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fool for christ

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  1. The symptoms of a Christian who has lost his saltiness are: when the people whom he or she comes in contact with did not know the he or she is a Christian by his/her own profession and action. When a Christian do not profess or divulge his being a Christian, that could mean he has no intention of revealing it because he/she would like to mix with the unbelievers in doing their thing, lest they might accuse him/her of not being a true Christian. He/she also doesn't want to reveal his being a Christian because he/she could not share the gospel due to his/her "untransformed" life. Of course it is possible to detect that a Christian has lost his/her saltiness, otherwise Paul would have not told the Corinthians to examine themselves if they are in the faith (2Co 13:5). The Lord Jesus asked His disciples how can salt which has lost its saltiness be made salty again. In reality, it cannot be made salty again. It cannot make itself salty again, neither can it pray for God's grace and ask His forgiveness for loosing its saltiness. But true Christians are not really like the salt in totality, for they can ask forgiveness and grace from God once they have realized that they are loosing or have lost their saltiness. In Christ letter to the 7 Churches, Christ rebukes the Laodicean Church who are lukewarm Christians and are told to repent. On the other hand, Christ also rebukes the Christians in Church in Sardis for they have in them which are ready to die, and to repent and be watchful. Yes, it is possible for God to make salty again those Christians who have lost their saltiness. But if they have already recanted their faith in Christ, well, that's another story.
  2. In a preservative analogy, Christians are the salt of the earth, in the sense that those with whom they share the gospel who accepted Christ are preserved from the coming judgment of God and destruction of the world. In a seasoning analogy, Christians are the salt of the earth in the sense that they are used by God to give hope to mankind by sharing the gospel. In that way, people who accept Christ finds the meaning of life, their existence and purpose in this troubled world according to the will of God.
  3. We rejoice when we are persecuted when we know that the reason why we are persecuted is because we are Christians who live for God through Christ and spread the gospel of Christ. We rejoice not for the pain and sufferings but for the fact that we are persecuted the way Christ was persecuted because of doing the will of the Father. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven because they followed the King whom the world persecuted.
  4. The pure in heart are those that seek to please God according to His words. They seek God as they wake up in the morning and ask for His guidance, strength to do His will. They seek God in whatever they do as they assess the things that they are about to do if it would please Him. Though they still commit errors, yet they humble themselves to God to admit their sins and ask for His forgiveness and grace that they may overcome their flesh. Those who seek God desires to do HIs will to please Him, and they look forward to seeing God at the appointed time. The Lord Jesus said, "ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knowk and the door shall be opened...", therefore they have the assurance of seeing God, knowing and discerning His will. Chronic sinners please themselves and not God, unless they repent and turn to God to change their ways. Sin is the hindrance to see God therefore they will not see God unless they repent. David committed a great sin against God, but he humbled himself to God and admitted his error and truly sought for God
  5. The culture of world keeps on changing for the worse and away from God. The people in this world desires and lusts for everything that the flesh enjoys. To have a desire for righteousness is to desire to please God rather than one
  6. It is necessary to be aware of our spiritual poverty before one can become a Christian because God's offer of becoming rich is for the poor in spirit. It is only by admission of being lost, corrupt, sinful, morally sick, etc., and unable by his own, that one could see his need to be found, be cleansed, be forgiven, be healed, etc., by the power of the blood of the Lamb which was shed for the remission of sins and by the power of the Holy Spirit to live a Godly life. As the Lord said, they that be whole need not a physician but they who are sick. To become a Christian, a person must be sorrowful for his own sins, his own ways, a Godly sorrow which leads to repentance, a change of mind seeking and submitting to obey the will of God in order to please Him and not himself anymore. The common experience of Christians in mourning is the mourning for the sinfulness of the world, its idolatry, rebellion to God, the use of the name of God in vain which is prevalent especially those who claim to be Christians and yet practice idolatry, because unless they repent and turn to God, they shall persih.
  7. The two parts which consist each Beatitude are: 1) the
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