Grace M.
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Everything posted by Grace M.
Q2. (Colossians 1:9-12a) What are the elements of Paul's prayer for the Colossian believers? What are the seven or eight specific results that he prays will be produced in their lives? Which of these are most important in a Christian disciple? Which, you think, are least important? What happens when some are missing? a. Paul prays for the Colossian believers: That God will fill them with the knowledge of His will "through all spiritual wisdom and understanding", taking as necessary to the knowledge of His will, that they will be given all spiritual wisdom and understanding as well, not only intellectual knowledge; that this knowledge, wisdom and understanding will allow them to live a life worthy of the Lord; that they will please Him "in every way" by bearing fruit in every good work and by growing in the intimate knowledge of God; that they will be strengthened with all power to endure and be patient,joyful and grateful. b. Specific results: an intimate knowledge of God, lives that please the Lord, they bear many fruit in every thing they do, strength to endure, patience, joy, thanksgiving. c. I wouldn't say that any of these is more or less important in a disciple of Christ Jesus. However, there is an order in their appearance. First, the intimate and growing knowledge of the Lord which brings about the others as a result of that knowledge and growing love for the Lord. d. When some are missing, we are handicapped Christians, lame or weak, and our growth can be stunted
Q1. The Active Gospel
Grace M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. A Prayer for the Colossian Believers (Colossians 1:1-14)
Q1. (Colossians 1:5-6) Paul glorifies the gospel, the good news. What words does he use to describe the action of the gospel in verses 5 and 6? Given the temptation the recipients have to adopt another religious philosophy, why do you think he reminds them of the world scope of the gospel -
Q4. (Matthew 5:13-15) How do verses 13-16 relate to verses 10-12? How does hiding our light affect the glory of God? Why must glory and suffering go hand in hand? Was Jesus' suffering necessary? Is ours? What does this have to do with Romans 12:2? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=738 V. 3-9 give us the characteristics of a disciple of Jesus, and putting those principles into action is being salt and light in the world. Salt, if put directly on an open wound burns badly, and causes pain. When people are
Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=737 The danger, as I see it, is to be ashamed or timid about projecting the Light around us, as often can happen if we are more aware of our limitations or weaknesses than of the power of that Light. Also there is the danger of being more concerned with being accepted as
Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=736 Symptoms might be: acceptance of the status quo; indifference in the face of disregard for the basic values of truth, justice, mercy; lack of interest in personal prayer and reading of God
Q1. (Matthew 5:13) In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the preservation analogy? In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the seasoning analogy? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=735 The Christian values and principles that Jesus taught his disciples, when lived by and applied, exert a great influence on society. When Christians participate knowledgeably in community decision making, they (we) can exert an influence for good, even though others in the community would not necessarily have taken that path. As was stated above, many of the important reforms have been the result of the initiatives of Christian leaders. Martin Luther King is an example of a more recent influence of Christian values on the American society. And it cost him his life. It is up to Christians to unite and peaceably introduce truth and justice, and be persistent, even though most often it means costly sacrifice. That to me is being
Q6. Blessed Are the Persecuted
Grace M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-12) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted? That kind of rejoicing is part of being pure in heart. Beyond the situation of the moment, the follower of Jesus who is persecuted for His sake, for righteousness sake, sees the Lord, sees God and his purposes. The persecution cannot be the fruit of our own creation, but of true identification with Jesus. We must rejoice humbly too, not being proud or defiant of what we are able to endure, but by grasping the hand of Jesus and keeping our eyes on Him as we go through the difficult situation. Persecution seems to be the proof of the fulfillment of the Jesus Manifiesto! The kingdom of this world is the one that is persecuting -
Q5. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Grace M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=733 -
Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude? Though the world around us recognizes and denounces the critical situations that we face because of unrighteousness, injustice, inequality, lack of truthfulness, honesty, etc., on a large scale, when an individual chooses to do justice or be truthful or honest on a small scale, then those around him/her feel confronted with their own personal unrighteousness, and often respond with a
Q3. Blessed Are the Meek
Grace M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=731 In the secular world, many theories and methods have been proposed to build up self confidence, poise and a sense of self-worth, and though these traits are important, the expression of them is very different in the follower of Jesus and in a person who uses the world -
Q2. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
Grace M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? (See Isaiah 61:2-3; Ezekiel 9:4.) When we think we are full and have everything that we want or need, we don't have room for the message of the Kingdom of God. We are so involved with life and its activities, that we never stop to listen to our empty hearts. We feel rich, "have acquired weath and do not need a thing" and do not realize that we are "wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and nakedl" Only when we realize our poverty can we come to Him in search of the Kingdom. The mourning we experience when we come to Jesus is sorrow and shame for our wretchedness - for having thought we were rich, when in reality we were so poor and blind. The mourning of disciples of Jesus is a mourning for those around us who mourn, grieve and are in despair. And a mourning because of all the evil, cruelty, injustice and filthiness that mankind is capable of. -
Q1. Beatitudes and Spiritual Fruit
Grace M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q1. (Matthew 5:3-11) Each Beatitude consists of two parts. What are these parts? Why do you think Jesus made each Beatitude a paradox? What is the relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)? Greetings to all. I, too, am new to this system and to the Forum. All of your responses have enriched me and given me food for thought. Thank you My answer to Q1: The two parts of the beatitude are 1) The description of the recipient of the blessing and his/her attitude and 2) the explanation of why he/she/they is/are blessed The paradox made it clear to those who listened (and could understand) that Jesus' teaching was contrary to what was generally believed - not only by the religious leaders, but also by many of others who were present, even the disciples. These were totally new values. The fruit of the Spirit seems to me to be the evidence of the blessing in the lives of the poor in spirit, for example; they are no longer poor - they are now rich in a ninefold way! We sing a song that says (translated from Spanish) "...And now let the poor say, 'I am rich', let the weak say, 'I am strong' because of what He has done in me, and in you... A thousand thank yous."