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Everything posted by Tina
Q6. It Is Finished (John 19:30)
Tina replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Q5. I Thirst (John 19:28)
Tina replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Because he came face to face with the angel of the Lord. The Lord was kindly intentional to Gideon and meant no harm to him.
Q3. Woman, Behold Your Son (John 19:26-27)
Tina replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Because He would no longer be able to take care of His mother. He also loves her and His obligation is to His family in that sense. Jesus was compassionate and thinking of others even though He was dying on the cross. We should love our families, respect and obey our parents and do our best to mend any broken relationships as we are to love God first then love our families. -
Save - redeem, rescue, deliver, set free from sin Saviour - the One whoe does the saving, the delivering, the setting free from sin To earn the name, a saviour has to take the debt of the world's sin upon Himself, die on the cross to redeem us from the price we cannot pay
Q1. Father, Forgive Them (Luke 23:34)
Tina replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
From Pilate, the Pharisses and Saducees, the ones who crucifed Jesus on the cross, right down to each one of us individually. Our sins nailed Jesus to the cross; He had to die on the cross because that was the only way God couled reconcile us to Himself. Jesus was praying for us because we acted in ignorance, He was praying to redeem us from sin and to pay the debt we couldn't pay. -
Q1. God our Kinsman-Redeemer
Tina replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. God Our Savior and Redeemer
The next of kin were to redeem their family out of trouble whether it was to pay a debt or to avenge someone's murder. Jesus redeemed usby dying for us to get us out of a lost eternity weighed down by the sins we could never put right through human intervention. God values us so much that He sent His only Son to redeem us from death and join the Family in Heaven. -
God forgave Peter when he denied him three times and showed Himself to Peter after the resurecction and Peter knew and experienced the favour of God in his life. God has shown grace to me and my family by bringing us back together as a family when we were not seeing each other for many years.
God's love is unchangeable. He was faithful in His love toward the Old Testament Saints but for us in this new dispensation, He sent His Son to die for us to express His great love in a different and unique way
It is from the Greek word which also means a covenant. When we are in covenant with God, we are loyal to Him and He can depend on us. Faithfulness also means to be loyal by our words, not only actions, so we are to be trusted as well. The Faitful God inspires me to be just a loyal and dependable and holding fast to that in which I beleiev, never wavering from it. We need to be faithful otherwise we lose our closeness with God, we lose our self-respect, we lose our trus and confidence in Him because "a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."
God needed to forgive Israel because He had already promised the land and seed to Abraham. Yes, Israel turned away from their sin after the second set of commandmensts was made. God's forgiveness means that He also forgets our sin. We remember, but He forgets asnd truly forgives, without harbouring grudges.
If we remove the metaphor of Father and Son from our vocabulary, we are going against God's word and not believing it when He tells us that He is our Father and our God. We devalue His position in our lives and we don't give Him the respect that is due His Name. The feminine metaphor of God gathering us under His wings is very precious to me. I see myself running to my Father when I have a need, when I need protection or when I just want to feel His love all over me.
God, the Husband of Israel meant that He was Lord over His people, that He was married to them and had charge over them, protecting and loving them. In the New Testament, God the Husband is referred to as our betrothed and we are His chosen bride. God is jealous when we worship other gods and other things.
Jesus and the Father are one in the sense of having the same attributes of holiness, love, compassion, etc. Jesus is the Son of God and God is Father God. mJesus is distinct from the Father in that He submits to the Father's will and doesn't know for e.g. when the rapture will take place. He said that not even the Son of God know this, so whilst they are in harmony with each other, God is the one in charge.
The Jews saw God as a stern Jehovah, there was a lot to do with so many commandments and laws. Jesus introduces us to a Father who is loving and caring and approachable. God as Abba has healed a lot of my emotinal pain with my styepfather. I no longer compare Him to an earthly Father, but I now fully accept Him as a Father who loves me so much and us showing me that all earthly fathers should be like Him.
Father is seen as our creator in the Old Testament. The Father is seen as the absolute authority on the one hand but also as a caring person on the other hand. We should be willing to obey our Father and we should also realise that when we need Him to bind our wounds and to feel His love, we can also turn to Him for this.
As long as I drink from the Living Water, my thirst for righteousness will be quenched. As long as I turn to the source of the Living Water my life will be cleansed, made whole and kept in the best condition that a child of God should be kept. As long as I wallow in the Living Water, God will provide for me, keep me safe, direct me along the path that the Water flows, to a higher place with Him. God is not stale or stagnant. He is constantly moving His goodness and blessings in the Water that is ever flowing. God is refreshing and the taste of His Living Water is sublime.
We resist because we often feel a false security in our own independence and pride. Sometimes we think it's trivial to speak to God about our needs and problems. We try to do things our way first because we are impatient and because we don't persevere in faith, we waver in our faith. As long as we follow God in righteousness He will not withold any good thing from us. We should also rest in Him and secure our faith in Him.
God has saved me from death, He has provided jobs for me, and He has let me know that His presence is with me. At present I'm trusting God to help me through a financial crisis. I will keep my faith.
He didn't think it was out of the norm because child sacrifice was common then. But he believed in God and was faithful to His commands. More than once God has come through, especially in regards to my finances. Praise His name!
God is constantly on guard and His eyes are continually oin us, so He is never surprised, becasue He sees the enemy from afar off and He uses guardian angels, circumstances and people to change thin gs in our lives so that we are kept safe from dangers.