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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. Q2. (Colossians 3:20-21) In what way does obedience prepare a child for everyday life in the future? Obedient children learn that they are not the center of the universe, to practice restraint as well as to follow Instructions, orders, directions... which helps them to be disciplined students in school, thoughtful in friendships and later in marriage where mutual submission is required in order to function well, and valued employees on the job. If they go into the military they are already trained to obey commands and to respect authority. It produces the mindset throughout life to obey the laws of the land. For spiritual life in the future? An obedient, well disciplined child learns to be obedient to the Lord. Obedience pleases the Lord. I Samuel 15: 22-23, says obedience is more valued to God than sacrifice, and rebellion is as witchcraft and stubbornness is as idolatry. What can fathers do to keep from discouraging their children? The Amplified version says for Fathers not to provoke, irritate or harass, or be hard on them. Correction can be effective without their spirits being broken. Setting good boundaries is helpful and with known consequences for overstepping them can be implemented without harshness.
  2. Q2. (Colossians 3:20-21) In what way does obedience prepare a child for everyday life in the future? Obedient children learn that they are not the center of the universe, to practice restraint as well as to follow Instructions, orders, directions... which helps them to be disciplined students in school, thoughtful in friendships and later in marriage where mutual submission is required in order to function well, and valued employees on the job. If they go into the military they are already trained to obey commands and to respect authority. It produces the mindset throughout life to obey the laws of the land. For spiritual life in the future? An obedient, well disciplined child learns to be obedient to the Lord. Obedience pleases the Lord. I Samuel 15: 22-23, says obedience is more valued to God than sacrifice, and rebellion is as witchcraft and stubbornness is as idolatry. What can fathers do to keep from discouraging their children? The Amplified version says for Fathers not to provoke, irritate or harass, or be hard on them. Correction can be effective without their spirits being broken. Setting good boundaries is helpful and with known consequences for overstepping them can be implemented without harshness.
  3. Q1. (Colossians 3:18-19) Why do you think Paul chose these directions to give to wives and husbands – considering all the things he could have said? Paul wrote scripture under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so he gave the directions the Lord showed him to give. I don't think Paul was married, (not positive), so he wouldn't have been speaking from personal experience but rather giving the Lord's instruction to married couples. He may have been thinking about his past and the trouble he caused following his own willful, ignorant instincts, as well as the difficulties of getting along with one another in general. Add to that, two people with fallen natures and self centered wills of their own coming together to live as one is a recipe for chaos and dissention, without the intervention of the Lord and some guidelines to live in harmony. Why is true submission difficult for wives? I think it can be for a number of reasons....If the husband is controlling or harsh, human nature is such that we want to resist those qualities. (God wired us up to desire freedom) Another is ignorance of God's guidelines. Yet another is a rebellious or strong willed temperament which doesn't want to be under any authority, period! Wrong teaching can lead one to believe that a Christian wife should be a doormat or a slave to her husband. No teaching at all can lead to continual hostility and fighting for the leadership role. Why is unselfish love difficult for husbands? Because they are human beings with fallen, self centered natures, before the Lord works to change those qualities. For the same reason it's difficult for wives to submit to them. Human beings are self centered creatures, and only the Lord can change the heart. What prompts harshness in a husband – is the cause inner or outer? I'm not a man, but my guess is that it's the same for women....unhealed wounds from the past, or just a plain bossy, angry nature which has not been submitted to the Lordship of Jesus.
  4. Thank you! Your kind words blessed me this morning!The Lord softened the "blow" as I slept and assured me this will be used for good and to glorify Him...what more could I ask? Thank you for taking time to encourage and comfort me.

    Blessings to you,


  5. Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes? I think one answer covers all 4 aspects of the question: Christian virtues are the character of Jesus manifested to the church, to non Christians, in our homes. We are the hands and feet here on earth to reveal Christ to the world, and it's through His virtues being "made known" that others see the reality of God in a fallen world...when evil is repaid with kindness, for instance, the world takes notice that this is a supernatural occurrence. When a kind word turns away wrath, they notice. When generosity is extended, God's goodness is visible. Of course right motives are key in all that we do, and He asks that we "know Him and make Him known". It's important to Christ, because His heart is love for people...saved and unsaved. He is blessed when His children obey His Word, and allow Him to reach out and touch lives through all that we do. The kingdom of God is furthered here on earth when we represent Him as He is, in the church, to non Christians, in our homes, and it hastens His soon coming!
  6. Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? Jesus said in Mt. 12:34 that "out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks"....The tongue exposes what is hidden in our hearts....if evil, the tongue speaks evil; if pure, the tongue speaks praise, worship, encouragement, scripture stored up as treasure, and wholesome uplifting conversation, loving and kind words. Words can sound good but be meant to manipulate, control, hide true motives, promote evil agendas,....I can't help but think of this verse when I listen to politicians who are not statesmen/women commited to the good of the nation, but are trying to gain or hold onto power. Since we're works in progress going from glory to glory, there are parts not yet healed, regenerated, made new or which have not yet been brought to our attention as needing cleansing....and these come out in conversation, or bursts of anger when provoked. In what ways do they damage us and others? Proverbs 18:21 says "The power of life and death are in the tongue".....when the tongue spews forth words of death (malice, hatred, slander, gossip, vicious criticism, they bring "death" to the hearer. Words can "kill" relationships, marriages, strangers....whomever hears them. They can be apologized for, but not retrieved once spoken. It's been said it takes one hundred positive remarks to reduce the stigma of one negative and damaging one. Words of death damage the one who speaks them when that person's true condition is exposed, and never puts one in a positive light. Those words stay connected to the one who speaks them, like the stench of cigar smoke clings to the drapes.... A loved one humiliated me last night in front of dear friends by speaking cruel words. The friends were embarrassed for me, and I was stunned by the uncalled for remarks. Though an apology was given and I've forgiven, the sting is still with me this morning....It knocked the life right out of me and I've been weepy and confused today, wondering what on earth was in that one's mind to do such a thing, when love is also professed from the same mouth. A great picture of the question, "How can the same fountain spew forth both pure and salty water?" I'm feeling "the damage", mentioned in the question. How can we break free of the sins of the tongue? A verse I've memorized is Ps. 39:1 "I will muzzle my mouth as with a bridle".....it comes to mind when I'm tempted to speak the negative words, and reminds me (most of the time) to ask the Lord to take control of my mouth. James said in 3:8 "The human tongue can be tamed by no man." Only the Lord has the power to do that, and requires our submission to Him and the desire and committment to have it tamed....a lifetime process.
  7. Q2. (Colossians 3:5) Why is sexual l u s t so difficult for people, especially males? Though we cannot deny that we are sexual beings, how can we keep sexual desire from controlling us and causing us to sin? It's difficult BECAUSE we are sexual beings. As in all functions, such as eating, that are a part of our lives here, the only way to cause them to not become sin, is to bring them to the cross and under the control of the Holy Spirit. It's much easier to deny the flesh those things that aren't essential, but which if given free reign can become "habits which become handcuffs" as one has said. It's one of those truths which keeps us in daily dependence upon our Lord and Savior, and when we are not in subjection to His Lordship, the flesh quickly succumbs to the fallen nature, and the temptation which is almost constant in our promiscuous, now godless society, which flaunts it's truth: "you only live once so grab all the gusto (or l u s t o) you can."
  8. Q1. (Colossians 3:1-2) What does it mean to "set your heart/mind" on the things above? Does this mean that we're "too heavenly minded to be any earthly good"? If not, what does it mean? What happens when we don't take control and direct our thinking and meditating? For me, it is a daily, conscious renewing of my mind, that I'm a pilgrim passing through this life, and that my real home is in Heaven where scripture tells me I'm already seated with Christ. While I love my country, and pray for my leaders, participate in jury's when called, vote, pay taxes, etc, this is a temporary stopping place on this journey, and I'm to live here without sinking my roots too deeply, while serving the Lord and working to accomplish the works He has preordained that I do while here.....or in other words, seek to fulfill the destiny He planned for me before I was born....which includes loving Him, loving His people, loving the unlovely, remembering that I'm a sinner saved by His grace, worshipping and glorifying Him, seeking to know Him more each day. With all that is going on in America and the world since the last election, I got depressed for a couple of months and realized I was allowing my thinking and the daily round of news and and more bad news to affect my spirit. I turned off the t.v and have been praying more. I realize that our system is not the system any longer that the Lord gave to our founding fathers, and it is going to crumble....it has to, because we've left our first love as a nation and the government has "become God" to more people than I can imagine. But in that, He has promised to take care of His children, so I'm no longer frightened or depressed, and am praying and seeking diligently His Word and His Will, all the more as I see the day drawing near....while looking for opportunities to share His good news with those who still see the government as their source and their deliverer, and to introduce them to "The Way, The Truth and The Life"...the only deliverer and Savior.
  9. Q4. (Colossians 2:20-23) Why are legalism and asceticism unable to restrain the sinful fallen nature? The only life giving, life changing Source is our holy Lord. Legalism and asceticism reveal the fallen state or our sinful nature but can do nothing to altar or restrain it. If one follows after these, though some outward behavior may change, bondage is the end result. These indulge the flesh and lower nature but do not honor God. What alternative to legalism does Paul offer in Colossians 2? Freedom in Christ! He urges us to remember that in Christ we are "dead" to sin and the flesh, but alive to our Head from Whom and in Whom we live and move and have our being, and to stop chasing after those philosophies and teachers who lure us away from life in the Spirit and the love of God Who has set us FREE. When our enemy sees that he has lost us to Christ, he then spends his energy on trying to enslave us once again to whatever "chains" we will permit.
  10. Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? Jesus' death on the cross, fulfilled the law so that we no longer live under the law. The law required sacrifice to atone for sin....Jesus is the sacrifice which cleansed all sin and unrighteousness. What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? When Jesus cried out "It is finished", He was declaring an end to the old convenant, and the beginning of the better, new covenant of life in the Spirit instead of bondage to the law. What does this symbolize? It symbolizes freedom that the blood of Christ purchased for all believers, once for all. How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? The evil spiritual forces had freedom to do their work until the perfect Lamb, Jesus, conquered them through His death and resurrection, purchasing us back from the dominion of Satan, relinquished to him when Adam disobeyed God. They have been "defanged and defeated", and must now submit to the Authority of Jesus which we are empowered to declare in His Name.
  11. Q2. (Colossians 2:9-10) What does verse 9 teach about Christ's full divinity? Jesus is fully and completely God! Every aspect of the Godhead resides in Him....nothing less than the Father or the Holy Spirit! On earth He was fully man and fully God. In what sense are we "complete" or "come to fullness" in Christ? When we are in Christ, we lack nothing. The fullness of the Godhead dwells/lives in us. What does this mean? It means that though our bodies are gradually dying, our spirit is growing into the full stature He destined us to become. He has redeemed us! Why do we sometimes fail to understand this fullness? I think it's because we still see our flesh, we still sin and fall short, we still must depend upon Him completely to live in the fullness of Christ. We still hear the old messages from the past. We still have an enemy with a loud megaphone trying to convince us that nothing has changed, and to accuse and demean us. I think too, that when we fail to submit to His Lordship we fail to experience the fullness, though He never diminishes.
  12. Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? If the philosophy is not based upon the Word of God and His truth, it will be flawed. Cults are one example....They are based upon man's attempt to define God, apart from Scripture, or upon the parts of Scripture which appeal to the philosopher, but prove to be empty and false, because they are not THE TRUTH! Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow? I was raised in a main stream denomination of Christianity which teaches infant baptism. Later, at age 10 or 11 I was confirmed by the laying on of hands by the Bishop of the State in which I lived. This was supposed to bring me salvation (baptism) and the baptism of the Holy Spirit (confirmation). However, neither is true. This is false teaching, in that my parents made the decision FOR me,( which would have made me God's grandchild, not His child) and I was neither born again, nor was I filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. This teaching delayed my new birth experience because I thought for years that I was already a Christian....however it was hollow and deceptive. It wasn't until age 30, when I was at the end of myself and cried out to the Lord to change and comfort and save me, that I was born again. This denomination is based upon much truth, but is flawed and misleading. It also teaches that when a person dies, there is still opportunity to pray "for the repose of their soul that they find peace with God"......implying that there is a second chance after death to decide whether to follow Christ.....that too is unscriptural. And yet every Sunday I heard scripture read from both the old and new Testaments.
  13. Q4. (Colossians 2:2-3) In what sense are "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" hidden in Christ? I believe Paul is reiterating that Jesus is Deity, creator God, the fount of all there is to know about all there is to know! He IS wisdom itself, as Proverbs 2:2-3 says: Turn your ear to godly Wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry out for insight and and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek Wisdom as for silver and search for skillful and godly Wisdom as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of our omniscient God." (Wisdom is capitalized acknowledging that the Wisdom is God.) What does that mean? I believe Paul is still talking about Christ in us, the Hope of glory.....That He is the exact likeness of the unseen God (The visible representation of the invisible); He is the Firstborn of all creation. For it was in Him (Christ) that all things were created, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him and in and for Him." Amplified Col 1:15,16 In 37 years of walking with the Lord, I'm still stunned when I stop to think that the Spirit of the Living God is housed in my "shell"...that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that all Wisdom is available to me, simply by asking! That He is Knowledge and He will share with me! That His power is available to flow through me, as He wills it to be. His nature is in me, to be cultivated as I deny my will for His....so hard to really wrap my arms around the fullness of what that means!!! Just before we lost everything in the 1990 recession, He spoke to my heart "I will show you the treasures hidden in darkness"..... during the long wilderness, I learned first hand that He is the treasure hidden in me! And to value Him above all else. "We possess this precious treasure (box) in frail, human, vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves." We are each displays of His Splendor!!!! A mazing. How can we ever feel insignificant?
  14. Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1) What is the purpose of Paul's labors according to verse 28? Paul is a man after God's own heart....he longs for every believer to be presented to God, mature, complete, full-grown, fully initiated and perfect in Christ. What does "perfect in Christ" mean? I believe he means all that God desires for us to become in Him....filled with His love, His spirit, His nature....our flesh in submission to Him so that we are obedient and others see Him before they see us! Since each has a preordained destiny to fulfill, his desire is that we complete the work He has for us. How does Paul accomplish this goal? In what way is he "struggling" for them? Paul wrestled in prayer for the saints, preached the Word in season and out, proclaiming Christ, warning and admonishing everyone, instructing in all wisdom into the ways and purposes of God. Paul labored physically unto weariness, striving to meet the goal with super human energy supplied by the Holy Spirit.
  15. Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? Prior to this time, a relationship with God was an external one, based on prayer, listening, obeying His word to the best of one's ability, and depending upon sacrificial offerings of innocent animal blood shed to temporarily cleanse sin, and was limited to the Jews. The mystery Paul is talking about is that Christ now dwells IN every believer, regardless of ones race, occupying the place created for God alone to fill, but which died when Adam and Eve sinned bringing death to all. In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? I believe Paul is referring to the fact that until Jesus came and died for all, God's glory dwelt in the temple in Jerusalem. Now through faith in His Son, Gentiles are grafted into God's family, and have the glorious privilege and responsibility of carrying the Good News of the Gospel to the world. His glory now dwells in each believer rather than in a building and individual believers have become the "stones" which make up the Church. In what sense is "glory" used here? I believe Paul is referring to the fact that at salvation all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in each believer, and God is glorified as we live a life surrendered to the Holy Spirit, allowing Jesus to live His life through us. Also, that we share in His Divine nature and attributes as we are born again and allow His nature (the fruit of the Spirit) to be cultivated in us, and in surrendering to the manifestation of His Spiritual gifts through us....which also reflects His glory. Restored to relationship with Him, all the rituals of the temple are obsolete, in that Jesus fulfilled each and every one. What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context? The mystery is that Christ is within and among us...the Hope of realizing the richness of a life in Him and of eternal life, for he has blessed us with every spiritiual blessing in the Heavenly realm. (Eph. 1:3).
  16. Q1. (Colossians 1:24) How could Paul's sufferings in prison complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions? Is Paul referring to Christ's sufferings on the cross? Or is he seeing suffering in some kind of cosmic sense? If so, in what sense are your sufferings for Christ of value to the church? Jesus told us "the servant is not above the master", and as our Master suffered so may we. Jesus' afflictions were many: He was homeless and owned nothing except the clothes he wore, in poverty and leanness, but with provision for all that He needed. He suffered socially, rejected by most, including his own family until after the Resurrection and they began to understand His mission. He suffered emotionally, in that He was on this mission alone, which no one on earth understood or could validate or be empathetic. He suffered emotionally and spiritually on the cross as His Father had to turn His back on the sin Jesus carried for all of us, separated from Him for the first time, so that we won't ever have to endure that separation. He suffered humiliation, abuse, betrayal as well as excruciating physical pain.....He learned obedience through what He suffered...He was always God, until He limited Himself to humanity in how He dealt with life, and for the first time had to submit His will to the will of His Father (Heb. 5:8) In light of that, we expect to suffer as we follow Him. We will never suffer to the degree which He suffered...we will never be separated from God, which would be the ultimate in suffering. He is our example, and we will suffer rejection at times, betrayal, and perhaps physically and even martyrdom. We suffer physical, emotional, and spiritual attacks from the enemy because we belong to Jesus and they often come through people we know and love as well as from strangers. We suffer when we deny self and yield to the Holy Spirit, but Peter told us to rejoice when we suffer all kinds of trials, because trials develop our character and our faith...showing whether it's genuine or not. Our suffering gives opportunity for Him to shine through us. Steven was radiant as he was stoned to death, looking unto Him. Unbelievers watch us to see how or if our faith makes any difference in how we choose to live. When my family lost everything and were homeless, believers were watching us as well, and told us later that they were encouraged by our faith and by watching how God has provided and cared for us, in that we never lacked anything and were totally dependent upon Him through others provision. It's been a testimony to unbelievers as they see that God is real and alive and involved in our every day lives and needs.
  17. Hi Jim,

    What a great illustration your pastor gave...thank you for sharing it! So true!

    Are you the Jim Ott from the Valley Times?


  18. Q4. (Colossians 1:23) If our salvation depends upon the grace of God, not us, why is it necessary for us to "continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved"? God has called us to be disciples in our son/daughter relationship, and to live for Him and to serve Him and Him only. His Word tells us we have an enemy who aims on a daily basis to Kill, steal and destroy us and our faith and dependence upon our Lord. To have faith, is an active verb, not a passive condition. We are to contend, and seek to grow in our faith and our walk with the Lord. We're warned over and over again that we are to fight the good fight, to not grow weary in well doing, to seek and keep on seeking and to not faint. All are commands, for which He promises to supply the strength when we cry to Him when we're in trouble and sinking. His promise is to never desert us nor to fail us! He promises in Is. 41:10 Fear not, there is nothing to fear, for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My victorious right hand of rightness and justice. What happens if we dont'? To do less than we are commanded is to backslide, to fall by the wayside, to succumb to the enemies plan to "neutralize or marginalize" our faith so that we no longer "shine" and live for Christ. Relationship depends upon the participation of both parties. God is a sure and faithful God and He is always reaching toward His children in every way....but it's possible to no longer persevere, and to become utterly defeated and useless in the Kingdom of God. In Corinthians, Paul said that is why some now sleep....I believe Paul was saying that those who succumbed to the enemy's plans, were taken home prematurely due to their utter defeat. What is the nature of the security we have in Jesus according to this text (and this text only)? (Please don't use proof texts from other verses in the New Testament, but interpret Colossians 1:23 in its appropriate context.) It is conditional....IF you continue to stay with and in the faith in Christ, well grounded and settled and steadfast, not shifting or moving away from the hope which rests on and is inspired by the glad tidings of the Gospel (amplified) .....Christ will present us to His Father. v. 22 Here's the mystery to me in all of this complexity: When I stand before the Lord, He will receive all the glory for everything! He has shown me that even my remaining faithful to Him and in persevering is due to the fact that He has steadfastly upheld me. During times of intense attack by the enemy when I've strayed, the Good Shepherd has brought me back, when sinking under the heavy load of abuse and neglect, He encouraged me and gave me hope for the future, when in despair and wanting to die, He came to me through "someone with skin" to comfort me. When I've grown dull and neglected His Word, He has drawn me back with renewed vigor and enthusiasm for study. Do we have the freedom to completely walk away? His Word says so. Will we? How can we when His is a love that won't let go? How I praise Him for Loving me so much, that He'd rather die than live without me....and DID to prove it. At those times when too weak to hold onto Him, He carries me in His victorious right hand!
  19. Loved your beautiful analogy of being in Christ, as a pge in a book. I'm a visual learner and this was a wonderful picture!!! Thank you! I'm always enriched by your sharing!


  20. Q3. (Colossians 1:22) How can we be presented "holy," "without blemish," and "free from accusation" since we are not perfect? I've heard it called "The Great Exchange".......when I said "Yes" to Him and took His Name, He exchanged my filthy rags and sin darkened soul, for His gleaming white robes of Righteousness and a spotless "record"....He JUSTIFIED me....just as if I'd never sinned. How is this possible? By faith! God says that's what the blood accomplished for me and I've received it by faith. When God looks at me, He first sees me through the prism of Jesus' holiness, and because I'm "In Christ" He sees me as pure and holy.
  21. Q2. (Colossians 1:20-22) By what means did Jesus accomplish this reconciliation? Mankind "fell" into the hands and dominion of Satan when Adam chose to disobey God in the Garden of Eden. The reconciliation God required was the shedding of innocent blood, since the "life is in the blood". Jesus came to earth, fully man and fully God, lived a perfect sinless life, which He laid down in crucifixion, death, burial, then resurrection, which purchased mankind form Satan's dominion. Now each individual can make the choice to either stay in the fallen state, or to choose to receive God's provision for reconciliation with Him, through Jesus, His Son. What does "the blood of his cross" have to do with it? God's requirement for the forgiveness of sin is the shedding of innocent blood. When Adam and Even sinned and fell from their glorified state in the Garden, they tried to cover themselves with leaves. God Himself killed an animal to cover them...the first shed blood to cover sin. Innocent blood is the only acceptable means of reconciliation so at the right time God sent Jesus to be the propitiation for our sins and He died once for all..........that whosoever will may come. What is the purpose of this reconciliation? (verse 22) To whom are we "presented?" (verse 22) God's creation was lost to Him until Jesus provided the only way to be reunited with Him. Jesus became the bridge across the chasm separating sinful man from a Holy God. When we choose to receive Jesus as the Way the Truth and the Life, we cross the bridge, so to speak, and He presents us to His Father. I love the unity of our Triune God....the Father draws us to Jesus (col.1:13), Jesus died for our sins, and when we accept the sacrifice of His shed blood, we are the gift to Him from His Father, (John 17:24) then He presents us to His Father as a gift (Col l:22) All we have to do is to "choose to be chosen", since we did not choose Him but He chose us. (John 15:16). What an amazing and loving God. I have to laugh now....I used to say "When I found God"....I was the one who was lost...not Him....I ran from Him until one day I turned around and ran into the arms of the One Who had faithfully pursued and wooed me.....the Holy spirit, "the Hound of Heaven". We receive all of the benefits and share equally in the inheritance with Jesus! Amazing!!!!
  22. Q1. (Colossians 1:20-22). What does "reconcile" mean? I like the Greek meaning Dr. Wilson quoted: The exchange of hostility for a friendly relationship; My Webster says: to bring back to harmony; to reconcile differences. What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21) We were estranged and alienated from Him and were of hostile attitude of mind and our wicked activities. In other words, completely lost and on our way to hell for eternity.
  23. Q4. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Just as our human body is under the authority of our head, the church is under the authority and leadership of Christ. The church is here to serve Him, and as such should constantly seek His guidance, will, power, inspiration in all matters. Sadly many churches are "man" led, glorify the pastor, serve the people, please the people, and Jesus is outside the door knocking to get in, as in the Laodicean church in Revelation. Is he talking about the universal church or a local congregation, or both? He's talking about both...the local congregation is a small part of the universal church. If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In total submission to His Headship, seeking to glorify ONLY Him. In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? The Head is invisible. If we are worldly, self seeking, walking in the flesh, He is misrepresented, and others see a distortion of Who He is, rather than the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Holy, Almighty, loving and just, faithful and true...the One Who died for all. How well do we as the body follow his leadership? In many cases, not very well....If individual wills are not surrendered to Him, the church will not glorify Him. That's why churches split, disunity is common, etc. He said the world would know us by our love and to walk in love requires walking in the Spirit, in subjection to Him.
  24. Q3. (Colossians 1:16) "Thrones," "powers," "rulers," "principalities," "authorities," etc. probably refer to both earthly as well as angelic and demonic dominions. What does this passage teach about the relation of these powers to Jesus? One definition for Sovereign I learned as a new believer struggling to understand His Awesome power and might, is "God is the blessed controller of ALL things." Jesus is Lord...over ALL. These thrones, powers, rulers, etc. are His creation, and are subject to His authority and power and were created to serve HIM and His purposes. How should this affect our fear of them? Since Jesus delegated His authority over them to us when He left the earth, they are subject to that delegated authority in us in Jesus' name. I respect them but we are not to fear them. Satan is a defeated foe. The demons and other beings who rebelled against His authority in Heaven, were also defeated by His death and shed blood and resurrection. In other words, they are on a short leash, and can do only what they are allowed to do, by their Creator. We are to live "fearlessly free"!!!!! How should it affect our prayers? I'm learning to discern when attacks are coming from them, and are not just circumstances, emotions, etc., and to take authority over them in the name of Jesus, which is the key: In Jesus' Name, they must bow to His authority.
  25. Q2. (Colossians 1:15b-17) What does "firstborn of all creation/every creature" mean? Jesus is preeminent over ALL created beings. Is Jesus a created being? No, He created all that exists. If not, what does "firstborn" mean here? The preeminent one...the One with the most honor and authority and responsibility and inheritance. What do verses 16-17 teach about Jesus' pre-existence? He has always existed and all things which exist were created by Him and to serve Him. Ps. 119:91 says that ALL things serve Him....so even Satan in trying to steal, kill and destroy God's creatures, ends up serving God, in spite of himself...he's on a short leash, in other words. What does verse 16b teach about the purpose of creation? Everything was created by Him, in Him and for Him. According to verse 17, what is Jesus' past role in creation? What is his present role in creation? In the past He created all things. In the present all things cohere and are held together by Him.
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