I have not read all of the entries as of yet but I do thank those I have read. Also, I am behind in my study so this response is late but I am right where I need to be in this study and I thank GOD for all of you and for this tool!
Sexual **** is a sin and that is all it is. I as a woman have struggled with it, before I knew the loving grace and mercy of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and even so afterwords - which was (is) very difficult for me because I now walk in the truth but yet I am still tempted in this way. No matter though, GOD has and is working in me to look to HIM for all my fulfillment - to treat others as I would have them treat me.....in humility, considering others better than my self - looking not only after my own interest but after the interest of others.......being of the same mind as CHRIST who humbled HIMSELF even to death - death on the cross............
The repercussions of these lusts are found in proverbs and many other places in the WORD of LIFE - put on CHRIST - what beauty is there in that statement alone. In James 1:14 - 15, it says, " But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own ****, and enticed. Then when his **** hath conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth for death."
We are going to be tempted - but it is through CHRIST, HIS SPIRIT in us, HIS WORD which dwells in us, that we may stand firm against the temptations which come our way - HE, HIS word will guide us into all righteousness - but we must stand fast in the LORD - abide in HIM and HIM alone...........only by considering the temptation before us has the battle been lost but through HIM we can at any time ask our GOD for help and mercy and grace......PRAISE HIM!
This is my personal experience of GOD's love toward me - yes I am always tempted but HE, through HIS wonderful SPIRIT is teaching me to not enter into the way of the wicked - not even a step through HIS WORD!