carolyn bedsaul
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Q2. Sexual Desire
carolyn bedsaul replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Adultery, Lust, and the Spirit of Marriage (5:27-30)
We can distinguish between the two because God given will be in marriage only between husband and wife. The forbidden **** will be out of the will of God. Even in a marriage, if the couple stray, their marriage is in trouble. Keep our hearts and minds on the Lord and the one He had provided for us. -
Porongraphy is wrong because it involves ****, which is a sin. ***********, like any other sin, will take you futher than you want to go. Going to prostitutes is also a sin, it takes away the true meaning that God had meant for love between two people. A woman is destroying her body, which is mean to be a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. The devil is having his way by using them for sex objects. Anyone and everyone is a victim. It affects all that are involved and their families.
I would show and read with the person the scripture's concerning the sin, just let the person talk about the problem, talk to him about Jesus' love for him,. for his forgiveness, and pray with the person for deliverance. We can protect ourselves by not using those websites, block them. Don't even entertain the thought. Same thing with pool or beach or TV. Don not watch the channels on TV, do not entertain the thought and keep our eyes on the things of the Lord.
The point of similarity between adultery and ****? Where **** is dwelt upon and approved, and the want to desire is rolled under the tongue as a sweet morsel, it is the commission of sin as far as the heart can do it, there wants nothing but convenient opportunity for the sin itself. It starts with the eyes. (2) There is no difference. (3) It breaks the Tenth Commandment when we allow those thoughts to grow in our mind and heart and take action on those thoughts. It is hard for natural man to look without *******, but we can overcome by the word and the Spirit of the Lord. It is a sin against God. It is a trap of the devil that we must recognize and overcome.
We are to settle out of court because it could bring more harm to the situtation. Whether it is our fault or not, ask forgiveness and bring peace to be reconciled with our brothers and sisters. (2) We are suppose to settle with the one that we have fault with. (3) Settling means coming together in agreement, putting all differences aside, and restoring the friendship and love on both sides. (4) We should settle because we cannot be at peace with ourselves or God. We cannot worship with a true heart if we have something against someone. We have to make things right before we face God.
The overarching theme of these verses is the love of Christ. When we put the Lord first in our lives and commit ourselves totally to Him, we will learn how to put the anger, insults, and thoughts of murder out of our mind. We will have the mind of Christ. We will become the willing vessel that God can use. We will be full of His love for mankind.
(1) We would not have the love of God in us. We can not praise and worship the Lord if we have something against our brother because it would be a mockery to God. We have to repent of our sin. We have to ask our brother's forgiveness. We would not have peace or joy to worship the Lord if we did not ask forgiveness. (2) We are to humble ourselves and repent and ask forgiveness. (3) I think we are to do everything we can according to the Word and make sure it is a sincere attempt from the heart. (4) I don't know, there may be some that we can't undo on our own, but the Lord can handle any situtation and knows how to take care of the situtation better than we do. We may have hurt someone so deep, that it may take time to reconcile that friendship. Just make sure that you have done everything to make it right and be sure your anger is replaced with humility and make sure that you want to reconcile.
Q2. Anger and Murder
carolyn bedsaul replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Spirit of the Law and Reconciliation (5:17-26)
By calling someone a fool, we are doing damage to their heart and spirit. Anger is a natural passion, but when we use it without cause, any good effect, without moderation, it is sin. We could be angy with someone and hurt them so bad, it could cause them to be destroyed. When we are headstromg in our anger, violent, outrageous, and mischievous, and when we seek the hurt of those we are displeased with, this is a breach of the sixth commandment, for he that is angry would kill if he could. He is a murderer in the eyes of God, who knows his heart. (2) In the Lord's eyes, yes, because both are sin and are of an evil spirit to do harm to others. (3) We would learn to show our anger in the love of the Lord. We would think twice about our words and guard against our thoughts to be sure they are the words of the Lord. -
In answer to the first question, no I have not seen any tendencies in the church. There may be some churches that has gone to the New Testament, but I haven't experienced any. I have been in two churches in my life, and both teach on the Old and New Testament's. People in other churches say the same thing. Jesus Christ came and paid the law of our sins so we would't have to. We can learn so much from the Old Testament, that is why God put it in the Bible. There are laws we still need to follow, the Ten Commandments for one. Christian legalism is where the church is going by human direction and feeling's, not God's. God is no where in the picture. He has been put on a shelf and forgotten about. The people are serving man, not God. If there are no moral standard or no obedience, the church would be a very sad church. The pastor and the people could do as they please with no regard to the word, to prayer, worship, the Holy Spirit, or even God, Himself. It would be like the world.
For those who uphold God's standard of truth, justice, and purity, and who at the same time refuse to compromise with the present evil society or the lifestyle of luke warm believers, will undergo unpopularity, rejection, and criticism. Persecution and opposition will come from the world. When we experience this suffering Christians are to rejoice, for to those who suffer for Christ, imparts the highest blessing. That is where we are to be the salt, to be godly examples in the world and to resist moral decay and corruption in this world. In hiding our light, the world will not be able to see the glory of the Lord, His mercy and grace, and will not know that they can receiv Him and their Lord and Savior. Glory and suffering go hand in hand because when you are suffering in a trial, the glory of the Lord can be seen if you are trusting Him in that valley and totally believing He will bring you out, then you can rejoice and praise God for you know He is a true and faithful God. When you are suffering, God is making you stronger in your faith and building you to use for His Kingdom. Yes, Jesus' suffering was neccessary because our sins would not have been forgiven. Yes, ours is necessary to become stronger and more faithful in serving the Lord. We must have our minds conformed to God's way of thinking by reading and meditating on His Word. We must have our plans, goals, and ambitions determined by heavenly and eternal truths, not by this evil, temporal, and transient age.
The danger for a Christian if their light goes out is possibly loosing the relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We are the light to the world that they might see Jesus through us. If we do not shine for the Lord how will the people know who Christ is? If we do not stay in the right relationship with God, by praying , studying His Word, and letting the Holy Spirit work in our lives, if we let our light go dim, the Lord cannot use us for His work. Our light is the way for us to be a witness for the Lord and His kingdom. We can't afford to let it go dim or even completely out.
A Christian who has lost his saltiness is one that is turning back dto the world's way and not standing up for Christ. Not letting the Holy Spirit lead you in your life, you don't pray, and don't study the Word of God the way you should. Yes, a Christian can detect unsaltiness in their life by their actions, how they walk and how they talk, and by their attitude, is it and attitude of love for people or the attitude of the world's love? The secular people see Christians as people that are different from them. They see love, peace, joy and they can't explain it. If we don't live by that love, joy, and peace to be the light they need to see, we are no different than they are and they will wonder why they should become Christians. I think other Christians see the love of God in you and how you use that love toward others. They can see the joy because you have been set free from the sins that bound you. We can be resalted by staying in the Word of God, seeking His face, praying continually in understanding and in the Holy Spirit, and letting the Holy Spirit guide you in every step you take. To keep our eyes and our mind focused on Christ only.
The two parts are the blessings and the promises that God has for His people. I think He made them in a paradox for us to realize that the happiness in His blessings and promises are for everybody that love Him, to help take the discouragement from the weak and poor to help them see that it is for them also. It is designed to invite souls to Christ and to make way for His law into their hearts. It is to let us know what God expects from us and what He expects from us. I think the relationship is to show us the love of Christ and He wants us to walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit.
We have to know of our spirtitual brokeness before we can be in a relationship with Christ.We have to be broken before He can put us back together the way we should be, to be used for His kingdom. We have to mourn and repent over our sins and seek the Holy Spirit's guidance for the closeness of the relationship with Christ. As Christians we mourn for the injustice in the world, our family, and in situtations we don't understand or know how to handle.