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Everything posted by JanMary
Q3. You Are Our Father
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Q3. (Isaiah 63:7-64:12) What is the basis of Israel’s expectation of salvation according to this prophecy? V14: "So did You lead your people to make for Yourself a beautiful and glorious name to prepare the way for the acknowledgment of Your name by all nations." (God's faithfulness to them in delivering them from Egypt's bondage and into the promised land) V16: "For surely You are our Father, (though we have strayed and are no longer recognized by Abraham and Jacob) You, O Lord are still our Father, our Redeemer from everlasting is Your Name." They have been promised redemption as a nation in the final outcome. Jews are becoming believers every single day even now. What does 64:5-7 teach us about the quality of our righteousness? "And all our RIGHTEOUSNESS (our best deeds of rightness and justice) is like filthy rags or a polluted garment.".....and He's not even mentioning our sinfulness and rebellion! We have zero righteousness in and of ourselves....Jesus is the only righteous One...and we are the recipient of His righteousness, by faith. (Lest any one of us boast!) How are we to see our relationship to God according to 63:16 and 64:8-9? We are His sons and daughters....precious children of our Father! (Through faith in Jesus' sinless atonement, we are now His own) We were chosen before the foundation of the world by our Father and given to Jesus as His love gift. When it was time for us to be reborn the Holy Spirit wooed us and then introduced us to Jesus. Jesus redeemed us and wrapped us in His royal robe of righteousness and gave us to His Father as His love gift. The entire Trinity secured our place with Him as His children. How I praise and thank Him!!! (Ephesians 1, John 17,18) What does this passage teach about grace? It's ALL grace! None deserved or earned....freely given because we said Yes to Jesus' gift of eternal life! Moses represented the Law; Then Jesus came, Who is the Person of Grace, so the "law" is now written in our hearts (conscience), interpreted by Grace through Holy Spirit as we live for Him. -
Q2. Intercessory Prayer
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Israel's imputed righteousness and vindication will go forth as brightness! Her salvation will radiate as does a burning torch! They shall have a new name! She shall be beautiful and prosperous....a crown of glory and a royal diadem in the hand of the Lord. She shall be protected and owned...married to the Lord. They have a wondrous future in Him, as we do. Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). Absolutely! The Jews were set aside due to unbelief, so that the Gentiles could be saved....they are the original olive tree....and when they are alive in Christ, we, the Bride of Christ, will be grafted into them....one body, one Lord. If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? God limits Himself to the prayers of His people....prayer moves and gives His hand permission to function in the earth, whose authority and dominion rests in the hands of believers. (Given to Satan at the fall in the garden, but reclaimed by the Cross and put into Christian's hands as He intended before the fall.) Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord’s Prayer). Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. -
Q1. Letting the Oppressed Go Free
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
Q1. (Isaiah 61:1-3) Are words like “captive” and “prisoner” used literally or figuratively? Probably both, because any kind of bondage is just as debilitating as though there are literal chains holding one. I wouldn't have believed that until I went through deliverance...and experienced the Lord releasing me from several kinds of demonic oppression and bondage which had bound me my entire life. I literally felt and heard them leave, then the lightness and joy of freedom which followed. How did Jesus intend them to be understood when he read them and spoke of their fulfillment? I believe He intended them to be understood as both....for the unbeliever to be born again into eternal life and freed from the captivity of Satan, sin and self. For the believer to be set free from any enslavement to addictions (spending, drugs, alcohol, sexual addictions, O.C.D, false guilt, fear, co-dependency, lies, oppression, emotional bondage, and whatever has a hold on us and hinders us from becoming all that He intends for us to be. How are you personally doing in adopting Jesus’ agenda here? When I was born again, I had a vision of a prison cell with the door wide open...when I looked inside, there was a woman curled in the fetal position, at the very back of the cell facing the wall. I thought "I wonder why she doesn't walk out of the open door".....then realized it was me. I have pursued healing and deliverance whenever I recognize bondage...I was bound in worship, having grown up in a "frozen chosen" church, was bound with fear and suicidal thoughts, (2 in my family did commit suicide), fear of man (death threats from both parents and beatings when I was a child as young as 4 through teens) fear of lack (was told we're poor, we'll always be poor and we don't deserve to have anything) I was a train wreck, but gradually, the Lord has set me free from all of those "chains"....I spent a number of years in a Christian 12 step Bible study group with safe, women who were also bound, and seeking His freedom....a bonus was the deliverance from co-dependency and learning to set boundaries so I no longer feel victimized by others. I also pray for others (privately) to be set free and to experience the joy of living in the freedom Jesus purchased for us on the Cross. When appropriate I share how I've been and am still being set free! How is your congregation doing? We have a wonderful ministry for setting people free called Cleansing Stream. The congregation is also very focused on evangelism and outreach. From time to time someone will share a testimony of their "recovery process" which sheds light on this "dark, hidden" shameful secret. We have a number of Celebrate Recovery groups sponsored by the church. There is always room for improvement, but I'd say we're doing failry well. -
Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? Disobedience and rebellion require God's loving discipline and training (if He ignores these, we are not really His children). As in training our children we withhold rewards in order to motivate them to want to obey. I've experienced His delayed answers to prayer in my own training in righteousness as I learned He's not a deadbeat dad or a sugar daddy. He's a wise loving Father, in whom we are developing a relationship, of integrity, trust, honor, submission and obedience which result in blessing. Peter admonishes men (1 Peter 3:7) to live considerately with their wives with an intelligent recognition of the marriage relation, honoring the woman as physically the weaker, but realizing that you are joint heirs of the grace of God in life, in order that your prayers are not hindered. According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? My own iniquity and rebellion caused the separation. His training and loving kindness led me to repentance and to desire to remove the angry barrier I put between us.
Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? Call the Sabbath a spiritual delight and honorable. Honor Him and it. Delight yourself in the Lord! What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath When I was under the law (before I came to understand grace) I would have said not seeking pleasure on the Sabbath. At that time I would have felt guilty for enjoying the wonderful family excursion we took yesterday (Sunday) instead of going to church...the only day we could all go, as some work on Saturday and another Monday though Friday). Instead the Lord blessed us with laughter, safe travel, favor in the cost being half price, which we called to the individual's attention and were told "I made a mistake...but take it, it's a gift". We felt the Lord's presence and His delight in our delight...we saw Him in everything we experienced and saw! We honor Him every day in our lives, not just on Sunday, and love going to Church. I've learned that Grace is a Person...JESUS, and "getting a check mark in the box for perfect church attendance" doesn't honor Him or the Sabbath!
Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? We are called to build one another up, to encourage, mentor when that is possible, to love one another....to be the antithesis of the way the world functions. We have one hateful enemy who works overtime to criticize, tear down, up root, judge and criticize us. Following his lead, we discourage and cause heart wounds which may never heal. Some have left the church over such things and never return....done as believers, we may close the door to their questions regarding salvation in Jesus. We reflect our enemy at those times of sin, rather than our Savior of love and compassion for the downtrodden, and sinners. How are they injured by false accusations and slander? I can only speak for myself....at a former church, a deacon made a false and serious accusation about me to others, which I learned about later. It was absolutely shocking and devastating. We left the church and went to another. Our daughter was falsely accused there, and it took a year before the truth was revealed and the slanderer's motive was revealed which led to her suffering consequences of her own making. We left that church however, before the truth came out, and our daughter was plagued with thoughts of who may have believed the lies. After both of those instances within 16 months, we were so disillusioned and disappointed in "church people", "Christian leadership" who failed to handle either situation, apparently thinking if ignored it would all go away. It took a long time to feel safe again, or to want to be involved on any level in a church. I'm still "careful" with church people, even though we know it was the devil who was behind both instances, and have forgiven those who slandered and lied. How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? I think this needs to be addressed from time to time from the pulpit...zero tolerance for slander and lies, and preaching about the character of Jesus, who we are to reflect and to become as we grow in maturity. What would it require of us to really “spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry”? What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? It would require us to "notice", to "listen", to take appropriate action and to follow the Holy Spirit's leading in directing resources to those in need. When we were losing our home in 1990, we didn't mention it to anyone at church (embarrassment, that we were affected by the downturn in the economy). One Sunday a woman we'd never met approached us and introduced herself then said "I don't know what's happening with you, but the Lord spoke to me that I'm to provide food and necessities for your family until you no longer need them." We were stunned! She came every week with a trunk load of everything we needed to eat, plus soap, detergent, toilet tissue, shampoo....everything! When we moved the Lord released her. How we thank God for His faithfulness through her and others who helped us pack and move. It was a beautiful thing to experience the body of Christ functioning as His hands, His feet, His heart of love. We have followed that example to others in need. Our church started "City Serve" several years ago which just received an award from the State of California as being the most effective non-profit in the state. Others joined us as they saw how successful it is in reaching those in need. It is funded by over a dozen churches (all denominations) in our tri-valley area who banded together to help the needy...it now includes job training, counseling, medical help, an emergency shelter in one of the churches at night for homeless still being evaluated, and is supervised all night by shifts of people there awake to make certain those sleeping (on mats, blankets and pillows we've provided) will not be disturbed by others who should be sleeping. The cities our churches represent, have this year been giving grants to the foundation, as it's much more efficient and compassionate in assisting those in need. The latest grant from one city was $500,000. That will go along way...but we have many in need. It would be wonderful if other churches in other areas would look into this wonderful idea. It has a board of pastors and other mature individuals, deacons, elders, overseeing the financials and operation. https://cityservetrivalley.org Contact for information on starting your own cityserve network in your area.
Q4. Justice and Charity
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Finding True Righteousness and Devotion (Isaiah 56-59)
Q4. (Isaiah 58:6-7) What kinds of injustice does Isaiah condemn in these verses? Bonds of wickedness, bands of the yoke, oppression, enslavement of any kind, including the hungry and homeless, the poor, those without proper clothing...or the basic necessities of life. What excuses do we use to rationalize not being generous to the poor – in our communities or in our families? I've heard all of these: "We'll always have the poor with us". "They are lazy and need to work". "Someone else will take care of them." "That's what welfare is for." "It will cripple them so they'll never want to provide for themselves." In what ways is “tough love” important to help people? Too much care can cripple the one in need, especially if they come to rely on others to take care of them. There needs to be wisdom and limits and boundaries on how much and how long care is given, so the individual can regain self respect and to begin to function in society by participating and producing. In what ways could it hurt them? Co-dependent giving to make ourselves feel better may be the wrong thing to do at the wrong time and cause one to become dependent on us rather than being motivated to seek God about what they can be doing to move into taking care of themselves, and hopefully to be in a position down the road to help some one else..."Paying it forward". -
Q3. (Isaiah 57:15) What things do we learn about God in this verse? God is High and lofty, He inhabits eternity, His Name is Holy. He lives in a high and holy place What is the great paradox here? Jesus left this high estate to inhabit a frail human body...He came down to dwell in this fallen world among sinners....to save us! And now His Holy Spirit remains in and with believers in our low, bruised and sorrowful estate...to comfort, and to revive us! Why does God care so much about the downtrodden and the contrite? Ps. 103:14 "For He knows our frame, He earnestly remembers and imprints on His heart that we are dust." He showed me once when I was struggling to do things on my own apart from Him, that He sees me as I saw my beautiful children at age 2 and 3....trying to be independent but ill equipped for much other than child's play. He loves and cherishes each one of us, and a contrite heart melts His. Do you and your congregation care for the downtrodden and contrite with the same intensity? I love that the congregation to which He's led us, is just that....we've joined with about 15 or 20 churches in our area in "City Serve" which ministers in a powerful and wonderful way to all aspects of both downtrodden and contrite....from children on the local military base for Bible camps, to the Crisis pregnancy center, meals and medicine for the homeless, provision for missionary families.. Housing for the homeless, assistance in every way necessary, including help in finding work for those who are able.
Q2. Keeping the Sabbath
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Finding True Righteousness and Devotion (Isaiah 56-59)
Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God? It is a demonstration of our devotion to Him. He worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th... He has called His children to live in "Rest"....taking a day to rest physically and to live in emotional rest 7 days a week. ....working while resting in Him, playing while enjoying Him, spending time with Him unhindered by the day to day stresses of earning a living is a wonderful gift to us and to Him. Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God? Setting a day aside for worship and rest....many have to work on Sunday, so any day can be a day set aside for worship and Sabbath rest. Which of these might dishonor God? Which of these keep the spirit of one “who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it”? The Lord started talking to me about this four years ago....I finally understand that I was dishonoring Him by not "resting" even when I was "resting physically.....my mind was always fretting or planning or "elsewhere." Then I got hit with a 3 month virus and could do nothing but go from bed to the couch and back. When I could do nothing but physically rest, I began to "rest" mentally....and to enter into true worship and enjoying Him...just sitting in His Presence, meditating on His Word, letting His Spirit direct my thoughts without the pressure to hurry up and get things done, which honors Him. Now I can't wait to spend several hours in the morning when the house is quiet and it's still outside, just soaking in His Presence, and the best part, is that I sense He's enjoying me at rest, rather than keeping the law of "getting a check mark in the box for "doing my devotions". My spirit and mind are not all "fogged" in, so I'm able to hear Him more clearly. -
Q1. (Isaiah 56:3-8) What is the significance of God’s welcome of believing and ethical foreigners and eunuchs to full status in his temple? In Jesus there is not Jew nor Greek, male nor female....no deformity or imperfection, race, or gender, no sin too great to exclude anyone from Salvation! Everyone is chosen and welcome. His love and sacrifice are the reason we are saved. Jesus died for EVERYONE, but only those who choose to accept His invitation become His children. Individual rejection of His love is the only reason one is excluded.. What are the implications of that for the church? We must never forbid or turn anyone away as unworthy of Christ....nor forget where "we came from, were saved out of" or we may become self righteous and ignore our Commission to go "into all the World with the Gospel. We are His ambassadors and must reflect His heart of love for all. Who does your congregation tend to exclude from its fellowship – if not explicitly, then by emphasis and focus? What could you do about this? Thankfully, no one is excluded....Pastor preached recently on preventing "age segregation" in our church, after hearing comments that the young people didn't want to be around the old timers, and vice versa...another form of discrimination. This morning we celebrated a young man's 21st birthday with ice cream and cake after the service....He has severe autism but loves birthdays...it was a special day of including him with special recognition...brought tears to many.
Q5. New Testament Echoes
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
Q5. (Isaiah 53) Which single New Testament passage best sums up for you the lessons of Isaiah 53? Why did you chose this passage? (Select from Matthew 26:38-42; Luke 22:37; John 1:29; Romans 3:24-26; 2 Corinthians 5:20-21; 1 Peter 2:24-25; 1 Peter 3:18; Philippians 2:5-11 – or any other passage you can think of.) Phil 2:5-11: "Let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus; Let Him be your example in humility: Who although being essentially one with God and in the form of God possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God, did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or obtained, but stripped Himself of all privileges and rightful dignity, so as to assume the guise of a servant or slave in that He became like men and was born a human being. And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself still further and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross.! Therefore because He stooped so low God has freely bestowed on Him the NAME that is above every name (power and authority), that in and at the name of Jesus every knee must bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and EVERY TONGUE frankly and openly confess and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father!." I chose it because it so powerfully tells me Who Jesus was before coming to earth (Creator God, High and lifted up), Who He was while on earth (humble, suffering obedient servant Who came to die for me, fully God and fully sinless man) Who He is now (My Savior, My Lord, My God...and that of the whole world, if accepted), Who He will be when time on earth runs out (Creator God, Highly exalted Whose Name is above ALL names to the glory of God the Father)....and to even imagine what eternity with our precious Lord is going to be like is beyond what I can think or imagine....even so, Come quickly, Lord Jesus. -
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
Q4. (Isaiah 53) In addition to our sins, the Servant also bears the punishment deserved by sinners. In what sense, if any, did Jesus bear the punishment due you when he died on the cross? When Jesus was scourged, then hung on the cross His Father (and mine) poured all of His wrath upon Jesus, which is the punishment I deserved for my sin and unrighteousness. When He died, I died with Him, so that the old me is dead, and I'm a new creature in Christ, freed from the law, and the punishment of sin and death. He now lives in me and through me to the glory of the Father! -
Q3. A Substitutionary Atonement
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
Q3. (Isaiah 53) Isaiah 53 teaches what theologians call “the substitutionary atonement.” In what sense does the Servant act as a substitute to bear our sins? Put it in your own words. If I owe a debt which is impossible for me to pay and another pays the debt completely for me, that is substitutionary debt cancellation, but doesn't explain completely what Jesus did for me. I belonged to God before Adam fell, so that when Jesus paid the debt for my sin, He was actually redeeming me, or "buying back" that which had been stolen from Him. When He cried "It is finished!" on the cross, His suffering and death was exchanged for my sin and unrighteousness, and "PAID IN FULL", was written for eternity in His precious blood! -
Q2. Jesus Saw Himself in Isaiah 53
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
Q2. (Isaiah 53) Which New Testament parallels to Isaiah 53 convince you that Jesus himself saw his own mission and destiny spelled out in Isaiah 53? Mt 20:28: Just as the Son of Man came not to be waited on but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many (the price paid to set them free (amp.) Mk 14:24: And Jesus said to them "This is My blood which ratifies the new covenant, the blood which is being poured out for (on account of) many. Jesus set His face like flint toward the cross...He was born to die, lived a sinless life, and died a substitute for my sin and guilt to give me eternal life and abundant life here on earth. He knew His mission and fulfilled it perfectly. I have been convinced that He is Who He says He is since the day 47 years ago when He convinced me that I am His forever....written in His blood! (Another hell bound sinner saved by Grace!) -
Q1. Savior of the Nations
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
Q1. (Isaiah 53) From how large a group of people does God remove sins in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12? Everyone in the world from the Cross forward until time runs out individually and universally. (God so loved the WORLD....that He gave...) The Old Testament saints who looked forward to the cross, as well. In what sense is this a universal sacrifice of salvation? He died for everyone from every tribe and nation and tongue, who will receive and accept His glorious gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ sacrifice for them. In what sense is Jesus’ sacrifice wasted on some people? His sacrifice is wasted on those who refuse His blood bought free gift for them and would prefer to try to earn it through their own prideful sweat and works. -
Q7. God's Protection
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Jerusalem’s Iniquity Is Pardoned (Isaiah 49-55, except 53)
Q7. (Isaiah 54:16-17) What does the promise mean that no weapon formed against you shall succeed? Strife and persecution, false accusations will come against us in judgment from others, but He promises we will triumph over opposition and that we will be vindicated...He will vindicate us! Does it mean we won’t have to conduct spiritual warfare through prayer and faith? No. We pray and trust Him and He fights for us, and will reveal truth. Even if we're knocked down for a time, He will pick us up and bring ultimate victory. What then does it mean? It means that He controls the final outcome "to give us hope and a future". He is our Victor! -
Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem “barren” without God’s favor? The Wife (Israel) divorced her Husband (God), and was forsaken for a time of separation, dry, no fruitfulness or guidance! What does it imply when Isaiah says “your Maker is your husband”? It implies that God Who created her (Israel) was her lover, provider, & protector who was in covenant with her. He's also the husband of His Bride, the church in the same areas, as well as our guide, constant companion, encourager, Redeemer, friend, teacher, soon coming King! What does the husband do in this analogy? He chose, called, wooed and won her, then comforted and redeemed her. In the New Testament “bride of Christ” analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? The Church is the wife, Jesus is her husband. I love that the Holy Trinity was involved in that marriage: The Father chose and called me before the foundation of the world and gave me to Jesus as His love gift. The Holy Spirit wooed and courted me then introduced me to Jesus. When I said "Yes" Jesus redeemed, cleansed and forgave me, clothed me in His royal robe and gave me to the Father as His love gift.(Eph 1, John 14 & 17) How precious is His bride! Each of us beloved and cherished, each one safe in His arms for eternity. What is expected of the wife? She is responsive to His love, is respectful and devoted to Him, honors Him and is obedient to His leading. She seeks His voice, listens and obeys, and is a faithful companion. She delights herself in Him, respects Him and seeks to bring honor to Him before others. She introduces her Husband to others.
Q9. Seeking the Lord
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Jerusalem’s Iniquity Is Pardoned (Isaiah 49-55, except 53)
Q9. (Isaiah 55:6-9) What does seeking the Lord entail? Seeking implies action, diligence, moving toward.....based on hunger for inner satisfaction and fulfillment. If God’s ways and thoughts are different than our own human way of thinking, what are the implications of this for success in our lives? Our ways are wanting instant gratification, and to stop the pain, or what about me?, "my way or the highway". His ways are for the long term benefit, for eternal rewards, spiritual growth, deeper relationship, building trust and faith, healing brokenness, gaining more and more of a "foothold" in our character until we resemble Christ "at that day". He will be victorious over our failures and giving Him access to our voice and actions to influence others as His ambassadors. Why is repentance necessary to this process? Repentance means to change your mind...a 360 degree turn around. This change opens us up to allowing Him to do things His way and in His timing, and letting go of our "program" and our will. Why is humility necessary? Humility acknowledges that He is God...and I am not...He's right...and I'm wrong. It says "His ways are better and Higher than my ways, so I'll allow Him to be God and I'll "sit down". What happens to us if our seeking is shallow? Shallow results, if any. Not much of a relationship with Him (on the shallow end), fizzling out and fading in hard times. No depth! What happens if we put off seeking the Lord when we hear his invitation? Wasted time which could be priceless in our lives....waiting can also be too late! We only have today, as tomorrow is never promised. We're urged to not miss the day of our visitation! Is it ever too late to seek the Lord? No, not as long as there is still a heartbeat and breath! Today is the day of Salvation! He came to seek and to save the lost. He's still seeking and pursuing while we're running or pondering. Many are saved on death beds, in fox holes, in every kind of crisis....but one never knows when the end will come. Yes it's too late when death comes and we've ignored the invitation. Can any real success be found by other means than seeking the Lord? Not with eternal value! The world's success brings some pleasure and satisfaction, but turns to dust and matters not in eternity. Only what is done through Christ (Him through me) will last! -
Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people “spend” their lives doing things that they know won’t satisfy them deep down? Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result! (dysfunctional behavior); Habit: sameness prevents the uncertainty which comes from "change". (dysfunctional behavior) Ignorance: Out of touch with emotions or "frozen" emotions. (dysfunctional behavior) Appearance: "Vogue on the outside...vague on the inside"....people pleasing. (dysfunctional behavior) Unsaved: feeding the flesh because the spirit is unregenerate, so that pleasure is all that matters Ignorance that there is a better way and plan for success and satisfaction in surrender to Jesus' Lordship. Unrepentant, though saved, through refusal to allow Jesus to reign in one's life Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? Extreme self absorption....shutting out others and their needs, and ultimately to destruction of the hedonist. A sadly wasted life. What are the gracious elements of Yahweh’s invitation in this passage? An invitation to be in intimate relationship with Creator God! His promise to meet all needs...at no cost! His promise of soul delight and the profuseness of spiritual joy! An everlasting covenant of mercy, revival, kindness, goodwill and compassion...as was promised to David! What is the cost of accepting the invitation? No financial cost....only the price of acceptance and surrendering to Him. Will this invitation be perceived as “good news” to those who hear it? Yes to many who are open to truth...No to many, such as the hedonist in previous question, who wants nothing but their own pleasure and their own will. And "not such good news" to some at first hearing, but may change their mind as they experience the down side of rejecting it for a time. How can you issue this invitation in today’s vernacular? Offer the Gospel of grace through faith in Jesus Christ....at no cost, as He bore the price in His blood for all on the cross, and He alone satisfies all of the longing and heals all brokenness.
Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful? This is what we long for in this fallen world of evil around us and a steady "blanket" of bad or perilous news from the media and others. Good news is like balm for the heart and soul! A message of good news brings hope and comfort, rejoicing and refreshing. Without hope we perish! What is the original historical context of these verses? The exiles being released and returned from Babylonian captivity! How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15? Paul is speaking of the truly GOOD news of the Gospel of Salvation by grace alone through Jesus Christ.....the only hope for the lost....and those whose feet carry the message of eternal life and forgiveness are beautiful indeed!
Q4. (Isaiah 50:10-11) How can you trust the Lord to guide you when you can’t see where you’re going? This verse tells us to lean upon our God, and to rely on, trust in and be confident in His Name, to be supported by our God! If we've been walking with Him for awhile, we will have experienced that He is trustworthy and will bring us "through" to His destination. Have you ever experienced fear in this situation? Yes, I have, many times, and I'm reliving the same feelings as I watch our son who has lost his job face homelessness, as we once did, and we have no resources to help him. I call this fear "gut sickness" because it's so painful and debilitating to watch someone we love suffer. How do you continue? By praying continually for strength, wisdom, peace and rest. By surrendering...by remembering that deliverance is His promise and that when I've done all, TO STAND on what I know and allow Him to support me "on every leaning side" (as an old saint once said). I cry and cry to the Lord...tears somehow release the fear. I ask others to pray. I listen for His voice. I read His Word with listening ears to hear any guidance or comfort.....and I don't beat myself up for being afraid...I lived in terror my whole childhood, so I'm gentle with myself, as I know My Father does not condemn me. What is the danger of creating your own “light” to substitute for the invisible God? I would get lost! I have no "light" of my own....I'm just a mirror to reflect His light. I've learned that His light usually only comes to illumine the next step....not the whole path. (I experienced this life lesson one dark night at a retreat on an unfamiliar unlit trail as several of us with one tiny flashlight tried to find our way back to our cabins. When the lady holding the flashlight shined it up ahead, we stumbled over the steps just in front of our feet, but when she focused the tiny circle of light just in front of our next step we made progress. It was scary because in the dark nothing looked familiar or safe, the path was rough and uneven. We wanted to see what was ahead in the distance, but we got safely to our destination when we took one step at a time in the small amount of light we were given.
Q3. (Isaiah 50:4-9) Who does Isaiah seem to speak about in our passage? Messiah Jesus. In what way is he open to the Lord? In every way! His tongue spoke God's Word, He relied upon His Father/God even to awaken Him in the morning. His ear was tuned to hear as a disciple eager to learn. He was in total submission to His Father's will and purpose. In what way does he suffer? He gave His back to those who scourged Him, spit on Him, plucked out His beard, humiliated and mocked Him, falsely accused Him, called Him vile names, then He was crucified naked outside the city gates like refuse or dung, by the hands of those He came to save, who knew the prophecies and ignored Truth in the flesh! When was the Messiah vindicated in history? When He rose from the dead and proved He is the Son of God, Savior, Messiah and soon coming King. How will he be vindicated at the end of the age? When He returns to set up His kingdom after defeating Israel's enemies at Armageddon, and they will finally recognize Him as their Messiah after His miraculous intervention and deliverance! What character quality is necessary for believers when their vindication doesn’t seem to happen soon enough? Patience and humility (meekness) Accepting, as Jesus said, "The servant is not above his master"...as He suffered, so will His followers. Trust His timing for vindication. (I've been waiting for 40 years, but He will vindicate me as He promised!)
Q2. (Isaiah 49:14-50:3) Paul teaches that “all Israel will be saved.” According to Isaiah in our passage, what will happen to the scattered Jews in the Last Days. They are coming back to Israel by the hundreds of thousands....many Christians are supporting this effort financially! Does God seem to love Jews who haven’t trusted in Messiah Jesus yet? Yes, He absolutely does....He has not forgotten His promises and covenant with them!. Those who remain unconverted when the Church is Raptured, will go through the Tribulation, but 144,000 Jews will become believers and will be "sealed" by God's protection to evangelize during that 7 years period while the Bride of Christ has been taken to Heaven (Rapture of the Church) and will be celebrating the marriage supper of the Lamb...which will include believing Jews who were converted prior to the Rapture. God is not finished with Israel. He will reign from there for 1,000 years after His second coming! How can you show your love for Jews? We are told in Psalms to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem"....I do that. The Jews are a gift to the body of Christ, as our roots are in their heritage, our Savior is a Jew, our Bible is from their heritage, and we are grafted into their heritage....we are interwoven. I love and appreciate them as I do other racial groups and individuals. I pray for them individually when I meet a Jewish person, and when led, I share the Gospel with them.
Q1. (Isaiah 49:1-13) Why do people tend to disregard or even discriminate against aliens in their country? There is something in human nature that feels more comfortable with "like-kind". We like people to look like us, think like us, act like us. There may be offenses committed by one race to another and unforgiveness sets up resentment or even hatred, but also, fear, suspicion, and ignorance are a big part as well. Growing up in a state where the predominant religion taught that a certain race was cursed by God, their bias permeated the schools. I was afraid of that race until I became an adult and could see think for myself just on general principles. After I became a Christian I could see this was a cruel lie from the pit of hell with which those people were indoctrinated. Because they were segregated I didn't know anyone of that race personally until I was 19! How can you increase your love for people of other nationalities? One of God's great gifts to our family was to lead us to a racially mixed congregation! What a joy and delight it has been to embrace the many different races and cultures with whom we worship...our differences enrich and increase love for one another! God’s people are called to be a “light to the nations.” What might that entail for the church in your community? Our church body supports missionaries in various countries...has them come and share with us, so we can see the beautiful faces and races we are praying for and supporting. All races are welcome, are treated equally and with love in our church. It's a beautiful thing, as we will all be together in Heaven...no segregation there, and there should be none here! Thank the Lord!!! We are a beautiful mixture/blend of many races! In your country? I think this battle is won, one person at a time and through prayer!
Q7. Weal and Woe
JanMary replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jerusalem’s Warfare Is Over (Isaiah 40-48)
Q7. (Isaiah 44:7b) In what sense does God “bring prosperity and create disaster”? God is Sovereign. We live in a fallen world. Adam relinquished the earth's management to Satan, at the fall. Jesus redeemed ownership through His work on the cross, for believers to exercise His authority over Satan, who is the author of confusion, evil, trouble and disaster all of which continue to exist in the world. God can bring prosperity through showing favor and blessing. He can create disaster by allowing or not preventing disaster, either natural or by allowing it. Psalm 119:91 says that ALL THINGS SERVE GOD...even the entire Universe. (So even Satan who hates God and believers, ends up serving God's higher purposes, in spite of his evil intent.) Is God the source of evil? Of trouble? No, He is never the source of evil, but He will allow those things if they will accomplish His purposes for good.(He promises to work all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. (Rom 8:28) We are to pray this world comes into conformity with His Kingdom, rather than to ignore evil. (If He were the source of evil and disaster, we would be in sin to oppose, resist or to pray to be spared from those things.) Of prosperity? God owns all of the wealth..."the cattle on a thousand hills"... He rewards or prospers as He sees fit and as we are able to handle it. He promises to meet all believer's needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus...(He still honors his promise to prosper the Jews under the old covenant...Many of the world's most wealthy people are Jew's, such as the owner/founder of Facebook, a multi-billionaire 25 year old, who says he has no idea why he is being prospered!) Of poverty? God desires to bless, and promises to provide for believer's needs, but not that we will all be rich, though many are and use their wealth to better other's lives! Some poverty is the consequence of how money is mishandled, or misspent, ignorance, immaturity etc. and is spoken of as a curse in scripture, God is not the author of it. In what sense is he responsible for these? He is Sovereign! He has told us to ask, seek and knock. Prayer changes things, and since He owns it all, and longs to bless us, He is responsible as our Father to provide. Sometimes, we have not because we ask not, or ask with wrong motives. In what sense are we responsible for these things? Since we know that God is the source of both prosperity and disaster, what should we be doing? I don't believe God is the author of disaster in believer's lives. We suffered catastrophic losses which some might view as God bringing disaster, but the losses were due to a downturn in the economy but has been the means of our finding true intimacy with our God! We are responsible to earn a living, and to submit ourselves to His Lordship. We are to use His wisdom in how our money is spent and to be good stewards. (He owns it all, but lets us use 90% as we give Him the first 10% or more) He encourages us to tithe and to give offerings and to assist those less fortunate and to practice generosity. We are to live in His peace and rest, (He is my shepherd, who feeds, leads, shelters and protects me! Ps 23) trusting Him in all things, and not living in fear that He is going to heap disaster upon us!