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Everything posted by JanMary
Q3. Lord of Lords and Governments
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Our Lord and King
Q3. What are the implications for governments that Yahweh is the King of kings and Lord of lords? Any government which acknowledges that Yahweh is King of Kings and Lord of Lords is blessed. Any which does not, will serve His purposes but will be known as goat nations, rather than sheep nations. Gen 15:14 God punished Egypt for enslaving and mistreating His people, the Israelites, so severely that they have never risen above mediocrity since. In Psalm 2, The ungodly nations imagined evil schemes, and the Lord "holds them in derision and supreme contempt, terrifies them and confounds them, and says to His Son, in V8," Ask of me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession." They will ultimately serve His purposes...as Psalm 119:91 states that the entire Universe serves God (even Satan, ends up serving God, in spite of himself and his hatred for God).Isaiah 40:15, 17: the nations ae like a drop from a bucket, as small dust on scale, the isles like very little things. All nations are as nothing before Him, regarded by Him as less than nothing and emptiness, waste, futility and worthlessness." Those nations are compared to Israel, His people, the only ones who belonged to Him at that time. What are the implications of removing God" from a nation's currency and pledges, and ardently secularizing national life? If He has been visible on those items, then removed, that nation is disassociating itself from God, and following after godless leaders and their purposes. The United State has had His Name on those items and began with His principles as His nation and a place where Christianity and freedom were to reign. In the years since, His place in America has been diminished, and very recently since 2008, Christian persecution from the Government on down has been taking place. The inauguration on Jan 20, 2017 will change that, with the election of a newly born again Christian President, a mature Christian Vice President, numerous Christians in key cabinet positions, and a strong alliance with Israel will place the U.S. as a sheep nation, once again. America will begin to see her finest hour under this God-centered administration, with the taking back of so much lost ground to the devil. Pres. Trump desires and plans to move our embassy to Jerusalem, which has been on our books as law for 20 years, but he is the only who will honor that pledge. The U.S. will be protected and blessed for honoring and respecting Israel. Where does that put a nation with regard to God the King? Removing God from the nations identity and leadership, removes God's protection and blessing, and vulnerable to consequences from violating His principles and purposes, liable to His judgement. ("I will bless those who bless Israel and will curse those who curse Israel." -
Q2. What are the personal implications of Yahweh being your King and of Jesus being the Messiah sent from God? What are the advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as King? What does it mean for you to submit to the King on an everyday basis? How does a person reject Yahweh from being King over him or her? A. Jesus is the 2nd person of the Holy Trinity. He is King of King and Lord of Lords, and has always been and will always be. The personal implication for me is that He is due my life, my worship and praise, my obedience, and all that I am and have been given. I have surrendered all to my my Lord, my Savior, and my Sovereign King. As such I am his child, and subject to His dominion by choice. B. The advantages are that I am not in control, He is. I am responsible TO my family members but not responsible FOR them...they are His. I am His beloved daughter, no longer held guilty for sin....all have been washed clean, past, present, and future. When I do sin (but never want to), He gently convicts me and I repent with gratitude for His gentleness in my life. Another blessing or advantage, is that He is always with me...in me, around me and will never leave me nor forsake me, so I am never forgotten, never abandoned, always loved. Guidance and correction and comfort are always available. His power resides in me, so I am no longer without help or strength. Too many more to list! C. Submission on a daily basis means that I recognize that He is God and King, and I am not...I am His through His loving purchase in blood. My gratitude for being rescued from sin and from myself, surrenders willingly to His Lordship, knowing that everything He does is for my good and His glory. D. To reject Him as King over one, requires a conscious decision to pursue ones own will, regardless of what He desires. There are many born again Christians who are saved in name only, and who refuse to surrender to Him as Lord. (My surrender has been often and difficult, much of the time. Due to abuse as a child it took years to trust that He means only what is good for me. The first surrenders of my will felt literally like a death, and in a sense, crucifying the will, is a death. The laying down of my life so that He can live His holy life through me now in old age, has become my joy!
Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us? Tithing was demonstrated first in Genesis 14, during the period of Grace, before the Law was given and it became required. (Abram to Melchizedek) Because God is King, the tithe is due to support His administration, as demonstrated in I Sam 8:15, and Malachi 3:8-10. To withhold the tithe was considered to be robbing or defrauding God. In Luke 18:12 the Pharisee bragged arrogantly of tithing of everything he gained and also his devout fasting! The wrong reason for tithing (a work of the flesh and to be seen by men, or the effort to gain favor with God). Jesus spoke often about money and its' place in our lives, hearts and minds. (Do we own money or does money own us?) How willingly and generously we give reflects the spiritual condition of our hearts and minds. If we're stingy, it shows a lack of love for the Lord, and a lack of trust in His provision for us. I believe Abraham's tithe to Melchizedek for the generous favor of God in restoring his foes into Abram's hands is the "type" or picture of how we are to give....The widow in Mark 12:42 was praised by Jesus for giving a mite, all she had, from her poverty, whereas the Pharisees who gave more, gave stingily out of their prosperity, pridefully negating the purpose of the tithe....to reflect gratitude for God's generosity to us. For us, the tithe is an act of obedience ...a "gut check" and a love offering to the One who gave His all for us to be reconciled to our Father.
Q4. Justice, Vengeance, and Mercy
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God forgive sins justly without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Justice: Giving someone what they deserve, nothing more nor less. Vengeance: The fair execution of justice. Mercy: Not giving one the punishment he/she deserves. B. No, they must be punished. The significance of the cross is in God's righteousness, my sins, and sins of the whole world, past, present, and future were all put on Jesus. He took the wrath, judgment, and punishment I, and we all deserved. He took my sin in His perfect sinless body, and gave me in exchange, His pure and holy Righteousness. It's called GRACE! Undeserved favor. How I thank my Lord for his mercy and grace!!!! Believers are Justified...".just as if I never sinned". It means never living in fearfulness toward God, guilt free, cleansed. Rather than punishment, he gently corrects and convicts our conscience when we do sin, we repent and continue on, not wanting to sin and hurt our beloved Savior. -
Q3. Helper of the Fatherless
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? We are His "ambassadors" on earth, love letters written on hearts of flesh, not on tablets of stone. (2 Cor 3:3) As such, we are to take Him into every corner of the earth, and to commit to support those who are in need with time, finances, prayer. (on a personal note, when my family was in crisis due to the 1990 recession and our business suffered such loss that we also lost our home and our insurance, we would have been living in our car, but a Christian family heard of our plight, and never having met us, invited us into their home, where we lived for 18 months. During that time my husband went nearly blind, and a Christian Eye Surgeon who had been greatly blessed, wanted to give "something back for all he'd received", advertised on T.V, for anyone needing eye surgery to contact him. The ad appeared in Idaho where a relative saw it and called to give us the 800 number. We live in California. When we called, we were the only ones who called! The Dr. was stunned that the ad appeared in Idaho! He is in California about 45 min. away from us. He performed the surgery at no cost, 20/20 vision was restored, and we were blessed, as he said he was!!! The family who took us in were new Christians, and say that we blessed them more than we were blessed! We received those "love letters written on human hearts" with great joy and thanksgiving to our God! -
Q2. Relativity and Righteousness
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Those who have only the moral compass of their culture, cannot tolerate and are offended by hearing that a Righteous and Upright God is The Truth, Who will lead them into all Truth, and that His Truth alone will set them free. Moral relativism is only "true" to those who live by it apart from Him. I was thinking in terms of the outcries of those who are throwing tantrums, destroying their cities, shooting the police, rioting with loud and deadly protests over the current election...and how they cannot accept anything which differs from what they think is "right" and what they deserve because they want it and are entitled to having it, without any seeming awareness that they are deceived and living a lie. It's a powerful deception of the enemy who blinds them. Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) As an evangelist, the only guideline I have found is to be prepared "in season and out of season" to share as the Holy Spirit leads. When I was a new believer I was shown how to "boil down" my testimony to 3 minutes, so that in an elevator ride or in line (with no one behind me) at the grocery store or elsewhere I can share how Jesus has changed my life. I find that much of the time I'm planting seeds or watering others seeds through kindness, service, living for Him, a word here and there and allowing His love to shine through me. I've memorized pertinent scriptures "relative" to salvation and find that they fit easily without sounding preachy into many conversations, as He leads. I'm never argumentative or forceful. I don't think that is effective. When cult members come to my door, I learned from one who'd later become a believer, that the most powerful way to share with them is my testimony of Jesus work in my life..."because they don't have a testimony...only rules to follow". She shared that after she became a believer through hearing many testimonies at doors she'd knocked upon, the Lord had her go back to every door where someone had taken the time to share their story with her, and thank them for their kindness and to tell them the she is now born again! (Their Bible's have been altered to eliminate every reference to Jesus being God, so it's futile to argue or try to compare scripture with them.) They are well trained and have been through many sessions in front of their peers, of knocking on "doors" and practicing what to say when it is opened) Another Cult has many books considered scripture, so the same is true for them. They too have no testimony of Jesus work in their lives. I have many family members in this second cult, and I never mention "religion" or denomination, but speak freely about Jesus and what He is doing in my life, as He leads. As a brand new on fire Christian, I made the mistake of inviting two cult members into my living room....thinking it was polite and I was eager to tell them about my Lord and Savior.....they quickly overwhelmed me (double teamed me...as in basketball) so that I couldn't get a word into the conversation. I sent up an "arrow prayer" for help, and 4 minutes later a knock on the door revealed a mature Christian friend and her two daughters who were driving on the freeway near my home and felt impressed to come as she "needs help". Later I learned the scripture admonition in 2 John 10: "If anyone comes to you and brings a gospel disloyal to what Jesus taught, do NOT WELCOME HIM (or her or them) INTO YOUR HOME." (But DO share at the door!) One last thing: I might ask if I may pray with them or for them about whatever they've shared is going on in their lives, and I've only been told "no thank you" once. I remember too, that I'm not responsible for their salvation, that is the work of the Holy Spirit, but we are all called to share and to disciple the unbeliever. -
Q1. (Isaiah 6:1-8) How does a realization of God's holiness affect Isaiah? He saw God in His majesty and holiness and said "I am ruined!" He saw his sin and uncleanness, and that of those he lived among. Why is Isaiah afraid? Isaiah was a prophet of God, who heard God's words and relayed them to the people of Israel....When he saw God's holiness and his own sin and those of the people he regularly prophesied to, he may have feared he and the unholy people being rejected by God and cast aside...with no hope of redemption. How does God make Isaiah holy? He took a coal from the altar and "cleansed" Isaiah's mouth, lips, words. The seraph said " See this has touched your lips. Your guilt is taken away and your sins atoned for." What is the symbolism of the coal from the altar? In Isaiah's time it symbolizes the sacrifice of the burnt offering on the altar. Ultimately it foreshadowed, the shed blood of Jesus for our cleansing and remission of sin on the cross. Now made holy -- dedicated to God -- how does Isaiah respond to God? Renewed and restored and comforted, he said "Here am I, send me."
Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? A. Does not faint or grow weary; shall not faint or grow weary. What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator? B. v.28 Because He does not faint or grow weary, there is no searching of His understanding. His promise to His children in v.31, that as we look to Him, rely on His strength and hope in Him, we shall mount up to Him in closeness, shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint or become tired. I'm so thankful that He understands our frailty. Jesus on earth Who was fully God and fully man, got tired, thirsty, hungry, sleepy. Normal human needs. His strength in us, will keep us moving in the right direction and keep us going when without Him, we would faint and quit!
Q3. (Psalm 95:1-7) How many names, titles, and metaphors of God can you find in this passage, both explicit and implicit? What does the Psalmist call on us to do in response to God revealed in his Names? Why are these actions appropriate? A. Rock (of our salvation), Omnipresent, God, (worthy of praise and worship), Great King, Omnipotent (hands hold earth, seas), Creator, Maker, Shepherd, Living, interactive, judge, human emotions, (grieved, patience, etc), Sovereign (My ways) B. Let us sing, and make a joyful noise unto Him. Worship Him with thanksgiving, bow down in reverence. Listen: hear His voice. Keep heart soft and pliable. C. God is all of those qualities and more beyond words. Worship, praise, thanksgiving and attentiveness to Him are the only appropriate response to His Wonder and Sovereignty.
The Names of God.. Lesson 4. Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what He has created? He has every right and privilege over His creation. However, Adam and Eve chose Satan over obedience to God our Creator. They fell. He sent His Son to redeem or "buy us back" and to deliver us from hell. We are now in a position to choose Him or not because He has given us the same free will. This was a huge risk, because not everyone will choose Him. Those who deny His ownership will be deformed or marred in purpose and will never attain the beauty He had in mind for them, nor will they spend eternity with a loving Father, but will live in hell having been judged for their choice to reject His Gift.Those of us who choose Him, willingly surrender to His ownership, because we know that He is love and His purposes are higher than our purposes, and though the shaping and molding continues throughout our lives and may be painful at times, He has promised that we will be like Him "at that day". All will be revealed someday. Our questions answered. Our lives will reveal His wisdom. How should that effect our lives, our self image, our sense of purpose? Our Lives may be lived to honor and glorify Him and to reflect His love and goodness to others or if we are rebellions and stubborn we may live a self centered life where we seek our own plans and goals apart from Him. He give us that freedom. It's obvious how we should live, as in the final outcome there will be rewards for those who do live for Him. Our self image should be that of one who knows he/she is loved, was created in love, and is beautiful in His eyes regardless of the whims of society. Our sense of purpose can be an exciting adventure when lived one day at a time, one moment at a time as He leads us in the path He has chosen for us, knowing that each day is spent in His Presence and care and that He knows the way which will lead us Home.
The Names of God. Lesson 4 Q1 (Isaiah 45:9-12) Why is it ridiculous for a pot to second-guess the Potter? The pot was fashioned at the whim and creativity of the Potter for a specific purpose and function. The Pot is no more than a shaped lump of clay and is clueless as to its' purpose. It's as foolish as reading horoscopes to find out who we are or what we're to do, ignoring the only One Who does know. How do we Christians do this? We get high minded and proud, unhappy about how we look, or what talents we have been given as we compare ourselves with other "pots" that we deem more attractive, or more special than we seem. We may be angry at our Potter, for making what we think is an inferior vessel. We may question and ask Why about anything we don't like or understand. Many try to remake themselves into a different image...we see that in magazines and papers everyday, where someone we used to recognize has changed genders, or had their face reworked so they are no longer the beauty that God had in mind. We may wear colored contact lenses because we don't like the color of our eyes. We change our hair color because ours might be deemed "mousy" by the fashion magazines, or not up to the current trend. We may put on airs to trick people into not seeing how ordinary we think we are. We may ignore what we sense the Potter has in mind, and turn away to do our own thing, and delay the plan He has for our lives. What is a better attitude and behavior before our Creator? TRUST is what comes to mind. Recognize that He is the Creator with magnificent intelligence, and REST in what He sees as perfection in each of us. He knit us together in our Mothers womb, and "didn't drop any stitches", as someone has said. It's wise to seek and ask what He has planned and dreamed and envisioned for each of us and to surrender and remain pliable in His Hands as He continues to mold and shape us. His eyes saw our unformed substance and wrote all the days of each life in His book BEFORE He created us....our role is to fulfill His purpose by holding His hand as we walk with Him each day wherever He leads.
Names of God; Lesson 3. (1 Sam 17:26, 36; Hebrews 10:31) 4. How do you think David's understanding of the living God enabled Him to challenge Goliath? David had a very personal, loving and trusting relationship with the living God, to whom he'd written and sung his psalms of worship and recorded how his God had empowered him to kill both the lion and the bear and comforted and encouraged him during the long lonely times he was away from his family shepherding his father's sheep. He was just a lad, and yet knew God as His father and friend, his provider and protector. David understood grace and forgiveness, that many do not understand, believing that God punishes and is angry with His children. We have nothing to fear from our perfect Father, who disciplines in love and draws the backslider into His loving arms again if we wander off. (Romans 8) Read Heb. 10:31 in context. Why should the living God inspire fear and dread? If one does not have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, then there is reason to fear. Jesus bore on His body on the cross, all of God's wrath and judgement over sin, and when He cried "It is finished", all who receive His gift of eternal life will never experience God's wrath, anger, or judgement. (That would be double jeopardy, to judge Jesus and then to punish us for the sins which were dealt with on the cross, past, present and future) However, those who reject Jesus will meet God when they die, and will experience the "divine penalties, wrath and judgement" mentioned in Hebrews 10:31. Apparently there are degrees of hell, for those who reject God's gift of eternal life, for in v. 30 "vengeance and retribution and the meting out of full justice, and He will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and cases of His people." So apparently the stubborn old lady who lived a decent life but who wanted nothing to do with Jesus, will go to hell, but not experience the meting out of divine retribution that someone like Hitler who was a heinous criminal, experiences. The most misunderstood thing today is that God does not SEND anyone to hell. Those who reject Jesus, choose to accept the penalty, which is hell. Every individual has to make that choice. I know of an elderly woman dying in the hospital and to whom the Lord instructed Doris, the nurse, to go and sit with her and share Jesus' love with her. She obeyed and when she mentioned the Name of Jesus the woman held out her hand and in an angry voice said "STOP! I've been hearing about Him all my life and I want nothing to do with Him!" She died that night, after being given just one more of the many chances she'd been given, to say YES to Jesus. She chose to face God as Judge, Who would rather have welcomed her into His arms, forgiven, and now His beloved daughter! He wants NONE to perish! (John 3:16)
Names of God; Lesson 3; Isaiah 44:6; Rev 1:8 Q3: What does the idea of "First and Last" tell you about God? First means there was nothing before Him. Anything else that is, He created. Last means He is eternal...nothing will outlast His existence. He will always be "God". How does Rev. 1:8 relate to God's revelation to Moses. "I AM that I AM"? He is the Almighty the ruler of all! Both refer to God as Self existent....always was, is now and always will be. He is Sovereign over ALL! All life is contained in Him.
Names of God, Lesson 3; Isaiah 57:15 Q1: What do you think it is like to inhabit eternity? I've thought often about this, and find I can't get my mind around it, since everything in our world has a beginning and an end. But with what I've experienced in knowing my Lord, it will be glorious beyond description. The Bible tells us, there will be no more death, no more tears, no more disease or sorrow or separation. And since God is Spirit and is everywhere at once, we will all be in His presence at all times for ever...wrapped in love, security, awe, wonder, delight, ecstasy! At one time I did experience His visual presence in the room with me during a time of great fear. I was crying out to Him to help me and He spoke: "Be still and know that I AM God" then He vanished. The only way I've been able to describe that encounter was absolute peace and love...like warm oil being poured over me and within me....never wanting it to end...lost in Him. What will it be like when you inhabit eternity with the Eternal God, seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places? We will be ruling and reigning with Him....so there will be no evil anymore, no conflict (our flesh will be left behind in the grave or in the rapture), so we will be in one accord with our brothers and sisters since all worldliness will be gone. We will be like Him, the Bible tells us. We will get to explore the Universe! We are joint heirs with our Savior, so we will share all that is His (except His Deity). There will be no darkness...so we will live in His glorious, Holy, light. (Which is too bright for our earthly eyes to behold or we'd be blinded by it) What emotions does this inspire in you? Wonder! Awe! Joy! Excitement! Longing for home! Curiosity! (What will our home be like that He has spent so much time preparing?)Completion!....Shalom (nothing missing, nothing broken)
only Names of God, Lesson 3. Exodus 3:1-15. Q1: What does God's name Yahweh reveal about His person and His power? It reveals that even the ground near Him was Holy, as He is Holy (v5). He has always existed: I AM the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And I have surely seen the affliction of your people...400 years they'd been enslaved. (v6 & 7). He is all powerful, and reigns over everything and over all kings, pharaoh's and nations (v8) He is a deliverer of the afflicted and true to His Word, Active and faithful. (v8). He's a God of compassion. He heard the cries of the enslaved (v9). He works through people and empowers them (v10 & 12) He is Self-Existent and eternal ...I AM WHO I AM AND WHAT I AM AND WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE. (v14) Yahweh is My Name forever and to be remembered to all generations.(He names Himself) (v15) How would an understanding of Yahweh's name contrast Him with the idols worshipped by the Egyptians? In every way He contrasts with the Egyptian idols: They are dreamed up and created by men to try to meet their needs and hopes, while God has always been and is self existent and created all things, including the stone and wood their idols were carved from and the carvers themselves. Their idols were useless stone or wood...God is Spirit, invisible unless He reveals Himself, and is all powerful. Their idols were the result of demonic presence and godlessness among them only able to perform a few copies of the first plagues Moses' rod performed which only added to their misery, while God is mighty and all powerful (Ps 119:91 All things serve God...even the entire universe serves His purposes. (that includes Satan, fallen angels and demons) Their idols were not living therefore had no personality or emotions, while God is filled with compassion and fully aware of suffering. They made up the "powers" they wanted their idols to possess, while God is omnipotent in power and needs nothing. They sacrificed to their idols, and in some cases, their babies to placate the angry, indifferent idols they'd carved. While to God those sacrifices were blasphemous and useless and evil. They were absolutely mute and unproductive, while God is alive and faithful! Their idols had a "shelf life" until they got chipped, or marred or broken...while God is eternal and has no end. How blessed we are to be His children, chosen by Him, saved by Him, delivered from the kingdom of darkness, and now we will have no end and will live with Him forever!!!!
Names of God, Lesson 2 Q5: How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's, affect the way we approach life? It should lead to peace of mind and quiet intimacy with the Lord, as well as a quiet confidence and trust that He will secure the victory. In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong? Timidity is fearfulness and insecurity regarding one's identity in Christ, resulting in a lack of trust and a sense that one can't ask or deserve or count on the Lord for help. Brashness is presumptuousness that we deserve and are entitled to His help so there's no need to pray or fast or look to Him for what may be required on our part. A self centered, cavalier, disrespectful attitude. Are there any instances where the Lord will not fight our battles? No, I can't think of any time that we would be left on our own if we ask for His help, since He is always our shield, buckler, strong tower, Mighty God, El Elyon! We're even told to surrender ALL to Him, even addictions or compulsive behavior....will power will fail...but when turned over to Him, He will deliver us. But I think "asking" is the key. When we ask, the battle becomes His. I remember a time of willfulness on my part when I was new in Christ and didn't know better, and I was determined to take a course of action I knew was not His will for me and I told Him to stay out of my business. He did stay out and I made an enormously costly mistake for which I am still truly sorry. (like the board in which nails have been pounded, then removed. (or forgiven) The holes or scars still remain.) ..however It was a mistake through which I learned such a painful lesson that all willfulness was crucified that day! Romans tell us: "When we work, He rests. When we rest, He works" That's speaking of "works and striving" in the flesh on our own and of resting, trusting emotionally and spiritually in faith in His ability to accomplish what needs to be done through us and of the outcome of battles when turned over to Him.
Names of God; Lesson 2 Exodus 17:9-16 Q4. In what sense was Moses' rod like a signal pole in this battle? The rod was similar to our soldiers carrying the American flag into battle representing the nation. Moses' rod represented the authority God had given to him to lead the people and to govern them. When God wanted to demonstrate His presence, such as getting water to flow from the rock, or parting the waters of the Red Sea, God used Moses' rod to bring forth the miracle. The rod was the soldiers focal point and reminder that this was God's battle and when high and lifted up, He would defeat the Amalekites. ( kind of like a lightning rod attracts the energy from above and grounds it in one place) In what sense is the Lord our banner in the battles we face? I love that name...the LORD OUR BANNER. When I was a child growing up I had no one to champion or help me...I was mostly on my own. Now I have not just a champion to protect and help me but THE Champion of Champions. The ALL POWERFUL WARRIOR God champions me in all battles. His banner flies in the face of the enemy, as Moses rod did when held high, and waves over and surrounds me giving me confidence that He will be the victor in the battles I face when I rely on Him. (The Amalekites represent the flesh....and as v.16 tells us, THE LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. When I struggle with fleshly battles, I've learned to surrender them to my Champion, rather than using flimsy will power, which is like trying to put out a fire with a squirt gun. But my Warrior God prevails where I cannot.) His banner over me is LOVE.
Names of God, lesson 2 Mathew 26:53 Q3: Why did Jesus not call upon the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? This battle must be fought and won alone....to the death, so that all who believe and receive His gift of salvation may have eternal life and freedom from the bondage of sin. What happens when He does call on the Heavenly hosts? Rev 19:11-16? This is the final battle....and Jesus is the Commander, riding victoriously on a white horse leading the charge. This battle is one of judgement and wrath, from which there is no escape. He is the one Who does battle in this war. The army is the raptured saints fresh from the 7 year marriage supper of the Lamb, His bride, birthed at the cross, clothed in white linen, dazzling and clean. (robes of righteousness which were cleansed by His blood.) Just as he was the Victor in fighting our battles while here on earth, He is the One fighting this last battle...with His Words! (He spoke into being all that He created in the beginning...His words will now bring destruction to all who rejected the Cross. His bride will not fight in this battle. We will be observers, as Moses was in the battle where his rod was held high by others. But we will be with Him...joined with Him for eternity. (V15: "From HIS MOUTH goes forth a sharp sword with which He can smite the nations, and He will shepherd and control them with a staff (scepter, or rod) of iron. He will tread the winepress of the wrath and indignation of God the Omnipotent. (He took the wrath of God I deserved, on Himself at the Cross. This wrath is only for all who rejected His gift.) V21: And the rest were killed with the sword that issues from the MOUTH of Him Who is mounted on the horse, and all the birds fed ravenously and glutted themselves with their flesh.
Names of God. Lesson 2, 2 Kings 6:13-17 Q2 Why was Elisha's servant afraid? When he went out he saw the city was surrounded by a huge army of chariots and horses, and felt they would be killed. What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? Elisha saw the army through spiritual eyes by faith in God, and according to the Lord's purpose. What does it take for our eyes to be opened? Elisha's prayer to open the servant's eyes, enabled him to "see" the mountain filled with horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. Prayer and the Holy Spirit are available to open our eyes to God's truth and promises, no matter our circumstances. Elisha had a personal relationship with the Lord. The servant saw God "second hand" through Elijah. How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? His promise is to me...that He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Satan's roar is loud and can be frightening. I can call upon the Lord to fight and win the battle! Even if afraid, the Lord's angels surround me whether I see them or not. He is Sovereign and in control of everything, and only those things which have passed through His approval may touch me.
Q1. Commander of the Armies of the Lord
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The God of Might (
Names of God. lesson 2; Joshua 5:13-15. Q1: Why did the Commander say he was on neither side? He was the Commander in charge of the battle, which was God's battle and destiny for Israel. Joshua was to be on the side of God which was to obey and conquer the land He had promised to give them. What is the significance of this? This wasn't Joshua's battle as he had assumed...he need only show up with his army and follow the Heavenly Commander's orders. What did Joshua feel like during this encounter? Completely humbled, undone, in submission to the Commander whom had revealed Himself as God, as He had done with Abraham and Moses before him. He was on his face lying on Holy Ground before the Mighty Warrior, Lord of Hosts. How did he feel after this encounter? He was confident that God was not only going into battle but that victory was assured. I thought about how I feel when I'm assured that life's battles are God's and not mine, and relief, rest, peace and joy best describe that feeling. -
Names of God. Lesson 1 Q4: Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" ( Psalm 24:7), and "Father of Glory"( Ephesians 1:17) What do they tell us about God? He is Lord of all, and King of all that is. He is the Father of our Lord Jesus, and is my Father and the Father of all believers. He exists in unapproachable light and glory, so I can't behold Him with my eyes. He is Spirit and must be approached in the spirit through His Son Jesus, my Brother. I am now His daughter for eternity and will one day meet Him face to Face when I will dwell with Him in glory. How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? He is worthy of all praise and worship, reverence, honor and adoration! He tells us to come boldly into His Presence, and yet His glory demands humility and respect and awe! According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, How does God's glory come to fill our lives? Like the caterpillar who is metamorphosed, we are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another, since His Spirit lives in us. His Word is the mirror which reflects Who He is to our unveiled faces now that we are in Christ.
Names Of God; Lesson 1, Isaiah 57:15 Meditate on the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, Whose Name is Holy: I dwell in the high and Holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly penitent and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent, bruised with sorrow for sin." Q2: What do you learn about God from this phrase? He is above and higher than all, Holy (completely righteous and without sin or any shadow of evil or wrong doing or wrong thinking, perfect in all His ways.) He is living...has always been, is now and will always be God who exists outside of time, eternally. He is ever present everywhere at once in the entire Universe. How should this affect your outlook on life? It comforts me to know that my Holy God will be waiting for me when my time on earth is done. That He has chosen and called me and because by faith through grace, I responded to His amazing love, I will spend the rest of eternity with Him...(without the "vail") forever and ever in His presence in Heaven. Because He is High and Lofty, His intentions for me are always for good, and never for evil, and success rather than failure, and with His goal for my future with Him and what awaits me there. I can trust Him because of His perfect character and compassion. No matter how painful is life sometimes here, I can rest in knowing He loves me and will bring good and character development as He conforms me to the image of Jesus. Your way of conducting yourself? I remember that He is always right and if we disagree, I am wrong. I live in surrender to His will (sometimes with a fight, first). Remembering how Mighty, and Majestic, Holy, Powerful and Awesome He is, I'm aware that comparatively speaking I'm not even a fly speck and shouldn't deserve a glance from Him, and yet He says I am His precious daughter whom He adores, and dances over and delights in me with singing. The only response to His amazing love is to live to bring Him honor and glory, to quickly repent when I sin, to walk humbly before my Father, to live with the joy of knowing I deserved punishment but instead was given a clean slate and eternal life. Praise and worship and thanksgiving are my offering. Obedience is my lifestyle (learned the hard way). Service where He asks or directs me, trusting Him for results and the power and energy to comply. Enjoying His company and sweet fellowship is my joy.
The Names of God, lesson 1 Q1: Meditate on the title "Most High". What does it mean to you? What do you or will you incorporate it in your worship? Most High means Supremely powerful! Everything which exists was created by His spoken word! He is Sovereign over everyone, everything! Nothing escapes His notice. Nothing is beyond His reach or His power! This name helps me refocus when I'm feeling overwhelmed by life's troubles as I am now....and I remember He is on His Throne, sees it all, knows it all before it happens since He is outside of time (omnipotent, omniscient) and I have nothing to worry about because He loves me and will not allow anything to touch me without His permission. So when trouble comes, He intends to use it for good in shaping me into the image of Jesus, and I'm not alone! He is ever present with me, in me, around me. My loving Abba Father, my Shield and Strong tower, has promised to be my help in times of trouble, to carry me, to comfort me and to bring me through in victory. He cannot be defeated! The only problem is that it takes me a bit of time to REMEMBER all of this when I'm hit with adversity. I tend to go to my default from abusive childhood (I'm all alone, I have no resources, there is no one to help or champion me, I'm afraid) But that time of fear is getting shorter and shorter...it used to be days, then hours. Now it usually only lasts for a short time. But what relief when the "fog" clears! Then the fear and isolation evaporate and His peace prevails and I can face whatever is looming. In worship I've become too casual since discovering that I am His friend! This Name quickened in me the need and desire to focus on what this particular Name says about this facet of His Character and to praise and worship my Most High God and King....before I pour out my heart to Him.
Lesson 1 Names of God. Gen. 14:19,20,22 Q1 What did Abraham and Melchizedek seem to believe in common about God Most High? Both proclaimed Him to be Maker and Possessor of Heaven and earth. (Creator God, Sovereign over all)
Q5. Joshua's Challenge
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. As for Me and My House (Joshua 23-24)
Lesson 8: Joshua 24:15-17 Q5 What was Joshua's challenge to the Israelites? Joshua was confronting them with their unfaithfulness to God with their foreign gods, and asked them to get off the fence and decide whom they will serve...God or their gods! Letting them know you can't serve both. One or the other! This reminds me of the statement Jesus made about not putting new wine in old wine skins....trying to add grace, the new wine, to the law that He came to fulfil so we can now be led by the indwelling Holy Spirit.....all is lost when we try to mix the two. We can't be led by the Spirit while in bondage to the law which was their guidance in Joshua's day and the days before the cross. How does God seem to challenge you? He is always challenging me to come up "higher and closer" to Him. To let go of the habit of worry and fear, which have been my norm since childhood. He's also been challenging me to grow in grace...to let go of trying to keep the law and the guilt and bondage I grew up with, and to grow in His gift of grace....and to walk in that freedom. (which isn't license to sin.....on the contrary, the freedom of grace kills the desire to sin!) What is He saying to you? "Fear and trying to obey the law, kills JOY! I want your Joy to be full, and for you to enjoy the lightness of giving Me ALL burdens, while you walk in peace, love and freedom! What do you plan to do about it? I'm meditating on Romans, and Hebrews, and Ephesians....and with more revelation and understanding on grace, I am beginning to walk in joy and lightness. Until I began to understand grace, the burden of the law dogged me like a ghost lurking and insinuating that I wasn't doing enough, wasn't enough, that He wasn't pleased with me. I now wake up smiling, eager to begin my new adventure with Him, thankful that He said "It IS FINISHED" on the cross, thankful that I am seated with Him at the right hand of the Father (Eph 2:6) in Heavenly places. I have more appreciation for all that Jesus accomplished in His work on the Cross, far beyond forgiveness from sin, and the gift of Eternal Life..He gives us abundant life, fullness of life and joy and so much more! How I praise and thank Him.