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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. Q2. (1 Timothy 3:6, 10) Why should leaders be observed carefully and tested before placing them in office? Paul calls this testing...folks can usually only "fake it" for so long. To place an immature, individual who lacks character in the role of leader, can be disatrous for him/her and for the church. One such man was chosen at a former church, and was an instrument of Satan in "blowing apart" the church. He concocted lies, and was puffed up by his "high" office. What should you be looking for during this period? One with character and who is spiritually and emotionally mature, who has been tested in other areas of ministry first, trustworthy, dependable, loves what is good and upright, is devout (loves God and is in a growing mode...not resting on his laurels or past relationship with God), is above reproach. One who loves others and is hospitable, usually does so because he/she loves God. I would add, one who has a servants heart, is not argumentive, is able to lead, and is baptized in the Holy Spirit, and discerning.
  2. Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12) What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"? A Leader of stability, humility,integrity, maturity and godliness...for starters. I'm really glad for this question and to have Pastor Ralph explore all of the different options for this phrase. I believe it is speaking of a man devoted to his wife in faithfulness and integrity.(It's much more than that and I'm also glad Paul reiterated the different qualifications in the next verses, because there are men who are the husband of one wife, but who rule with a cruel, iron fist, have secret addictions, are charming in public, but cold and indifferent at home but whose families look good on the surface.) This question is clearly misunderstood. At a former church, a dear and godly man was denied becoming a deacon, though fully qualified in every way,( and would have served well,) because he had been married and divorced as a young man before becoming a Christian. I really struggled with this. Also, I was in Bible study years ago which was an International study, and they wouldn't invite women or men to be leaders if there was a divorce in their past, regardless if it was prior to becoming a Christian... I remember thinking as a new Christian, and stumbling over it "I guess only certain things are under the blood and forgiven when we are saved"....sad that. Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems? How one leads and cares for his family is an indicator of how he will lead and shepherd the church family.
  3. Dear friends, since this is a topic in which various Christ-loving groups disagree, let's be especially careful to state our views with Christian love and gentleness. Denomination bashing and unloving attitudes are cause for suspension of Forum privileges. Q5. (1 Timothy 2:11-15) How should Paul's instructions about women teaching and leading in the church be applied in the twenty-first century? How do you support your view? I've been in churches who held that women cannot hold any position of authority, and in others where they could both teach and preach to both men and women. After much confusion and study I've arrived at the belief that women can teach and preach to both women and men with this caveat: If the woman is married, she teaches and preaches while in submission to her husband and with the blessing of the church leadership she's in, and under the protection of their covering... and if single, she's under the authority and covering of her pastor/ church authority, not out there on her own, for the following reasons: v11 Let a woman learn in silence in entire submission the meaning of the word used here:silence: "quietness, tranquility, stillness referring to a quiet life, think before one speaks. Not to talk at random, or talking too much, to not babble, & to not cause confusion." This passage is written to MARRIED women who were interrupting the teaching and disrupting the church services, asking foolish questions, which embarrassed their husbands, and should have been saved to ask him after going home. This passage is about ORDER in the church. v12 I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men (the meaning of the word used here:to have authority "Usurp authority, self appointed, undelegated authority, to domineer, seize by force, lord it over men. One acting by own authority, to seize by force a position that belongs to another. Domineering is witchcraft." I believe this is saying for a woman to teach and or preach, she is to be in submission to her husband (if she's married) and is released to teach/ preach to both men and women by those in authority in her church body. Submission is for the protection of women, not a means of enslavement or preventing their gifts from operating. Jesus broke the stigma toward women which existed in that society by appearing first to women after the resurrection and telling them to go tell His disciples what they had seen. Paul spoke of Pheobe a deaconess or pastor of the church of Cenchrae and urged that she be received in a manner that is worthy of the saints, and "assist her as she has needs" Rom.16:1 God doesn't discriminate against women, but has provided for their covering and protection as the weaker vessels (not as the weak minded vessels as some believe). Acts 2:14-18: The Spirit was poured out on ALL flesh, upon sons and daughters, who shall prophecy the will of God.
  4. Q4. (1 Timothy 2:9-10) How did women dressing in fancy clothes threaten to compromise the church's witness in Ephesus? It sounds like they were overdoing it, dressing over the top, and immodestly...drawing undue attention to the outward appearance, (as the men were doing with the prideful jockeying for position due to false teaching), rather than the inner development of the character of Christ. I've read that the things Paul mentions in their dress was a reference to not dressing like the prostitutes, who wore the gold, pearls, and braided hair. How do we apply the principle of Paul's directive in twenty-first century churches without instituting a new legalism? All things in balance, with modesty. (Over the top, extravagant dress may be meant to draw attention to the wearer, the result of pride and wanting to flaunt wealth.) This emphasizes "class" differences, and can cause those with less, to feel like outcasts. In Christ there is no male nor female, no "class" distinction...we're all one in Him, equal in value. Legalism is at one end of the spectrum and Lawlessness is at the other. We want neither in the church. Both show the absense of the Holy Spirit. On occasion I've cringed when women come to church with too much skin exposed, too much cleavage bared, too tight or too short skirts or dresses, and the men try not to ogle. This would apply for Christian women to observe outside of church as well. If the Holy Spirit is our guide, He will lead in how we dress, so as to not "stumble" others or to demean the Name of Jesus. We recently visited a church in another city, and I felt embarrassed as the females on the worship team gyrated in skin tight pants, bellies bared, up on the stage. It was impossible to worship. Too distracting and made me wonder what was being taught there. I agree with Pastor Wilson, that it's a cultural thing as well. I grew up in a church where it was mandatory for females "to cover their heads"...too young to wear hats, we pinned "doily" things on top of our heads...very silly and distracting, as it was no longer appropriate in our culture. Paul addressed that because prostitutes flaunted their hair, and godly women in that day, covered theirs.I know of a modern church that "split" over the issue of covering their heads....the ones that stayed were referred to as the "mad hatters".Silly, but true.
  5. Q3. (1 Timothy 2:8). What problem among the men of the congregation is Paul referring to in this verse? They were worshipping God while concealing anger and divisiveness in their hearts, stirred up by the controversies the false teachers were heralding to them. What is so serious about worshipping with the opposite of love in your heart? When we do that we're hypocrites...raising holy hands with an impure heart. We are instructed to worship with a pure heart, having forgiven offenders, and repenting for the wrongs and sins we've committed..before we begin to worship.Jesus referred to this as white washed tombs, full of decaying bones, and as cups that are clean on the outside, but dirty on the inside. Self righteousness wanting to look good, while covering and hiding the things inside that Jesus died to cleanse. Recently I was aware of this in myself. I was trying to worship after having an argument on the way to church. My hands were raised and I probably looked like I was in worship, but my heart was not on God...it was on the hurt from the angry words spoken to me. I was just going through the motions. I stopped and in my heart forgave the offender and let go of the offense. Then I was able to enter into God's presence with a pure heart.
  6. Q2. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) In the context of the salvation of all, why do you think Paul emphasizes the roles of Mediator and Ransom? He was emphasizing that Jesus is the Mediator as well as the Ransom....salvation is His gift, and we are not to parcel it out in exclusivity to only those like us or whom we want to be saved. He and He alone can reconcile the fallen human race to our Holy God, who desires everyone to be saved. In what way did Christ fulfill both these roles? His life blood was the Ransom price for our sins to be cleansed. Thus in laying down His life for us, He bridged the gap between God and man by mediating the impossible impasse between sinful man and Holy God. I love the picture on one tract, of a great gulf, with man stranded on one side, and God on the other, then the next picture shows the cross laid as a bridge across the chasm, for man to be able to reach God who is waiting with open arms in anticipation of the homecoming.
  7. Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter? Apparently the false teachers had made inroads in teaching an exclusively Jewish gospel, which led to a "club" or "inner circle", and left the gentiles out....those whom God intended to receive the gospel from the Jews. He encouraged prayer for ALL,including those in authority, so that it would go well with them so that they could have the freedom to evangelize as God intended and had told them to do in Mt. 28:19. What does this suggest about the practice of evangelism in the Ephesus church? It suggests that they were naval gazing, as Pastor Wilson called the inward implosion of the church, rather than "casting the net far and wide" to include the "any" in John 3:16, whom God does not want to perish.
  8. Q4. (1 Timothy 1:18-19) Why does Paul need to remind Timothy about the prophecies spoken over him? I think it's because Paul knew Timothy was younger in the faith, feeling pressure and great responsibility for what was going on in the church, and as a reminder that God in His foresight had already spoken about the mantle which had been placed on Timothy to minister in the body of Christ. I tend to forget that God is in control when fear, pressure, or "overwhelm" set in... God's Word brings me back to Who is in control...it must have been the same for Timothy and Paul, and Paul was exhorting him to stand firm in the faith and to remember that God Himself had given him the power to address the false teachers, and false doctrine...and all. In practical terms, what does "fight the good fight" really mean? It means to be kind, compassionate, caring, and at the same time, strong , persistent, valiant in spiritual warfare. David was a warrior King...and fighting is part of the Christian life. I'm also to "fight" my flesh, by submitting to the Holy Spirit's Lordship. We fight with wisdom, courage, God's understanding and His Word, truth, prayer and fasting....never in the flesh. For our warfare is against powers and principalities and darkness, not with the individuals who manifest those things. Why does Paul tell Timothy to "hold on to faith and a good conscience"? So as to stand in the battle...Satan is after our faith, and wants us to live "like" we have faith, but don't LIVE by faith. Holding onto our faith IS the battle. Faith isn't just belief, It's the inner knowing that God is more real than anything else in this world. Most of Satan's attacks are to weaken our faith, to cause doubts to draw us away from God, and to distrust Him or His Word. The good conscience is to not give Satan any foothold into Timothy's faith. What temptation is Paul trying to counter in his prot
  9. Q3. (1 Timothy 1:17) What do we learn about God from this doxology? He is King, of now and of eternity, incorruptible and immortal, invisible, the ONLY God. What do we learn about praise? Because He is God, we are to honor and glorify Him forever and ever (to the ages of ages) amp. Have you ever tried speaking out a doxology in your personal prayer or praise time? This is one of the joys I've been learning after asking Him to teach me to and how to worship Him. He inhabits the praises of His people...He is always near, but His presence is manifested in worship. What effect does a doxology have on the speaker? It magnifies and elevates Him to His rightful place in my heart and mind...He is God. He is on the royal throne. He is worthy of all praise and honor and glory, His is the wealth, the dominion and the power. I'm His humble creature who brings Him joy as I worship Him...it brings us into intimate union and relationship, because I was created to love and worship Him. It reminds me that He is in control...I'm not, nor do I have to be, nor want to be. It reminds me that whatever issues or problems or trials I'm going through, are "covered"...and all is well. He sees it all, knows it all, and is Sovereign. Worship fills me as I fulfill my purpose. (Even the rocks will cry out if I don't....)
  10. Q2. (1 Timothy 1:12-14) Why does Paul comment on his own life after a paragraph on the law (1:8-11)? Paul's preconversion life was a perfect example of being a legalistic zealot, to the point of killing Christians in the name of God. His conversion was an example of God's mercy and grace and the freedom that Christ brings, from living under the bondage to the law. Why does he share this with Timothy and the church that will read the letter? Paul told the Corinthians that he came to them in weakness, fear and trembling to preach nothing among them except Jesus Christ the Messiah and Him crucified...so that their "faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. His testimony was that "God has set me free" from what the false teachers were advocating to the church, to bring them back to the Gospel. How might sharing this help get the church back on center? Paul was their Elder and Apostle with authority given him by Christ and by the Father. In sharing his example of God's grace in his own life, he was addressing their need for that grace and freedom and reiterating how far afield from the gospel of Jesus Christ, adhering to the law had taken him.
  11. Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? False doctrine brought confusion, produced greed, division, meaningless controversies. Those teaching the false doctrine and "new" truth were drawing attention away from the true Gospel, to make names for themselves... lifting themselves up instead of lifting Jesus up. In all things we are to "look unto Jesus". How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? The Church's mission is diverted and the purpose is perverted. Infighting "kills" the love, trust and acceptance needed in order for growth to occur. It causes new believers to distrust Scripture, and the idea that the Bible must be "interpreted" by these self appointed teachers creating an unhealthy dependence upon the "gurus", rather than trusting the Holy Spirit to interpret and reveal Scripture to them. It allows the spirit of fear to flourish, rather than peace. How does it prevent growth? Faith comes from hearing the Word of God...when false doctrine in introduced it stunts growth and faith, by diverting the hearer to minutiae and controversy. It stifles the ability to learn and quenches the Holy Spirit. It produces factions and division, rather than unity and harmony. How does it keep the church from its mission? Infighting, greed, & confusion cause the church to implode rather than to grow and expand. Pastoring gets diverted to dealing with the false instead of the true. Spiritual abuse flourishes in this toxic atmosphere, and the sheep are wounded and/or scatter.
  12. Q4. Read Matthew 8:5-13; 21:33-44; 22:2-13; 24:14; and 28:19. What do they have in common? They all speak to the Gospel being for all mankind, not just the nation of Israel. All are called, but few choose to be chosen. What relation does the visit of the wise men have to Matthew's theme of bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles? The wise men represent "wise" men, women and children all through the ages from every nation, kindred and tongue who seek after God and find Him to be the only Way to the Father. The Gospel is not exclusive, but is for the whole world. The wise men were gentiles who sought Truth and Light and found the Way to Him in a manger, as God led them. How should we be applying this mandate in our own lives? Not only am I always asking the Lord for more revelation of Himself in my own life, but for opportunities to share Him with those around me. I'm finding that with the condition in the world right now, more people are seeking real answers. "Today is the day of salvation!"
  13. Q3. (Matthew 2:11b) Why was it appropriate for the Magi bring gifts to the Christ-child? It was customary to bring gifts to royalty...they recognized Jesus as the Messiah King of the Jews. How does the extravagance of their gifts reflect their heart attitude? They offered the best they could bring as a reflection of their gratitude in finding the One they had been searching for. It's such a God thing to provide this wealth and provision for Mary, Joseph and Jesus, prior to sending them into exile in Egypt to escape Herod's sword,in order to care for them there. What kinds of gifts are appropriate for us to bring? All that we are and have...body as living sacrifice, will and spirit in total surrender to Him. Anything less is wood, hay and stubble.
  14. Q2. (Matthew 2:11a) What do we learn from seeing the Magi prostrating themselves before the child Jesus? Deity deserves and is worthy of worship and praise. They recognized that Jesus was God. Prostrating oneself demonstrates submission and surrender to the One being worshipped. How amazing, since they probably were not Jews...but were looking for the Messiah, sought Him until they found Him, then followed their worship with gifts of precious gold, frankincense and myrrh....gifts for royalty. The frankincense and myrrh were both worth more than their weight in gold, and were both used in the holy anointing oil.(Ex.:30:23, 34) Myrrh was mingled with the wine Jesus was offered but refused on the cross. (Mark 15:23) and Myrrh was used in embalming.(John 19:39)..all significant gifts and prophetic in nature. What was the significance of this for them? They found the Messiah and humbled themselves in worship and adoration after seeking Him for several years. Amazing to me, since the Jews were expecting Him too, but rather than searching for Him, they rejected Him when He was revealed to them. I would have thought the Jews would have been on this fervent search as well, since they knew the scriptures and prophecies. How can we emulate this kind of worship? Through humble submission, worship and praise....letting go of the common buddy idea of Jesus, and truly worshipping Him as our powerful and Almighty God. The gifts we can bring are our very lives...our hearts and devotion to Him ; Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices to Him in service. Our mouths pouring out our praise and appreciation to Him for His sacrifice for us, and then telling others about our marvelous King of Kings and Lord or Lords.
  15. Q1. (Matthew 2:1-2; Numbers 24:17) What is the significance of the Star of Bethlehem that the Magi saw? There are several things which come to mind...the first is, whatever the star was, it was significant enough to be perceived as a "sign", and as supernatural. The second, is that the magi were searching for something bigger than themselves...that age old hunger described as a God-shaped void which only Jesus can fill. That has been created in each man, woman and child. I've even seen pictures in science articles where there is a place in the frontal lobe of the brain which only "lights up" or becomes active when one prays. Then, they fulfilled prophecy and led to the fulfillment of others, such as Rachel weeping for her children, which happened after the magi alerted Herod that there had been a King-child born. Why do you think the Magi came to find the Christ-child when they saw the star? They were searching, and God always leads those who truly seek Him, to the Christ.They said they came to worship Him. In what way was does prophecy prefigure this event? Prophecy was given that the Messiah would be born in the city of David....Bethlehem..."The house of bread" (I love God's details...Jesus is the bread of life!) Messiah had been prophecied and the Jews were looking for Him. The virgin birth was prophecied. A star was spoken of in prophecy.
  16. Q5. (Luke 2:17-20) Great joy, praise, curiosity, amazement, telling others, thoughtful meditation. Which of these responses to the Good News are present in your life? I'm so thankful that as I read the choices for this question, that they are all present...not all at once but definitely all are experienced on a regular basis...especially, telling others, amazement, curiosity and great joy...I'm learning to praise, and these Bible studies always lead to thoughtful meditation. Thank you Pastor Ralph for your work of providing them..I'm truly grateful! In what manner do they show themselves? If some are missing, why? They are always a response to the work of God in my life or in those around me. They show themselves as "my heart leapt within me", and a soaring of emotion and a loving, thankful outpouring to the Lord. I've always been curious...it manifests in digging, seeking, in the Word..I have an insatiable desire and longing to KNOW God, to LIVE in Him, to COMMUNE with Him....and curiosity seems to be the driving force. He keeps letting me know that wherever I am in Him, there is ALWAYS more! Yesterday it manifested in tears of joy as a nurse friend told me about the Lord speaking to her to go hold the hand of a dying 90 year old woman. She obeyed and not wanting to wake her, just lightly touched her hand. The sunken eyes snapped open and she said "Are you the one?" Doris said "The one?" The woman said I've been involved in Scientology all my life, but I've been lying here praying for God to send someone in here to tell me the truth. Doris said "Well, then I am the one...let me tell you about Jesus...The woman wanted to pray for salvation and did, then said "Now what shall I do...I feel like there is something I should do". Then the Lord showed Doris these words: "As you're lying there, when anyone who has hurt or wounded you comes to mind, forgive them". The next day when Doris went to work the bed was empty. She assumed the woman had died. The charge nurse told her "She had an amazing recovery and she went home"....that's when I cried. Several weeks ago I noticed that all of the leaves on our Japanese maple tree had died and shriveled up. When I cleaned them off, I saw that there was one vibrant green leaf left. I sensed there was a reason...and curiosity caused me to keep an eye on it and to wonder about it and to ask God if there was a message there for me.....It hung on and on and stayed green. I asked others and received several good "answers" for what it might mean... Then He showed me. His message was "Nothing happens apart from His timing...wait...for His timing". When it finally turned red, I picked it before it could shrivel and dry up and I pressed it and put it in a little frame to remind me that though I've been waiting for 30 years for Him to heal our marriage, it is coming a day at a time. And another promise for which I've been waiting for 20 years, is on the way. Several other long time prayers "are on the way in His timing".... What can you do to recover these responses? They aren't missing, but if I found that they were, I think the only recovery would be through prayer...the "search my heart" and "show me" or "reveal to me" why they have gone kind of prayers.
  17. Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? For to you is born this day in the town of David a SAVIOR, Who is CHRIST the LORD. SAVIOR:One who rescues, delivers, preserves, saves. CHRIST:Anointed, Messiah LORD:Owner, master, Lord of high position, used with connotation to God. What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity? Yahweh Himself...come to earth in human form to save and reclaim that which Adam and Eve turned over to Satan when they disobeyed God. He is the Redeemer, the second Person of the Trinity Whose blood alone can cleanse and forgive sin. God with us.
  18. Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? The shepherds were in many cases, the lowest of the low, poor hirelings, disreputable, caretakers of the sheep which in many cases would be offered as sacrifices in the temple nearby. Symbolic perhaps of His future role as chief Shepherd of the flock of God....I believe the message is that Jesus came to save all people in all walks of life: the fallen, the sick, the poor, the rich, the pagans, the religious...every man, woman, and child of every race, creed, and condition. Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? Jesus emptied Himself of all privilege to which He was heir, and made Himself nothing, taking the nature of a servant, in human likeness. His birth was among the poorest of the poor. I think it reflects His entire life on earth. His first bed was a makeshift borrowed feed trough, and as an itinerant, He had no home or possessions, dependent upon His Father to provide for His daily needs. (Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man had nowhere to lay His head Mt. 8:20)I was stunned and comforted while whining to Him about being homeless, when He showed me that He was homeless! This has to be intentional. What point is God making? I believe the point is that Jesus is for everyone. That He was born into a poor, ordinary family, and must be sought after for the Spiritual life He offered, unlike the famous of history, who are sought after for the material "stuff" they can give to their "worshipful" groupies. He was "the common man", fully approachable by the most lowly and common in every society. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, but laid that down to become the servant of kings... paying taxes to King Caesar, whom He created!
  19. Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? I can think of many reasons. It was a long journey, I believe 4 days, and was into the unknown. She was leaving her family, especially her Mother who would probably have been her "midwife", helping with the delivery and comforting her. I can't even imagine riding a donkey in her condition...I could barely walk in the 9th month! Expectant Mothers prepare a layette for the baby...she had no luggage or other provisions. She was probably expected to get off the donkey and prepare meals along the way, when she was most likely aching, extemely uncomfortable, and exhausted...and I would expect she was afraid. And she probably delivered the baby alone...I don't believe men were permitted to be there for the delivery. I loved that the King of Kings rode in utero on a donkey into His birthplace, just as He rode into Jerusalem. "Behold your king is coming to you, lowly and riding on a donkey". Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Not in my experience, much of the time. Sometimes pleasure is present when I'm in His will, but there have been many times where my obedience has brought pain, loss, hardship, humiliation, confusion, sadness, and other discomfort. On the other hand, having our baby was His will and in answer to my prayer, our nearly 9 lb. baby was born in less than an hour with no pain or discomfort....God is amazing! Any examples from your life? It was God's will that we leave our families and move to California. We had no place to live when we arrived, no friends. It was a lonely time, and difficult with a baby and only one car. Later when the Lord made several promises to me, it involved losing nearly everything, including friends, church, home, etc. I call several of those years, The Years From hell, because of the trauma and horror we lived through.Yet through it all, the Lord was there encouraging, providing, intervening, guiding, comforting us. Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow." I can only "argue" from my own experience and being a consistent Christian has definitely caused more hardship than going with the flow....walking with the Lord goes against the grain of society, especially now and in liberal California where Christians are seen as stupid and weak. To take a stand on moral issues, such as Marriage is between one man and one woman as in our recent election, believers are labeled as bigots and anti gay haters, though that is so not the case. To go with the flow means to "fit in", to be a chameleon..to "go along to get along", and there are no feathers ruffled for the "flow" kind of life. It's doubtful anyone would even know you are a Christian if you live this way. I think it was Josh McDowell who said, "If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?".....If you go with the flow, there definitely would not be enough.
  20. Q1. (Luke 2:1-2) Why does Luke name the rulers in 2:1-2? Naming the rulers places Jesus in His historical setting. (HIS-STORY). It also sets the stage for the following verses to explain why Joseph and Mary made that difficult trek to Bethlehem when her baby was due any day. Scoffers could have said that they went to fulfill prophecy....when in fact they were forced to go in order to register at Caesar's edict. What point is he making? Jesus is not a myth or a legend. His birth is verifiable, not only in the Bible, but in many other historical writings of the time, such as Josephus, Pliny, Tacitus, and the Talmud, and many others. I love how God always dots the i's and crosses the t's so that every tiny detail of prophecy is fulfilled...He looked to today when Athiests are putting signs in Nativity scenes saying "There is no God, no Jesus, no angels, no demons, etc.", as in Washington State's rotunda this year. Any thinking person can check the historical references other than the Bible to verify His birth.
  21. Q5. (1:24-25) What does Joseph accepting Mary as his wife say about his character? It shows that he was a godly man with integrity. He had courage and humility. He was obedient to God and he loved Mary. He clearly cared more about doing the right thing than what people thought or said.He protected Mary and Jesus. He was a tender and just man. Not one word is recorded in scripture that Joseph spoke but the fact that God chose him to be Jesus' earthly father, speaks volumns about the kind of man he was....to have God's stamp of approval to rear His only son says it all. What is the significance for prophetic fulfillment of Jesus as a Son of David that Joseph "named" the child "Jesus"? For Joseph to name the child meant that he was legally adopting him as his own son, making him responsible for Jesus as a biological father would be. It also meant that Jesus would "inherit" the lineage of His earthly father, which was the line of David.
  22. Q4. (Matthew 1:23) How did the prophetic concept of the virgin conception and the name "Immanuel" find their fullness in the birth of Jesus to Mary? It is the fulfillment of the foreshadowing prophecy that a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel...God with us. The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and conceived God's Son, Who is the second person of the Holy Trinity. He existed always with the Father and was the Word present and spoken at creation. When Mary delivered this prophecied baby, God came to earth in the flesh as one of us to become our Redeemer and Savior. I love that GOD IS HERE! Never more than a heartbeat or breath away, and will never leave me nor forsake me...that His birth, death and resurrection defeated the enemy of my soul...Satan. Praise God!
  23. Q3. (Matthew 1:21) What is the significance of the name Jesus? Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior. His name tells Who He Is and why He was sent to earth...amp. : "Which means He will save His people from their sins, that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God." His destiny was prophecied before He was born to both Mary and Joseph. Why do you think the angel gave the name to both Mary (Luke 1:31) and Joseph independently? I believe it was so that there would be no disagreement or conflict in the matter, and to confirm to them that this was indeed to be a miraculous birth of God's Son. (It would settle any doubts as to Who He Is, when the rough patches hit..they only had to speak His Name to recall the angel's visitation for Mary and the dream given to Joseph). Having God choose the name was a powerful reminder that this was His work and responsibility...they were just His vessels.
  24. Q2. (Matthew 1:19) What were Mary's options being pregnant and carrying a baby not her husband's? None that were appealing or positive. She couldn't live alone as a single woman, since family supported women, unless she became a prostitute or a servant for a wealthy woman. If Joseph divorced her, she would stay with her family but would be shunned...she and the child. Her family would be disgraced, and the law provided for her to be stoned to death. Short of that, no one would ever marry her with the stigma of having committed adultery. She really had no options BUT to trust God with her "gift" and His arrival at a safe birth...to believe that what the angel had told her would come to pass and that God would not leave her alone to face those consequences. My experience with an "at risk" promise, is that though the judging, ridicule, shunning, losses, confusion as to how He will fulfill it come, and though it tarries, He is absolutely faithful to fulfill His Word, and has taken care of every need, and with great blessing and tenderness. He continues to provide encouragement and support and the reassurance that it is on the way. What kind of character did Joseph exhibit by deciding to divorce Mary quietly and leniently? Joseph was a righteous man, a mature and good man, with a kind heart. An observer of the law, with strong character. (Thank you Lord for choosing this kind of man to rear Your Son!) He could have prosecuted her as an adultress and exposed her to public censure, but decided to be lenient and kind.
  25. Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? Joseph would have taught him how to work hard, and probably long hours, and responsibility. He would have learned the skill of shaping wood, precision, planning, how to use the tools of that trade and how to care for them. He would have learned how to make all sorts of household items and furniture, farm implements and tools. He would have learned how to handle money and perhaps how to barter goods for food or other payment. He would have learned the value in finishing what he started...how to depend upon His Father for guidance and training. What experiences would this have exposed him to? He would have experienced dealing with customers, and how to make contracts. To listen to the wishes of the customer in order to make what was wanted. I don't know where they got the wood, but if it was purchased, he would have been exposed to the different kinds of wood and which was best for the different projects. He may have hammered his thumb or fingers, and cut himself with sharp tools. Jesus taught us to "count the cost" before starting a project...He would have learned this from Joseph...to make sure he had enough material to finish the item before he started to work on it. It has always seemed so appropriate that He worked with and was familiar with wood, from which His cross was made...from a tree that He created.
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