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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. Q4. (Daniel 3:28-30) How does Nebuchadnezzar sum up their faith and commitment? He praised them for "setting aside the kings command and yielding their bodies rather than serve or worship any god except their own God." Are you willing to disobey a command or law to be faithful to God? I learned many years ago that God knows me better than I know myself, and for me to stop saying "i would do or I would not do such and so if I were in that situation"....after finding that those were pride statements I could not back up with action. So I will say that I long to be that faithful to my Father Who is in all ways faithful to me! My desire is to bring glory to Him through my life. Are you willing to lay down your life to be faithful to God? I surrender my life every day as a living sacrifice to Him, and I believe I am willing....I know I would pray for the courage, in the moment and He would answer my prayer. What might hold you back? Fear is the logical answer, though I am not afraid of dying....so maybe fear of pain, or thoughts of how my family would be affected, and their resulting pain. But I pray that those would be fleeting thoughts, overcome by faith and the desire to honor my Father in Heaven.
  2. Q3.(Daniel 3:19-27) What effect does their deliverance have on their government officials colleagues? They all saw the fourth "man" in the fire, and gathered around when the king commanded the 3 to come out. They saw that the fire had no power upon their bodies, nor was their hair singed, no smell of smoke clung to them. They had witnessed a miracle! What effect does it have on the king? The king was stunned as well, as we see in the next verses! What kind of glory does God Receive? King Nebuchadnezzar said "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego, Who has sent His angel and delivered His servants who believed in, trusted in and relied on Him!" V28.
  3. Q2. (Daniel 3:16-18) How do the Jews answer Nebuchadnezzar? They flatly refused without making nice, which enraged the King. What is their attitude? One of faith and trust. "Our God is able to deliver us, but if not, we will still not bow down to the image" They were confident in His plan for them, whatever He chose to do. How do they witness about their God? They told Nebuchadnezzar that their God is all powerful, even in a fiery furnace. They acknowledged that God was in control, whether He chose to rescue them or not. Do they face death with resignation or defiance? With Defiance....courageously and with assurance of God's Omniscience and power. Characterize their faith. Every time I read their story I'm amazed at their stand for God, their boldness and courage, their trust and faith. They exemplify the meaning of "Sold out for God". What stunning examples of how I hope and pray we would all stand in crises.
  4. Q1. (Daniel 3:8-15) Why do the Jews' fellow government officials report them to Nebuchadnezzar? Jealousy...they didn't want the foreigners to get "off the hook" while they themselves were commanded to worship the image. There is another aspect "behind the scenes" just as there has always been and is today. Anti-Semitism, stirred up by Satan. He has known from the beginning their heritage would produce the promised Messiah and killed boy babies 2 years old and younger in Bethlehem. He had boy babies killed in Goshen, and through Haman planned to exterminate them, and but for Esther's bold courage, and God's Sovereign intervention, there would be no more Jews and our Jesus! Hitler managed to kill 6 million Jews. Today they are blamed for just about every wrong in the world by anti-Semites! Because they are God's chosen people, Satan despises them. Why is the king so angry? He was a prideful man, and would not tolerate any rebellion to his commands. He gave the order and expected everyone to obey without exception, demanding worship, (after previously acknowledging God!) What is his Motivation to have people bow to the statue? Pride and insecurity, giving him a sense of power and absolute control and the desire to be like God...to be worshiped as divine. (We all have a fallen nature and a propensity in our flesh to want to be in control...which as believers we surrender regularly to our Lord, Who is "the Blessed Controller of ALL things"...Sovereign.) That was the ruse Satan used in the Garden of Eden...."if you eat of the tree YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD". It continues today, in some cults who believe their works will elevate them to the status of gods. One prominent cult says "As man is, God was and as God is, man shall become" and is achieved through obeying their church laws, endowments, and temple ordinances ending with each "god" having his own planet populated through the many wives "sealed" to him "for time and eternity" in their temple marriage ceremony.
  5. Q3 (Daniel 2:44) What does verse 44 teach us about the kingdom that the God of heaven will set up? It shall be set up on earth by the God of Heaven. It shall never be destroyed. Its Sovereignty shall never be left to another people. It shall break and crush and consume all these kingdoms. It shall stand forever...it is eternal. What kingdom is this? The Kingdom of God, ruled by our triumphant King of Kings and Lord of Lords! When does this kingdom come? When Jesus. the Rock, the Stumbling Stone, the Chief Cornerstone which was "cut without hands", (and became a great mountain of Rock which filled the whole earth (Dan 2:35), crushes and consumes all these kingdoms. How is this related to Mark 1:15? This is the kingdom Jesus spoke of when he was on earth as "being at hand." His kingdom on earth which He came to proclaim through repentance of sin and faith in Him, which would follow His crucifixion and resurrection from the dead. When will it destroy all other kingdoms? At the end of the tribulation when the 10 nation European Union (Revived Holy Roman Empire) led by Anti-Christ is defeated by the return to earth by Jesus and after the final battle. This will begin the 1,000 year reign of Jesus on earth. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!
  6. Q2 Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? Daniel gave God all the glory and the credit, for telling the king what he had dreamed and the interpretation, taking none for himself. He also allowed Arioch to take the credit for "finding Daniel", when in fact Daniel sought out Arioch to take him to Nebuchadnezzar. How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? When Daniel spoke to the King, he told him that no man or magician can tell the king his dream and interpret it, "But there is a God in Heaven who reveals mysteries." He took no credit for the interpretation, but gave all glory to His God. According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we exalt ourselves? No, not under any circumstances. I love the visual image where Peter tells us "Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility, (as in the garb of a servant) so that its' covering cannot possibly be stripped from you. Humble yourselves in your own estimation under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you." If we do so, what will happen? Pride is from the world and may lead us into temptation, sin and into deception. God sets Himself against the proud, the insolent, disdainful, the boastful and opposes, frustrates, and defeats them but gives grace to the humble.
  7. Q1 D (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"? King Nebuchadnezzar threatened to kill all of the "wise men" in the kingdom, including Daniel and his 3 friends if his dream was not recounted and interpreted. Daniel wanted all of their lives to be spared, and asked that he be given the privilege of hearing from God. According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Absolutely! (This week it became an important witness to an unbeliever, as I emailed how I am praying for his son in another state, who is critically ill, and the Doctors have no idea what is causing the illness. I shared how I am praying for the family as well in Jesus Name, and received a heartfelt response that they are "thankful and are feeling the power of the prayers." (I hadn't thought of prayer as a witness before!) Is it effective? Positively! How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? If you mean the Church at large, through interceding on all of the churches behalf that the Lord will stir up the desire, the will, the extreme need, and how to best implement it. (Our church is constantly in prayer, but I've read that many churches do not have any intercessory prayer)
  8. Q4, (Daniel 1:8-16) What is Daniel's first approach to eat a different diet? Daniel first requested a diet change from the chief official sent to care for the prisoners, who out of fear for his life, refused their request. What does he do when his first attempt failed? Next, Daniel proposes a "test" for 10 days, allowing he and the other 3 to eat vegetables and drink water, then to compare their overall health and appearance to those who eat the royal food and wine. What is his demeanor towards those over him? Humility and submission...using God given wisdom and insight! In what ways do you think God affects the outcome of Daniel's request? I believe God gave Daniel the strategy in the first place knowing the guard would "bite" in allowing the test. God also controlled the outcome...since 10 days seems too short a time period to see any change in health or appearance. It speaks of His favor and Sovereignty over the affairs of His children, especially those who seek to honor Him with their lives.
  9. Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine? Daniel had been brought up and trained with strong dietary laws, including the use of wine. (moderation and for celebrations) They would have no way of knowing what they were eating nor how it was prepared. This was one area where he could object to the kings tyranny strictly on the basis of health issues, without bringing religion into the matter, while being true to his God. How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience? Not knowing whether the meat had been offered to idols, or was not the prescribed type (chews the cud and the correct type of hoof for instance). It may have posed a health risk in addition to being off limits for a Hebrew. God had gone into great detail about food and its' preparation, and Daniel wanted to stay true to His God. (If it was important to God, then it was important to Daniel) What does this tell you about Daniel? In spite of all attempts to turn him into a Babylonian, in dress, language, name and life purpose, Daniel was true to his God and his faith in his God. He was a man of principle. It also highlights the wisdom and skill God had blessed him with, in that he was able to do this as a "contest" without offending the king or insulting his "hospitality".
  10. Q2. (Daniel 1:1-7) What changes did Daniel and his friends experience? What was their status in Jerusalem In Jerusalem they were from families of royalty and nobility, which entitled them to privilege, respect, freedom, life purpose, approval, choices....they were members of the religious majority, and respected as leaders and examples. They were single but with the best of marriage prospects. They were wealthy. They were known wherever they went. They were the "cream of the crop" of Hebrew young men....handsome, eligible, intelligent. In Babylon? In Babylon they were slaves in captivity, under foreign dictatorship ,and now only a handful shared their faith. (they were without a high priest or sacrifices to be offered for their sins.) They were without privilege, freedom, purpose, approval or respect. They were unknown outsiders and probably ostracized by the wealthy Babylonians. They may have become eunuchs, no longer eligible for marriage and family. They were probably impoverished with only a small stipend on which to live. They were to be "brainwashed" with literature and language of the idolatrous Chaldean's, further removing them from their heritage and faith.. What do you think was the effect of changing their names to Babylonian names? Their names were their identity in Judah and their connection to family and heritage. Changing their names was an attempt to wipe out their "roots", so they would be thought of and would think of themselves as Babylonians. Their Hebrew names affirmed they belonged to God. Their new names were a reminder that they were "nobody now" other than the property of the king. What impact might it have on them to be made eunuchs? As Hebrews, one of their main roles was to marry and have children. If they were made eunuch's their only purpose was to be in service to Nebuchadnezzar. Their youth and future would have been taken away from them. Did they make compromises? If so, why? They submitted to the oppression and changes. Their names were changed but I would guess in private they used their familial Hebrew names. They must have believed they'd be set free at some point, and "went along to get along"...that it would be well with them while in captivity. (They were wise and discerning Hebrew youths.) We learn later that they refused to compromise by eating the King's rich diet, choosing to eat a modest diet of vegetables and water instead.
  11. Q1. (Daniel 1:1-5) Have you ever made a rapid transition between your customary culture and a new and radically different culture? Yes, when we moved away from a state which was controlled and almost entirely populated by a cult, oppressive to non members. There was a subtle persecution in that the majority ruled and their attitude was "toleration" for outsiders. What did it feel like? It was weird...I kept telling people around me that "I feel so free!"....but couldn't explain why at first. Then I realized that our new state was not controlled by any one group, and I suddenly "fit in". Were you able to take your faith with you, or did it fade to the background during this time? I was brought up in an ecclesiastical church, and brought that with me for several years. But the new freedom from oppression caused me to start asking questions. The Lord brought a Christian friend to me, who invited me to a Bible Study, and where I quickly understood that true freedom is only found in a personal relationship with Jesus...and I received Him as my Lord and Savior. For the first time I began to experience His freedom and the joy of sharing Him with others.
  12. Q4. (John 21:18-19) What does death have to do with glorifying God? When we die in Christ, hopefully we have lived a life that glorifies Him and that in death we are leaving a legacy that will live on in the lives of others whom we've impacted with His love flowing through us. For some it may mean simply "standing" for Christ at the end and not denying Him when pressured to do so. I've read that Peter felt unworthy to die in the same way that Jesus was crucified, so asked them to crucify him upside down. Peter's death glorified Jesus in that he died for his faith and the spread of the gospel, faithful to the end, knowing all the while that he would be crucified one day. How will your life and death bring glory or credit to God? I have no idea, but my desire for the past 42 years has been to live by faith, and to be faithful to my Lord, loving people...saved and unsaved. I've said "Yes" when He's asked me. My prayer is that after I'm gone, my children will continue on in the faith they've embraced since they were little when they received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and that my life has counted for His sake. I trust that I'm in process of fulfilling my destiny each day, and in doing so there will be a legacy to live on. What does this passage teach us about God’s foreknowledge? It validates ALL of scripture...that He knew everything before the foundation of the world was formed. He knows every thought before we think it, every word before we speak it, every action before we take it....and all the while has been working with us and in us, loving us to bring us to completion. No matter how He chooses to take us home, He's with us to usher us into our eternal home.
  13. Q3. (John 21:15-17) Why does Jesus repeat the question and the assurance three times? Peter denied Jesus three times after arrogantly claiming he would never deny Jesus (Mark 14:31 It is Interesting that it adds "And they all kept saying the same thing", although Peter is the only one who was tested in this) In Mark 16:7 Jesus left instructions for the angel to tell the women to go and tell His disciples and Peter Which I believe restored Peter's soul! Now Peter sees the truth about his frailties and weakness, knows Jesus still loves him and is being commissioned in that love to feed Jesus' sheep. I learn by repetition, think I've got it, then forget, and need to be reminded or to relearn a truth in a new way. I believe it was the same for Peter. Jesus knows "our frame. He earnestly remembers and imprints on His heart that we are dust." Ps 103:14 (That verse set me free to just "be" and to know that He is my teacher and will teach until I do understand.) Maybe that's where the old saying "The third time is the charm" comes from. What does this teach us about God repeating the lessons he wants us to learn? It speaks to me of His unending patience, and that He is willing to work with us until we understand...that He wants to teach us more than we want to learn. "He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ (right up to the time of His return) developing that good work and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you." Phil 1:6 amp. What does it say about God’s mercy and willingness to restore sinners to ministry? He loves us more than we can imagine. He is all about restoration, beginning in Genesis when it would have been easier to just start over again, after Adam fell, but He chose to work with them and restore instead. He is the only One Who lived a sinless life, impossible for us, so knowing that we will fall and will fail at times, He's there in mercy and grace to do just as He did with Peter....allows us to see that on our own we are helpless, and yet through HIM we can accomplish whatever He has in mind for us to do. ("You have accomplished peace for us; all that we have accomplished, YOU HAVE DONE FOR US."Isaiah 26:12 amp) Peter learned this well. I pray I will continue to remember this from my own failures.
  14. Q2. (John 21:7-14) What does Jesus preparing breakfast for the disciples say about his love for them? This example warms my heart also, with His love....He is always serving...He lived to serve, to seek and to save. Now He is their High Priest (and ours) yet in humility doing the mundane act of gathering sticks and lighting a fire, then cooking and serving the exhausted, sleepy men He'd lived with and served for 3 years. Nothing is too big for Him to handle, nor too small. It takes my breath away at times when He cares about the silliest little things that we care about...and makes me wonder why I ever worry about anything! His provision? His is a never ending supply of whatever we need. I was wondering when they recognized Him after the catch, if they were remembering when He blessed the 5 loaves and 2 fish, then gave it to them to distribute, multiplying in their hands as they went to feed the thousands. The other thing I've learned about His provision, is that He knows my need before I do, and has already set in motion the means to get it to me on time as needed...just as He'd prepared the school of fish for them to catch and brought fish with Him which He was already cooking when they got to shore. In this same way, several years ago our daughter wanted me to go to with her to Carmel for her birthday. I had no means to make her day special, and no money for a gift, but I prayed with her on the drive there that Jesus would knock her socks off with blessing that day in ways that only He knew would demonstrate His love and care for her. We planned to walk on the white sand beach at Ocean Ave. which is always beautiful. As we approached, we saw people excitedly pointing toward the water. We rushed down and found that the incoming tide had created a bench like ridge along the beach, which was perfect for sitting. Now we saw there was a miracle happening! A pod of dolphins was close to shore leaping and jumping, playing and interacting with the seals and otters there. They jumped over one another and delighted us, giddy with excitement and joy. In all our years we've never heard of dolphins coming into that area. We took dozens of pictures! When it was time for us to go, we stood and turned to walk away. Glancing back for one last look, we saw that they had decided to leave as well, and were swimming away!..That was just one of the delights He'd prepared for her that day! She said it was one of the best gifts she's ever received! He truly is Lord of all!!! What does Peter’s early morning swim say about his love for Jesus? I love Peter..... his swim is just like his attempt to "save" Jesus from the soldiers by swinging his sword at Malchus and cutting off his ear, and telling Jesus, "No, it must never be!" when Jesus spoke about dying. Peter's love brought him to wait by the fire all night during Jesus' trial, and first into the empty tomb that Sunday morning. He adored Jesus! I can't wait to meet Peter in Heaven!
  15. Q1. (John 21:4-8) Why did Jesus tell the disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat? He wanted to reveal Himself to them as their resurrected Lord, their source of power and provision. He "stayed" the fish all night (as He "stayed" the eyes of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in the same way. In that situation it was so that they would "recognize Him in the scriptures" rather than by sight, as we must do.) He had built a fire in preparation for the enormous school of fish He had prepared for them to catch at His direction. He would now recomission them as fishers of men. Why did the disciples obey? What was the result? They had fished all night with no result....why not try the suggestion? It was morning already..what did they have to lose? What impression did it make on the disciples? Exactly what Jesus intended! First John recognizes Jesus and tells Peter "It is Jesus!" Peter swims to shore with his tunic on. (I believe that Jesus has already appeared to Peter and restored him privately for denying Him at the trial.) Now Peter has no qualms or hesitation in racing to His Savior! The others stay with the boats and bring the catch to shore...where it was noted by John that the nets were not torn. (Jesus never brings destruction...always blessing!) Peter fell to his knees saying "Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man." (His rightful place, no longer overly confident in his own abilities, but having made the transition from disciple to Rabbi to disciple of His Lord and Savior, bowing in worship.)
  16. Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? John included those things which would lead one "to believe that Jesus is the Christ, (the anointed One) and through believing, that "you may have life through His Name." What is the purpose of his Gospel? Each Gospel writer presented Jesus in one of four ways. John's purpose was to present Jesus' Deity....The Son of God come down from Heaven. (Matthew presented Jesus as King, Mark, as Servant, Luke the physician presented Jesus' humanity.) John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why? It's only through believing and cleaving and trusting and relying upon Him that leads to life. (amplified) Many believe In Jesus, including Satan, but Jesus must be received personally, and trusted as Lord and Savior, in order to have abundant life on earth and eternal life forever.
  17. Q5. (John 20:24-29) Why do you think Thomas is so stubborn about believing that Jesus was raised from the dead? Thomas was absent when the others peered into the empty tomb, and was absent when Jesus appeared to the disciples in the upper room. I think for him, it was just too good to be true, and was simply wishful thinking or hearsay. (It reminds me of Sarah, who did not hear the promise spoken to Abraham, so to her it was just Abraham speaking what he hoped was true. When I realized that, I stopped being frustrated with my husband who didn't hear the promises spoken to me and just couldn't believe I'd heard from the Lord.) How do you think he felt when Jesus appeared before him? He may have felt silly or embarrassed, but I doubt it. I think He simply rejoiced with seeing with His own eyes His risen Lord. There is nothing wrong with wanting validation. A Bible study leader gave me excellent advice when I was a baby Christian.....she said when you have doubts, take them to Jesus and ask Him to sort things out for you, instead of harboring them and letting them cause you to stumble. I found that He is quick to want to shed His light on our doubts...and those which I brought to Him are areas of strong faith now. What was Thomas’s confession in verse 28? What is Jesus’ blessing offered to future believers? Thomas exclaimed "My Lord and My God!" Jesus' blessing was "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." And though we don't see Him with our own eyes, His Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are His children. We learn to know His voice, and to appreciate His presence though invisible to our eyes.
  18. Note: Christians disagree about the power to forgive sins, so be kind and loving in your responses, even if you disagree with another participant. Q4. (John 20:23) In what sense does the Church have the power to forgive sins? Jesus is our High Priest, therefore we have no need for another. He is our advocate with the Father, and He alone confers and declares that I am forgiven, based on His work and shed blood on the cross. Also, The Church is neither, so it has no authority or responsibility to do the work of forgiveness for individuals. Do we (or the church’s authorized representatives) confer forgiveness or declare it? Or both? I am commanded to forgive those who've "sinned against me" and to seek forgiveness and heartfelt reconciliation with any I've sinned against. My role ends there. I may say I forgive you for wrongs committed against me, but that is personal rather than as a church representative. Perhaps if one is having difficulty forgiving oneself for sins committed against another, who is no longer alive or able to hear an apology, hearing an authority figure say Jesus forgives all sin may bring comfort, but that is the only benefit I can see in seeking out "an authorized" person for this purpose.
  19. Q3. (John 20:22) Why do you think Jesus commissioning the disciples (verse 21) is so closely linked with his giving the Holy Spirit (verse 22)? Holy Spirit indwelling us is the power with which we accomplish His work...."Apart form Him, we can do nothing" (See Acts 1:4, 8) Why is Jesus sending the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is everywhere at once (Omnipresent), whereas Jesus could only be one place at a time while on earth, just as we are. But with the indwelling Holy Spirit we are equipped with His wisdom, His power, His motives, wherever we go to accomplish whatever He purposes through us. Why do you think the work of the Holy Spirit tends to be neglected and misunderstood in our day? I think it's because Satan has been very effective in lulling the "Church" to sleep. Political correctness frowns on the supernatural, and has cleverly convinced "us" that the Holy Spirit's work is "weird" or undesirable, or no longer relevant since "we" are so advanced with technology and new strategies. I think in large part it's also due to ignorance (poor teaching, lack of individual Bible reading/study...statistics show that about 90% of Christians when asked admitted they had never read the entire Bible), and arrogance based on what mankind has been able to accomplish in the modern era.
  20. Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? It is the same. The Father sent Jesus and He send us...Jesus was sent in a body of flesh, totally dependent upon His Father to accomplish His mission. We are sent us with the same limitation in bodies of flesh, totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit to accomplish His mission through us. How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord? Very careful, since I learned early on that "Apart from Me you can do nothing." Left to my own ideas, strength, talent, I accomplish nothing of eternal value. My desire is that when my works are tested at the Bema Seat of Christ, that they remain because He accomplished them through me, rather than for them to end up as wood, hay and stubble...in ashes, due to my own efforts apart from His Holy Spirit.
  21. Q1. (John 20:19-20) What do we know about the relationship of Jesus’ physical body to his spiritual body? It was Jesus physical body with flesh and bones, only with the molecules rearranged so that it was now a spiritual body....the same appearance, but now eternal, never to die again. Was Jesus’ resurrected bodily? Yes, absolutely! How is his resurrected body similar to his physical body? Jesus had breath...He breathed on them and said "receive the Holy Spirit". Jesus ate, talked, walked, built a fire, and was still dependent upon the Holy Spirit to know where the disciples should throw their nets for a catch. His flesh after the transformation could still be touched, as when He told Thomas to put his hands in His side and in the wounds in His hands. (I read someplace that Jesus' scars are the only ones which will be in Heaven....everyone else has a new intact body.) He looked as He did before He was beaten beyond recognition, yet was still recognizable as Jesus. His voice was the same as before, and recognizable as His. His mission had not changed...it was still about building the Kingdom of God...only now He'd accomplished the means for us to enter. How is it different? The resurrected body was no longer tied to the earth by gravity. The atoms which made it up were rearranged so that He could pass though solid matter, yet He was not a "ghost" or apparition. On the road to Emmaus, He "held the eyes" of the disciples so they didn't recognize Him until He broke bread with them, which was familiar to them. He was able to ascend to Heaven when it was time for Him to leave. He could disappear at will and appear at another place without walking there...Much like Philip had been translated from one place to another.
  22. Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? The many eye witness accounts of the resurrection...from many who were tortured later and died for their belief rather than to recant their faith in what they knew and saw rather than lie in order to live a few more years on earth. The fact that Jesus' disciples did not believe Jesus would be resurrected, and were stunned when He was...while nonbelievers remembered that Jesus had said this, and were all ready prepared to concoct stories about it being fake! The way the grave clothes were intact. The fact that the stone was rolled away....by angels. (None of the disciples would have thought to open the tomb because they were not expecting the resurrection and were not at the grave,) and the Roman guards were put there to see that it wasn't opened and stayed sealed. The empty tomb. Jesus appearance to Mary, who also was not expecting to see Jesus again, and her joyful testimony drew the others the view the evidence of the resurrection. Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? The Resurrection is the foundation stone on which our faith rests. Jesus is alive and reigns yesterday, today and forever. All others who are worshipped in the world's religions are still in their graves. What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life? When Jesus died, I died with Him, and when He arose, I rose with Him...I am seated (spiritually) with Him at the right Hand of the Father. This earthly life is a moment in time compared to the eternal life which began for me when I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior 42 years ago. The best is yet to come! Forever and ever and ever with my Lord! After I finished my lesson, I ran across what Victor Hugo said as an expression of his faith when he was past age 80 about this subject....so lovely! I share this as an encouragement to others and because it so resonates with me at age 72. "I feel in myself the future life. I am like a forest which has been more than once cut down. The new shoots are livelier than ever. I am rising toward the sky. The sunshine is on my head. The earth gives me its generous sap, but heaven lights me with its unknown worlds. "You say the soul is nothing but the resultant of the bodily powers." Why, then, is my soul more luminous when my bodily powers begin to fail? Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. I breathe at this hour the fragrance of the lilacs, the violets, and the roses as at twenty years. The nearer I approach the end the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous, yet simple." Victor Hugo
  23. Q3. (John 20:14-18) What has been Mary’s emotional state prior to recognizing Jesus? Mary was still stunned by all that she had witnessed Jesus suffer on the cross, and was numb with grief, despair and hopelessness at the thought of never seeing Jesus again. Why does Jesus tell her not to “hold on” to him? He was letting her know that He was not going to stay on earth in His resurrected form, but was going to ascend to Heaven....He was hinting that One was coming Who would indwell her and would never let her go...she would not have to cling to His physical form. He would live in her. What is the mission he gives her? He told her to return to His brothers (no longer just friends and disciples) and tell them that "I AM returning to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God." (typical, as in the previous question, "They did not believe her"...a woman)
  24. Q2. (John 20:3-9) What is the significance of the presence and position of the grave clothes in the tomb? Jesus body was wrapped in linen strips of cloth with 75 pounds of ointments and spices placed within to obscure the smell of putrefaction as the body decayed. The fact that a "shell" or "cocoon" was lying undisturbed on the stone shelf and the "napkin" or facial cloth was folded in a separate place, was evidence that the body had not been stolen (it would have been stolen still wrapped). That the napkin was folded in a separate place, was placed there intentionally and carefully by Jesus, as further evidence of the resurrection. If the body had been stolen, the napkin would not have been folded...it would have either gone with the body or fallen off along the way. Further, when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he "came forth" still wrapped, and I imagine "hopping" as his legs were still bound and he had to be set free. (He was not resurrected, but raised to live again and to die again). But the fact that Jesus' wrappings were intact also dispelled the idea that Jesus did not really die but was only in a coma, as others would have had to unwrap him and then take and hide his body if they were trying to fake a resurrection. Another aspect of the "coma" theory would have meant that Jesus unwrapped Himself...He could not do this and leave the shell intact, any more than Lazarus could, as the arms were bound tightly to the body. I have no idea whether the shroud of Turin is what was placed over the wrapped Jesus, and it matters not to me, but experts say that the image on the shroud was from no less than from intense heat and radiation....that is what I imagine was the kind of power which raised Jesus from the dead and is what interests me. Why do you think it was difficult at this time for Peter to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead? Peter just could not take it in that Jesus would die, period. Jesus had rebuked Peter when Jesus had told them He would die and be raised from the dead, and Peter was adamant that this could not happen....Jesus said: "Get behind me Satan". Peter cut off the ear of Malchus' servant when Jesus was being arrested...still trying to prevent anything bad happening to His Jesus. Today we call it "denial" when one cannot accept the unacceptable...probably another reason Peter denied knowing Jesus during the trial. ("This is not really happening...")
  25. Q1. (John 20:1; Luke 8:1-3) What do we know about Mary Magdalene? Mary was from the town of Madala, had been notorious for having been demon possessed then set free, by Jesus. She was independently wealthy and supported Jesus in His ministry. She was either never married or a widow, and was wholly devoted to Jesus. She traveled with Him and was at the cross during His crucifixion. She was the first to see and speak with the resurrected Jesus, as she was at the tomb to complete burial preparations. Why do you think a woman was given the honor of seeing the risen Christ first? In that culture, women were still considered mainly as "chattel"...a possession to bear children and to serve. They were seen as gossips, and were never called as witnesses, as it was thought that their testimony could not be trusted. As a woman, I'm thrilled as I read and study scripture, that Jesus restored dignity and value to women...not above men, as is right, but equal to men with a special place in God's plan. Women were his friends and disciples and confidants, just as were his male friends and disciples. That he appeared first to a woman, who was given the responsibility to go and tell the others, was huge! I grew up in a state where the dominant religion / cult was totally patriarchal....women mattered little and though I wasn't one of this group, I was surrounded by them and had to live in the town which was ruled by them. When I was grown and had left there to live elsewhere, I kept expressing to others the enormous freedom I felt, but it wasn't until after I became a Christian and knew how much Jesus valued women, that I understood the reason for the elation and awareness of my newfound freedom. I was an equal in God's eyes.
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