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Q1. Unforgiveness and Blindness
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
Hate and unforgiveness sepearte us deom God. Once we are cut off from God then obviously we loose that light which has the ability to reveal us our true condition. Once that happens we are in darkness. Since we cannot see (in a spiritual sense) then that is called spiritual blindness. We need to repent and ask forgiveness from God and people involved. Then belive that Jesus has forgiven all our sins. Asking forgiveness is a tricky one. We need to ask forgiveness from the people in that circle in which the sin was committed. For example if I get angry in my heart with another person then I need to ask forgiveness from God alone. But if sin was committed against human being then I need to ask forgiveness from both God and human being. Once we ask forgiveness then we come back into the light -
Q1. Christian Fellowship
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1-2:6)
In my opinion there are basically two things contributes 1. Fear of men 2. Selfish attitude When we fear men's opinion then we build walls and do not openly discuss everything with others. That shows we do not 100% accept others are our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is because we do not fully care for others and wish them good and do not pray for their spiritual well being. Selfishness dominates our life and we need to move away from self-centredness to Christ-centred life where we crucify the "self" and learn to take up the cross. This is a change required "inside" of us. This change can only happen via the word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to take control of us and change us. -
Q1. Mentoring
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Future generation should be taught the unadulterated truth about God. Satan is so powerful to destroy any such effort. Therefore Pastors and church leaders should take this passing on the knowledge very seriously. Satan can come in any form to deceive by diverting their attention towards other duties and programs in the church. If the pastors are constantly in tough with God and such a passion is there in their heart then according the need of the church God will lead them in prioritising their time among various duties they need to perform. I am sure the highest priority should be given to the teaching and mentoring of the future generation. -
Q4. Come Before Winter
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
When he wrote this Paul somehow felt that his time on earth was coming to an end soon. I am sure Paul would have asked the Lord in his prayers about the whole thing. Paul is the spiritual father to Timothy and obviously Paul knew the dangers of travel those days. In spite of that he was asking Timothy to come means something to think about. I am sure Timothy would have made every effort to go and see Paul. If that was God -
Q2. Crown of Righteousness
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
I believe the crown of righteousness represents an extra reward given to all born-again Christians who lived in readiness to meet Him in His second coming. They have not reached perfect state as they will be perfected when they are with Christ but they had the correct attitude when they were here. I like to think it as different from -
Q1. The Good Fight
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. I Have Fought the Good Fight (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
I see that as a race that poses endurance -
When you look at the context by reading verse 6, Paul is concerned that he won't be around to help Timothy or advice him very much longer. He knew that his time is running out. So he wants Timothy to know the responsibility he has in terms of God's ministry. Paul warns him of the suffering he will have to endure as any servant of God will face. We must be aware that when we are on the forefront of ministry then we need to encounter huge resistance from the adversary. Our preaching has to be backed by our character. We can preach but if our conduct is not backing up our preaching then it is totally useless.
Paul had spent more than a couple of years in Ephesus and this was almost one of his final letters. I do not think that he lived that long after writing 2 Timothy and Titus. So he must have felt that urgency to write the important matters that matter most. He must have known in his heart that once he leave Ephesus the false teachers will infiltrate the church in Ephesus and confuse the Christians with all their myths and genealogy. To save the church from destruction he felt the need to warn Timothy on those matters. That is why he says in another place "watchout for wolves". These false teachers could not enter the church when Paul was there and once he is gone he felt that there should be another strong person there who could stand firm for the truth. If the elder of the church is not fully equipped with truth then anyone can take the church in a wrong direction compromising the truth with worldly wisdom. Therefore any member of the God's Church should be ever ready to be a witness.
Q2. Equipping
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Preachers, Teachers, and Holy Scripture (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
Scripture is the sole authority of a Christian. Our everyday action and preaching should be totally based on that authority. When difficult issues are encountered then the instruction on the scripture should be the final. If we walk in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit then we will understand the scripture clearly and we will find out the truth and that will equip us for "right-living". If we do not depend on Holy Spirit and try to understand/interpret using our human wisdom alone then we could have trouble. Therefore the secret is the life totally depended on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. -
Q1. Inspiration
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Preachers, Teachers, and Holy Scripture (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
In the case of Prophets, God told them what to write (mostly dictating). But the others, I prefer to think that they were obedient to God and God put the concept in their mind and they used their own words or construct to write and pass those on to us. -
Q4. Inevitable Persecution
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
We run away or "go hiding" without confronting the issue or people who persecute us. We are interested in "comfort" but God is in our "character". Why do we avoid? Because in our natural it is too much to handle. That shows our lack of faith. We should be aware that God's grace is sufficient for us. Cross is a symbol of suffering for unbelievers but for the believers it is the ultimate victory. Therefore when we are intersted in victory then we need to submit ourselves to His will. "Thy will be done" daily/every moment. -
Q3. Form without Power
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
The flesh opposes the spirit. Essentially we are too conscious of what others will think about us than the opinion of God about ourselves. When man's fear or opinion ranks the highest then it is easy to become hypocrites. When our life is not spirit controlled then we can degenerate easily to "religious". Being religious/ form of Godliness gives us a false sense of satisfaction. We also compare ourselves with the other Christians who also put a deceptive front in our churches. But we need to look at Jesus. Also when the Holy Spirit prompts us and corrects us we do not act on those promptings and becomes dull of hearing the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we only correct the outward symptoms not the root cause. It is like applying ointment to the outward wound but not taking the antibiotics to deal with the root cause. I think we need to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling, because God is always at work in you to make you willing and able..." Phil. 2: 12-13. -
Q2. Correcting
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
Not in a fighting spirit but with gentle spirit. We need to be humble but firm not to compromise the truth. Again the truth should be told with grace. Always be in the counsel of the Holy Spirit. If we have a wrong spirit, even if we hide from the others they still can sense the spirit of pride and take their defensive position. If that happens then they will shut their ears for your teachings. Arguments and play of words will not take you too far and no point just depending on our own strength. Paul says that if you talk meekly and courteously then the others will turn away from their wrong ideas and believe what is true. -
Q1. Fit and Useful
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Fit for the Master's Use (2 Timothy 2:20-3:14a)
What point is Paul making with this example? There are believers who can be in different shapes and forms. However God's wish list is that the believers will become golden vessels fit for noble purpose. God will use everybody but we should aim with the help of the Holy Spirit to reach that highest spiritual status. That is Christlike and that is what all of us are predestined to. God can even use Satan or Balaam (OT) to achieve His purposes. Therefore being used by God does not mean a lot. We need to continuously cleanse ourselves with the Grace God provides. In practical terms, how do we "cleanse ourselves" so that we might be useful and ready for the Lord's use? Practical terms: what does it mean to us on a day to day basis? As I understand there are two things in Christianity. One is God is doing and the other one is we have to corporate with him and we need to be disciplined to accept those corrections and act on it. The acting part is ours. We cannot sit doing nothing and then say God will do it. First we should know what to cleanse. When we are in the presence of God all the time then we will be sensitive to His Spirit. When the Spirit shed light on certain areas of our lives then we need to act on it and cleanse ourselves with His help. If we do not act on it then we may not get further revelation. We become dull to further promptings of the Holy Spirit. So there is a part we play in the cleansing process. We may be born again at some stage of our life but if we are not diligent then there is a danger of back sliding. That is why we need to guard ourselves continuously with fear and trembling. -
Q4. Conquering Overwhelmingly
Soomee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Roman Christians: Persecution, prison and horrific death. Compared to what the Romans Christians had gone through what we face now could be infinitesimal. In some countries Christians still face persecution and death (Orissa, Sri Lanka etc.) but where I live we have such a freedom to practice Christianity. But I fear that material wealth is a great snare for our young people. They get very high salaries as soon as they leave colleges and Universities. This is not helping them at all in their Christian walk. The peer pressure and the emerging immoral western culture, the drugs, alcoholism, free *** (before marriage) steal our young ones away from God. This is the big threat I see around me. But I still believe the God in His sovereignty has answers to these perils. We need to continuously uphold our young ones in our prayer so that a hedge will be formed by God to protect them from all these external forces. We believers have the responsibility to show these people around us through our life that Christ is a living God. He lives within us and thus they should be able to see that in our every dealings with us. We may be the Bible that they could read and come to know God.