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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. Jesus is making a valid and key point....actually a command....DO NOt WORRY! To fret about daily needs is unbelief, weighs our hearts down and leads us away from faith and trust into fear. His promise is: "And My God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" Phil. 4:19 There is no shortage in God's storehouse....He demonstrated how a few fish and a couple of loaves of bread could be multiplied to feed thousands, when broken by His Hands. He owns it ALL. I have boxes of journals filled with daily miracles of His provision and generous care for us..... He tells us in I Tim. 6:17b not to set our hopes "on uncertain riches but on God, Who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for our enjoyment", to put our trust in Him, not in our own ability to provide, because He never fails. I worried endlessly for several years when we were destitute, as He was teaching me to trust Him, and I can say that there was never even one need which He failed to provide....I would love to have the time back that I spent in fear and worry...such a waste! When I longed for a respite by the ocean, but didn't ask, He heard my heart, and provided several trips with friends to stay in Carmel or on Oregon's coast. When I needed to go to the dentist, but had no ability to pay for a visit, a Bible study leader who had no idea that I had such a need, said her son is a dentist and wants to give back to the Lord.... if there is anyone who needs to go to the dentist see me after class...I expected to wait in line, but I was the only one...He filled a tooth, and cleaned my teeth, took x=rays, free of charge. He is truly the Lord who provides!!!! When we lost our business and home, He provided shelter in other's homes. When our car quit running, He provided a mechanic, free of charge, when we had eaten the last of our food, people would drive up with trunkloads of nutritious food, and the necessities like soap, toilet tissue, deodorant.... There is no end to His generosity! I give Him praise and glory! His is a faithful Father!!!!
  2. Growing up in a large, poor family surrounded by wealthy people at church and in school, I fell in love with the idea of having lots of money...observing the wealthy, I believed they were happier, more secure, and had more freedom than we did. Our town was set up in strict segments according to wealth...the poorer lived down low, middle class lived on the gradual sloping terrain toward the mountains and the wealthy lived at the base of the mountains, looking down upon the town. For years, I lusted after money, to be like "them", as I looked up at their beautiful homes. Moved to Calif. and finally had plenty.Then I became a new Christian, but stingy. DARKNESS/SIN. Eventually, we were stripped of business, home, car, status, reputation/standing in the community, "friends", becoming totally dependent upon God for EVERYTHING...LIGHT FLOODED IN and with it, TRUE FREEDOM... it's ALL His...We're stewards....It's His, to care for our needs, and to distribute through our hands to bless others...years later I recognized that many of the wealthy folks I'd envied, were bound, miserable and in poverty spiritually, and some appear to have missed Heaven because they relied on their wealth to sustain them denying their need of a Savior...and the wealth which ensnared them was left behind on earth, which in several cases that I know of, ensnared their children as well. A recent poll shows that people who give generously are happier.....which indicates to me that God is in control in those lives, rather than thier money. It's certainly true of me, since being set free from the love of money.
  3. 1)I believe it boils down to motivation, or the heart attitude involved in the seeking. I know some wealthy folks who serve and seek God as their first love, and who are extremely generous with their wealth. They use wealth to bless others, but not to be seen. I just know they do, because I've been a recipient of their gracious giving. They allow the Lord to control their wealth, rather than letting their wealth control them. That is the key...who is in control? Is it a "tool" in God's Hands, or a means of status and a monument to greed? 2) Does Jesus really mean this? He knows the snares and pitfalls and I believe is cautioning against the power that wealth has to control and destroy, if He is not first. I've been reading in Chronicles this week, and saw Solomon, who didn't ask for wealth and power, but for wisdom to govern God's people, destroyed, because of the wealth and power he was given, though he didn't ask for it. He became an octopus of acquision, grabbing in every direction,with greedy hands, foreign wives, concubines, apes, gold, peacocks....whatever was new and exotic, and in the process, forsook his God. He looked to "stuff" to fulfill him and ended up seeing all of life as vanity, empty, a waste. That is the snare...wealth used as a means to try to fill up the black hole of greed and selfishness. Our loving Lord warns against this. I've heard it said that "Prosperity is a greater trial than poverty".....I've been both, and though I've been promised wealth in the future for God's purposes, poverty has been the greater blessing....because of the need for total dependence upon God...He has proved Himself faithful in all areas. There is joy in looking for His blessing and provision, in seeing His Hand reach out in provision, and learning gratitude for the smallest gifts. (a friend remarked recently that she's never known anyone who gets such joy from a sunset or even a latte!) That has come from discovering first hand, that every good and perfect gift comes from Him. Abundance gives a sense of power, and impatience.... an " I can do it myself and don't have to wait upon God." I've asked Him so postpone the wealth until He's certain we will be good stewards of it. I don't want to lose the dependence and delight in seeing Him in every day life.
  4. 1) Treasures in Heaven are the result of those things which are done out of our love and devotion to Christ....He mentions something as small as giving a cup of cold water in His name.(Mt. 10:42) I think of prayer, praise, and worship as well, because they are done unto Him, and sometimes are an extravagant sacrifice when our hearts are grieving, heavy or confused. I was thrilled to learn in Heb. 2:12 that Jesus sings hymns of praise to His Father, through my worship as I yield my voice to Him in the midst of the congregation. Each of those require obedience...or yielding my will to His. Isaiah 33:6 says.....the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure and His... I think I'm trying to say, that when I allow His Holy Spirit to motivate and flow through me according to His good pleasure, He lays up treasure for me in Heaven. 2)His treasure is eternal, whereas "stuff" I accumulate here decays, rusts, fades, can be stolen or lost....won't last, or is left behind for someone else to take care of or worry about. 3) This notion for some may spring from Jesus' teaching that what we do should be done in secret...not to be seen by "men" for reward. For some, the applause or praise IS the only reward there will be. I don't serve in order to earn a reward, but I love that He values and honors my service, and is "investing" in my future in Heaven, and that whatever the treasure is, it will last.
  5. 1) Jesus was reaffirming the Old Testament teaching, speaking specifically. In Ezekiel 33:31 The Lord spoke to Ezekiel to tell the Israelite captives in Babylon: "the people sit before you as My people, and they hear the words you say, but they will not do them; for with their mouths they show much love, but their hearts go after and are set on their idolatrous greed for gain. Fallen human nature seeks after what the world values....whether old or new testament people. The Lord calls Israel and now believers who are grafted into His family, His peculiar treasure. I love that! He owns it all and yet He calls me His treasure! (and you). Since becoming a Christian,I have always said that He is my treasure, but early on, I was like the captives in Babylon. I said the right things, but I was seeking riches to cover low self esteem..(wrong place to look!!! )It created a double mindedness. When our worldly goods were stripped from us,He set me free from that captivity and I discovered that He truly is my Treasure, the only One worth seeking. Riches come and go, but treasure stored in Heaven is eternal.
  6. A HUGE thank you to all who prayed for us while we were in Utah with family, and to those who sent notes of encouragement...I felt uplifted and carried by your prayers. The Lord protected these old bones when I slipped on the ice and took a hard fall on my tail bone and low back...nothing broken except my camera. Several days later, my brother said that my camera was hopeless...then showed me his new camera, bought several weeks earlier.. Then he said "I didn't understand why at the time, but it was such a great price, I bought two...here's yours." AMAZING....same make as my old one, but newer, lighter weight, more features, so I already knew how to use it! God is so FAITHFUL!!!! THANK YOU LORD! I'm thankful too, for several opportunies we had to share our Lord with 3 family members. We are believing Him for their salvation and deliverance. 1) Jesus condemned the Rich Fool for his greedy motive in storing his harvest...not for storing the harvest. His motive was to put his trust in the stored harvest, in order to be independent of his need to trust in the Lord of the Harvest. 2)The key verse is v. 15 "And He said to them, Guard yourselves and keep free from all covetousness (the immoderate desire for wealth, the greedy longing to have more; for a man's life does not consist in and is not derived from possessing overflowing abundance or that which is over and above his needs." 3)The context was Jesus' response to someone in the crowd saying "Master, order my brother to divide the inheritance and share it with me". Jesus' then told them the parable which points to the foolishness of hoarding possessions as a means of feeling secure, while ignoring a relationship with THE ONE WHO provides our possessions and daily needs. 4)This parable and the Sermon on the Mount, both contain cautions against greedy storing/hoarding of wealth, which is temporal, while ignoring ones spiritual poverty/condition. He tells us is both cases, to instead, store up treasures in Heaven, which are eternal.
  7. 1)Because life is "messy" and it's impossible to get through the day without sin, or a mistep, or a misunderstanding of some sort, and if not sin we've committed, then sins of omission...not having done something we should have done. The commercial says "life is messy, clean it up"...asking for forgiveness is how we clean up sin...the blood of Jesus "washes us white as snow"... asking those we've wronged in some way, for forgiveness, cleans up those relationships as well. 2) Unforgiveness creates a hard heart, and puts a block in our relationship with God. It's possible to blame God for allowing painful or disappointing things to happen to us, and that can also block the relationship. Anger can turn to bitterness, then lack of faith creeps in....and we find we're stuck. 3)Jesus said, "If we forgive those who have sinned against us, our Father in Heaven will also forgive us." That's not what we may want to hear, but it's fair...How can I who am a sinner needing God's forgiveness every day, withhold forgiveness from someone who needs the same from me occasionally..
  8. 1)Asking for help connotes weakness in our society of "super", "Just do it" people. It takes humility to say I need help or assistance of some kind. Some view those who can't "do it all", as defective. 2) In "The Fall", we became prideful, like Satan, who fell from Heaven for the same reason....He said 5 times "I WILL BE LIKE GOD"....When our two children were 2 yrs. old, they stated often "I can do it myself". They needed to grow in indepence in order to mature into men and women, capable of leaving home and providing for their own families.... Perhaps that inate desire for independence as we developed in childhood, drives us, but I also believe it's pride rearing it's head. The men in my life will almost never ask someone for directions, preferring to drive around lost, trying to "do it themselves." I did it at Christmas time, & either forgot or chose not to pray, in the pressure of having lost 2 weeks to sickness, and was an absolute mess for several weeks, trying to do what needed to be done without His help...when I "got a grip" and prayed for help, He came in, peace was restored, I allowed Him to lead me, and the rest of the holiday was a joy...to His glory, not mine. He sorted out my priorities. 3)Why should we ask God for daily bread?At the most basic level, I'm incapable of making a seed...to grow wheat for bread or to grow anything. Only God can do that. I may be able to earn a living to buy bread, but He provides the job and the skill and the health to do the job. When in times past, our family became destitute through the many losses and blindness, & we were unable to provide for our own needs, we recognized that we are dependent upon Him for not only bread, but for our next breath. In those times, He was still the provider, as He spoke to different ones of His children, to meet specific needs. I'll never forget praying before going to an evening church service that the Lord would provide the desperate financial need that we had for the next day, as well as for our daughter's need. During the service, a woman I'd never seen before and who knew nothing about us, tapped me on the shoulder and said: "As I was getting ready to come to church tonight, the Holy Spirit told me to bring $300.00 and He would show me who it was for.....I've been sitting here and I know it's either for you or for the young woman next to you (our daughter!). When she gave me the money, it was exactly to the penny what we needed and what our daughter needed. He knew the need before I prayed, and sent the provision through an obedient stranger. We were blessed abundantly, at His amazing answer to prayer, and she wept with joy at being able to bless us. (We all wept!) God is glorified once more as I share it with you, reminding me again that He is the God who provides for me daily.
  9. 1)We're praying for our Father to manifest His power and glory in us and in our world, and that His kingdom would come to earth where Christ will reign over all....and we're asking Him to speed the return of Jesus to earth, where God's original intent for His creation before "the fall", will be manifested. 2)We're asking for His Will to be done here, because He's teaching us to pray His Heart....to conform our prayers more and more to His Will for His creation....and that is for His Son Jesus to reign over all as our King. 3)When I pray this prayer, it causes me to think about how petty most of my concerns are in light of what the bigger picture is....His will, His Kingdom coming to earth in power and glory....it causes me to look up and to realize that my redemption draws nigh, and to desire to draw nearer to Him....to want my life to bring Him joy, and reminds me to seek His Will and to not try to impose my will on Him. (Not that I could do that, but He knows at times I've tried!)
  10. I'm working ahead, due to being gone for 2 weeks, and didn't want to miss this wonderful study!!! If you have a moment to pray, we are with family members who are all involved in a cult, until March 8th, and long to have opportunities to share our Lord with them. God bless you! 1) Our attitudes and reverence for our Father, demonstrate that we regard Him as our Holy God. 2)Callous or coarse phrases used in addressing Him desecrate the Holiness of His Name....those phrases used by those who don't know and revere Him, often as curse words..."Christ!" OMIGOD! etc. When we live in ways which don't honor Him, we can besmirch His Name, by misrepresenting Who He Is, to others. 3)We hallow our Father, in our hearts and words, adressing Him as He Is....Our Father, (Daddy), In Heaven....not our buddy and equal, but our loving Creator Who is Sovereign over our lives and all that exists, yet is still interested in every detail of our lives, and in being in intimate relationship with each of His children.
  11. I'm still working ahead because I'll be gone for the next 2 weeks. 1)Just as communication with our spouse (or others) is how we grow in relationship and intimacy, prayer is how we grow as disciples of Christ. I believe He wants to hear us express our hearts to Him because He desires relationship with us. I have discovered that, part of the joy in knowing Him, is in seeing the answers to my prayers that He provides. And while He delights me with things I haven't asked for, like the amazing eclipse of the moon tonight, or the newborn colt just standing up for the first time as his mother stood proudly and protectively by, nudging him to stand, I'm encouraged and reassured by the specifics that I've prayed about and for which He sends the answer. I see His wisdom, and His Sovereignty in answers that are better for me than the ones I've prayed for, and more importantly He teaches me to be patient as I have to wait for answers....in one case I've been waiting since 1979, but as I waited, He changed me and my heart so that I could receive the answer in the right spirit when it came this year. As a child who grew up in a violent, abusive home where both parents threatened to kill me at various times, my Heavenly Father's answers are comforting, and loving hugs, and signs of His constant, abiding love for me....and lets me know He values the time I spend talking to Him and worshipping Him. The people in my life are affirmed and feel valued as I listen to them, as I am when they listen to me. In the same way, I feel valued and affirmed when the God of the Universe turns His ear to me when I call. You can't have relationship in a vacuum....with others or with God.
  12. 1) He said to pray in secret where our Father is in secret and sees in secret, and will reward us in the open, rather than to be like the hypocrites who pray to be seen as pious by others. 2)When it's done to draw attention to the pray-er, rather than to intercede for the need. 3)Flowery prayers cause others to stumble and to believe that if they don't know all of the fancy Christianese phrases and flowery words, then they can't participate, or don't know how to pray. Eloquent prayers can be beautiful, but aren't necessary in order to be heard by our Father, since He hears the hearts intent, and scripture teaches that the Holy Spirit takes our prayer and perfects it to the Father, so the most bumbling prayers are perfect by the time they reach the Father's "ear. 3/21 I'VE BEEN ASKED SINCE I GAVE THESE ANSWERS, FOR THE REFERENCE RE: THE HOLY SPIRIT TAKING OUR PRAYERS AND PERFECTING THEM TO THE FATHER.....IT'S IN ROMANS 8:26,27. "SO TOO, THE HOLY SPIRIT COMES TO OUR AID AND BEARS US UP IN OUR WEAKNESS: FOR WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT PRAYER TO OFFER NOR HOW TO OFFER IT WORTHILY AS WE OUGHT, BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF GOES TO MEET OUR SUPPLICATION AND PLEADS IN OUR BEHALF WITH UNSPEAKABLE YEARNINGS AND GROANINGS TOO DEEP FOR UTTERANCE. AND HE WHO SEARCHES THE HEARTS OF MEN KNOWS WHAT IS IN THE MIND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHAT HIS INTENT IS, BECAUSE THE SPIRIT INTERCEDES AND PLEADS BEFORE GOD IN BEHALF OF THE SAINTS ACCORDING TO AND IN HARMONY WITH GOD'S WILL." Amplified Bible .. Hope this is helpful.
  13. 1)It's strange...I'm still considered the poor....and yet because of all we have been given by others generosity, and continue to be given, we are able to give to others who are more in need. His teaching is what my family has been living, for a number of years, only we've been the receivers. Walking in these shoes, I no longer judge others, nor try to guess why they are in the situation they are in. Ours was sheer circumstance due to the economy, not to carelessness, lavish or wasteful lifestyle, or any other reason others might judge as being something "we had coming to us", or that "we deserved". But the Lord allowed it, I believe, to teach us all of these things Jesus was teaching in these scriptures. When I see a need in others and it's in my power to give, I give with joy, and thank God that we are getting back on our feet again When we had plenty, before, the losses, I stuggled over giving to someone who "Might buy wine or drugs" with it. A very wise woman told me "When we give, we give with no strings attached. When it leaves our hand, we have no more say in what is done with the GIFT. How do we know but that the wine or the drug may be the very thing that brings them to the bottom, where the person will look up to seek God's help and salvation?" I no longer care what is done with what I give...If the Holy Spirit says to give, I give..no questions asked. 2)I learned a beautiful lesson awhile back on this issue....I had 3 dollars, and no more was in sight. I held on tightly to it, because I didn't know when I might need it. No more came. Then one day the Lord touched my heart to give it to someone whose need was greater than mine....as soon as I let go of it, He provided much more for me. I don't hang onto money greedily anymore...it just clogs up God's holy Pipeline. Selfishness, greed, or the belief that "I won't have enough if I give" is just a lie of Satan to keep us in the belief that our money is ours, and that it's ok to be stingy and self centered.
  14. I hope it's OK to work ahead...we're going to be gone for 2 weeks to stay with family who are involved in a cult in another state....Please pray if you think about me...the oppression gets very heavy, and we long for opportunities to share our loving Lord with them. l) Each one tells us not to do our good deeds to be seen by others. Doing our giving in secret is doing it for an audience of One...our Lord. 2) The chief sin is pride...wanting to have the approval or admiration of others. The antidote is to spend more time with the Father, so that the "Hole in our soul" which craves being noticed, is filled by our Father's love....then our giving can be done in humility. 3)They wave "Being seen" like a flag, to stir up the prideful desire to be noticed....then promise the gift will be noted publicly for all to see on a plaque or other remembrance....the larger the gift, the more visible the memento, or "Memorial to Self/Pride." Just a personal note. Our giving was done in pride as new believers....then a recession hit Calif. and we went through catastrophic losses, of business, home, car. My husband went blind from cataracts, and while we had insurance, we never needed it, then when we no longer could pay for it, we soon had all kinds of health needs....we learned that the Lord is the Great Physician and healer. Suddenly, we were thrust into a realm where every need had to be met by others as the Lord led them to give. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart that we were not to ask for help. This was a very humbling and blessed, very long period of time, where we learned to receive, and the pride of not being able to provide for ourselves, had to die as well. I discovered it's just as difficult to be a humble and gracious receiver, as it is to be a humble, gracious giver. Having gone through the mortification of homelessness, (though we were spared from living on the streets, by Christians, inviting us to live in their homes), we learned that our Father is truly our provider...no matter how or who He asks to make the provision. We never went without any need being met, and were abundantly provided for.He has promised that He is going to provide so abundantly, that we will be able to help many people....but our giving will be done so that only He sees, and out of gratitude for all that He does for us. All of it is His, and we are only stewards of what He allows us to have and use. Were we judged? yes, by some. Were we pitied? yes, by some...that's different than compassion and created more emotional pain. But by and large, we were loved and embraced by the loving and caring people around us. We praise Him for His goodness to us in all things, even the difficult trials, and those situations which develop His character in us. I'm writing a book about all of the miracles He has done in our lives to bring Him the Glory for His faithfulness and generosity to us.
  15. 1)I think the Amplified bible says it better than I can: "Growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity." For me, that means I am to press on toward that goal as Paul admonishes us. I will not be perfect until my flesh has been shed and I am "in the likeness and image of Christ" in Heaven, posessing His nature and character. 2)No, I don't think this is teaching perfection here on earth, because that is not attainable due to our fallen human nature....however, when God the Father looks at His children, He sees us as perfect because He is looking at us through Jesus shed blood. I LOVE that! 3)That doctrine contradicts scipture. Phil 1:6 teaches that "He Who BEGAN a good work in you, will CONTINUE until the Day of Jesus Christ (developing that good work) and PERFECTING and bringing it to full COMPLETION in you." That work is under way, but THAT DAY hasn't happened and won't until I meet Jesus face to face.....then I will be perfect because I will be like Him and my sinful, fallen nature will have been left here on earth. 4)V48 says we are to grow in spiritual maturity and godliness, even as our Father in Heaven is perfect. As we grow in this grace and walk in love and obedience, by the Holy Spirit, we demonstrate (v45) that we are the children of our Father Who is in Heaven.
  16. 1)Yes, absolutely. Thank God for our brave men and women in the military who defend our nation against outside attacks, and now for the first time, possible attacks from terrorists within our borders. The genocide in Africa, the sex slavery of women around the world....the list goes on and on. Closer to home, the police come to mind as fighting evil men. Or a citizen may have to defend his/herself against an intruder, or an abuser, etc.
  17. 1)I like how Peter said it: Never return evil for evil or insult for insult (scolding, tongue-lashing, berating), but on the contrary blessing (praying for their welfare, happiness, and protection, and truly pitying and loving them) :For know that to this you have been called, that you may yourselves inherit a blessing (from God). I Peter 3:9 amplified
  18. 1) Each one is a higher calling to outrageous love, rather than to resist or retaliate. 2)No, Jesus would never call us to abet or aid evil. I believe that those who say this may be confusing His words with what one may be required to do in a violent or abusive situation. These cameos are speaking of insults, or use of time or matierial goods, like a cloak. He's not saying to stay in a life threatening situation if you can escape, or to go willingly with a rapist, etc. 3)As a call to do more than is required by our enemies, or by those trying to use or take advantage of us, rather than to try to get revenge, hold a grudge, or get even.
  19. 1) Its' purpose was to restrain vindictiveness and vengence. The punishment was to fit the crime, no more and no less. 2)It was designed to be administered by a court or judge. 3)It is designed to prevent the taking of the law into one own's hands....to avoid the Hatfield and McCoy type of feud, where more and more pain and damage was inflicted.
  20. 1)If one is telling the truth, it doesn't need an oath to underscore what has been said. To add an oath implies that "I'm usually not telling the truth, but THIS TIME I REALLy AM!!! 2) One of the verses I've learned to love and appreciate in this area is: "I said, I will take heed and guard my tongue: I will muzzle my mouth as with a bridle....." Ps.39:1 When I speak the truth (in love), I'm not as apt to have to eat my words. James said it's presumption and self-conceit to even say: Today or tomorrow I will do such and so, because we don't know the least thing about what may happen next..Swearing oaths can get into future promises, and we aren't guaranteed even our next breath. James 4:13,14 3)To be a truth teller gives credibilty to our word. My brother just moved to Flatonia, Texas, where he was stunned to be told when he didn't have his check book for a purchase he'd made and they didn't take credit cards in that store.."Down here we believe a man's word... let's shake hands. I trust that you'll be back to pay for it...You're going to need tools...my shed is always unlocked. Help yourself." Now there's a place I'd like to live....where a word or a handshake seals the deal
  21. 1)Can I just be truthful and say I wish Your first statement were always true pastor Ralph? But I believe that is the Lord's desire and commission for the church....it just doesn't always happen. My family has been deeply wounded by the church, and we have forgiven and moved on. My answer to your question was arrived at sort of like David in "The Tale Of Three Kings", where he learned how to be a good king by learning what not to do as he was mistreated and harassed by Saul, who was then King over Israel. I can support, with love and acceptance, without taking sides, or giving unasked for advice. I can offer encouragement and a listening ear, holding what I hear in strictest confidence and much prayer. Having been judged and looked down on by Christians, because I was divorced as a young woman, though I'd been abandoned by a sex, gambling addict, before I became a Christian. I was most healed and helped by those who just loved and accepted me...I didn't have to jump through hoops. One of the most kind things done for me, was a call from a Bible Study leader as I was preparing to answer questions on divorce and remarriage, in a study of Matthew 33 years ago....She knew I'd been divorced and might feel condemned (brand new baby Christian, and my first Bible Study experience). She reminded me that I was accepted in the Beloved and that my sins were covered by His blood, and encouraged me to shuck off any feelings of condemnation, as there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus.....What a gift that was, and I offer the same to others who may be in a similar situation...or any other situation.
  22. Sorry, but I have to add a P.S. to my answer, which I left out, and want to encourage anyone still struggling with this issue with this Word of comfort and reassurance: "The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior (Who saves)! He rejoices over you with joy; He will rest in silent satisfaction and in His love He will be silent and make no mention of past sins or even recall them; He will exult over you with singing." Cast off the burdens and walk in His freedom and forgiveness!!!!
  23. 1)NO!!! Any more than any other sin becomes a perpetual millstone around one's neck for life! The last time I checked, 1 John 1:9 covered this as it does all sin:"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." My Dad's first marriage ended in divorce, and he was excommunicated. For years he lived with that shame and rejection, though remarried and having 8 children. He never entered another church, because that would have been a mortal sin! Thanks be to God, when he was 79 years old, he accepted Christ as his savior, knew he was forgiven and died a year later.....but how tragic to live with that unbearable burden placed on him by "Pharisees" 60 years before he died. He drove us every Sunday to Mom's church and sat outside reading the paper, because he was so bound by "the law" his church laid upon him. 2)NO! That would be trying to "work" or "earn" forgiveness....to take care of the mistake/sin in our own strength/flesh. Confession of sin, and repentance restores the relationship with God. I read recently in the news of a young man who was rushed to the hospital after he cut off his "offending" hand, and nearly bled to death. How tragic and sad, to take that literally, instead of asking God to deliver him from whatever the sin was, for forgiveness and to be set free. 3)Restoration is always possible, and is what God desires for His children. Confession of sin, repentance, then receiving God's forgiveness, and forgiving one'self, and walking with Him in intimate fellowship, ( leaving the millstone on the side of the road )is what the Bible teaches. I love the verse in Micah 7:19 that says God casts all our sins into the deepest part of the sea, never to be remembered....Corrie Ten Boom, added: "And puts out a no fishing sign" Psalm 103:12 says "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Pastor Ralph, I appreciate your admonition to be kind to one another. Sheep can really bite! We left a church after a dear friend was refused the office of Deacon when nominated, because he'd been in an unfortunate marriage at 18 to give a baby a name. He became a dynamic, spirit filled Christian, years later, remarried, and had wonderful children, but this church wanted him to "Pay" for that particular sin for the rest of his life by shunning him from leadership. We were new believers at the time and didn't know much, but knew that was NOT GOD! Years later, I was shunned from leadership in a Bible study program, because I had been divorced and remarried....though the divorce was over my husbands many adulterous affairs, and this all took place years before I was born again....I wasn't seeking to be in leadership, and stayed in the program because it's benefits far outweighed this silly rule....I knew that ALL of my past sins were under the blood of Jesus.
  24. 1)No, it allowed or regulated it so that women were not thown out into the street for "burning the toast", if the husband was in a cranky mood. The command was to give a certificate of divorce, and entailed him forfeiting her dowry, which would cause the husband to think twice about discarding her for another on a whim. The certificate was a protection for women, rather than a carte blanche for men. Without the certificate of divorce the woman was a nameless, abondoned reject in their society. The new wife took the husbands name. 2 & 3)It allowed it because of man's hardness of heart. It would be even more cruel to be forced to stay in a situation in which you were despised, rejected, and abused.(Leah comes to mind, where Jacob loved Rachel, and wanted no part of Leah whom he was tricked into marrying by Laban, her father, and yet she kept bearing Jacob sons, in the hope that someday he might feel affection for her. She was forced to stay in the marriage, because Jacob made no move to divorce her....she had no say in the matter, except to stay and try to live with the pain of rejection, and to keep bearing his children) 3)God's original intent was for a marriage to be a unity of body and spirit, indissoluable, between a man and a woman....a picture of our union with Him, and of our Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit....ONE God.
  25. 1) They heard what He said, but couldn't accept that there was no escape route. They didn't misunderstand, but didn't like what they heard. They were still steeped in the tradional teaching on marriage and divorce prevalent in their day and accepted that, making Jesus' teaching of God's original intent a stumbling stone to them.
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