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Mary Beth Whittam

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  1. It reminds us as we are praising Him what He has done in our lives. It shows us who is in contol of our lives. Our lives show that He is important to us.
  2. Q1. In what way do our prayers of praise "bless" God? What do we mere humans have that God desires in a blessing? What are prayers like, that don't include blessing God? When we give God praise it is acknowledgement to Him that we see God working in our lives. God desires our fellowship. Praise is part of fellowshiping with Him. A prayer without praise is a give me request to God.
  3. Would God destroy the people of Sodom if there were righteous people in that city. God is righteous so Abraham is respectfully demanding God show this for the righteous in the land of
  4. Hebrew 4:16-Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace tohelp in time of need. The second part of this question is No because He know what is best for us.
  5. God is control of all things. We have to have faith that God know what is best for us in our lives. If our prayer is selfish or what God know isn't best for us He will not give it to us. I don't know what my future is and after these last two years (that I been through) I trust God to do His best. I might not like how He answers my prayer but He know my future and what is best for me.
  6. We should not approach God as if we want to change God' mind. If God destroys the Israelites the people of Eygpt will say God took His people to the desert to destroy them. You are to pray according to His character, righteousness, and precedets. If you know the word of God you can be in His will. We align our deserse with God's.
  7. The people of Israel had made a golden calf to be their god. They forgot who really brought them out of Egypt. God is completely separated from sin. He is offened by sin. We are told if we love God, we must hate evil. If God destroyed Israel and started again God would still keep His proismes to the patriarchs because Mose was an offspring to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  8. We are asking that God will unmistakily give His power and glory of His kingdom to us. That our prayers will conform to His will first. Teach us to pray along the linesof God's will. We are not to pray a selfish prayer but to pray in tune with and guided by God's will.
  9. Our lives and the word that we us say should show respect. Hallowed reminds us that the Father is holy set apart from sin but we can come to Him as a loving Father.
  10. I'm in a situation now. I have been diaignose with a disease that has my world turn upside down. It is taking every bit of faith in God to get me through each day. My illness is still very new to me but with His love I will fellow Him through this test. I guess part of God's glory will be that I will continue to walk with Him. He will be there taking be through the valley. Another part of His glory will be that right now I have peace that He is in control.
  11. The extra credit: We are saved by grace, that is God's gift to us. We obey God because we want to please Him. Our work are the action of our obedience and faith in Him.
  12. This type of Christian has many care here on earth and doesn't see all the benifits we have in heaven. (second part of this question is yes) We need to give this to God. Learn what the Bible says to do and ask God for guidess.
  13. Christ is the center of my life & He is my guide & leader of my life. This is His rightful place because He took my place on the cross. If the world would open up their spiritual ears & eyes to Him, they would do the same thing I have done in my life.
  14. We must always be watching & ready for Christ our groom. We can be encourage to know that Christ is coming for us. He has not & will not forget us.
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