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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Cherylock

  1. Our children have been studying Psalm 8 in Sunday School- how's that for coordination? We had created a responsive reading for the children, and today they did it with the congregation as a call to worship. It was quite different for the adults to clap, shout, speak softly, speak slowly, and then do "How majestic is your name O Lord" with clapping, shouting and slowly. It was good to see the children actually participating in the worship service too...... The entire service was about psalms, and the kids paid more attention, because they heard some of the things we have been talking about in Sunday School.
  2. Hello- I am Cheryl from Iowa. I have lived in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Kentucky until 5 years ago- so the weather has been quite different for me. My husband is a pastor here, and the ladies of our church are beginning a Bible Study of Psalms, using a chapter from Philip Yancey's The Bible Jesus Read, C.S. Lewis's Reflections on the Psalms and Beth Moore's new study on the Psalms. Another lady and I are team teaching this- and it always helps for the teachers to have more information than the students!! However, we are going to recommend that they do this study also as we are studying the other books. Talk about immersion! We will also be reading through all the Psalms, since we are reading most of them in lessons anyway!
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