We should hallow the Father by coming into a silence to reverend Him as the Creator of our Universe. We should be with humility that our limited minds, although an awesome thought as we are His children, that could never understand the canvas He paints on for our lives with His mercy and grace, that we are just a speck in the picture from our point of view. He is holy for the way He reveals himself to us and deserves our praise.
Out of anger, I have heard *od **** it. To me, do you really want Him to "****" it.? It is a good thing He does not give us what we ask for damning or darning the entire circumstance that caused us to do say this anyway. We truly do not respect His power nor holiness when we non-chalantly let it slip in a common way. We are lucky to be even able to say abba or our Lord's Jesus' name upon our lips. I always thought the most horrible thing would be to be separated from God forever and not even be able to say His Name to call upon by our own mouths. For this, I know that truly at times, like the Lord taught us, we can say, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Honoring God becomes a way of communication in how we speak to others.