trials and testing are one of His main "tools" (as Spurgeon liked to say) to conform us to His image. Patience and Perseverance are the only means that I know of which when borne with the understanding that our Father loves us and is allowing the trial or testing, actually conform us to His image. Afflictions draw our attention to Him, and to His word and our flesh is gradually crucified and loses its' hold on how we think and function. Afflictions cause us to depend on Him rather than ourselves.
A. As we behold Him in the Word of God, (a mirror to reflect who and how we are and Who He is that we are to become and reflect) we are constantly being transfigured or transformed into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another. (Amplified version) He changes us from the inside out...changes our "want to" and replaces gradually our hearts of stone to hearts of flesh...tasked with being His love letter to an unsaved world as well as to those in our lives. B. It's possible that there wasn't a true conversion...just a "check mark in the box" in order to go to Heaven, but with no desire to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and to allow Him to be in charge of ones life. Nicodemus "believed in Jesus" and believed in God, knew the Torah, fasted, tithed, and lived a holy life...but that wasn't enough. He came to Jesus and asked what do I need to do to be saved? When he was truly born again, he risked losing everything he had lived for and known....risked death, reputation, losing "church connections" friends, and possibly family, in identifying completely with Jesus in rebirth. True growth requires surrender to Jesus, which involves giving up our "rights", and not just taking Him along as a friendly passenger as we pursue our own agenda and life. C. This made me think of how when a duckling hatches it thinks whatever creature it sees first is its' mother. The duckling beholds with his eyes and begins to follow the cat or the dog or the chicken and to behave as they do. Hopefully the mother is its first sight, or he'll be a mixed up little duckling! Jesus IS the Word of God, so as we read and absorb and apply what He is saying, we begin to think like He thinks and to eventually behave as Jesus did, with kindness and love, honesty and integrity, with wisdom and understanding and godliness always honoring His Father.
A & B. I don't know why but I was given the privilege and amazing joy of seeing Jesus in His Glory at a time when I was in sheer terror which had been going on for weeks. I finally couldn't take it anymore and was kneeling by my bed crying out to Him for relief. It was around noon on a bright sunny day. My eyes were closed and my head was bowed when suddenly the whole room lit up with glittering light. I instantly looked up to see what was going on, and Jesus was standing about 6 feet away....glowing and radiant, looking at me. Before I could run to Him, He said "Be still....and know that I Am God" then disappeared. I didn't just see Him. I could physically "feel" His Presence...I can only describe it as if warm honey or warm oil was being poured over me and inside me...the most unspeakable peace was the result. He was only there for less than a minute but I have never forgotten the glory which surrounded Him and the loving, healing, balm which covered and filled me and the terror just dissolved. C. I wish I knew! I would give everything to live in that awareness of His Presence now....but know that is what awaits us in Heaven. Too beautiful to put into words. When He's present, as He was on Sunday when I went forward for healing at church due to extreme pain in my shoulders from several falls I've taken in the past few months, as I stood at the altar, my hands went up into the air and my whole body was filled with a tingling sensation. No one had prayed with me, but I knew He had just healed me, and the pain was gone. His glory was present but unseen but felt in the result. D. His appearance wasn't due to anything I did or deserved, so I don't think I can experience that on a regular basis...it was simply His tender mercy and grace to comfort His terrified daughter. I do sense His Presence often during quiet times of devotion, or in nature when I'm thrilled by something He has created or drawn my attention to, but it's not the same as actually physically seeing Him in all His glory. I feel His peaceful presence and glory when He speaks to me, and I know I'm loved and cherished and that He is with me. I saw His glory in our new minutes old babies. His glory is revealed in His creation!
A. All dominion and All glory is His without exception and is forever for eternity! He is Sovereign over all. B. He has given us His Name as His ambassadors to use His authority as though He is speaking. C. The only limit is unbelief and lack of faith.
A. Jesus was obedient unto death in going to the Cross, and was the gentle perfect sacrificial lamb. He answered when spoken to, but remained sinless and Kingly throughout the "fixed" trial, the hideous scourging, and the cruel crucifixion. "He reviled them not". He blamed no one. He bore the wrath of God for all mankind's sins without cursing, blaming, or trying to defend Himself. His righteousness was visible to all who observed, and especially to the thief dying for his own crime, and the hardened centurion who'd undoubtedly observed many crucifixions. Jesus endured it all then cried "Father Forgive them for they know not what they are doing "....Only our glorious Lord could have been concerned about mankind and our eternal future, and especially for those present who were inflicting the pain, while suffering such pain and indignity. The sign above Jesus on the cross formed an acrostic: Yahweh! Pilate's sign declared Jesus is God, though unintentionally on his part. How like our loving Father, to give Jesus the comfort and the gift of a new believer dying along side Him, who would be in Heaven that very day with Jesus! B. How suffering is managed depends on whether or not God's glory is seen in suffering. I remember thinking at a time when we'd lost our business, then our home and were going to be living in our car with our dog, and both children had been falsely accused and were suffering, a dear friend had betrayed me, a deacon in the church had concocted a horrible lie about me, we had no money, and I was crying from the sheer weight of it all, feeling that I was a lousy witness for God. I apologized to a friend for crying, thinking tears showed a lack of faith. She reassured me that when Paul said while suffering horribly "These things do not move me" he didn't say "But they don't hurt me!" .Then she said, " I see Jesus in you in how you are quietly enduring all of this without rancor or sin. Confusion is normal when what is happening is the opposite of what the Lord has promised you." I was surprised by that response! It was so helpful! I learned that feeling pain is normal, but how it's expressed is whether or not God's glory is manifested.
A. He is the creator God....Who was before anything was created. The Self Existent, all Glorious One, the King of the Universe. B. His glory was hidden in human flesh. In the wilderness tabernacle the topmost covering was dolphin or badger skin, concealing the glory inside. A type and shadow of our glorious Lord while on earth. He was humble and lowly and meek, and yet He had a Kingly bearing. His speech stunned His hearers, and they wanted to kill Him when he spoke about Who He was....the Messiah, the promised One. His glory was present and revealed when He performed the miraculous....healing, restoring life to the dead, feeding thousands with a few fish and loaves of bread. His glory shone on the cross when He forgave His murderers, and reviled them not, and when He was beaten and spat upon and did not retaliate with words or actions...the perfect lamb being led to the slaughter for you and me.
In the wilderness tabernacle, the topmost covering was dolphin or badger skin, a "type and shadow" of Jesus on earth in human flesh. His appearance was ordinary until he performed miracles and his glory shone through the miraculous. His entire being was radiant and shining at the transfiguration.
Q4. Presence of the Kingdom
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Glorious Kingdom of the Son of Man
A. Yes, His Word confirms it. B. When I became a believer His kingdom took up residence in me. C. His full potential resides in me, but is limited by my will, my faith, my obedience, my physical location and limitations. D. Jesus' Second Coming: When he returns with His Bride to reign on earth for 1,000 years after the rapture of His church followed by the 7 year tribulation period on unbelieving, unrepentant earth. -
Q3. Kingdom in Your Midst
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Glorious Kingdom of the Son of Man
1. I understand Him to be saying that rather than a physical destination, it's a spiritual entity which can be personal, by choice, and available to anyone who is interested in pursuing. 2. Jesus is always clear in communication...He is always in teaching mode and revealing truth, and pursuing relationship. -
Q2. Messiah and Son of Man
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Glorious Kingdom of the Son of Man
1. The Jews had been expectantly waiting and looking for the prophesied descendent of King David who was to come and deliver them from Roman rule. 2. Daniel's Son of Man: comes in the clouds, was led into the Presence of God the Father, was given authority, glory and Sovereign power, was worshipped by all people groups, His kingdom was eternal. Daniel was declaring the Son of Man, was the Son of God...the second Person of the Triune God. 3. Jesus was equally Son of God and Son of Man, but preferred the ambiguous way of saying He was a human being. He seemed to prefer demonstrating with His words and miracles Who He was. The religious leaders wanted to stone Him the moment they realized that He was saying He was the Son of God and they stopped listening to His words, saying He was blasphemous. -
Q2: Psalm 3:3 In what ways is God a shield? A shield protects the one behind it. In the same way God stands between me and any enemy. Anything that touches me has to first pass through His hand. When trials come or disaster, I may not feel that I was shielded, but His promise is that He will cause ALL THINGS to work together for my good, that I am being Conformed to the image of Christ. It might hurt me, but will not harm me. In what ways is He our Glory? Before salvation we had no glory....that was snuffed out for all people when Adam and Eve sinned against God. When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our dead spirit is reborn, and we are now spiritually alive in Him and share His reflected glory. In what ways is He a lifter up of my head? When I'm discouraged, or feeling sorrowful or grieving, Holy Spirit Who is always present, is my constant companion and Comforter. What does this teach us about God? He is the lover of my soul. I am His beloved daughter, who has been saved by grace and am now cleansed, forgiven and am surrounded and filled with Him, loved and protected by my God. He never leaves me for one second, is always concerned about everything which concerns me. He knows every hair on my head, is always alert and watching for my protection and well being. About ourselves? I am weak and in need of Him every minute of every day. I need His love, correction, protection, affection, infilling, Joy, and attention, hope, faith, breath...everything!
Q1. Shelter of the Most High
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
Q1. (Psalm 91) What is the protected one required to do in times of danger (verses 1-2, 9). What metaphors are used of God's protection in this psalm? We must dwell and reside in Him, recognize that He alone is the fortress and lean on and trust in Him and consciously acknowledge that He is our dwelling place and refuge. Secret place, the shadow of the Almighty, Refuge and Fortress, Shield and buckler, Wings of refuge, dwelling place, defender, preserver. -
Q4. Tabernacle and Kingdom
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
Q4. What is the relationship between the tabernacle in the wilderness and the Kingdom of God? How do God's Kingdom and Glory come together in the wilderness tabernacle? I love the visible "picture" of the Kingdom of God in the tabernacle! (I'm a visual learner!) The entire tabernacle was set up as a visual representation of His Kingdom. The wall surrounding the tabernacle is a picture of the church. Believers are the acacia boards covered in gold (His righteousness), with 2 tenons (feet) on each, set in sockets of silver (redemption) so that our feet don't touch the cursed ground. The boards were joined together and held in place "half way up" with a bar passing through from end to end. (A beautiful picture of the body of Christ in unison, held together with His strong arm and the bond of Christ among us) The wall surrounded the Holy place, where the furniture was arranged in the shape of a cross, each piece representing Jesus...the showbread...(the bread which came down from Heaven, The Bread of Life), the lampstand which was never to go out (Jesus the ever present Light of the World), the altar of incense (the prayers and praise always rising up to Him)...outside, the bronze laver where the priests were "washed" before entering in. (this formed a mirror as they bent over to wash...reflecting their sin and need for cleansing before entering His presence, which formed the long "leg" of the cross. (We enter in by being washed in His blood, after He shows us our need for a Savior) His glory dwelt in the Holy of Holies....where the mercy seat covered the reminders in the ark of their rebellion against God. (His provision...manna, His delegated authority, Aarons rod that budded, and His ultimate authority, the 10 Commandments, or Law) It was here that He revealed Himself both in fire and in the cloud, and through Moses words to them revealed in the tent of meeting. Now we are In Christ,and can enter into His Holy Presence at will, washed and forgiven, whereas the High Priest was only allowed to enter once a year on the day of atonement. We are mindful of all Jesus accomplished on the Cross and provides for us as we look back at the Tabernacle. We are the watchmen ON the wall now, our prayers going up like incense for His Kingdom to come to earth as it is in Heaven, and for the lost to enter into relationship with our glorious Savior and Lord. (there was an open door into the Tabernacle proper, and we are doorkeepers, inviting and leading unbelievers, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to enter in.) -
Q3. Spiritual Hunger
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
to tQ3 Why does Moses hunger to see God's Glory? We were created to be one with God....I think Moses' hunger was that inborn desire for intimacy with God. To KNOW Him. Why does Paul press on? Paul had experienced years in the desert alone with Jesus. His desire to press on, I believe, was the same desire as Moses, for more intimacy with God. What spiritual hunger do you see in yourself? I too desire more intimacy with my Lord. We were created "To know God and to make Him known" The more intimacy we share, the more I hunger for Him." How might you increase this hunger? I pray for more intimacy, and for daily infilling of Holy Spirit. (To avoid quenching the Spirit!) How might you satisfy this hunger? By spending more time in His Presence....in worship, in prayer, in His Word, and by allowing Holy Spirit permission and access, to teach, train, correct and instruct me. He is the one who changes me, but my "work" is to be available and to rest in Him. -
Q2. Glory and Judgment
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
InQ2. Why do you think God’s glory is associated with judgment and consuming fire? What happens when people willfully disobey God and his laws? Why can’t God’s holiness coexist with sin? 1. God is Omnipotent and Sovereign...all powerful, and fire is a powerful agent of both destruction and cleansing. Fire produces ash...the final end of whatever is burned. In Lev. 10:2 Aarons sons offered "unholy fire" in their censors and God struck them dead. God offers the only Holy Fire...the ultimate which was at the Cross when sin was consumed. In the law given to Moses, the blood sacrifice for sin was always burned in fire, signifying the destruction or removal of the sin. In scripture God is described as a consuming fire. He cannot tolerate sin. (Deut 4:24) Elijah after building the altar in the contest between the living God and the god of Baal, Fire came down from Heaven and burned not only the offering, but the rocks and dried up the water around the altar, whereas the god of Baal failed to show up...(nonexistent, made by man).Our Awesome God displayed His displeasure for the Baal worshippers, and His pleasure and acceptance of Elijah's sacrifice through total destruction! In Isa 9:18 Wickedness burns like a fire....God fights wicked "fire" with His Holy awesome Fire. Fire cleanses as well as destroys. It's a severe and terrifying consequence of the violation of His law. Before the law was given, when He cut covenant with Abram, He ratified the covenant with a visual fire pot passing between the halved animal. Something Abram never forgot. In Malachi 3:2 He is described as like a Refiner's fire and like fuller's soap....cleansing and refining the impurities from priests, like gold and silver are refined. His glory is always displayed in Holy fire.....whether in revelation of Himself as with Moses, in judgement, or in cleansing from sin. 2. Willful disobedience always has painful consequences! He's also merciful, and gives a "long leash" allowing time for repentance. 3. God is a Just God so sin must be judged. -
Q1. Types of Glory
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Glorious Kingdom in the Sinai Desert
Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? 1. Reputation Glory is derived from exploits which enhance one's reputation. God's reputation is enhanced when His wonderful works are extolled by His children. 2. Derived glory is that which is proceeds or is reflected from the ultimate source of glory. Our glory is a reflection of God's glory. 3. Inherent glory is glory in and of itself. God's glory is His alone. 4. When I praise God, Reputation glory is involved. 5. Derived glory is within me. I reflect His glory which radiates from Him, through me to others, as was the case with Moses. I had a strange experience some years ago along these lines. I was walking down a street in a distant town to keep an appointment. As a lady passed me going the opposite direction, and she let out a pleasurable exclamation. I stopped and turned and she had also stopped and was smiling. She said "Wow! You have a beautiful "aura" surrounding you!" I asked what an aura was and she said "You glow! It's visible!" I was stunned, and pleased that we really do reflect His Glory! -
Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9? A. In confessing Jesus is Lord, we are declaring who He is and whose we are now. Scripture tells us in this verse that it is necessary to salvation to "confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." It's not enough to have a secret salvation. God SPOKE creation and life into being. We are told to SPEAK our belief in Him, which brings us from spiritual deadness into LIFE ETERNAL. It indicates that we are not ashamed of the Gospel nor of Him and puts Satan on notice that we are no longer of our father the devil, but now belong to God our forever Father!