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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. Q4. (Ephesians 4:32) Why is it so difficult to forgive those who hurt us? We want those who hurt us to be punished or to hurt as they've hurt us....revenge, retaliation is "normal" for our fallen nature. Until I understood that forgiveness isn't condoning the sin or offense against me, or minimizing what was said or done, or making excuses about WHY it was said or done, or forcing me to reconcile with a violent sex offender or abusive unsafe person, I struggled with forgiveness. I heard a story that in an ancient society when a murderer was caught, he had to walk around with the decaying body strapped to his back, living with the weight and stench of decay day and night. Don't know if it's true, but it's a vivid illustration of what holding onto unforgiveness does to the one refusing to let go of the offense. It destroys our peace, hardens our heart, and life becomes "all about me". Unforgiveness also gives Satan a foothold to lead us into sin. According to Ephesians 4:32, who is our example of forgiveness? God in Christ is our example. He forgives us completely, not holding our sin over our heads to remind us of how "bad" we are. What heart attitudes toward people are evidence of a forgiving spirit, according to verse 32a? Tenderhearted, understanding, compassionate, kind hearted and readily, freely forgiving. When I learned that forgiveness is none of the above, and that forgiveness releases me to deal with the emotional impact of the offense or sin, and to let it go, as well as to let the other person "go", I became quick to forgive, remembering how freely Christ has forgiven me.
  2. Q3. (Ephesians 4:29-32) What kind of "unwholesome talk" is common among us Christians? Gossip, bitter ranting, sour complaining, sexual innuendos, off color jokes, racial jokes, cursing, venomous angry outbursts...wrath, negative speaking about oneself or which brings down another, clamor, contention, animosity, quarreling, criticism, abusive, blasphemous language, malice, spite, ill will, baseness of any kind. Any speech which grieves the Holy Spirit. What three guidelines does Paul give us to measure the value of what we say? 1. Speak only what is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others. 2. That our speaking is fitting to the need and the occasion. 3. That our speaking may be a blessing and give grace (God's favor) to those who hear it. The power of life and death is in the tongue...very sobering words. What is slander? Talk which is of a defamatory nature, meant to destroy another's reputation, business, etc. How common is it among Christians? Sadly, it is fairly common in one form or another, or we would not be exhorted against such talk. How can we prevent it? Don't do it! Ask the Lord to "muzzle my mouth" as it says in Psalm 39:1, if tempted to do it. Don't listen to it! If someone starts, put the hand up and say "Please stop right there. I don't want to hear this".
  3. Q2. (Ephesians 4:26-27). Why did God give us the emotion of anger, do you think? Anger alerts us to abuse, others control & manipulation, the need to take action at times and to speak up about injustice, to move toward righting a wrong...a number of things. How can anger be dangerous? Anger undealt with can turn into rage, retaliation, hurting others, road rage, "nuking" people verbally, it can lead to murder, etc. Conversely, if "stuffed internally", unacknowledged, it can tear down your health, and cause emotional instability. How can we keep from sinning when we are angry? I grew up in a sometimes violent home, and decided anger was too dangerous to acknowledge and was childish, so I learned to "stuff it", and lost the ability to recognize when I was angry. Anger is an energy force which swirls around inside us until it's dealt with, so I became ill with all kinds of back pain, headaches, sinus trouble....yet still "expressed" the anger, though in passive aggressive ways. H. Norm Wright, Christian counselor echoed what my counselor suggested in dealing with anger. (although first I had to ask God to alert me to when I was angry in the moment instead of a month after an incident!...and He was faithful to do that so He could heal the damaged emotions of a lifetime of abuse and to teach me how to deal with anger without sinning) This is what they suggested: First, in a journal or on a piece of paper, write about the anger...what happened, how I felt about it, did it remind me of previous injustices, abuse or cruelty...write freely not worrying about punctuation, spelling, etc...just get it all out of you and onto the paper. Interestingly, the angry energy actually flows out onto the paper. (the journal or paper should not be seen by others, so either destroy the paper or keep the journal in a safe place where your privacy will not be violated) Writing about it brings clarity, and you are able to see your part in it, if any, when you're calm. Next, forgive the offender, and yourself if you've acted in a sinful way. When you're calm, have prayed, forgiven, then give the anger to God and ask Him to provide a time for you to deal with the issue with the other person/persons if necessary...ask forgiveness, make restitution, whatever is needed to reconcile. (providing they are not abusive, dangerous, unsafe, etc.) Is anger itself sin? No, it's a God given emotion...it only becomes sin if we harbor it into becoming resentment and bitterness or if we hurt others with our anger.
  4. Q1. (Ephesians 4:17-19) Using Ephesians 4:17-19 as a basis, how would you describe (in your own words), the secular, non-Christian mindset of our age? They believe they are enlightened, more intelligent and more "spiritual" than Christians, ie: the liberal mindset and agenda, which is to force those with more to give to those who are lazy and won't work. They live with a double standard...one for them, "anything goes", and a harsh judgmental criticism of those who don't follow their "standards"...tearing down and ridiculing them. Biblical values & sexual purity have no meaning for them, having been replaced by their god and religion which is idolatry of self, power, status, arrogance, greed. There is a form of godliness based on deception and darkened minds which excludes the one true God and Savior. Why are we tempted to conform to its values? Some may try to conform to avoid the vicious attacks and ridicule, or to "fit in", because of ignorance of scripture and the call on their lives. Failure to surrender to the Lordship of Christ may lead to "one foot in the kingdom and the other in the world", pandering to the flesh instead of yielding to the Holy Spirit. Sadly, preaching in many churches has become a "social gospel", which validates much of what the world believes and lives out, so as to not step on any toes, and lose any who may contribute financially to the church. The lines have become blurred or fuzzy, the conscience seared by false teaching. Sin, humility, repentance, the Blood of Jesus, are repugnant to many, so preachers avoid teaching the very things which will bring about revival.
  5. Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? It's not Biblical. He/she is to lead and shepherd the flock toward maturity. If this is going on in a church, it's the pastor's responsibility to correct that mindset and to teach and train the flock in their responsibility. How does it hinder people in the congregation? In the same way that children become stunted, lazy and spoiled, when the parents do all of the work in the family without training them and giving them responsibility fitting for their ages and so forth...the congregation becomes like the "dead sea".. the living water which is meant to flow out, is stagnant and lifeless, in a group of "takers". How does it hurt the community? The community is robbed of a maturing and growing outreach church, because the pastor is burned out, probably resentful, and exhausted, while the congregation sits on their behinds waiting to be served. What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? To shepherd, teach and train the flock to become shephers, teachers, pastors, or whatever their gifting is, to bring them to maturity.
  6. Q3. (Ephesians 4:11) How could a person have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher without having an official position in a church? This person could have been given the gift of pastor or teacher, and not as yet been called to a particular place of ministry in a church. It may be that Sunday school or Bible study leaders have this gift. The elderly woman who mentored me when I was a new Christian had both gifts, and was the Prayer minister in the church, shepherding and teaching those of us learning to pray and giving leadership to the entire group. What must a church do if its "senior pastor" doesn't have the spiritual gift of pastor? We were in a church in the past, new believers lacking wisdom, where this was the case....at one point he admitted "I am not a compassionate man"...then we noticed how neglected the "sheep" were, and we experienced spiritual abuse at his hands and left the church. One would hope that if it were a good and godly pastor lacking the gift of pastor, that he/she would surround him/herself with shepherds in the form of Elders and Deacons to fill that roll. Who gives these gifts? The Lord gives them to each one as He decides.
  7. Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How can we stir up the gift of evangelism among members of our congregations? Through teaching and training....many sit in church believing evangelism is bringing someone to hear the Pastor preach in order for them to be saved. WE are the evangelists, not the Pastor. Teaching and equipping the saints to know how to evangelize and preparing the body of Christ is important. Also, teaching the importance of evangelism, and the alternative for folks (eternal damnation) who aren't reached with the Gospel is helpful. What might be the earmarks of a person with this gift? I have this gift, and find that I can't help myself! I am passionate about reaching the unsaved and I love people. I'm passionate about and love God's Word. I look for every opportunity to introduce Jesus into the conversation wherever I am, but not in a pushy aggressive way. I find ways to share what He's doing in my life if it pertains to the conversation, or to the hope I have, when difficulties or the world situation is brought up. However, the work of evangelism is for every believer, not just for those who have a special gifting. I've also seen statistics which make me feel really sad....that 98% of the witnessing is done in the first 3 years of a believers new faith, then it stops. How are we going to reach the world if it becomes passe or irrelevant to our lives to share Christ after we are saved for a couple of years? How can we encourage and stimulate the Spirit-gifted evangelists in our midst? I don't know how to answer that one, except perhaps prayer for the discouraged. Some churches teach classes on how to discover your spiritual gifts...this was very helpful to me. The class also helped in developing your gifts, and in using them. we were taught how to write out our testimony and memorize it so it could be given in 3 minutes on an elevator or a walk to the coffee shop on the corner. It consisted of "what my life was like before I met Jesus, how I received Him (with scripture to let them know how to receive Him), and briefly, how He's changed my life since then. When you're prepared it's easy and very natural and you don't "get lost" in long detailed accounts which aren't helpful to the listener. During a time of depression and despair as a new believer, I just wanted Jesus to come back so I could go to live with Him....in the midst of my prayer begging Him to come and get me, He gave me a vision which changed my life. I was standing in a long line of people slowly making my way toward a great white throne (at the time I had no idea what that was, nor that it was in Scripture). Next to me was another line of people inching their way along. I recognized many of them...some were family members, and neighbors, and their countenance was very sad. They knew it was too late for them and their destiny was sealed. Suddenly they turned to me and said "Why didn't you ever tell me about Jesus when you had the chance? Now it's too late. You are going to be with Him, and we are lost!" I can't even express what happened to me next...except that I snapped out of my despair (now that I'd seen real reason for despair), and have been about my Father's business ever since. I don't ever want to hear those words from anyone. At the same time, I'm not frantic...I share as the Spirit leads, not in the flesh or in a desperate way...He is the One who saves...I'm just a messenger.
  8. Q1. (Ephesians 4:11) If there were apostles today, why kind of function might they have? Perhaps this is the missionaries role today...being sent out to bring the gospel to the unchurched then to plant a church in their midst and to oversee churches in different areas...like Bishops do now. My Pastor has been asked by 3 churches in different countries, and 2 in California where we are located, to oversee, give prayer support and accountability, teaching, etc. for their churches. We send teams to teach and train, etc. I suppose this is also an apostolic role. What needs do our congregations and regional groupings of churches have that an apostle might meet? Staying connected to the larger body of Christ, to see the big picture rather than just being "one little congregation", so as to not become "ingrown"....and to bring oversight, correction and encouragement to Pastors, etc., as Paul did in his day. How might we detect false apostles? (2 Corinthians 11:13; Revelation 2:2) For one thing they are "self appointed"....there are some of those in the body of Christ today, who tithe to one another's ministries, so that they all have private planes to fly around in, and have not been appointed or chosen by a body of believers but by each other. These folks have no accountability to anyone, and are free wheeling and dangerous, gathering followers and leeching funds which should support the local church, by promising huge returns if you give to them...one even promised "no-evil oil' would be sent in return for a large donation, to keep Satan away from you rather than teaching how to do spiritual warfare! They victimize lonely, isolated folks, and those who are ignorant of scripture which teaches that we will know them by their fruit, which is deceitful, and they don't teach the truth of scripture. I've seen some on Christian T.V., whose purpose seems to be to accumulate wealth for themselves, and to lead others astray by teaching only the health and wealth "gospel", while they have become extravagantly wealthy and live lavish lifestyles with huge homes in several areas.
  9. Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Our Lord Jesus. Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? Yes, I've experienced this. How? In how He shapes our personalities, our bodies, minds, etc. For instance, before I became a Christian, it was noted that I am detail oriented and I loved books, loved to read, love solitude and study. After I became a believer, I discovered I was given the gift of teaching, and of knowledge. (the two go together). So my " bent" to read and study and attention to detail and accuracy were "in me", but are now used by the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. My early life was abusive and painful which resulted in a tender compassionate heart for others. When I became a Christian, I discovered one of the gifts the Lord gave me was the gift of mercy, and also the gift of exhortation, so that I am able to weep with those who weep, and to encourage others "with the encouragement I've been given." What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? Often I think a God given talent can used for the edification of the individual, while a spiritual gift is for the edification of the body of Christ, or in the case of Evangelists, to the unsaved. My Pastor had the God-given talent to be able to run FAST! He was an outstanding running back on the football field, earning scholarships to college where he was then recruited for the NFL. That natural God given talent allowed him to come out of poverty and obtain an education, and was then prepared when the Lord called him into ministry at the height of his football career. Others have the the same gift, and excel in the Olympics, etc. but never become believers. Their gift brings them fame and fortune, but benefits only themselves or their families in the doors it opens and the income it provides. Seldom is God given credit for the "gift".
  10. Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? As much as it takes to remain in unity! What is "the bond of peace"? Bondo glue comes to mind...that which holds us together in peace. The Holy Spirit is the "oil" on rusty or squeaky hinges. How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension? We submit our fleshy, self centered wills to the lordship of Jesus, and allow Him to reign, to prevail and bring peace to the situation.
  11. Q2. (Ephesians 4:2) Why are patience and humility so important to preserving unity? Patience and humility are qualities of acceptance...when we accept those around us, instead of trying to change them into "our image", so they'll be like us and we'll feel more comfortable, we are more apt to preserve unity. Trying to change others is futile (we should be asking the Lord to change us!), and leads to judging, a critical spirit, friction and disunity. What happens to the reputation of Jesus Christ when we have right doctrine along with a sense of arrogance towards those who disagree with us? We bring dishonor on Jesus, because we represent Him as being a proud Pharisee...the group he rebuked for those qualities. How are we to be both "gentle" and to "fight the good fight of faith"? Fighting the good fight of faith, doesn't mean fighting with other believers, or unbelievers either, for that matter. Again, fighting with others is trying to change them, or to change their opinion, and is rarely successful. A gentle spirit draws people to Jesus, because He is accepting and non threatening. We are to be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves. Serpents don't look for a fight..just for their food. We can be gentle and still stand on our principles, speak the truth in love, and represent Jesus as He is, without fighting. Our fight/battle is with powers and principalities, and we wage warfare through prayer, fasting and standing on God's Word, taking authority over the powers of the air, not fighting with people.
  12. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? I'm called to live my life in a way that is a credit to my Lord....in public as well as when I'm alone. What is the "calling" to which God has called us? My calling is to be a disciple of Jesus...to allow Him to live His life through me so I think like Him, talk like Him, act like Him, and allow His love to flow through me to those around me....to draw others to Him.
  13. Q4. (Ephesians 3:21) What might be different in your own congregation if bringing glory to God were considered the very most important function of the church? I can say that for the most part this is true in this amazing church! The result is that the church is expanding but the Pastor's desire is that we "grow deep" rather than "wide". We are growing deep and wide. Giving is seldom mentioned, but there is plenty of money for whatever is needed. We just expanded to include a building for youth ministry, and it was paid for before the project began. God IS glorified in all that we do....honestly, it's amazing what the Lord has done in only 6 years since it began. The church is full every Saturday at 6:30 am for prayer...for our city and the outlying cities to become the Lord's domain, for the nation, other nations...it is powerful!!! We have sister churches in Hiroshima, Japan, in Puerto Rico, and in the Bahamas, which we help support, train, shepherd, pray for. What would be different in your life if bringing God glory was your most important job, bar none? That is my hearts desire, because it's His hearts desire for me. I ask each morning for the Lord to order my steps, lead me where He wants me to go, say what He wants me to say....I prayed years ago and gave Him permission to do whatever is necessary to insure that when I meet Him face to face, my life will have produced lasting fruit for eternity..."I don't want to be ashamed when I'm standing before you, with nothing to show for my time here".....I trust that He is honoring my prayer, because I can't muster things up on my own. In the meantime, I give Him glory by telling others what He does and has done. (I'm thankful that my sins are under the blood, because those bring Him no glory) I'm conscious of wanting others to see Him in me and through me.....His love and kindness. Only He knows what could happen if my life was "bar none" for Him 100% of the time.
  14. Q3. (Ephesians 3:16, 19) What does it mean to be "filled with the Spirit" (verse 16)? To have surrendered my will (for me this happens in stages as I grow in knowledge of Him), so that His will becomes my will, and His thoughts become my thoughts, that I obey Him quickly, that I flow in the power of the Holy Spirit and allow His gifts to operate through me, and that His love flows out to others. Is this a one-time experience or a continual reality? For me there was a powerful, initial, baptism in the Holy spirit where I received a prayer language and an overpowering baptism in His love. But His word says to be continually filled...this needs to happen daily. This is "taking up my cross" daily. Crucifying what I want in order for His wants to prevail. What can we do to be filled with the Spirit? I pray and ask to be filled... and check first for unconfessed sin, repent, ask for forgiveness. When I'm a clean vessel there is more room for Him. Is it different or the same as being "filled with all the fullness of God" (verse 19)? I think "filled with all the fullness of God" is the ultimate goal...we can be filled to as much capacity as we can handle even as new believers, but I think this fullness takes some maturity to be first, willing, and second to be able to handle this much of God! We have the fullness of the God-Head indwelling us at conversion, but lack the ability to let Him have full reign...at least that has been my experience.
  15. Q2. (3:18-19) What kinds of things prevent us from comprehending the far reaches of Christ's love? It was hard for me to grasp Christ's love in the beginning because of an abusive, emotionally abandoned childhood...parents failed to bond with us, which created extreme anxiety and insecurity. Death threats and sexual abuse left me without a concept of being loved.... What happens in the way we live when we do comprehend, know, and experience this love? Over time as He healed my broken heart and life, I began to understand that He loves me unconditionally, and to even believe Zeph. 3:17, that He rejoices over me with joy and exults over me with singing! I began to love myself, and then to love and accept others. I live with confidence now assured that He is always looking after me, protecting me, guiding me, answering my prayers. I've experienced that He delights in surprising me with fun things, just to see me smile or laugh! His love means so much to me that I'm highly motivated to witness to others so they will know His love too. What would be different about your life if you could grasp this? My life IS different now. I used to come home from church and cry "because I don't fit in", or "Nobody talked to me"... Now I'm a greeter and delight in meeting new people and don't wait to be spoken to...I initiate and desire to express the Lord's love to others. My prayer life has changed, the way I think has changed, the way I live has changed. He's an amazing God and Father!!!!!
  16. Q1. (Ephesians 3:16-17) Do the concepts of (a) strengthened by the Spirit in the inner person, and ( Christ dwelling in our hearts say the same thing, or are they separate and distinct ideas? What do you think? They seem to say about the same thing but perhaps have a different "twist" in how our lives are affected: Strengthened by the Spirit and reinforced with mighty power (Amp.) is a prayer for our spiritual strength and reinforcement. (v.16) I think Paul is praying for our spiritual stability and maturity in the face of constant attacks from our enemy who tries to turn us away from faith and away from God. That we would walk in His power and not in the flesh. Our inner being is where Christ dwells, and once He's been invited in at conversion, He stays. ("Never, never, never will I leave you nor forsake you.") (v.17) this prayer is for our faith to recognize that Christ dwells in our hearts...not just for head knowledge, but for revelation knowledge so that we know that we know that we know..and against the lie that Satan tells new believers "Jesus didn't REALLY come into your heart"...faith unshakable! Then goes on to say "May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love"... or in other words, that we are so constantly aware of christ dwelling in us that we allow His love to permeate our very foundation, which would then flow out to those around us. (We can't give what we don't have!)
  17. Q4. What does Ephesians 3:12 teach us about the manner of approaching God? Because of our faith in Him we dare to have the boldness, courage and confidence of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear.) What happens if we try to pray without these qualities? We pray in fear and unbelief not really expecting an answer because we don't really believe we can ask the Father. At best, we pray wishy washy prayers, and at the worst, we sin, because scripture teaches that whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. (Whatever is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sinful) Rom. 14:23b Amp.
  18. Q3. (Ephesians 3:7-9) Why is Paul so careful to be humble about his call and apostleship? Paul was like a brand snatched out of the fire, since he persecuted the Saints before his conversion. He recognized that his calling as an Apostle was a gift of God's free grace and mercy...God's choice, not anything he did to earn it or to be arrogant about. How can his example help us remain as humble servants? Our calling and having been chosen is just as Paul was...we didn't earn it, but were sovereignly chosen. Any gifts or talents we possess are given by God and we can take no credit for any of it.
  19. Q2. (Ephesians 3:6) Just what is the "mystery" that Paul is talking about? The mystery is that the Gentiles are now to be fellow heirs with the Jews, members of the same body and joint partakers in the same divine promise in Christ through their acceptance of the glad tidings...the Gospel. amp. v.6 Why was it important to the Gentile Christians in Paul's day? They were treated as second class citizens by the Jewish believers who had been steeped in the rituals of Judaism for centuries...and seemed to believe that circumcision, temple worship, etc. made them "better" Christians than the heathens who accepted Christ and were now in the early church.
  20. Q1. (Ephesians 3:2-5) Why is God's revelation to "his holy apostles and prophets" our authority for faith and practice? It is because it was revealed by the Holy Spirit to the men who were assigned and chosen to set up the Church. It was not tainted by tradition, supposition, or any of man's ideas, but was God's mystery revealed. What is the danger of minimizing or straying from that revelation? Whenever we stray from Scripture, we introduce "pollution" which clouds God's Word. What is the danger of superceding that revelation? Superceding the revelation removes the authority of the Holy spirit's original teaching, and the new "prophecy" takes precedence, rather than being interpreted by the Holy Spirit's original standard. What is the danger of denying that God reveals himself to us and to his church today? If we do this, we cut off the ministry of the Holy spirit to His church. To deny His ministry, is throwing the baby out with the bath water, so to speak, and is dysfunctional and fear based. God reveals Himself today just as He did in the early church. He does so without contradicting any previous revelation given to the O.T. prophets and N.T. Apostles.
  21. Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? It just happens, praise God, that our congregation is a dwelling place of God in the Spirit! It has changed my life and my worship. It's a multi cultural church made up of many races who love each other and get along because we love the Lord. After attending all white churches for years, I see that this church is what Heaven will look like...every nation and tongue and kindred, living in unity and love for the Lord and each other. When worship begins, the Lord's presence can be physically felt...and the tears of joy begin!. It is so awesome to be a member of this church!!!! Because the Lord's presence is welcome, there are healings, deliverance, baptism in the Holy spirit, repentance, correction when needed, the entire Word of God is preached and taught...not just "feel good" sermons. I've been set free from bondages, demonic oppression, have had numerous physical healings....I can't say enough about how grateful I am to have been led to this amazing church! (Lee Grady, editor of Charisma magazine said in an article after becoming acquainted with our church, that it is a miracle! I agree!) What hinders that from being fully experienced? In other churches we attended, this was not the case. There was competition, and a fake unity, but also "exclusivity", and factions based on social status....I'm sure the Lord didn't feel welcome in any of those churches, and His presence could never be "felt", consequently, the gifts didn't operate...no healings, no deliverance, no fellowship. What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? My part is to see myself as a living stone.. a part of the larger "building"...and to make sure I'm not a "hangnail" on the body of Christ. To be there regularly, to worship with all my heart, to stay "cleansed" from sin, to practice acceptance of the different cultural backgrounds, to embrace all who come to worship. To pray for my brothers and sisters, and especially the Pastors and ministry team....(I feel convicted to pray more! thank you Pastor Wilson for this question especially)
  22. Q3. (Ephesians 2:17) What does it mean to have "access to the Father"? We were cut off in our sins from relationship with the Father. When Jesus work on the cross tore the veil in two which separated sinful man from a Holy God, access to the Father was opened. As believers we have special privilege to come into His presence at any time knowing He's waiting with open arms to receive us. Those who are not yet believers in Jesus have no such relationship...although God did answer some of my unbeliving prayers in miraculous ways, before I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. ("God if you're there, will you help me to deliver this baby quickly and easily without a lot of pain,...I'm terrified!"......His answer was that I had no labor...a nearly 9 lb. baby delivered in less than an hour....without pain, or perspiration! The nurse told me this was not the way first time mother's usually deliver a large baby! The Holy spirit was wooing me to Jesus!") In what way does the Holy Spirit facilitate this access? The Holy Spirit woos and courts us to draw us to Jesus who is the Bridge between us and the Father. The Holy Spirit draws us into and helps us to pray to the Father, even taking our imperfect prayers and perfecting them to the Father (Rom. 8:26) In what way does Jesus enable this access? Jesus shed Blood cleanses us from sin and all unrighteousness, making it possible to enter into relationship with our Father. His Cross became the bridge across the chasm which separated us.
  23. Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? Jesus fulfilled the law literally, by living it perfectly without sin, then replaced it with grace, mercy and forgiveness as He became the sacrificial lamb Who shed His blood for as many as will receive Him as Savior and Lord. He fulfilled the moral, ceremonial and civil law to the tiniest "tittle", so that we are free from the bondage of trying to keep that which is impossible for fallen flesh to obey. Jesus is King, Prophet, High Priest, Lord of Lords....no other is needed. He fulfilled it all. What is the significance of that for Jewish people? Jewish people were freed from the law, when the veil in the temple was torn in two by the death of their Messiah and sacrificial lamb. The way has been opened for them to be reconciled to God through His shed blood...making the animal sacrifices obsolete and if done now, a mockery of the work Jesus accomplished on the cross. He threw the door open into the Holy of Holies, as their HIGH PRIEST so that each believing Messianic Jew can enter in and be reconciled to God...under grace, just as the Gentiles are. For us Gentiles? We too have been set free from the guilt of our sins, though we didn't try to adhere to the Law...but we made our own set of rules to live by, which we also could not keep. We have been reconciled to our God through Jesus dying in our place and taking our punishment upon Himself. He has removed the barrier between Jew and Gentile which the Law erected between us...now in Christ, there is no Jew nor Gentile, no slave nor free, etc....we are one in Him with no separation. All who receive Him become God's children and joint heirs of Jesus Christ....what glory awaits us!!!!
  24. Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? Now that we're alive in Christ, if we forget how dead we were in our sins, we may lose the urgency to witness to others who are in our former condition. It's only when we are clear on the true condition of the lost that we are stirred up to share Christ with the perishing. When I think about anyone being separated from God forever and ever and ever, in darkness and suffering, I am bold to share my faith. The phrase "alone and without God in the world" is their condition now, and encourages me to seek them out to introduce them to The One, who will never leave them alone nor forsake them. A pastor from India once suggested to us in order to keep this in the forefront of our minds, to ask God when we wake up "Who do you want to bring across my path today who needs to know you?", and "Will you give me the courage and boldness and opportunity to share with them." This amazes me! I'm always on the lookout for the opportunity now, and He brings it to me! Another pastor suggested we write up and memorize our testimony of "what I was like before I met Jesus; How I met Jesus (in a way that shows them how to receive Him as Lord and Savior with scripture), and how He is working in my life today.....which can be given in a casual way in 3 minutes....so on an elevator, or walking to get coffee, etc, we can make the most of the opportunity which may never come again with that person. I did this, and have been amazed at the opportunities I've had to share! I also did this with a group going door to door during Bill Bright's "I found it" campaign, and was shocked at the people who prayed with me to receive Christ...who said "Cult members come to my door regularly...where have you Christians been? I don't go to church...I've been waiting for someone to come and tell me the truth!" In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ? They are dead in their sins, unforgiven and destined to go to hell separated from God for eternity. I don't want anyone to go there!
  25. Q4. What exactly is faith? Faith is believing God...His Word...and taking Him at His Word then acting upon it, which is almost always at odds with what we see, hear, and experience in our circumstances in this world. Can we take credit for having it? God gives to every man/woman a measure of faith. It's like a muscle..we all have a faith "muscle", but in order to grow, we must exercise it, through daily trust in God through trials and testing's. Unbelief causes it to shrivel. Can we be condemned for lacking it? Jesus rebuked disciples in scripture for their unbelief, and praised a Centurion and a Samaritan woman who had no knowledge of Scripture, yet who believed Jesus and took him at His Word. He marveled at their faith! Paul said "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in love"...and ..." whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin".Rom. 14:23b Define "faith" in terms a 10-year-old could understand. I would show the child a seed, then explain that God plants a seed of faith in each of us, and as we turn to Him and trust that He loves us when we go through hard things, the seed grows. We can't see it, but we know it's there by how much we love and trust Jesus. He can see how it's growing and waters it as we pray and ask for His help every day. He loves to see our faith grow, just as we love to see the green sprouts come out of the ground, then grow into beautiful flowers. Our "flowers" are the trust we have in Him, and the kindness and love we show to others and forgiveness for those who don't treat us well.
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