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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. Lesson 8: Joshua 23:7 Q4: What was Jesus' example of associating with sinners? Jesus treated sinners with dignity, respect and love. Sinners were attracted to Him because of His kindness and sincere concern for them. He went to their homes....even invited Himself to some, like Zacchaeus'. He dignified and honored women, even prostitutes, as equal to men in significance. He ate with sinners. He invited them to follow Him. He answered their questions, all the while revealing His love for them. Who were the buddies with whom He spent most of His time? Most of His time was spent with His disciples, both men and women. How can we balance our lives while enjoying friendship with non-Christians while not becoming like them? Like Jesus, love them, appreciate who they are as people, accept them (versus preaching at them or trying to force them to become believers). Spend the most time with those friends who know and love Jesus, to be replenished and "filled" in order to be able to "give" when with non-Christian friends. Pray for them. If appropriate, let them know you pray for them when they have needs or offer to pray with them. (I've only had one person say "no thank you" when I offered to pray with them) "Missionary dating" is a dangerous idea....for a believer to date a non believer in the hope of them one day becoming a believer...We are warned in scripture against being "unequally yoked". The same goes for going into business with a non believer, which is also being unequally yoked. What is the strategic effect of having no friendship with non-Christians? Having no non-Christian friends results in having no influence for Christ in those around us. I became a believer because of a Christian woman who befriended me, who didn't preach at me, but let me know she was a Christian. (I thought I was a Christian too because I'd grown up in church). When I had a car accident and was in bed, she came and brought meals to my family. Eventually she invited me to join her in a Bible Study group, which is where I discovered I knew about Jesus, but didn't know Him as Savior and Lord, and committed my life to Him. She told me later when I shared that I had become a believer, that she had been praying for me every day to come to know Jesus.
  2. Lesson 8: Joshua 24:23 Q3: Why did the Israelites have to throw out their foreign gods? The Israelites were bowing down to them and their hearts were no longer inclined and devoted wholly to God. The gods had taken the honored place in their homes and hearts. What was the effect of keeping these images in their houses? Probably like many in the church today, they were straddling the fence...one foot "in God", and the other "in the world"...lukewarm, and as Jesus said. worthy "to be spewed out of His mouth" like tepid, stale water. Probably secretly worshipping the idols while outwardly going through the motions and rituals of the law which God required before the cross nullified it.(Romans 8) What foreign gods contaminate our homes? Our lives? Anything that takes first place in our hearts and lives: Money, position, status, sports, where we live, what we drive, where we vacation, our children can become idols, our jobs, television, addictions to electronic devices. (constantly checking email, phone texts, Face Book, I Pad's, electronic games...) Even how we serve God can become a "god", if we serve for the wrong reasons. (Position? Status? To look spiritual? for Approval from others? Boost poor self esteem? (from not knowing who we are in Christ) What would be involved in "throwing them out"? It depends on what the "god" is. (Can't throw out kids, spouses, phones, or quit jobs The first step in change for me is recognizing I'm off track, and admitting it! The next step is talking to the Lord about it, and asking Him to deliver me from anything which comes before Him in my heart or life and repenting! Surrender the "god" to Him. Ask Him for help in getting things which must be kept, in proper priority. It may mean disengaging from Face Book, or electronic games, etc.. It may mean setting certain times of day for a short period of time for other time consumers. Some that I mentioned have become "gods" due to "holes in our souls" which only He can fill and heal. Seek counseling and / or deliverance where needed. (I read that in Japan they have 12 step recovery groups for people and even little children who are addicted to electronic devices, and people are being set free!) When I was very new, I realized that a ring I'd inherited from my grandmother was a scarab, with Egyptian symbols carved in the stone underneath, which didn't show. I didn't feel good about wearing it, and wasn't sure what the symbols meant, and didn't want to give it to someone or sell it if it had religious significance, so I destroyed it with a hammer in my zeal. Maybe extreme, but I felt better after it was gone and thrown in the trash.
  3. Joshua lesson 7: Joshua 23:11-13) Q2: How would you define holiness? Unimpaired virtue; Pure righteousness. Set apart for God. What makes us holy? Christ ALONE! At the cross the Great Exchange occurred: Jesus took all of my sin (and of the whole world, for "whosoever will" come) upon Himself, along with the punishment and wrath of God that I deserved, and in exchange, gave me all of His righteousness and the good that He deserved. His new nature in me, makes me holy. His grace covers me, and the Father now sees me as He sees Jesus, with love and acceptance. His beloved child. Justified: "Just as if I've never sinned" and in process: More of Him, less of me. How should our holiness affect our lifestyles? Because of His amazing grace in saving me, my desire is to honor Him in all that I do, and in the way that I live. if I behave in a way that is contrary to His desires for me, I dishonor Him, and reflect badly on His Name, and diminish my witness for Him. The gift of His Holy Spirit now lives in me, to lead me into all truth, to guide, teach, and train me in how to live for Him, and to correct me if I fail. His comfort restores my soul and encourages me to continue on growing in grace and more and more in love with Him and with others.
  4. finalJoshua Lesson 8: Joshua 23,24: Q1: Why are we tempted to think that we have accomplished much by our own strength? I think it is because so much of what God does, He does quietly without fanfare, and He is invisible, and since we're on the scene we can be tempted to think we accomplished what was really impossible apart from His strength. Miraculous healings are like that...someone prays with the sick person and healing is manifested, and it appears to be the work of the one praying because we can't see God! Why are we tempted to do nothing and expect God to do all the work? Like the men Moses sent to spy out the land, we can be easily intimidated by the enemy or the size of the "mission". We also may not like to take responsibility, especially when there is a possibility of failing. Sometimes we lack "fire" and "desire", or are just worn out or burned out and can't imagine picking up the "sword" again. We have an enemy who majors in discouragement! We saw how he worked through men to discourage the rebuilding of the wall in Ezra, and he is always at work to oppose the work of God, in us, and through us. I don't know if this happens to others, but in the early days of my walk, I thought I was supposed to do whatever I was asked to do...didn't know to ask Him if He wanted me or someone else to take on what was being asked. There was no desire to do it, no inspiration, no strength. THEN I prayed and "heard" "I didn't ask you to do this, but you stepped in and are hindering the one I did ask, and who was slow to respond". I resigned, repented and learned to check with Him first....the other person finally stepped up and did a fantastic job! What is the balance? Show up willing to do my part, while relying on Him to do the heavy lifting, supply the power, the wisdom needed and to gift me with the experience and reward of serving. Which side of the balance have you been on personally? How about your church? Because of my abusive and violent childhood, fear, insecurity and timidity have always plagued me. I seldom have been tempted to think I can accomplish what I'm being asked to do...so I rely on God completely, knowing if it's going to get done, He has to show up and give me courage to go forward, wisdom and guidance and trust in Him. He is so amazing, how He can work through such imperfect and inadequate people! When I was asked to write Bible Studies for our church, I had no idea how to do such a thing. The first lesson I handed in for review was all wrong...the approach. Everything! I wanted to quit. The Lord showed me that with my brain issues, I had to work backwards to get to the objective! So that's how He and I did it....I showed up, read and studied, digested and meditated on the word...then He'd wake me up at night when I was quiet and rested and give me the questions to ask, and what to add in the notes! (I gave Him all of the praise when I was told they were some of the best studies some had ever done and admitted that I was just the scribe holding the pen while He did the writing!) I think our church is typical of most believing churches....all degrees of maturity, even in the pastoral staff. (We have several very young pastors.) So we have a few who function as though the load is on their shoulders alone, and their attitude shows in their words and demeanor. For the most part the load is so huge, with a K through 12th school, a large campus, many missionaries to support, and a building program to complete, that the majority know that only God can carry and complete and continue the heavy load with much prayer and dependence upon Him.
  5. Q4 Lesson 7: Joshua 15:17-19 What do we learn about Achsah's character from this passage? Achsah was an obedient daughter...married the man her father chose for her. (I love that he was her cousin and grew up with him but cousins aren't always wonderful!) She was respectful in getting Othniel's permission to ask her father for springs of water. She was decisive and courageous...apparently set out on her donkey as soon as she got Othniel's permission, and as soon as she got to Caleb and got off of her donkey she asked for a "present"...since he set her in the dry Negeb...and he responded by giving her the upper and lower springs. Name some strong women of faith from the Bible. Mary is the first woman or really young girl who comes to mind. I marvel at her faith in being entrusted with Jesus, when there would obviously be shunning and ugliness toward her for being pregnant and unmarried ..only betrothed. And how she bore the burden of all she went through as His mother after he began His ministry. She is amazing!! She could have said "no"...but yielded to the Lord's plan for her life. Esther is another. She risked her life in order to intercede for the Jewish people threatened with obliteration by Haman. Her whole life Is inspiring! Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Hazel, the elderly woman who was my "mother in the Lord"...who mentored and nurtured me spiritually, and who encouraged me through the years until the Lord took her home...she had amazing faith! We had she and her husband over for Christmas Eve dinner, and she called Christmas morning saying Ferdie had died in her arms after they woke up. She told me not to cry...that he was in Jesus' arms now and he was smiling as he left this earth. She never wavered in her faith no matter what her circumstances were. Doris, a dear friend who has trusted the Lord through tremendous financial losses (and who encouraged me when my family went through similar losses), who forgave the people who cheated her family out of their inheritance, who forgave the Christian people who cheated them out of their family business, and who trusted the Lord during the suicide of her first born son. During her grief, obeyed the Lord in starting a ministry for women in her church (Women of Grace) when she believed she had nothing to give. This ministry is thriving and encouraging hundreds of women. She is the woman the Lord sent to me when I didn't know If I was going to make it through alive many years ago. She has macular degeneration now and receives painful shots in her eye every 5 weeks or so, but ministers to the people in the eye hospital who are frightened and distressed. She (and I) believe the Lord is healing her eyes and her sight will be restored. She is both a woman of grace and a woman of faith!
  6. lesson 7 Joshua 15:15-17; Judges 3:9-11 Caleb. Q3: What can we deduce from Othniel's character from Joshua 15:15-17 and Judges 3:9-11? Othniel was a warrior, a leader, a follower after God, he was brave and courageous. (Willing to risk his life to win Achsah for his wife) Why does Caleb offer his daughter in marriage? He wanted to give her to a man of character whom he believed would take care of her. How does this narrow the selection of a son in law? It narrowed it down to one! Apparently Othniel was the only one who was brave enough to take the challenge, and I think Caleb hand picked Othniel for her and therefore made the challenge. It also kept the land he was given in the family. Othniel was Caleb's nephew, and now also his son in law. What is the power behind Othniel's Judgeship according to Judges 3:10? When the Israelites cried to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for them. Othniel, whom the Spirit of the Lord came upon to judge and lead Israel.
  7. Q2 Lesson (7 Joshua:) Why is Caleb boastful in V 12? It's odd but in all the times I've read Joshua, it's never struck me that Caleb was boastful or proud....it seems to me he is boasting in the Lord, and remarked about the long life the Lord had given him, keeping him alive for 45 years since the spy mission. Is this a character flaw or a trait to be emulated? Caleb is boasting in the Lord's grace and goodness to him, and it's a trait to be emulated. He was saying at 85 he was as strong as when Moses sent him out. That sounds to me like Caleb is thankful for the good health which the Lord has gifted him. Boasting in self effort is a character flaw, but I don't see any of that in Caleb. Why do you think he claimed the hill country of Hebron for his inheritance? Hebron was where he and Joshua had walked when they spied out the land, and Moses had sworn on that day surely the land on which your feet have walked shall be an inheritance to you and your children always, because you have wholly followed the Lord my God. Caleb had followed the Lord wholly all through the years, and now he was asking for the inheritance promised to him by Moses. He was still hale and hearty and was willing to continue to battle the Canaanites who still inhabited it. Can a strong leader be truly humble? Certainly....but I would say there would have been "bumps of pride in the road" which had to be dealt with before true humility was part of the character. Why are strong leaders often tempted toward pride ? Strong leaders usually have quite a following, which can reflect success and can in fact be success. Leadership is a gift, and I know when I'm flowing in one of "my" gifts it seems effortless and the results can seem like the result of my being there. NOT! The gifts are His Spirit flowing through us, and the results are His and the glory is ALL His. It's true that He uses our personalities but the "fruit" produced is wood, hay and stubble if not flowing from the Branch. We can be grateful for all that He has accomplished and humble at the same time.
  8. Q1 lesson 7 (Joshua lesson 7: Numbers 14:24; Joshua 14:8.) What does it mean to follow the Lord "wholly" or Wholeheartedly? It means to follow completely, fully. To me it means to lay down my agenda every day and to ask Him what His agenda is, and then to ask for the power and wisdom and will to carry out what He shows me. No half measures, complete obedience. How did Caleb and Joshua differ from the other spies? Joshua and Caleb believed that God would give them the victory regardless of who or how big the people were. When the spies balked, Caleb quieted them and said let us go up at once and possess it; we are well able to conquer it, emboldened by trust in God. Joshua 14:8 "I brought Moses a report as it was in my heart, but my brethren who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt. The spies saw that the land was flowing with milk and honey and showed Moses the huge fruit cluster, BUT they said the people are sons of Anak, the giants. We are not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we are. In fear and trembling, they saw themselves as "grasshoppers" and therefore believed the Anak saw them the same way. How does fear In leaders keep Gods' people from following His will? Leaders are to lead and inspire trust. But if fearful, intimidated and hesitant, those who would follow a strong leader will hang back in cowardice behind "the skirts" of the coward. Why was God angry with Israel for their unwillingness to enter the Promised Land? The people's hearts melted in fear and rebellion. They tried to recruit leaders to take them back to Egypt where they'd been delivered, preferring slavery to following God into the destiny He had prepared for them. Unbelief, even though they had seen the miracles God had performed on their behalf as He was revealing Who He is to them.
  9. Q4 (Joshua lesson 6) How does Bob Munger's "My heart Christ's home" explain the process of surrender? I liked his explanation of opening our heart to Jesus, then gradually inviting Him into all of the "rooms" of our life. Another book which helped me early on was Patterson's "Why is it taking me so long to get better?" He uses the example of during wartime, Marines landing on the shore of an enemy held Island radio back to the ship "The island is secure"...(I'm from a Marine family!) In truth, they held nothing more than a tiny beach head, but were confident they would gradually defeat the enemy and take the entire Island. The Holy Spirit establishes a "beach head" when we are born again, and the slow battle to take enemy held territory begins. It's a life long process, and comforting to remember that our Father is patient, persistent, takes into account our personality as He leads us into a deeper and deeper relationship with Him. How I thank and praise Him for His love and GRACE! What happens to the ugly things in our lives that displease God? The Holy Spirit helps us to grow as He.leads us to renew our minds in His Word so we think His thoughts instead of our old thought patterns. As we grow in grace and become more and more aware of how much we are loved, the ugly things lose their appeal. He creates His desires in us. He leads us into all truth, and the lies we were told and believed lose their power and place. He writes His love letter to others on our hearts of flesh. He keeps cleansing and delivering and moving us forward...until "at that day we will be like Him" and will see Him face to face! (Our "Island or house" now completely His, completely "Secured" ) What is the effect on us? We live for Him. We desire to serve Him. We walk in the light with Him, no longer skulking around in guilt and shame. Because He heals wounds and pours His love into our hearts, we like beggars who have found bread, can't wait to tell others where to find this bread .. The precious Bread of Life.
  10. Q3. Lesson 6: Joshua) In what way does failing to drive out the Canaanites correspond to compromising with sin in our lives? The Israelites grew weary of the constant battle and acquiesced to the Canaanites presence, so accommodated them by making them slaves. When we wink at sin in our lives or justify that it's really not "that bad...or as bad as what we see some doing" we are making room for a compromised faith. It could be something we've done all of our lives, such as living in fear, which is the antithesis of faith. What is the consequence of this compromise? If we are not in denial and are willing to be honest: Justifying habitual compromise will result in nagging guilt. Shame causes damaging life choices and hinders our relationship with others. Our relationship with our Lord will become more and more distant. Church attendance suffers, preferring isolation and wanting to avoid conviction. Our witness will be nullified or at best compromised, if we share at all. (Seems hypocritical to share about forgiveness and victory in Jesus, when living a life of depression and defeat). Failing to deal with habitual sin gives the devil a great place to work on our minds (where the battles are waged), and a foothold to work through us to possibly influence others. Sin will increase and more and more "hiding" and darkness...downward spiral. What must we do to end the compromise? I learned in Christian 12 step Bible Study that first we take a searching and fearless inventory of our wrong doing.....admit it to God and another safe person who will hold us accountable without judging or shaming.(Bring it out of secrecy, into the Light) Surrender it to God, asking Him to remove the sinful practice. Repent. Do a word study on the result of hidden sin or memorize scripture pertaining to the issue or practice, and when tempted to repeat the sin, ask God to strengthen you to deny the fleshly desire and wield the verse or verses memorized to combat the wiles of the devil. Remember that the Lord wants to deliver us more than we want to be delivered. He delights in doing so! We are blood bought and blood washed, forgiven, white as snow! He promises victory if we surrender it to Him. No more hiding in secrecy! Strongholds are the counterfeit of the abiding Word of Christ. (Everything that is not of faith, is sin. Rom 14:23)
  11. Q1 Lesson 6;( Joshua 16 - 19) Why did God tell the Israelites to drive out the Canaanites completely? The Canaanites were extremely wicked and practiced abominable customs (Lev. 18:30) Idolatry, witchcraft, Sorcery, soothsaying. They attempted to cast spells on people and to call up the dead. (Deut 18: 10,11). Snake worship, child sacrifice, and sensual nudity were part of their religious practice. (Unger) He did not want the Israelites to be led into those evil practices. What was the short term result of failing to do this? (Joshua 17:12,13 When they could not drive them out of the land, they gave up the fight and put the Canaanites to forced labor. They acquiesced rather than to obey God. What was the long term result? (Judges 1:2,3) They continued to be a thorn in the Israelites flesh, as they interfered with the tribal distribution of the land, and had to be battled continually. The next generation began to adopt some of the Canaanite practices.
  12. Q 1 lesson 6. (Joshua 10:1-28 In the battle of the five kings what fighting did God do? He gave Joshua His Word that He had given the enemy into Joshua's hand, which gave him courage to lead the army. God strengthened the army to fast march uphill all night long in order to surprise the enemy, and gave them the will and the courage and strength to fight. As they were attacking, God caused the enemy to panic, and as they were being routed, God pelted them with huge hailstones large enough to Kill more than were killed by the soldiers. Then He miraculously made the sun stand still for a day so that the enemy could be completely defeated. What fighting did the Israelites do? They followed Joshua and marched into battle, then wielded the sword against the enemy.(They were obedient) How did God fulfill His promise to Joshua "that no one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life? (Joshua 1:5) God reiterated to Joshua what He said in V.5:"There shall not a man of them stand before you". (Joshua 1:8) (Before the battle. I imagine Joshua needed that encouragement after their stunning defeat at Ai.) The enemy was totally destroyed. Does God expect us to be prepared to fight in the battle with our enemy the devil? How? Paul tells us in I Tim 6:12 to fight the good fight of faith (that battle is always against the Devil) In Ephesians 6:10 "Be strong in the Lord and empowered through your union with Him, draw your strength from Him (that strength which His boundless might provides) Put on God's whole armor which He supplies so that we may be able to successfully stand up against all the strategies and deceits of the devil. ( Amplified) The devil is a defeated foe....declawed, defanged, but roars with a LOUD megaphone to intimidate and frighten us. We have been given authority over him and his cohorts through the mighty Name of Jesus, who crushed his head when He died and rose again. The devil has no power but that which we allow him to wield. Praise is another weapon we've been given, as is prayer and thankfulness. We show up and God does the fighting. I read in a devotion years ago, and I love it. A little girl was asked if she was afraid of the devil and she answered "When he knocks at the door I send Jesus to answer it." The battle belongs to the lord, but we rely on Him for the promised victory. At the cross, Jesus took away the authority which Adam forfeited to the devil when he disobeyed God and "fell", and Jesus gave it to believers to use in His mighty Name. It's ours to wield, (like a traffic cop who holds his hand up to stop traffic or change the direction of flow. He has delegated authority from the state or government to do so, though he has no physical ability to stop cars or trucks, they stop because of the badge of authority he/she wears. Our authority is the Name of Jesus and His blood, as we are in the positional place, seated at the right hand of the Father in Heavenly places (Eph 2:6) with rule over the kingdom of darkness. We are told in Eph 6 to Hold our ground, wielding the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and to stand firmly in our place. (v.13) To share the throne is to share the authority.
  13. Hi Jim,

    I just have to tell you I thoroughly enjoy your answers...you're a breath of fresh air...thank you for your honesty and vulnerability! I will remember to pray for you...for a continual supply of "gigs" and for all of your needs to be met. I fell a few weeks ago and caught myself with my left hand, but jammed the shoulder....I could almost feel your pain! It's healing now but I was stunned at the things I couldn't do without pain. Like comb my hair or get dressed and so on. How wonderful that you were able to pick up your guitar and carry on.

    It sounds to me that the Lord led you into the life of a musician to be a blessing and I love how He teaches you to depend on him for your next  job, income, etc. I'm certain you are a blessing to all who know you and imagine you are a light to those around you. Keep on shining and sharing!

    In Jesus love,


  14. Q4 (Joshua 9:14, 7:1-5) How did Joshua's failure to consult God before making decisions hurt Israel? Joshua presumed (sin of presumption) that all was well, and that the Lord was with them to bring victory, and believed the spies report of a small army which wouldn't even require all of Joshua's men to go to battle....and in not seeking the Lords' guidance, they were defeated, chased away in disgrace and lost 36 men. In the incident in Joshua 9, again Joshua failed to seek God and they were deceived by the men in "costume"...and made a covenant with the imposters, to their detriment later on. How did Jesus model communication with God before making major decisions? Jesus laid aside His Divinity and lived on earth as a sinless man, Who was dependent upon guidance from the Holy Spirit every moment....as we are. He prayed, sometimes all night in solitude before making major decisions, such as who to choose for His disciples, and for strength and comfort before facing the cross and His execution. He was constantly in communication with His Father. What does it take for us to hear God's voice or to get confirmation from God for a course of action? A personal relationship with Jesus is the beginning of hearing and receiving guidance, but I have to say that before I was truly born again, I prayed for His help in delivering our baby (my mother was dead and I was frightened). I asked: Lord if you're there, will you help me deliver this baby quickly and easily without a lot of pain?" Our nearly 9 lb baby was born in less than an hour with no pain! The nurses said that is unheard of for a first baby...and wondered what I did to accomplish that? I said "I didn't do anything, but told them how I prayed. A year later, I prayed again, and said "God if you're there, will you provide a job for my husband with a comfortable salary and NORMAL hours?" (He was a club golf pro and gone every day, at work in the morning before the baby was awake, and home at night after she was in bed....I prayed out of desperation because at that rate she'd never know her father! Several weeks later he was offered a job in California, with a comfortable salary and normal hours....we were in the process of looking to buy a home, from people who were moving to California. We ended up here before they sold their home! That was the beginning of my search to know God...it took a few more years to hear how to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior! I was delirious and kept telling people "God is real! He is alive! He answered my prayers very specifically!!!" People thought I was crazy! I can only speak for myself and my experience, but it took some time for me to recognize His voice. I relied and still rely on Him speaking to me through scripture. Over time, I learned the difference between His voice and my thoughts. (too much danger of "hearing" what I want to hear until I'm certain it's His voice) I used to need several confirmations before I was comfortable, but He showed me the image of a wild untamed stallion who is able to be trained to bit and bridle through gentle, consistent training, until eventually he can be turned this way and that by only a gentle nudge or pressure from the riders knee. That's what He showed me He wanted for us. After 40 years of training, I feel His gentle nudges and respond. For big decisions He almost always says "Wait upon Me"....(Patience...still learning that...probably always will be). While waiting, I listen, I read scripture, sometimes seek counsel from Godly leaders. He has never failed to guide me. Another thing I learned was from Psalm 37, which seems to be my life Psalm...I'm led there often..."The steps of a good man/woman are directed and established by the Lord....." George Mueller, the German missionary to orphans, added in his Bible beside that verse, and I did as well: "and He orders the stops." I start each day in prayer and add: "Lord will you direct my steps today." then I'm aware of His presence, and when I meet someone, my antennae goes up to listen for guidance in conversation. Sometimes what I think is the plan, changes....with a nudge...and I follow. Another helpful thing a Christian mentor shared with me when I was worried that Satan would try to guide me and I'd be fooled, as I didn't know much scripture. She said you can pray for PEACE! Satan is the author of confusion and unrest and anxiety...only the Lord can give you peace. So I might say, Lord, I'm thinking this is what you're saying....if that's the direction, will you give me your peace. If I feel absolute peace, I move in that. The cat jumped on the computer and this long space resulted...I don't know how to fix it....I'm sorry!
  15. Q3 Joshua 9:16-27: Ex 20: 7, Mt 4:34, 37, James 5:12) What does it mean to take the Lord's Name in vain? Merriam- Webster Dictionary: in vain: Without worth or significance, absence of value. God's name is Holy, and is imbued with power and authority. His name is to be spoken with reverence and soberness giving it all the weight and majesty of Who He is. To take His name in vain is to use it in any way which diminishes Who He is. How are we tempted to do that? We may use it to pepper conversation in a light or casual manner, or to use it as a cuss word, or to give weight to a statement or to back up a lie. We trivialize His Name when we use it in ways lacking the respect and honor which is His. Why do we tend to take our promises so lightly? It demonstrates a lack of character. Men in earlier times were judged by their word, and a handshake was further validity to what they promised. (The phrase "A man is only as good as his word" shows how far we have fallen in that regard. Today, promises mean almost nothing. When God speaks, His words go forth In power: "So shall My Word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to Me void (without producing any effect, useless), but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" Isaiah 55:11 How does this reflect on God's Character? Because we are His children, we reflect poorly on our Father, Who always keeps His Word.
  16. Q1 (Joshua 7:20,21 Greed: intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power or food. (Oxford Dictionary) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? Greed is a fallen sinful condition, and is not limited by the amount of wealth we have. It's that covetous desire to have or own more than we need. I see it as trying to fill a "hole in the soul" that can only be filled with God. (St Francis said something like: There is a God shaped void in everyone which only He can fill) When greed exists, it can't be satisfied because enough is never enough. It can also be a symptom which comes from comparing with others, and wanting to be "more" than others, and which is constantly exploited in the media as a desirable quality. How can our greed affect our giving to the church? Greed demands more and more, so giving to the church can be seen as "being robbed of what is ours" rather seeing that all that we have is His, and He allows us to keep 90% of it while asking for only 10% as a tithe. Greedy givers will cut it to the exact amount and not a penny more and with a sour attitude if they give at all. To what degree do you believe that Americans are captive to greed? I think we are a very materialistically sick and twisted society, fed by trying to keep up "with the Joneses" through advertising in the media which shames those who don't buckle to the pressure of buying a new car every year or so, and other nonsense. The saddest part of this is living completely miserable unsatisfied lives while striving for more, rather than being grateful for all that God has provided for us. I saw a statistic that shocked me! The poor in America live better and have more than 3/4 of the worlds population. . How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? As with all sin or brokenness, admitting it is the first step. As long as one is in denial, it is impossible to repent! When we can acknowledge that we are being greedy in an area, we can confess it and ask for forgiveness and for His help in renewing our minds with what His Word says about possessions, wealth, power, and food, etc. Like Paul, we can ask for help in learning to be content in any and all circumstances, whether in want, sufficiency or having just enough. (Phil 4:11)
  17. Q 1 (Joshua 7) How can the sin of one person affect the country? A congregation? The covenant which God cut with Abraham was not only with him, but for the whole nation then and throughout history even to today and beyond. In Jericho God is still working with the nation, so Achan became the example for all regarding disobedience. One spy can reveal secrets which put an entire nation's defense in jeopardy. One gossip spreading a lie can damage an entire congregation as it spreads, each person reacts or responds, makes a judgment, takes sides or passes it on. How does your congregation deal with sin that affects the body? Right now, and for the past few weeks the pastor has brought to our attention that 10 families in our church are dealing with the following issues, all alone, afraid to tell anyone for fear of rejection or all out shunning: Grandparents with a transgender grandchild who is undergoing a sex change operation, another family has a son dying of AIDs, two have teens who have come out as homosexual, and so on. The congregation's sin is in not extending grace, love and kindness to those who are suffering with particularly difficult situations because of our ignorance of scripture.....when one suffers, we all suffer. Sadly, the Church which is to be a hospital for sinners, has become a graveyard for homosexuals and their families. We have 2 darling lesbian neighbors who are married,and I had to admit I didn't feel comfortable inviting them to church. They are lovely women...and in need of the exact amount of grace that was needed to save me! No more, no less. We're all sinners saved by grace, but unfortunately the Church feels so threatened by the LGBTQ community that they are the modern day lepers of society.. How can we take sin seriously without developing a judgmental, legalistic, spirit in our churches? In the case I mentioned above, the self righteous attitude of the congregation created the agony for those families who have become isolated in their suffering, through no fault of their own, but from family members issues who have been judged as outside the limits of forgiveness and grace. Sin is sin....the only sin outside of Grace and forgiveness is in refusing to receive Gods' gift of eternal life through His Son, yet we seem bent on determining which sins are worse than others, (usually the ones we haven't committed or aren't committing currently) Paul tells us how to deal with known, sin in the congregation, and that should be followed by those who are capable of or called to do so, in love. What is the importance of confessing sins on behalf of a congregation, a denomination or a nation? God's goodness leads us to repentance, which is more likely to occur in a congregation where self righteous, legalistic folks are not the norm. For our church, our repentance for the cruelty to those families, through ignorance, was healing...it felt like fresh air blew in through the windows from Heaven. It was healthy to acknowledge that the entire subject has been taboo in the church and to hear it discussed from the pulpit,and to have fears acknowledged and reassurance that there are boundaries and guidelines in place for membership and leadership for the LGBTQ community. (Such as is required for all members...sexual purity, for example, and marriage between one man and one woman, as God's Word tells us.) Just as Winston Churchill did during WWII, and several of our Presidents have done, one individual can call an entire nation to prayer. Hitler was one evil man, whose sin and grab for power led his entire nation to be judged guilty and condemned. Many admitted after the war that they knew about the prison camps but felt powerless, so pretended it wasn't happening. I remember as a young person not wanting to admit that I have German great grandparents, because all of Germany was being held responsible for what one despicable man accomplished. Egypt was held responsible for the Pharaohs decisions, and to this day they have never recovered. Haiti suffers from the sin of slaughtering thousands and thousands of non Haitians in the early 1800's until blood ran ankle deep in the streets. My French great, great grandfather was one of only a handful who escaped, (His account of the massacre is in the Library of Congress, and his book which I inherited, "The Black Rebellion in Haiti", Pierre Etienne Chazotte) I've often thought how wonderful it would be for Haiti if a Godly Haitian leader would confess that national sin and seek God's forgiveness and restoration for that ravaged, impoverished nation which was once lush, green and prosperous prior to the slaughter. God is gracious to forgive true repentance, whether for a congregation, a denomination or a nation.
  18. Q4 (Joshua 6:27) The slaughter of all the people in Jericho is difficult for us to understand. Why do you think God ordered it? It helps me to understand the slaughter when I remember that Jesus was to be born of a certain lineage, undefiled or corrupted by heathen intermarriage, or interference from other religions, or women who might influence the Jewish men and lead them into idolatry...(as happened with Solomon and David and others later on) His lineage remained pure with the addition of the several foreign women, including Rahab who believed and trusted God. His lineage was to be documented and traced back to Adam, so that no imposter could ever claim legitimacy as Messiah. In what sense are you "devoted to the Lord" (1 Cor 6, 19-20). I Am His. He is mine. He bought me from my father the devil who previously owns us all until we are redeemed and washed by the precious blood of Jesus, shed at the cross. I am now His dwelling place or tabernacle here this tiny little corner of the earth, where I'm to shine and reflect Him to those who don't yet know Him. I love that we are "re-gifted"... The Father chose us before the foundation of the world was formed and gave us to Jesus as His love gift. The Holy Spirit wooed us and then introduced us to Jesus Who redeemed us, and gave us back to the Father as His love gift. (John 14, 15, 17:6 "I have revealed Your very self to those You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours and You gave them to Me. John 17:24: Those You have entrusted to Me as your love gift to Me, for they belong to You" John 17:17: Sanctify them (Purify, consecrate, separate them for yourself Father, make them holy) by Truth. That they may be one as we are One. Metaphorically, how does this relate to Jesus' teaching to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him, and Paul's teaching on the crucified life? (Luke 9:23, Romans 6:6, Galatians, 2:20) Because I am now His, I am to "lose sight of myself and my own interests", and follow Him, conforming wholly to His example of living and if need be, in dying also. I was crucified with Him, rose with Him, now He lives in and through me and positionally I am seated with Him at the right hand of the Father in Heavenly places.
  19. Q3. (Joshua 6:1-23) What is the meaning of the seven days of marching with the ark? In Scripture, seven represents God's number of completion, just as the number five represents Grace. Marching with the Ark preceded by Priests and followed by 600,000 soldiers would have been terrifying to those observing the march, but the point was that this was God's battle and it would be done without any weapon being drawn. The only sound was the shofar being blown until the seventh time around and then the shout. I've read that there are a few walls which have been uncovered recently from that era which fell inward, validating that the people were able to go right over them into Jericho. There is one section near a gate that is still standing, which may have been Rahab's dwelling. What does the ark represent? The Ark represents the Throne of Almighty God...His Presence among His people. What mechanism do you think God used to make the walls fall down? It makes sense that God used the timing of an earthquake He knew was coming at that exact time, as He did with the Jordan River and the Red Sea. But it is within His power to have used the vibrations of 600,000 plus marching feet every day for 7 days to cause the walls to fail and fall. He can do anything! I noticed in Psalm 114 that it as much as says that earthquakes were responsible for the Red Sea and the Jordan parting..."When Israel came forth out of Egypt......V3 The Red Sea looked and fled; the Jordan River was turned back. The Mountains skipped like rams, the little hills like lambs. (sounds like the earthquakes we experience here in California!) V7 Tremble, O Earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob!" Swedish scientists are responsible for a documentary I loved watching where they traced the actual Exodus to and through the part of the Red Sea where a land bridge had risen up at the place described in Scripture where they crossed. They showed underwater film of chariot wheels encrusted with coral, tipped on their axles, and other items which could only have been from that time. They used that Psalm and other writing to search underwater for just such a place. It's near the a mountain top which is burned black with an enormous stone altar at the base, which is in the correct proximity to the crossing place to be Mt. Sinai. The Saudi's have a tall fence around that mountain with a no trespassing sign, as if they don't want any Biblical sites to be widely known or explored.
  20. Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God's Armies being with you? He has promised in Hebrews 13:5 that He will never leave me nor forsake me....not for one second am I alone, whether I feel like I am or not. Psalm 91:1 says that I dwell in the secret place of the most High (each believing child of God dwells there) under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand. In Isaiah 54:17 He promises that NO WEAPON that is formed against me shall prosper or tongue that rises against me in judgment shall be shown to be in the wrong. This peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition is the heritage of the servants of the Lord (those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord (Jesus) is reproduced; (amplified) This is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me (this is that which I impart to them as their justification, says the Lord.") I may be attacked, even viciously, and have been a time or more over the years, but I am never left alone to do battle. He is always with me, and has promised victory as the outcome. Those battles prove His faithfulness, and rather than defeat, form His character in me. So it's a win / win though painful during the fight. I've learned over the years that He's longing for relationship, and that is what battles and struggles produce as I lean on Him in trust. If He will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of? My job is to trust, rely on, and believe in His faithfulness, and to stand and not run, knowing that the armor He has provided (Ephesians 6) covers only the front of me as I face the enemy,. and that His truth and His faithfulness are my shield and buckler. (While standing, I am to pray and seek His guidance and wisdom about any actions on my part and to obey whatever He shows me to do.) This week during an "viral attack" on my computer which left me unable to even turn it on, He advised me during prayer to "wait on Him". This morning was the third day of waiting and I was getting frustrated. I was supposed to send out 22 reminder emails the day it "died" , and then magically He did the work without me having to pay someone or do anything. It just turned on! Very strange, but I saw that this was another lesson in trust, and one of patiently waiting without fear. (Which is a struggle for me whenever money is required, that I don't have!)
  21. Q1. What is Joshua's challenge question to the Unknown Warrior with drawn sword? Are you for us or for our enemies? Who is He? He is God Himself...the Theophany, or 3 in One, represented as Christ the Victor, as in Revelation 19. Whose side is He on? Neither. He is the Commander of the Army of the Lord having a private audience with Joshua. Whose side are you on? I'm on the Lord's side...He said we are either for Him or against Him. There is no neutral ground. I love that He requires an answer, and a commitment so that we aren't in limbo about where we stand. Nor should anyone else be unsure about our stand. Why does an encounter with Him require us to humble ourselves? He is our King and our Lord. We are His creatures, His subjects and are not worthy to stand in His Presence. One day EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF THE FATHER....What a tragic day for those who took the wrong stand and opposed Him or just chose to ignore His invitation. Why is it so hard to submit ourselves to God? We are fallen creatures who can easily forget that He IS and we're not! Humility is learned, and cultivated as we submit to Him and allow Him to work His character in us, as well as the other fruit of His Spirit (Gal. 5:22,23) We are told to humble ourselves...a less painful option than to not do so, and to have Him humble us, which in His grace and mercy He will do for our good and His glory.
  22. A). Manna was a special provision for the Israelites as they traveled and wandered in the wilderness, unable to grow or produce food on their own. It was a provision to train them in dependence upon God, so that when they "lived in houses they did not build, furnished with things they didn't buy, and eat of the crops already planted for them" that they would not forget Who their provider is in every area of their lives. B). There seems to be an ebb and flow of "manna" ....sometimes plenty and sometimes just barely enough. I think the lesson for us is the same as it was for them. Am I grateful for the provision of plenty which comes with ease or do I take it for granted and think I accomplished it on my own? In times of just barely enough and none to spare, am I grateful for every morsel or do I complain that life is hard and feel victimized by the scarcity? God promises to meet all of our needs, but not all of our wants. These have been faith lessons for me, to train me in recognizing that "God is the blessed controller of all things." Jesus said we are to ask for our "daily bread". I think He just wants to hear from His children acknowledging our need for Him, and that we are not independent of His loving care. (like 2 year olds we may say "I want to do it myself".) C) When I was a new believer and had been showered with plenty, one day in a local panic, our stores were cleaned out of all meat and every kind of bread, crackers, etc. I had planned on going to the store after Bible study for items for our children's school lunches, only to find the shelves bare. I came home empty handed and in a panic. When I drove into the driveway, I noticed bags on our front steps. I investigated, and there were 4 large bags filled with every kind of bread and meat imaginable. I have no idea who put them there, but this was the beginning of His wonderful, loving training in my life. There isn't room to recount all of the miraculous provision He has sent our way and continues to do so. A very special one this week is we are celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary and this happens to be a time of scarcity for us so we made no plans for a celebration. We didn't imagine that anyone even knew of our anniversary, but we got a call from a young couple saying they knew it was our 50th and their Bible Study group wants to honor us by providing a special time for us, which includes a bed and breakfast, meals and $500.00 with which to spoil ourselves and to celebrate. We are BLESSED...The Lord just never stops surprising us with His love, grace, mercy and generosity and with how and who He nudges to send His love our way!!!!
  23. Q4 (Joshua 4) Why did Joshua have men from each tribe stack river boulders for a monument? What was the effect of this on future generations? What is the value of faith monuments in our day? What is the danger? Does your church building have more monuments to the past than indications of God's present working? Why? A. The boulders were to be a representation for all of Israel...not just a segment here and there, so one boulder for each of the 12 tribes. This was to be a reminder to future generations who might ask "Why are these stones piled up?" And they would then be told of the miraculous deliverance the Lord provided for them to cross over into the promised land on dry ground, much like their parents had crossed over the Red Sea coming out of Egypt. They would be told that the Priests (representing God's presence) stood in the middle of the river, the deepest part, and held the Ark of the Covenant on their shoulders while every man, woman and child passed before it and with His blessing, safely to the other river bank and the promised land. B. The effect of the "Cairn" (monumental pile of stones to memorialize a work of God in that place) was to keep the story alive, so they would always know that they were led there by the Lord, and that this is the land given to them through the covenant God cut with Abraham, and for all future generations. There was to be no doubt about the privileged place they occupied, and that they didn't achieve this gift on their own accord but were led there by the Lord through Joshua's leadership and God's miraculous intervention. C. Monuments cause those who see them to reflect upon God and what He accomplished on our behalf, even though some may not have been born when it was erected, or when the work of God was accomplished which precipitated it's being erected. D. The danger is that monuments may become objects of worship which belongs only to the Lord.(Much like some people worship or look to the stars for guidance, rather than to the God who created the stars!) E. No. The buildings being built as they were, are monuments to His faithfulness against many odds. He alone is worshipped and glorified.
  24. Q3 (Joshua 3:13-17) How was Joshua able to announce the miracle of Jordan stopping its flow ahead of the event? What kind of faith did it require to do so? What did this do to his credibility as a leader? A. Joshua had a personal intimate relationship with the Lord....He accompanied Moses to the tent of meeting whenever he met with the Lord, and often stayed behind after Moses left the tent and went back to his duties. When it was time to cross the Jordan, the Lord spoke to Joshua and told him exactly what to say to the people about what He was going to do. B. I'm trying to think... I've had that experience and it is so powerful that it is easy to just repeat what the Lord has spoken.(A gift of the Holy Spirit, called a word of knowledge or a word of wisdom) I imagine Joshua just repeated what the Lord said...he'd been with Moses in the tent of meeting for years and had heard Moses go out to the people and repeat what he'd been given to tell them. The Lord also affirmed Joshua's leadership beforehand by saying "This day I will begin to magnify you in the sight of all Israel, so they may know that as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. You shall command the priests who bear the ark of the convenant, "When you come to the brink of the waters of Jordan, you shall stand still in the Jordan. ....Then Joshua repeated the Lord's words to the people with the expectation that the Lord would do exactly what He had told Joshua, and as He'd seen the Lord do over and over again on the long journey to bring them to this point. I think Joshua was filled with excitement and expectation as he obeyed the Lord. C. It made a smooth transition from Moses' leadership to Joshua's. There was no murmuring or complaining or rebellion....so they obviously felt comfortable that the Lord was leading them through Joshua now and they obeyed and followed directions or commands.
  25. Lesson 3 Q2 (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? They were going to follow the Lord into battle where He promised to do wonders among them. Consecrating or Sanctifying means to separate yourself for a special holy purpose, so this was to remind the Israelites this was His battle, and they were to be His instruments in the battle. Victory would be His, the glory would be His. This wasn't just any battle, this was the entrance into the Promised Land, His gift to them and the fulfillment of His covenant with Abraham. (For all generations of Jews who were to come.) What might this entail? It might entail changing their mindset from the mundane tasks they'd been doing, to reverence for this sacred task, and the acknowledgement that they were not their own, but they belonged to Him through the covenant God made with Abraham. Symbolically they were required to bathe, put on clean clothes. (symbolism for internal cleansing). Consecration is service or to wait upon the Lord. It meant to surrender their bodies for whatever purpose He had for them in this battle. They lived under the law, so it would mean repenting and offering sacrifice for specific sins which took them out of fellowship with God. They were to do no work, and to focus on Him. It meant to abstain from sexual relations, reflecting total devotion to Him and His mission for them without distraction from married love relationships. In what ways do you personally need to consecrate yourself? What would this require of you? “Our entire life is directed toward the service of God. Consecration is not how much we can give to God. It is being accepted by God and being granted the honor of serving Him.” Consecration means that we say, “Lord, You have given me the opportunity and the right to come before You and to serve You.” It is saying, “Lord, I am Yours. My ears were purchased by the blood; they belong to You. My hands were purchased by the blood; they belong to You. My feet were purchased by the blood; they belong to You. From now on I can no longer use them for myself.” (Watchman Nee) This is how I endeavor to live my life: surrendered to Him each morning.....I've known and recognized for years, the reality of not being my own, and that I am His, for whatever purpose He has for me each day. But since our family promise involves entering a "land" He promised us years ago, I think it would be entirely appropriate to have a family prayer time prior to setting foot in the property lines...acknowledging that this land is His, and asking that He guide us in how to use it best for His purposes. I plan to have a small pile of rocks at the entrance, called a Cairn, which is symbolic of the rocks the Priests removed from the Jordan, one for each tribe, and piled them beside the river as a remembrance for what God did on that site in causing the Jordon River to be rolled back while the priests stood holding the Ark while the people all crossed on dry land into the Promised land.
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