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Everything posted by brotherbill
Q5. Gideon's Positive Infulence
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
While Gideon was around the Israelites had peace in the land both with God and with their neighbors. His victory as well as mistakes have provided us with reminders that the Battle is the Lords as well as any praise that is forthcoming. We are reminded as well of the truth that, "little is much when God is in it!" Praise Be to God! -
Q4. Gideon's Sin
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
A snare is a trap hidden in the path of a quarry and in walking down the path he is entangled in it by his leg or neck and held there until death or capture or he chews his leg off. Snares are generally hidden or made to appear as normal and safe but lead to trouble for sure. The ephod was probably seen as a gift to the people to commemorate the great victory over their enemies. But then it became the "Great Ephod" and was bowed down to by the people, it took the place of God. In stead of remembering the victory God gave them they thought the ephod would bring them "victory", "fortune" or "luck." When an object, person, place or thing becomes the reason we live or get up in the morning. When it consumes all of heart, soul and body and the time we live on this earth, we are bowing to it and not God. This is how money, which we need in this world, and God blesses us to earn it to live, can become "MONEY" and pull our devotion to God towards getting more of it instead. He lead and ensnared his family and the people in worship of an idol. -
Q3. Spiritual Adultery
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
God called Israel his betrothed wife. Therefore to follow after other gods was to commit spiritual adultery. In the same way the N.T. Church is called the "Bride of Christ" and should we worship another we also are said to have committed "adultery with that object or god. We are to serve God and Him alone, with every part of our being and energy and nature this alone becomes our true "worship." There are many things that are not necessarily bad things that come across our paths today that tempt us to worship them. An example a Pastor or Church may worship numbers and this may lead them to water down the truths of scripture so they do not offend any one, thus getting more in the door... but will they get to heaven if we leave some of the Gospel out? Or we may feel the need to not preach a certain message because it will seem to be aimed at a certain family because there is sin there and "We don't want to lose that family." -
Q1. Refusing the Kingship
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
God had never intended for Israel to have a king but that he would be there Sovereign. Gideon recognized this Truth and would not be "made" king not his grand son. He God would lead and protect and supply for them all and any benefit a King would and even more because he loved them as a "treasured possession." Ex. 19:4-6 Their hearts were hardened by sin and they failed to see that God had won the battle for them. When we see ourselves as sufficient for the day there is great danger of putting ourselves on the "Throne" of our heart instead of the Lord. Also, I am sure all of the peoples around them had Kings and they felt if they had one they would not have gotten into this mess in the first place. They did not recognize that sin was the very root of their problem all along, separating them from God and his blessings. -
Q2. Gideon's Share of the Plunder
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
Gideon asks for an earing from the spoils taken by each soldier in his army. This totaled at least 43 lbs to (19.5 kilograms) and perhaps as much as 75 lbs depending on what metals where represented in the many earings. No it was probably not wrong of Gideon to receive this reward. It may not have been his "place" to ask for such a reward especially if his intent was to create an item to be worshiped. Recognizing that the victory was God's it would have been (and is) much better for Gideon (and us) to have just went home with his share of the spoils and allowed God to give the increase if there is to be one. Often we find ourselves in a place to do the "right thing" and we boldly do the right thing then turn around and do a lesser wrong thing to please the flesh and/or those closest to us. ex. Arron in the wilderness while Moses was up on the mountain built a calf to worship God...to lead the people to worship God right but to make an "image" to represent God WRONG. God had also given the Israelites riches as they left Egypt, travel money if you will, BUT He did not allow or give them permission to them to worship them. If this was premeditated asking for the gift for these purposes was sin. If it was not, then certainly when the ephod was made it became sin. Because either it was made to worship and lead others to worship it and/or to represent himself in some position God had not called him to. -
Gideon's Ephod
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Gideon's Tragic Mistake (Judges 8:22-35)
It seems to be some type of ceremonial garment or accessory that was worn by a high priest and set aside for religious purposes. It may have even been thought to have power or to be a connection to God's power as in the case of the Urim and the Thummin of the high priest, which was used to determine the will of God. (?) At the least it was representative of God's presence and power with the priest who was wearing it and perhaps this was part of Gideon's mistake to represent himself as something God had not called him to be. We often see how the sins of one or a few can lead many to wander in sin and this appears to be the case here. Gideon's ephod appears to have been made from the precious metals from the earing's and treasures taken from the Midianite army. These metals were melted and fashioned into a garment of some type which may have been put on display in some sort of shrine or temple setting. Perhaps it was draped over a man shaped figure of may have been just hung on a wall but since the people worshiped it, it must have been in a place accessible and in sight of all. -
Q5. Taking Vengeance
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
Gideon slays the Kings because they are Kings of Midian who have dealt unjustly and cruelly with God's people. No the punishment for Murder was death. More unfair than conquering a country it is to just keep coming in and stealing their harvest and herds and destroying their homes. Grace is extended toward us and all mankind we don't want to be used to prevent another from knowing the grace that has saved us. We have been fully redeemed from the death and sin and as a Child we also know we have the protection of our heavenly Father, "Who will repay." -
Q5. Taking Vengeance
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
Gideon slays the Kings because they are Kings of Midian who have dealt unjustly and cruelly with God's people. No the punishment for Murder was death. More unfair than conquering a country it is to just keep coming in and stealing their harvest and herds and destroying their homes. Grace is extended toward us and all mankind we don't want to be used to prevent another from knowing the grace that has saved us. We have been fully redeemed from the death and sin and as a Child we also know we have the protection of our heavenly Father, "Who will repay." -
Q5. Taking Vengeance
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
Gideon slays the Kings because they are Kings of Midian who have dealt unjustly and cruelly with God's people. No the punishment for Murder was death. More unfair than conquering a country it is to just keep coming in and stealing their harvest and herds and destroying their homes. Grace is extended toward us and all mankind we don't want to be used to prevent another from knowing the grace that has saved us. We have been fully redeemed from the death and sin and as a Child we also know we have the protection of our heavenly Father, "Who will repay." -
Q4. The Sin of Succoth and Peniel
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
They feared Gideon would not be able to complete the task with total victory and that Midian would come back and kill them for aiding the enemy. Because they did not help their kin...and kind of mocked Gideon and his army. We should use take great care in our support and encouragement of those who feel called to do something for the Lord. I have seen folks who are of the mind set that it is not their program or idea and there fore others can do the work. They won't lend a hand or dime to help the cause or improve the chances for a good outcome, but they stand aside and wait for the thing to fall apart. This is not why Paul says we have been given the Holy Spirit in Eph. We are to encourage one another till we all grow up in Christ. -
Q3. Vanquishing the Midianite Army
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
If these men were allowed to remain they would regroup and attack with a large and Strong army. When we do not deal with problems and let them go they usually end up compounding themselves and getting even bigger and harder to overcome. I have seen folks run from problems and they even have a way of following us from one place to another. -
Gideon asks the Ephraimites to attack the Midianites at the Jordan. I think think this would have stopped them from traveling down the river valley which would have been a quicker retreat than over "hill and dale." They were angry that they were not called as part of the original army and a part of the planning and attack. When we approach a negative with negative it tends to make the matter worse. Gideon reminded them they were already more victorious than others in the battle they had captured two kings. And therefore their contribution was vital and impressive already in the short time they had been in the fray.
Q1. Battle Strategy
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Sword of the Lord (Judges 7:15-8:21)
With a small army he needed to give an appearance that they were many and might so he spread them out. This would give the appearance that they were surrounded and out manned. These were not trained soldiers and they were not heavily armed so they needed and edge and God gave them one these simple tools and a plan. The (300) Trumpets and jars or pots would have made and awesome sound in the dark of the middle Easterner night specially when you are sound asleep and awakened by this noise. I am sure it could have easily sounded like a mighty army with swords and weapons clashing together as they attacked the sleeping Midianites. The sudden brightness that would appear from 300 torches would have given the appearance that the camp was ablaze and in a half sleeping state caused great panic. I asked a youth why it worked and why such a strange plan and he said simply "Gideon did what God told him to do!" Amen. I believe it worked because all of the preparation that God had done giving them the dream of the Barley loaf and the concern he put in their minds about the "Sword of Gideon." All of this was like a rising crescendo with the climax being the breaking of the jars and shouting and the Midianites turning on one another in fear and confusion. -
Barley was the most common cereal grain and the food of the poorer/common peoples in this region. The Midianites being aware of this probably were or had been of the mind that there superior trained army and equipment mean t a sure victory. But when these nightmares came upon them it unsettled them as they were sure it was a sign of their doom at the hand of the "common army" who lapped their water from the stream like dogs. He allowed Gideon to hear this so he would know God's timing to attack, no more need for spying and preparing. Also that sure victory was theirs, God was on their side. Take heart O Church of the Living God and "Press the Battle On!" God Bless!
I am thinking that in a community that had so many ritual cleansings and purifications, to put your face to the water and "lap" it up like a dog might make you somewhat of an undesirable or at least kind of heathenistic to others. The ones who brought the water to their mouth with their hands might have seemed the "best" soldiers as they were always on guard even while getting a drink. So God settled on 300 of the least likely soldiers for Gideon to lead into this battle. Once again proving himself strong on behalf of his people. So there are no doubt as to who is God! Let us never doubt as well. God Bless!
Safety and security and a fear of failure often force to try to "make sense" of God and what he asks us to do. The Danger is that when we demand anything from God we make him less than The God, that He is! We are in danger of putting the limitations we have on him and this is not how it is. He is God who is and was and always will be. His ways are not our ways or his thoughts our thoughts. We need to let God out of the box and let this God lead us into the battle for the souls of those around us. Blind obedience? I do not believe we are called to blind obedience "faith" opens our hearts to the Spirit of God and the Spirit speaks to our spirit in wisdom and Truth from God himself. Confirmation from others needs to be held in it's proper place along side "Thus sayeth the Lord". Men's words are fallible God's word is Truth. Follow and trust the way of of His peace and he will lead you. God Bless!
Q3. Too Large
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Gideon's Incredible Shrinking Army (Judges 6:33-7:15a)
God who moistens the fleece and the earth alike wants Israel and all the world to know that the battle is the Lord's and He will give the victory ...not numbers. This is still important for us to remember, that no matter the weight of opinion and popularity against God's people He has not and will not ever lose a battle. Our numbers/talents/abilities may be small but when God is on our side and is our strength we are on the winning side. When we look at the numbers of the enemy described in the scripture they were like "a swarm of locusts" we feel we need to put our power against their's and the victory will come when our power is greater/bigger or more impressive than theirs. In the world this may make sense, but with God faith and obedience swings the battle for the side of his people. He obeyed God! To The letter. Obedience builds faith like when we love those who are unlovable just because Jesus told us too. God builds up the faithful as they obey his Word enabling them to go in faith the next mile how ever it may go against the common wisdom of the day. God Bless! -
Q2. Gideon's Fleece
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Gideon's Incredible Shrinking Army (Judges 6:33-7:15a)
In the face of great danger for himself and those who may follow him he needed confirmation. Many a man has followed his "own heart" without God's confirming their call, much to the dismay and sometimes harm of those following them. One fleece may be a miracle or a mistake! Two fleeces is pretty solid confirmation especially since they were reversed. This is not for self for pride or power it is that God but to strengthen his faith in God's call, and belief that if He is really calling would also give the result of saving Israel. How could he possibly lead men into battle unless he "believed" with his whole heart his calling? A sinful testing of God may be to get ones own way or try to get God to prove himself for our own prideful and self centered reasons. To get the job or impress others for our own gain. When we feel a calling on our lives and scripture is not clearly speaking the direction we should go. There are general "calls" God places on every Believer these are clearly spoken of in scripture being "born again", holiness, being witnesses. But there are specific calls where a Believer may feel God's hand leading them a certain direction and these are not specifically spoken of through the "Word" but are the result of God speaking to the hearts of Believers and in these times I believe we are allowed to seek confirmation. The Bible tells us to test the Spirits...so we have the privilege to humbly ask God to confirm this "feeling" we have in our hearts that He is asking us to do some thing beyond where we are serving presently. Again the attitude of the Believer must be "Lord, if it pleases you, give me a sign you are in this." The danger is that we come to this "fleece" with any other motive and or attitude. The "fleece" can become our strength and is still only a part of God's calling on the lives of His people. If God is not with us all the fleeces in the world won't make a difference. Let us seek Christ and Him alone and encourage others to follow us as we follow Jesus! God Bless! -
What God ordains he also orchestrates and equips. God sent the Holy Spirit to be with Gideon. Jesus told the disciples it was very important that he go away so that he might give them (us) another Comforter... the Holy Spirit. He also said that when we have the Holy Spirit indwelling and empowering "greater works than these" we would accomplish. Oh, the futility and frustration for the "Church" and the world to try to go on their own power. Paul said that the Holy Spirit would bare witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God....So we too may be victorious and bold in the battle. When God called leaders in the Old Testament it was common that He would put his Spirit in them. Or remove it in response to disobedience...King Saul. Another interesting result of the Spirits presence in a leader is power to move people. The first to come to Gideons call were his neighbors who might have still been "steamed" about his wrecking their place of worship. Peter when filled with the Spirit at Pentecost preached and everyone heard in their own language, one language, many responses, Praise Be To God. Whether a preacher or a witness let us pray for the Holy Spirit to speak through us empowering our words to find lodging in the hearts of those who are in need. This would have further fueled Gideon's courage to fight the battles ahead. God Bless!
Joash was a pluralistic leader, at the least he tolerated the worship of Baal, if perhaps he was not a participant. The tolerance of this terrible sin was just as bad as participation in it. Although he had softened towards the pluralistic way of faith he knew that any god who could not and would not defend or punish one who desecrated their altar was not a god worth following. A god who could destroy the altar of another would be one who you want to follow and have on your side. Fervent worship often makes us uncomfortable yet is that not what our God deserves and requires of us... all our heart soul mind and body loving Him? Often it is our "luke warmness" that is the reason for this discomfort. When someone on fire is around they challenge us to step up and out to serve the Lord our God with all we have. I believe he did consider the impact on his father therefore he did this act at night to protect his family. And I believe his father knew enough to know if God was in it he should not fight it and neither he nor Baal could not stop it. I believe the results of this event help Joash to determine once and for all there is but one God and He alone is to be worshiped.
God wanted to make a statement of His displeasure with His people and their tolerance and worship of other gods. He then wanted to make a statement that Jehovah God is over all therefore the "proper altar" was erected over the remains of the altar of Baal. There is One God and He alone is to be worshiped. Risks were several. Death to himself and those with him even possibly the death and injury of his family, or those within the community. Therefore the reasoning behind tearing down the altar at night. As apostate as the people had become as evidenced by their wish to kill Gideon for this act, there would have been a struggle and lives would have been lost and not just the perpetrator's but perhaps innocents and soldiers for Baal. So the best choice was to perform this act of worship at night. God bless! jer33:3
[/color] As a "Mighty Man of Valour" and as one who had within his heart the tools to deliver Israel from the hands of Midian. As not worth much and with very little power "I am the least in my fathers house", cowardly he was hiding, poor from a poor family and doing menial work to support his family. "I am not smart" "I can not talk well" on and on go the excuses we make for not doing the things that God has called and gifted or burdened us to do. But God has given us his Spirit to equip us to do everything he has called us to do. He would be an unfqair God if he called us to somethign and would not enable us to carry out his wishes. He told Gideon "have not I sent thee?" and "Surely I will be with thee." Jesus said to the Disciples it is important that I go away so I can send you another "Comforter" the Holy Spirit. He also told them that they/we would do greater works than anything they had seen Jesus do when he had gone and they had the power of the Holy Spirit working in them. The Holy Spirit is here to equip us to do ministry for the good and growth of the Body of Christ and... Ephesians 4:12 for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ: 13 till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a fullgrown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14 that we may be no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, in craftiness, after the wiles of error; 15 but speaking truth in love, we may grow up in all things into him, who is the head, even Christ; Lord forgive me of my sins and my complacency and fill me with with your Holy Spirit. Help me to see your purposes in my life and community and how the events of this day and your Spirit living in me might be used by you to accomplish these purposes. Let you Spirit bare witness with my spirit that you are always here with me. Help me to be available, to be a tool at the ready, to be used as your hand leads and be my strength and guide. May all that I say and do lift up Jesus our Savior and the Savior of all man kind and may all that is accomplished in me bring glory to your name. Amen
Gideon feels as if God has forsaken Israel, because there are no miracles happening and He allowed Midian to overrun them. His assessment fails to allow for the sovereignty of God and the fact that although they had a problem and were being persecuted they were still a people and God's people and He, God was watching over them. When a people or person has no need or time for God they can not expect his "Power" to be evidence in miracles. Job learned this as well and deduced "Though He slay me yet I will serve Him" We often believe God judges us unfairly not realizing that He is God who does not change. His heart is perfect towards us. We are the fickle ones and "Prone to Wander, Lord I feel it". When this happens we begin to worship and serve God in our own power and therefore the results are just what we can accomplish on our own. When we realize our great need for God and want above all else to be "wasted" in his purposes, when we get dissatisfied with status quo and surrender to God. Then the fires of Revival are stirred and the Lord's hand is swift to move in our behalf. When we can do it ourselves we are in a dangerous place, and the enemies can seem to be more powerful and bigger than they are. We can prevent this from happening by prayer and fasting and continuing in His Word. Also by honoring the leadership of the Holy Spirit in our lives..."where He Leads me I will follow...and (then) He'll go with me, with me, all the way".
Q2. Gideon's Fleece
brotherbill replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Gideon's Incredible Shrinking Army (Judges 6:33-7:15a)
There are basic "truths" of scripture that we have no right to "test God" on Holiness and Unity of Believers comes to mind. Then there is the "call" of God on the life of an individual. I believe God validates these "calls" in many ways. A person called to pastor may have this "calling" verified through friends and mentors and biblical truths as well as a longing in their heart that will not be satisfied any other way. And yet when they step into the pulpit we expect there to be "fruit" as they do and preach the Lord's will to validate their calling. Are these not all "fleeces"? God honors those "whose hearts are perfect towards him" and this may be the difference. He who sees our heart knows the need we have and desires that we may be strengthened in his might for the task he has given us. Selfish or self seeking "tests" are displeaasing to God. Seek him with all your heart and you will find him and believe he is the rewarder of them who seek him this way... Heb. 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to be well-pleasing unto him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seek after him. God Bless! -
I am the Lord your God! Israel followed the gods of the land and ceased in the pursuit of removing them from their presence thus they got used to them and began to be pluralistic "If one God is good many gods could not hurt". And/or our neighbor has been having some good crops and he worships those other gods so it won't hurt me to give them a little room in my life. Our God is God! No explanation no background offered and none needed if you are GOD and have always been and you formed all things... that explanation enough. Israel left their first love and shared this love with others. Today we see through liberal theologians many in our churches that have surrendered to the pluralistic teaching of "there are many ways to please God", but God's Word reminds us that that He is the only one and all others lead to destruction and that Jesus is the WAY to the Father. To remind of of how quickly we can wander we read of what sounded like a wonderful Church at Ephesus (Acts19 & Eph.) and already in the book of Revelation we hear Jesus telling them that there was reason for concern for their spiritual health. Let us do as Christ instructed the Church at Ephesus and repent and do the first works lest our candlestick would be removed. 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of Jehovah run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. God Bless