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Everything posted by Semeion
Q4. Preparing for the Future
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
David feels Solomon is too young and inexperienced to build the temple of the Lord and it should be magnificent. David cooperated with the Holy Spirit by being guided by his love and adoration for God. The other officials saw this and gave willingly to the work of Lord as well. -
Q3. Costly Sacrifices
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
David does not wish to fall into the hands of men-he’d rather die for God and by His will. David paying over in abundance in verse 24 shows us that God deserves our very best worship and sacrifices. -
Q2. Righteous Government
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
David describes himself as “the man who was raised up on high, anointed, and a sweet psalmist (2 Samuel 23:1 KJV) David can be seen as a prophet when he mentions the sons of Belial being as thorns. (2 Corinthians 6:15) In the New Testament, there is the comparison of the the un-commonality between Christ and Belial. The main messages of verses 3-7 for today government officials: Must be just and upright. A man of God whose house is in order. -
Q1. David's Song of Praise
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
The Psalms are very encouraging and David sometimes repeat how God is his strength: “The Lord is my Rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.” -2 Samuel 22:2 NIV “He is my Stronghold, my refuge and my savior from violent men you save me” (v. 36 KJV) Titles and Metaphors ascribed to God in Psalm 18: God=Strength (Psalm 18:1 KJV) God=Rock God=Fortress God=Deliverer God=Horn of Salvation God=High Tower God=Buckler Other hidden metaphors: “There went up a smoke out of His nostrils, and fire out of his mouth delivered”(v. 8) Is David comparing God to a dragon- like creature? Perhaps as a metaphor for powerful? God is a candle (v. 28) -
Q4. Joab's Character
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
David is trying to be more faithful and levelheaded. Joab seems to be wild and careless with what he says and does- but this fulfills a purpose later in Scripture because Solomon is to rule after David. Friends should be people we can trust and if God has placed them in our lives we shouild have respect for them, Esteem them. -
Q3. Absalom, My Son!
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
David is a compassionate father and king, Perhaps he doesn't want to see another son dead, which is reasonable. Joab was "delivering" David from his enemy(ies). It humiliates David's men to hear him mourning aloud because they have killed for him-they seem very loyal...but disobedient(?) -
Q2. Seeking Mercy
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
David feels it is well deserved not to silence Shimei and that God may have allowed Shimei to say things about David-this could be spiritual or political but he must trust God. -
Q1. Evacuating Jerusalem
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Perhaps David was afraid because Absalom was changing the hearts of men. David must have been trying to be cautious. He doesn't take the ark with him into exile because he wanted to find favor in the Lord's eyes- it seems characteristic of fatalism or "rolling the dice". -
2 Samuel 13- Incest, rape: a very negative lesson from Amnon and then he hated hsi sister after he raped her. 2 Samuel 13- Revenge, vainglory on Absalom's part in wanting to kill Amnon...only to be crowned prince himself. 2 Samuel 15- Absalom winning people over with kisses and bad PR(which succeeds): he did this to have the hearts of Israel.
Absalom gives absolution to those needing justice. He belittles his father and promises to be better than him. These are just two snapshots of Absalom's PR campaign. It appears to be very effective, especially when he begins to give out kisses to the people. He exploits David's weakness for allowing unjustice to go on, or not thinking clearly.
Q4. Punishment and Disgrace
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
I would think that David desreves strict direct punishment---perhaps death would have been in order? But then he was a man after God's heart. So, instead the Lord puts the sword to the house of David. In 2 Samuel 7:14-15, the Lord says "If David commits iniquity I will chasten him witht he rod of men" KJV. David's sins hurts God's glory because God made provisions for David, anointed him, gave to him and made him a promise(s) in secret, so now David will be punished before all of Israel. Our sins reflect the need for a savior- Jesus Christ. -
Q3. Confrontation
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
David is known for killing people on the spot-Nathan, the prophet could have been killed confronting him. Nathan uses a story or parable to illustrate the point of selfishness and violence. David is finally able to see from anopther perspective- and is brought down a notch. -
Q2. Adultery and Murder
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
I think David did what he did because he's had so many successes he felt he could take what he wanted. Then again, David was but a man, flesh. As humans we want bad things when we encounter weak moments and David should have repented right then after his ungodly thoughts for Bathsheba, but truthfully we all feel bad after our faults are brought before us. -
Q1. Mephibosheth
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
David shows kindness to Mephiboisheth because he is David's best friend's son(Jonathan deceased). This shows that David is not opne to easily forget Jonathan- he still honors that friendship. -
Q4. Messianic Fulfillment
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
The Davidic Covenant mentioned a house being built, and there was one built for the Lord by Solomon, but then it was destroyed. But then Christ came and he is the one whom we carry in our temples/hearts...it is where He resides, in the people. -
Q3. Discipline and Covenant
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
David and his decendants were disciplined through loss of children, family strife, and honest rebuking from a prophet. -
Q2. The Unconditional Covenant
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
Many promises were made to David by the Lord. Here are a few... a. His name will be great. b. His people, Israel will have a place c. Wicked people will no longer oppress them. d. God will give him rest from his enemies. e. The Lord will establish his place. F. God will be their father...(2Samuel 7) These promises can be seen as both conditional and unconditional. God has seen David's trust in him however, David must continue to honor the Lord. As a Christian, the most important promise to me is when the Lord says he will give us rest from our enemies. I love that one. -
Q1. Premature Approval
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
Nathan approves David most likely because of his many battle wins and because he may feel its "right". Perhaps they both should have sought the Lord further on the matter of building the temple. When Samuel anointed David years earlier, the Lord told him "men look at the appearance but He sees the heart". So when leaders and followers quickly take their own routes, it could be dangerous. Think about Uzzah and the ark fiasco(2Sam.6) David was partly justified in his reasonig for building the temple: a) A secure homeland for his people b)A son who will build the temple anyway c)Establish peace d)An dverlasting kingdom -
Q4. Bitterness
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
In defense of Michal, she could not help being Saul's daughter. Secondly, she could be bitter because David did leave her to escape( which she loved him and helped him achieve his escape-1 Samuel 18-19) Thirdly, her bitterness could be because when David left, he married a few more women then came back praising God in front of a harem with clothes disappearing off his body so...all in all Michal is not a happy camper. Unfortunately, Michal was seriously wrong for her actions because David loved God and showed it. I will be honest- I have been upset at God for many things in my life but after talking with my husband about some of my past issues, I find that we all have to decide to love the Lord no matter what since most debacles I got my own self in. If David worshiped as Michal wanted then she would be taking the place of the Lord.. not good. -
Q3. Worshiping Freely
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
David did not hold a praise back from God. He gave and wrote lots of psalms in adoration of Him. At an old church of mine, I was told that those who don't jump and shout as David done for the Lord, they we were considered dead spiritually and this is not right. God has been showing me to praise Him with 100% focus on Him. Some think its in the clothes, the hair or the noise...just Worship. -
Q2. God's Way
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
As another online poster have mentioned, I too am very shocked that David did not know about how to carry the ark carefully. He should have consulted the Torah and he would have known that a Levite should have had the responsibility of carrying the ark. This means we are to seek God's will in all matters. His way or no way. -
Q1. Striking Uzzah
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
Uzzah is struck down because he touched the Ark of the Lord. The Lord's wrath has broken out against Uzzah and this caused David to be angry out humiliation and possibly confusion. -
Q3. Continual Seeking
Semeion replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David Becomes King and Conquers Jerusalem (2 Samuel 2-5)
David is used to consulting God first for everything and this time is no different because the Philistines were after him full force. We tend to act independently of God and figure out our own process because we simply do not hear Him in our hearts as David has. Proverbs 3:5,6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" this scripture shows us we are not to trust in ourselves at all- yet we do.