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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. Q1. (Joshua 3:1) Why do the Israelites have to break camp at Shittim before the day they cross Jordan? It could be that in being worn out from the long journey, and grieving the death of Moses, and now new leadership in Joshua, it was to break their pattern of long tiresome stays in each place they camped and the apathy which followed. I imagine they settled in to the sameness and boredom of not much happening at each place, so they were not sharp and emotionally ready for battle. To settle in for 3 days then a quick order to "pay attention...we're at a critical point now," the commanding officers went throughout the camp saying "When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God being borne by the Levites, set our from where you are and follow it. It was a "prepare to prepare" and stay alert and ready to move order. In what ways is your life settled into a routine that keeps you from fully following God’s leading? We've definitely settled into a routine, after waiting 20 years in this location, yet knowing that we are going to be moving. However for us it is not to enter battle, it's to rest from 40 years of battling many kinds of enemies and hardship in the wilderness, with a "carrot of promise" always dangling in front of us saying "this is temporary and when the time is right I'll give the order to "move". That promise and others have kept me being alert, always watching for His leading and to be ready, and yet to carry on here as if we are here permanently. What do you need to do to be ready? I am ready. Our family is ready. We're looking forward to what He has promised will be a "quick work"...almost head swimmingly quick when He's ready. He will not have to "clip our roots", as He did the Israelites at Shittim.
  2. Q4: God honored Rahab for her faith. That she chose to lie to protect the spies was justified, and also saved her life and the lives of her family. I think in certain situations it may be the lesser of two evils. Certainly in cases of life and death, yes, it is permissible. To lie is sin, but the saving of lives is virtue. Rahab had no knowledge of sin, so her lie demonstrated her faith and her desire to follow God.
  3. Q3: (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:5, Matthew 1:5) Why is a prostitute honored by being mentioned three times in the New Testament? How does God look on prostitution? On Prostitutes? How did Jesus treat prostitutes? What does this teach us about God's attitude toward sinners and sin? Why is a prostitute honored by being mentioned three times in the New Testament? Rahab was so honored because she chose to believe God, and at the risk of her life! She was most likely a Baal worshipper with no knowledge of the One true God, except for what "she had heard" about Him. Remarkable! How does God look on prostitution? On Prostitutes? We put degrees on sin...usually the ones we aren't guilty of, we judge as worse than ours. God looks on each individual with love, and sees either one who has come to believe in His Son and is therefore covered in His righteousness or as one who doesn't yet know Him and is unrighteous and needing to be redeemed. "Whatever is not from faith, is sin". Rom 14:23. A prostitute is just another sinner needing to be saved by His Grace. No better nor worse than the next sinner. How did Jesus treat prostitutes? What does this teach us about sinners and sin? Jesus primarily hung out with sinners because this was His purpose on earth: to save and redeem that which was lost in the fall in Eden. When the Triune God said in Genesis 1:26 "Let us make mankind in our image" the result was that every human being has a "stamp of God" in them, whether they believe in Him or not and deserve to be treated with dignity and kindness. Jesus modeled this in how he treated tax collectors, (hated by all), adulterous women, lepers and other outcasts, such as the shunned woman with the issue of blood, the "sons of thunder", James and John (Mark 3:17), who also needed to be redeemed, the Samaritan woman, who had multiple husbands and was now living with a man not her husband. Jesus spoke the truth in love to each individual regarding their condition, without shaming or humiliating them and while welcoming them into His "circle" of love. Each of us is born in a fallen condition, regardless of how we live out that condition, and need the same exact measure of grace to be saved as the next person. My attitude should be the same....I'm a sinner saved by grace alone, and so grateful to be His daughter, that I am to look at others as He does, and to be eager to share His love with whomever...regardless of their "sin condition".
  4. Q2: Joshua 2:2-11) What indicates that Rahab believes in Israel's God Yahweh? What does she believe about Yahweh? She hid the spies from the King's emissaries asking about them, lied to protect them saying they had come and gone back out the city gate. In V. 9, she confesses her faith to the spies by saying she knew the Lord had given them the land and that terror had fallen upon all of the inhabitants because of them....and how they had heard about how the Lord had dried up the Red Sea and what was done to Sihon and Og, Kings of the Amorites. "For the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath." How deep is Rahab's faith? Deep enough to defy her King, which meant risking her life and probably that of her family as well if she'd been discovered hiding the enemy. How deep a faith does someone need to have in order to be saved from the destruction of a city? Enough faith to first, believe destruction is imminent, and then to take action to either escape or if not enough time for that, to seek the Lord's protection while remaining in the city. From eternal punishment? Enough faith to believe that there is only One way to be saved from that eternal punishment: through God's Son, Jesus Christ and His death on the Cross and resurrection from the dead and to ask for and then receive this precious, free gift. So amazing and so simple that a small child can be born again, and yet so many will never ask or receive, believing instead that their works will attain a place for them in Heaven.
  5. Q1. What were the spies sent to learn? Joshua sent them to spy out the land....size of the army, fortifications, population, places where his army might find advantage, even the will of the people to engage in a fight. Why do you think they sought to lodge in a prostitute's house? Probably because it might prove better cover for them than a place of lodging....visiting men were apt to seek out a prostitute. (in archeological digs they've discovered foot prints carved into street stones from the wharves to the houses of known prostitutes to lead visitors right to their doors! Like bent twigs on trails or arrows drawn on walls to mark paths) Prostitutes were known to make arrangements and secret meetings between clients, so they may have thought they'd uncover answers to Joshua's questions without actually sneaking around inside Jericho knowing they'd be recognized as spies. Do you think God sent them there? I do. God knows the future...and "All things serve God even the entire Universe" (Ps.119:91) Which includes the devil and ALL things. Before the foundation of the world was formed He knew this mission, and He had promised victory. They may not have realized they were being led, and though there were no footprints carved in stone, as in port cities, He directed their path, which was for them as well as for Rahab and her family who were "marked" by the Lord to be spared, and for her to be one of the several female "links" in the lineage of Jesus! She had all of the information they were seeking....the people had already heard the Lord had dried up the Red Sea and what had been done to Sihon and Og, the two kings of Amorites, and they were terrified! We too can depend upon His guidance as He promises in Isaiah 30:21: "And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying "This is the way, walk in it: when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left." He leads us now by His indwelling Holy Spirit.
  6. Q4a: What does it mean to meditate on the Word? It means to read it, ponder what it means and what it's saying to me at this moment in my life and whatever I'm facing. It means to "chew on it"....think about it and allow the Lord to enlighten what He is saying. It can mean to memorize it, and to become familiar with His word. It means to allow the Holy Spirit entrance to our thinking so we think His thoughts. 4b: What is the difference between Christian meditation and Easter meditation? Christian meditation is focused on the Word of God allowing Holy Spirit to quicken the meaning to us, whereas Eastern meditation is focused on cultish or non Christian writings, unknown gods or even on self or achieving "nothingness". 4c.How does God work through His Word to renew our minds? As we read and meditate on God's word it becomes more and more a part of our thinking. It replaces lies and unbelief with His truth. It replaces darkness with His light. It replaces teaching we learned from family or in school which is not in alignment with God's Word. It clarifies confusion between right and wrong. It replaces ignorance or "darkness" with wisdom and insight for living. It reveals Who He is and Whose I am...and Who I am in Christ...not who I was told I am by others.
  7. . 3 a. Joshua 1:6-8) What kinds of things might Joshua be tempted to fear if he were to allow himself to dwell on his anxieties? Joshua was in his 70's....did he fear his body giving out before the battle to conquer the land was complete? Did he fear defeat from the enemy? Did he fear his army would not trust his leadership in the heat of battle, and turn and run? Did he fear battle and bloodshed and losing loved ones? Did he fear being crushed by the responsibility given him or letting God down? Did he fear God might not show up as He never failed to do with Moses? Did he fear being killed in battle and leaving the people without leadership? 3b. What does it mean to be strong and very courageous? To be strong and very courageous means: Do what you've been given to do, even while afraid...trusting in God to bring completion and victory. Or in my case, it's put on my big girl panties and stop being a wimp, because the God of the Universe is on my side and never loses a battle! He makes us more than conquerors! 3c. What is the distinction between weakness and strength in Joshua's situation? Joshua's weakness will be overcome by faith in God's promised presence and strength as he obeys the command of God. 3d. What is the relationship between fear and faith? They are polar opposites. Although fear is a God given emotion meant to enable us to escape danger or to move us to right wrongs or move in obedience to Him, the devil attacks and mocks us to try to derail or stop us from doing what God calls us to try to nullify our faith and belief in God. The Lord quickened these verses to me when I was new in the Lord, and emphasized "do not be dismayed" so I looked up its meaning: "To disable with alarm, depress the sprits of, or courage of. It is to appall, horrify, daunt, and means to unnerve and arrest in action...it implies loss of power to proceed because one is balked by terror or great perplexity. It implies an overwhelming paralyzing dread or terror and impotence when one is confronted by that which confounds yet which one is unable to altar." (It's the loud roar of our enemy hoping we don't remember that he has only the power we allow him to have, and that he is "toothless, declawed" and impotent and entirely defeated by the Blood of Jesus) Faith is believing in what God says, regardless of what the circumstances tell us is "reality" and then acting on His word. 3e. Can you be courageous and still be fearful? Yes, courage isn't the absence of fear, it's moving forward and trusting God with the outcome in spite of the fear. Having no fear is fearlessness....not courage; or another way of saying that is "Doing it while afraid."
  8. Q2 a, Joshua had seen Moses' weakness and frailty shored up by the Lord's Presence and power as the only means of leading the unruly and rebellious Israelites for 40 years. I believe Joshua recognized that he had weakness and frailty as well, and that success was only possible and contingent upon God's abiding and guiding nearness. b. Without this promise I would succumb to fears which crippled me emotionally for many years. Early in my walk with Jesus, He gave me this promise, and also Ps 46:10: "Be still and know that I AM God." When I was asked to lead a Bible Study group in the early years, this promise told me that He would lead the group through me, and though I thought I would have to pull to the side of the road feeling like I would throw up from the fear on my way to the church, His promise got me there every week, and the fear diminished as I saw how faithfully He showed up in every situation, and gave me courage and wisdom. Later when I was asked to lead the leaders, I was able to step into that role because I knew He wouldn't abandon me. Several years later when I was asked to write a block of the lessons for the next year I was terrified at the responsibility, but I accepted the task because of His promise....and when I was stymied at times, He would nudge me awake at night and I'd "hear" "This is the direction I want you to go on this lesson". Or "Ask this question" about a difficult to understand passage of scripture. I felt silly when praised at the end of the year, because I knew He had written the lessons while I was just the scribe with the pen. So in my present situation with family members fighting cancer, and a brother who has died twice but revived and still in hospital after 3 and a half months, a son living with us who has lost everything but his cat (which has been dying from liver issues for a year but keeps on going) and who are both sleeping on our living room floor in our small apartment while becoming stable. My husband is 77 years old who still works several days a week at a physically demanding job so we can afford groceries. I'm worn out from the years of struggle, trials and waiting for all that He has promised but on Whom I rely for strength just about every moment of every day. He's my joy and my hope! He never leaves! He can't...He lives in me...He won't because he can't lie! c. What limitations do I have? I'm limited in just about every area of my life: age, finances, resources, and skills. but I've learned from past experience with His faithfulness, that "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." So though limitations abound, I have no excuses to give up, or to fear, or to believe the lie that "I can't because....." He is more than enough!
  9. 1.a In order to possess the land it was necessary for Joshua to enter the land, then purposely step it off or walk it out, then fight for it, in order to claim and inhabit it, but with the assurance that it was already theirs! 1b. God honors faith...."whatever is not of faith is sin".(Romans 14:23) Passivity shows lack of real interest, and no willingness to engage with God, in faith. Faith requires that we take God at His Word and believe it is meant for us and claim it for our own....and I am determined to keep on believing and pressing in, for years if necessary. 1c. The area of a healed marriage....which has required me to ask and depend upon Him to do the work of restoration. It was required of me to get counseling and to engage in a Christian 12 step group where I could be honest about my brokenness and dysfunction from growing up in a violent, abusive, loveless, neglectful family. Exposing the abuse to the light and receiving support and prayer from other broken people has given me a safe place to learn new behaviors and to practice healthy behavior. As He has taken me through healing work, our marriage has improved and growth has taken place! We will celebrate 50 years of marriage on Oct 3. A much different outcome than the divorce which was inevitable without the Lords' nudging me to press in and to actively seek His guidance, wisdom, strength and courage, and to be willing to face the pain of childhood years so the "pus" could drain and a temporary scab would quit forming in favor of true emotional and spiritual healing. Pressing in required grieving and lots of forgiveness. It also involves patience, perseverance, and standing on God's promises!
  10. Q3 Phil 2:16 In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life? ​Jesus is the Word made flesh. We hold fast to Him through our relationship with Him...in prayer, both speaking and listening, in fellowship with Him, and through reading His Word, allowing Him to transform us by the renewing of our minds...to become who we are now in Christ. ​ In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life? ​We hold forth the Word of Life, as we live each day, and when we have opportunity to share His love and life with others. Others observe how we live...whether we talk a "good talk" or walk the talk we speak about. There are opportunities every day with every one we encounter to represent the Word of Life. How does this relate to the purpose of the Church? ​The purpose of the Church is to encourage, and equip each one to fulfill the Great Commission....to GO and make disciples of all nations. As we both hold fast and hold forth the Word of Life, the church becomes that welcoming place to the lost to come in out of the dark and the cold. His light in us if not obscured with the junk of the world will attract others to want to know Him.
  11. Q2 Phil 2:14-15) How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky? ​Stars shine in a dark sky when there are no clouds or fog obscuring their light. Complaining and arguing are like dark clouds muddying the image ​of the Church, obscuring the image of Jesus and making disunity and self centered egotism the main focus shown to the world. What does this shining as stars signify? ​The Light and love of our Lord...a beacon to the lost, the broken, the sinner, the disheartened, to come and see the beauty of Jesus! It invites scrutiny and offers a welcome to all to come and taste and see that He IS GOOD! Stars shine more clearly when it's really dark, like our world, and penetrate the darkness. ​Each of us is a letter, written by our Lord on hearts of flesh, not of stone (legalism, cold, unbending, unyielding) as his ambassadors! How we speak and behave is how observers will view our beautiful Jesus.....either reflecting the Glory of God, or eroding His Glory. We are to influence the world with His love, truth and grace...bringing Light into the darkness. ​ Have complaining and arguing compromised your church's witness as a God-place? If so what can you do to change this? ​No, thank the Lord! Our church is a very loving, serving, wonderful God-place. ​
  12. Q1 (Phil 2:12-13) In this passage, what does it mean to "work out your own salvation?" Is this referring to salvation from sin? If not what kind of salvation is it referring to? Our only "work" is to allow the Holy Spirit to "work in us"....since we have been called to REST and TRUST. We did not "work to earn" salvation from sin, only said "Yes" to His invitation and allowed Him to rescue us and save us from sin. This passage refers to allowing the Holy Spirit to have permission and access to accomplish whatever is before us in life, be it spiritual obstacles, relational obstacles, financial obstacles, physical obstacles. It's His work which achieves the goal whenever we say "Yes" to His Lordship in our lives.
  13. Q4 (Phil 2:9-11) We know we're supposed to humble ourselves like Jesus did. But how can we know whether or not God will exalt us? ​We have His promise! 1 Peter 5:6 "Humble yourselves (demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation) under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you." (amplified) and...1 Peter 5:5 "but gives grace, favor and blessing to the humble". "Whoever exalts himself ​(with haughtiness and empty pride) shall be humbled (brought low) and whoever humbles himself (whoever has a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly) shall be raised to honor." Mt. 23:12 amplified Why do we get impatient with this? ​ We are mostly broken and wounded people by the time we discover that we are lost and need to be rescued and saved. Our fallen nature wants to be lifted up and craves the spotlight to cover our shame an brokenness. God will not exalt the proud, so therefore He takes time and care to bring us to the place where we are able to handle being lifted up without it leading to further pride and egotism. What does our impatience sometimes lead to? ​​ Boasting, or working and serving to be seen so that we receive honor rather than the One who deserves to be glorified through our service. Replacing Jesus with our ego, on the throne of our lives. Self seeking, self pandering, self centeredness, and losing sight of why He rescued us from sin and from ourselves. Self exaltation rather than exalting our beautiful Savior and Lord! Impatience demonstrates that we are not in a place of humility and guarantees that the wait will be longer! He chooses when...and not until it will no longer lead to more self adulation. His promise is "IN DUE TIME" which means HIS TIME. ​​
  14. Q3 (Phil 2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one? ​Jesus was really a human being. I've read that babies receive their blood from the father. Jesus was in every way a human being, but with the blood of HIS Father in Heaven, which was sinless and holy, since He was conceived by the Holy Spirit rather than an earthly father. He was fully God and fully man...sinless and perfect in every way, but with the limitations of humanity. His body experienced fatigue, pain, hunger, thirst....He experienced everything that we experience, yet without sin. ​What do these verses teach? ​The verses say that He stripped Himself of all privileges and rightful dignity so as to assume the guise of a servant/slave, in that He became like men and was born a human being. He was a helpless infant totally dependent upon the care of His earthly parents, crawled before toddling then walking, lost baby teeth, learned to read and write as we do, and so on. He was the second Adam...yet without the sinful fallen human nature like the first Adam after the fall. What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human? As our Savior, He was the perfect sacrifice...the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. To be that sacrifice He must be human and pour out real human ​blood to make right all that Adam's fall destroyed. The blood of Lambs, oxen or goats were only a temporary "fix" until the perfect God/man Lamb gave His life for us once and for all.​ Being human, He demonstrated that we too are to depend upon God our Father every day, and empowered by the Holy Spirit as born again believers we are able to overcome this world. It comforts me when I'm hurting or exhausted or grieving, to know that He understands everything I'm confronted with, including sin, and gives me a way of escape, by calling on His power and strength to resist. (This helps me to remember that unbelievers have no such help....they have no power to overcome sin, and therefore cannot live with victory. It motivates me to want to share the good news with them!)
  15. Q2 (Phil2:6) In your own words, what does it mean that Christ didn't cling to his equality with God? Jesus was One with God, with all of the fullness and attributes of God, such as Deity, power, authority, but humbled Himself to be born as a baby in a manger, stripping Himself of all things God (Power, Glory, Honor, etc) though he retained His sinless God-nature, and limited His life here on earth to submission and obedience to His Father's will....rather than His own, modeling to us how to live in utter dependence upon God. How specifically does this passage teach that Jesus was divine? ​Jesus possessed the fullness of the attributes which make God, God....was One with God and in the form of God. Jesus is God, was always God, will always be God!
  16. Q1 (Phil 1-4) To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary? ​Humility recognizes that we are ALL on equal ground at the foot of the cross....all equal but with different gifts. All bond-servants of Jesus, with a common ​goal: Serving one another, growing in Christ, bringing joy to His heart, and growing the Kingdom through multiplication. Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church? At a former church, friction between two associate pastors arose due to competition with one another. One went to a different denomination and got "re-ordained" in that group, and started a church in his home with key people from the church, and ended up taking a large group with him to the new church he started. What are you doing to bring unity in your church? ​My goal is to treat everyone with the same equality, respect and kindness with which I would like to be treated....refusing to "take the bait of Satan: Being offended." I don't gossip or "stir the pot" if I disagree with someone, "agreeing to disagree" on unimportant issues. I ask the Lord to give me "His eyes to see others", and His love to permeate my words and actions. I serve quietly without fanfare, encouraging others whenever I can. ​I heard a statistic recently that there are more Christians with "church wounds" no longer attending church, than there are Christians who do attend church. My family ​has felt the sting of church wounds from the past and one of us will not enter a church to this day. The accuser of the brethren, agitated one of the pastors I mentioned above who made a false accusation causing great humiliation....and when the lie was discovered, was too arrogant and proud to apologize to him. I am highly motivated to pursue peace in the interest of unity, so that no one on my account is ever in the wounded, no longer attending church, category! ​
  17. Q4 (Phil1:23) What do Philippians 1:23 and 2 Cor. 5:6-8 teach about the state of Christians immediately after death? ​They teach that to be absent from this body is to be present with Christ. How does this comfort you? ​I grew up in a church that taught "soul sleep". I remember the first time I heard this in a sermon, and could feel the fear rise in and around me, as the pastor said "you may float around in the universe for thousands of years disembodied, but asleep" ​ Not too long after that I became a born again believer, and was thrilled beyond words when I read Paul's words, which dispelled the error of "soul sleep" teaching. It removes all dread or fear of death. It's a comfort to know that not only will He never leave me for one second while I'm here on earth, but that the moment I close ​my eyes here, I'll walk right into His arms on the other side of the veil without a moment's separation from His presence. How does this energize you? It stirs up in me the desire to be with Him there when He calls for me, and has removed the scary speculations of the old teaching. There is nothing to fear....here or there. I can live for Him now, speak for Him now, and am ready to be with Him forever "at that day" and hopefully will be joined by those with whom I've shared the gospel.
  18. Q3 (Phil 1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? ​Fear is a God-given emotion given to enable us to run from a threat or to retreat when we sense danger. When fear hinders a bold witness (or a timid one as well), it may be due to a wound from our past or having been hijacked by the enemy and is being used against us and against God's purposes in us. ​​Why does fear of people bind our tongues? ​Having been severely abused as a child by violent parents and their death threats, this was a huge issue for me. The "fear of man" kept me out of bad situations, but when I became a Christian, this fear paralyzed me from entering into all that God had for me, including witnessing for Him. Because of potential backlash from a listener I was afraid there might be a confrontation or push-back, and I wouldn't know how to handle it or know what to say. It was an irrational fear exploited by the enemy to shut my mouth. But fear of witnessing can amount to nothing more than worrying about what someone might think, or the loss of a relationship or just awkwardness, and is enough to stifle the Holy Spirit which gives our enemy victory in His hatred toward God and His children. How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? ​"Losing my life" for Christ's sake, means that I am totally and unashamedly "sold out to Him" regardless of what my flesh or others may want or think, or what our enemy has in mind, and has come about for me through surrendering to the Holy Spirit countless times over the years as I've seen how emotionally crippled I had become, and through His power and patient work in my life to restore my soul. As He became my Lord and not just my Savior and gained more and more "territory" in me, the fear of man lessened and lost its' place in not only my thinking but in the "gut reactions" which used to happen unbidden. The abundant life is freedom that only Christ can bring, to live in Him, for Him, through Him and is the joy of knowing that the enemy who used to look like the monster of the black lagoon, is just a toothless foe whom Jesus defeated on the cross when He defanged and declawed him of any power EXCEPT that which I allow him to exert over me. What fear is keeping you from clear witness? He has overcome that fear. I can now share unhindered, about the abundant life available in Christ, and the joy of His love, forgiveness, restoration and salvation for those who will say "Yes" to His gift. ​
  19. Q2 (Phil 1:18b-19) Why is our ability to rejoice so dependent upon our faith that God is in control, working even in the midst of difficulty? ​When we believe that God is in control, we have the assurance that "He is working all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose" and His purpose is always for our growth in Him and for the furtherance of His Kingdom....so it's all good, no matter what the circumstances look like! What must you believe in order to be able to rejoice in the midst of problems? ​I must believe He is Sovereign, loving, just and all wise, knows the future and is always victorious....in Christ we are victorious, even if for a time it appears that Satan is winning. What is your basis for believing that? After 43 years of standing on His Word, being loved unconditionally and experiencing His wonderful care, He is true...He never fails...He is Who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do...every time! ​
  20. Q1 (Phil 1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? ​When we testify about God's faithfulness and we are hurting or struggling, those hearing see Jesus, and recognize that It's Him that we are relying on to carry us through the stressful or painful trial, rather than that we are just murmuring or complaining about being in a hard place. It gives real credibility to the fact that Jesus is alive....in pain we would not testify to a lie. Why was Paul's witness so powerful? ​Paul had learned to be content in whatever situation he found himself....whether in plenty or in want, in prison or walking in freedom. He always praised God and glorified Him, pointing others to Jesus in every conversation and situation. The more painful his trial, the more powerful his witness. What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? ​There are many I could share since this has been a season which feels as if a "hornets nest" has been disturbed in our midst! But the one which I think points most ​to Him is that we have been in the wilderness for many years waiting for His promises to be fulfilled, and though faced with aging and hardship I am still trusting Him and believing what He has promised rather than giving in to depression and despair.
  21. Q4 (Phil 1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? ​He wanted them to discern with keen insight and discernment what is vital and to prize what is excellent and of real value...distinguishing the moral differences, and that they be unerring and blameless, not stumbling or causing others to stumble. What will be the result of discernment in their lives? That they would abound in and be filled with the fruits of righteousness, to the honor and praise of God...that His glory would be both manifested and recognized. How does selfishness cloud discernment? ​Selfishness (the flesh) is always at odds with what God desires, and is linked with pride and control....the enemies of our soul! What we want most may seem crucial, and may cloud our ability to recognize or to even bother to inquire what God wants. (That worldly catch phrase of some years ago summed this up. "If it feels good, do it." We could say as believers and err in the same way "If it feels right, do it". How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? ​There are many things which are good, but the question we must ask is "Is it good or is it God?" To pursue the good, may rob us of the best that God has for us, and this takes discernment, prayer, and listening for His guidance in order to discern the difference.
  22. Q3 (Phil 1:6) What does Paul expect God to do for the Philippian believers? ​Just as He gave us the gift of forgiveness and eternal life when we first said "Yes!" to His invitation, Paul expects God to complete the work ​of conforming them into the image of Christ....so "at that day, they will be like Him (Jesus)" Why does he expect God to do this? What is the basis of Paul's confidence? Paul's confidence was based on that fact that the Philippians were partakers and sharers with him, in God's grace, favor and spiritual blessing. ​​On what basis can we expect God to do this for us? ​Our expectation is based on His word....His promise to continue to develop, perfect, and bring to completion "the good work which He began in us." God always finishes what He starts!
  23. Q2 Phil 1:6 When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church what do we receive out of the partnership? ​We receive the joy from giving our tithes and offerings as we are instructed to "bring our gifts into the storehouse of God." He gave us His all....we give in return for all we have been given. ​We receive the blessings that missionary, minister, ministry or church receives. Paul said the Corinthians gave gifts, "but first gave themselves to the Lord"....as directed by the will of God. If we have given ourselves to Him, our resources are not held in a clenched fist, but are freely distributed as He directs and that in itself is a gift! ​Proverbs 28:27 says "He who gives to the poor will not want" ....that is a promise, that we can't out give God! Best of all, I think, is that those who receive the gifts often pray for those who have given. What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial? ​Our prayers and words of encouragement to missionaries and our pastors, who are constantly facing opposition and discouragement, are another way of giving, letting them know we "give thanks to God" for them and appreciate them.
  24. Q1 (Phi 1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? One who is solely committed to their master for life. What is the root idea of "saint"? One who is dedicated or consecrated (set apart for His use) to the work of God, because of God's ownership. In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? ​A Christian has been purchased by the blood of God's only Son, and is therefor a Saint due to His ownership....not based on anything else. The saint is therefor in service to his Master for life. The believer serves due to passion for the Lord, and by willingly choosing to surrender to His Lordship and Leadership. The main difference is that sainthood required a "yes" on the part of the believer, whereas the indentured slave had no choice in the matter and was bound to obedience through threat of punishment or death. ​
  25. Q5 (Revelation 11:15: Psalm 24:7 When people think of spending an eternity in heaven, who do they most look forward to being with? Relatives? Jesus? ​ I hear people say they look forward to spending time with family, but I can only speak for myself. After experiencing the Presence of the Lord when He came into my room all those years ago, I don't think it will matter who else is there! (An old saint said to me when I was a baby Christian, I think we will be surprised who is there and who we thought would be there that isn't) As I read the Bible I often think about how wonderful it will be to meet Paul, and the Apostles and Moses and Joshua, David and Mary and Elizabeth and Anna and to hear their stories in their own words...to have questions answered that I've always wondered about. ​I have my great grandmother's Bible and from the little notes and things pressed between the pages I'm convinced she knew the Lord. I look forward to meeting her and the ancestors who laid the groundwork for me to come to Christ through their prayers for future generations. I hope to meet the young woman who gave my mother up for adoption, and saw that she was placed with Christians. ​That was an interesting and fun question to ponder!!!!f I can't wait to get there!!!! I'm homesick for my true home! What does it mean that he will reign forever and ever? When Jesus comes again, He will come as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and His Kingdom will never end. (He is the First and the Last) He will be in His rightful place as Sovereign, all things under His Lordship...no other kings will reign. In what way is he the King of Glory in you life? ​When we first started walking together He was my savior and I was truly grateful for all He has done for me. Over the years as I've grown to know and to love Him and have learned to yield to Him, He has become my Lord, and my King of Glory. My desire is for Him to reign every day in my life! ​What a wonderful study this has been....I can't wait for next study lessons to arrive!!!! ​
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