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Ignited Soul

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  1. We are admonished to put our religion into practice by caring for our own families. This is considered pleasing to God and repaying our parents and grandparents for caring for us. If we neglect to take care of our own families we are considered to have denied the faith and worse than an unbeliever."
  2. I think Paul wrote Timothy concerning the predictions of widespread apostasy so that Timothy would know that the apostasy presently being experienced in Ephesus was no surprise, neither was it cause for discouragement. The knowledge that such attacks came from satan should help Timothy to be encouraged, and help the Church expect difficulty and opposition to be daily occurrences in the process of spreading the gospel until the consummation of all things under the headship of Christ.
  3. Tendencies of anger, intimidation, force, and pride are so important when considering and selecting church officers because anger, intimidation, force, and pride are all works of the flesh. These are evidence that this individual has not mortified his flesh and thus, is not suited for such an important church office. To choose someone exemplifying such character is sure to bring reproach to the body of Christ.
  4. Leaders should be observed and tested carefully because he being appointed to a very crucial ministry. He is being selected to open men
  5. Insightful,very insightful indeed, and very true.
  6. I think husband of one wife indicates the character of one that is stable and committed to covenant.
  7. In this verse Paul is referring to the disputes that had arisen in the church as a result of the false teaching. Because prayer was is such an vital and important role of the church for the realization of God's global vision for the salvation of the world, Paul is teaching that praying with anger and malice in one's heart before the Lord is just going through the motions as (Isaiah 1:15-16 clearly tells us ""When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean." This verse and much like (Mt 5:23; 6:12, 14-15; Jas 4:3; 1 Pet 3:7) makes it emphatically clear that prayers offered with anger and malice in ones heart is unacceptable before the Lord. Prayers acceptable must come from holy, purified hearts. We must remember that when we pray , our prayers or not uttered to men, but to with a holy God, who demands of that we deal with our sins before approaching his throne. Second, Paul stipulation that our prayer be without anger or disputing helps us to understand that acceptable prayer must come from people in right relationship with one another. Many Christians are ignorant to the fact that wrong relationship with fellow believers can hinder our prayers.
  8. In the context of the salvation of all, Paul emphasizes the roles of Mediator and Ransom, because if we were to look closely 1 Timothy tells us "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men" emphasizing on the oneness of God, Paul makes it emphatically clear that all men have access to God's provision of salvation through Christ. In what way did Christ fulfill both these roles? Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. Christ as mediator stepped between God and sinful mankind―who deserved death, and gave himself as a ransom (died in our stead) so that we might have eternal life. Presently He (Christ) sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for the saints. Before His( Christ) departure, He commissioned the church through the Great Commission to take part in He and the Father's global vision for the salvation of all mankind. Like Christ, Paul admonishes us to like intercede and pray for the realization of this global vision.
  9. Paul emphasized the salvation of all mankind in his letter because the Jewish teachers were promoting a kind of Jewish exclusivity both in Ephesus as well as in Crete. No where in the word of God are we told that salvation was exclusive to the Jews. 1 John tells us Jesus Christ was the propitiation for everyone's sins. 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that God is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward us, desiring that none should perish, but that all should turn to repentance. John 3:16 tells us " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
  10. False doctrine promoted Doctrinal controversy. Doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church because it fosters division rather than unity and faith and faith in God.
  11. An intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world because the world desires the things of the flesh, not moral perfection. . Romans 8 tells you that the flesh and the spirit are contary one to another. we are promised that our desire and thirst will be quenched. An intense desire for righteousness is quenched when the Holy Spirit invades in a vessel
  12. The world is filled with those overly impressed by their sense of self-importance, and those who step over and on their fellow man just to get ahead in this world. the opinions and approval of men is more important than the opinion and approval of God. Humility is important to Christlikeness because it is the the example laid down by our king as the character of the citizens of the Kingdom. Humility, consideration of our fellow man, deficient in spirit and courage, and submissiveness to the father's will for our lives will here on earth, a living sacrifice is what is required.
  13. Each Beatitude consists of a characteristic and the (promise or reward) for possessing that characteristic. In my opinion the Beatitudes are not paradoxes. To the natural man they will appear to be paradoxes , but to citizens of the Kingdom we understand this mystery because (I Corinthians 2:14) clearly state that these things are spiritually discerned. What is The relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)? Both of these are evidence of when one is being lead by the Spirit, and not flesh.
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