I see the church as the Bride of Christ. When I was growing up, girls were taught to look forward to getting married. The wedding gown was imagined to be like no other dress ever seen before but most of all it was to be white, unmarked, unscarred, unwrinkled...perfect. This is how the Church as the Bride of Christ should be.....perfect, holy, blameless.
I think that Paul is talking about the future church....after Christ has come. In Ephesians 5:27, it says "To present her to himself..." We are still awaiting His second coming, so we have not been presented yet. I don't think that we are ready anyway. Maybe I am disillusioned by what I have seen in the churches that I have belonged to and/or associated with. I sometimes jokingly say....If I had not known Jesus before I met/worked with some the Christians that I have come to know, I don't think that I would make much of an effort to know who this God is that they claim to love, worship, and serve. That to me is a sad thing to say and I often wonder how many people do we/I adversely affect with our/my un-Christlike ways.