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Everything posted by Rosie1Rose

  1. This is a good one. I am long term sick and disabled and as such I do voluntary work. It covers day care for the elderly and admin. It is my way of putting back into society a little bit of what I am given in benefits. I give 100% all of my time. I look for ways to go the extra mile. I do it to bring God glory and honour. Many people tell me it is voluntary so it doesn't matter how well I work or if I throw the odd sickie. It is considered inferior to paid work. Yet God expects of me the best I can give, all the time, whether I am paid, voluntary or underpaid. I work for God, to bring Him glory and to witness to a lost and dying world, not my wage packet or my benefits.
  2. This is a good one. I am long term sick and disabled and as such I do voluntary work. It covers day care for the elderly and admin. It is my way of putting back into society a little bit of what I am given in benefits. I give 100% all of my time. I look for ways to go the extra mile. I do it to bring God glory and honour. Many people tell me it is voluntary so it doesn't matter how well I work or if I throw the odd sickie. It is considered inferior to paid work. Yet God expects of me the best I can give, all the time, whether I am paid, voluntary or underpaid. I work for God, to bring Him glory and to witness to a lost and dying world, not my wage packet or my benefits.
  3. This is a good one. I am long term sick and disabled and as such I do voluntary work. It covers day care for the elderly and admin. It is my way of putting back into society a little bit of what I am given in benefits. I give 100% all of my time. I look for ways to go the extra mile. I do it to bring God glory and honour. Many people tell me it is voluntary so it doesn't matter how well I work or if I throw the odd sickie. It is considered inferior to paid work. Yet God expects of me the best I can give, all the time, whether I am paid, voluntary or underpaid. I work for God, to bring Him glory and to witness to a lost and dying world, not my wage packet or my benefits.
  4. This is a good one. I am long term sick and disabled and as such I do voluntary work. It covers day care for the elderly and admin. It is my way of putting back into society a little bit of what I am given in benefits. I give 100% all of my time. I look for ways to go the extra mile. I do it to bring God glory and honour. Many people tell me it is voluntary so it doesn't matter how well I work or if I throw the odd sickie. It is considered inferior to paid work. Yet God expects of me the best I can give, all the time, whether I am paid, voluntary or underpaid. I work for God, to bring Him glory and to witness to a lost and dying world, not my wage packet or my benefits.
  5. I am called to be salt and light to a lost and dying world. If I ignore the rules of this land, those in authority ie police, pastors employees, if I fiddle my expenses, spend my work time on the office phone, take the wrong change and don't pay my bills, I am blending in. THIS IS SIN, it prevents God's glory from being shown, it damages my witness and IT SENDS FOLKS TO hell. It bitterly hurts and grieves God. HOWEVER I have a responsibility as a Christian to promote fair, just rules and as such while I obey the rules of the land, I can also vote in Christian leaders and work to changes laws that do not honour God Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. phil 2:14-15
  6. I am instructed to live my life in a way that is holy and pleasing to God. To allow Him to transform my mind and to put off my old self. In doing this I live a blameless life that will talk more about Jesus than anything I say. If I blend in, I become so like the world that it cannot see me and therefore cannot see God. God not only cannot get praise from this lifestyle, I am responsible for those who should have gone to Heaven, but won't because of my lifestyle and also I am of no use to God. May God in His infinite Grace and Mercy, forgive me all the times I have blended in and grant me re-submission to His plan for me and the ability to live a holy, pleasing life to Him now. amen
  7. Peter tells me that I am a chosen, holy priest called to serve God by my words and actions. My true home and destination is Heaven and I am held accountable by Heaven's rules not Earth's. Satan's greatest and most easily believed lie is that 1 he is not real 2 Sin is ok, God is a God of love and will not punish us. We are good people really. I need to learn God's standards, set them in practise and refute the lies of the devil. By living my life this way, I will fulfil my earthly calling to be living a God-Honouring Life. Its' awesome and sad really, but after 20 years I can finally say I know what I am doing here on Earth, what I was created for and what my destiny is. I also know where I am going when I die.
  8. I am not sure about this or the verses. What I think I am getting from God is that we are called to prefer each person about ourselves, not being concerned with getting our own way or being 'better' than one another; fighting for the best jobs, but to be humble. To show that our own wishes and desires can come second to those around us. We should have in our relationships with our brothers and sisters the living embodiment of 1 Cor 13. The world should want to be with us, in our churches because of how we treat each other. In how we treat each other, those outside should be able to see how Jesus would treat them if they came to Him. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU Do we love ourselves as Jesus loves us? Treat ourselves as Jesus would treat us? How do we respond to negative thoughts about ourselves? When someone criticises us or compliments us? If we don't love ourselves or understand Jesus love for us, we can never love our brothers and sisters.
  9. Phil 4:4 says REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE There are other verses which talk about giving thanks to God in ALL circumstances and being joyful. Praise for God's benefit and not mine is praise when the heart is bleeding, when the odds are stacked against us and the spirit is weary and weak. It is about being honest about our situation - This situation is making me feel like this, I don't know if I can face another day, it hurts and I don't know where to turn, I want out so badly, BUT I choose to praise You that You hold me safe, You hold the situation safe, You will not let me fall. I AM SAFE IN YOUR ARMS. It's honest praise no matter where you are at or what you are going through.
  10. A priest exists only to serve. He does not look for rewards or benefits and his only concern is honouring God. I am disabled and while I know God can and does heal, often He doesn't. My prayer has been that healed or not, I glorify Him where I am at and I leave the rest to Him. What I am trying to say is How often do we expect healing, gifts, fruit etc from God? How self seeking and self serving are we really? AM I? I pray to God that from here on in, I develop a priests' mindset towards Him, delighting in service and doing it for the joy of serving God without wanting anything in return
  11. I often feel I have no worth or value, unfortunately it's the world's view of me. I am slowly learning how immeasurable my worth is to God. HE DIED FOR ME! I find the concept of that sort of love scary and mindblowing. How can someone as BIG as God love me. It means I would do anything, be anything, go anywhere for Him and I need to share that love with a broken world who does not feel loved, worthy or valuable. I can never love that way, never measure up to it and my balance sheet will always be in debt. But I am accepted JUST AS I AM
  12. 1 People get upset by being judged because they feel condemned. Often how we feel about ourselves is based on what others think of us 2 The final judgement MUST be left in God's Hands. He is a gracious, compassionate God who will judge with justice, grace and mercy. He sees man's heart and motives and will judge on what we cannot know. All I need to 'worry' about is my judgement and how I live my life for God now. 3 Final judgement must be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ because there can be no love, mercy or grace without justice. The whole point of Jesus' death was to bring justice and end sin. 4 If judgement is left out or ignored, it makes a mockery of the Cross and means that sin is unimportant, we can do what we like cos God doesn't care. And if God doesn't care when we go wrong, He doesn't care when we go right and He doesn't care about us. There are not boundaries.
  13. Holiness is having a relationship with God that the world can see before you say anything. It is being so in tune with God that you can sense His Presence always and hear the smallest whisper. I am holy now in that I am called to a relationship with God and the time I spend with Him causes me to separate from the world and become more like Him. My biggest struggle with holiness is that the world is there. I can touch it, see it, hear it, feel it and it is easier to conform to something that solid than it is to an invisible God
  14. When Christ returns it will be for Judgement Day. He died for me and will judge me on all my words and actions. If I am not ready, if I am conformed to the world, I will be judged unworthy of Heaven, with all eternity separating me from God and I will have disappointed and let down one who is worthy of all I can give Him. If the world is not really expecting Christ to return, it will be doing it's own thing. Living a life for the Devil and not God
  15. Christian joy for me is a gift from God. It is when everything on the outside falls apart and on the inside I am standing on my head waving my legs in the air cos I am so busting with the love of God and the sense of His Presence. Joy for me goes hand in hand with His peace. It gives me strength when I need it most. Human happiness is jumping in puddles, laughing at a funny film or feeding the ducks. It is reliant on external factors. God's joy is there, regardless of circumstances. Truly I say with Paul in Phil 4:4 I can rejoice in all things because of who God is Extra Credit Genuine joy is distinguishable from the counterfeit because it strengthens, heals, is independent of circumstances and brings with it a sense of God's peace and Presence
  16. God has used so many difficult instances in my life. Two that stand out involve being made homeless with my young daughter and just recently having to move two hundred miles from everything and everyone I knew because of my now grown-up daughter's violent ex-boyfriend. I didn't want to move, but I praise God every day I did because of the blessings that He has given and the closeness with Him I now share. In testing my faith, I find that Jesus moves closer, becomes more real. I have more faith and more strength to cope with whatever the devil has to throw at me. Also it means I have more to give to those around me going through similar circumstances.
  17. Once I have accepted Jesus as Saviour, God promises to keep my salvation safe. Nothing on this earth above or below it can separate me from the love of God BUT I have to continue to grow and develop as a Christian, go to Church, learn God's will and follow it and fellowship with Him ONLY I CAN SEPARATE ME FROM GOD
  18. I am saved to do the good works which Christ has for me to do. Without obedience I cannot grow in Christlikeness nor can I be of service to Christ. Faith without obedience will result in a lack of salt and light to a dying world. I am saved by grace. I don't deserve forgiveness nor my inheritance with God. IT IS A FREE GIFT. However once I am saved I am called to serve. And that entails obedience, faith and good works
  19. A Christian who identifies more with this world than Heaven is one who does not truly understand what the Cross cost God. He is friends with the world and its approval means more than God's Up to quite recently I blended in very well with the world. Praise God as I have got closer to Him and understood more of His love I have become more and more separated from this world. IT HAS NOTHING I WANT.
  20. In being forgiven I am saved from hell and eternal separation from God. Obedience is saying thank you for it and ensuring I stay close to Jesus. It also means I can do the good works Jesus has got for me to do. Without obedience I can forget my forgiveness and it becomes meaningless. I am saved by grace, by God choosing me to be His child. If I was saved by works, it would be nothing to do with God and the Cross would be meaningless
  21. As one who did it for many years, mainly due to a serious lack of trust and bad personal circumstances, I know that a Christian who identifies with Earth rather than Heaven, is one who does not carry the Presence of Christ with them. They blend in and follow the world, seeking it's approval. While God can and does work in and through them, they never reach their true protential or richness of relationship with God that He wants them to have. Praise God, I hung on in there and onto Him, and He NEVER let go of me. In January of this year I started going to Hanley Baptist Church, Hanley, Staffs. The church teaches about a personal relationship with God and gradually I have learned to walk and talk with Him, to trust Him and to know Him intimately. It is fair to say that after 20 years as a Christian, I have learned more in the last 6 months about a relationship with Him than in all the preceding years. Praise God for all He has done and is doing and for never letting me go.
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