God's leading lady
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Struggles and hardships helps me to become dependent on God and no one else or things. Struggles and hardships forces me to trust God sovereigns ways. Struggles and hardships discipline me to his commands, it molds me and stretches me to his plan and purpose for my life. Yes, the struggles and hardships are very painful and hard to endure but without it I can never grow and become strong in God. The benefits of struggles and hardships are: * I will become stronger * I will be more faithful * I will be more patient * I will be more trustworthy * I will become more loving and understanding and compassionate to others
This world is not a Christian home. Our home is with Jesus, Heaven. We are in the world but we are not part of the world. A Christian knows that this is just a passing moment a traveler traveling through to get to his or her destination. A Christian appearance, character, and behavior can't be compare to the world system. A Christian hope, faith and destiny relies on a kingdom that is not of this world but his of God. Yes we Christian live in this world but we are not of this world, however we are the salt of the earth that helps purge and savour, we are a shinning light in a dark place, we have instilled in us a hope that the world can't give nor understand.
I believe spiritual warfare is weary because we are in a battle and the enemy is constantly and daily battering Christians with his wiles of destruction. That is why a Christian must put on the whole armor of God so they can stand against the wiles of the enemy. We must resist because any foot hold the devil can get he will run with it. Making a Christian become weak and easily turning away from our Christian walk in God. Yes I've been overcome by the enemy but God said that when the enemy comes in like a flood God would set up a stander and no weapon formed against a Christian shall prosper.
Abraham's faith-quest encourages me because he trusted God no matter what the cost. Abraham trusted God's even though the odds looked dim and the path looked narrow with no prospect, no light at the end of the tunnel in sight, Abraham stilled trusted and put his faith in God not man wisdom and knowledge but in God only. The final city will be the holy city of God that holy city Jerusalem. We will be citizens of that Kingdom of God (Heaven).
The Judeo-Christian faith differs from other religions because of their man made beliefths of Gods that have no power to heal and deliver and if you call upon any others you will not be responded to. However when any one who calls upon the name of the Lord God Almighty, God will answer and deliver that person sinner or non sinner. Noah faith was based on obedience's and out of the fear of God. My faith is based on the great love that he has for me. St JOHN 3:16 says, That God so loved the World that He gave his only begotten son and whosoever beliefth in him shall not perish but will have everlasting life. Faith grows by trusting and even though I can't trace him I trust him. Faith grows by my walk and experiences that I have with God.
Without any type of real existence of God and without any tangible knowing, Abraham stepped out in faith and trusted in an unseeing God. Abraham believed in a voice that spoked to him to leave his father and country and follow this God who would prosper him and make him a great nation in which this great faith that Abraham had would cause him and his wife Sara to have a child in their old age and father a nation of greatness. Without faith it is impossible to please God. To me faith is trusting God even though I can't see or feel I believe that God is real and that I don't question his might nor his existence but I trust and believe in him without any traces of tangible beliefth in intangible beliefth.
Faith to me is believing and trusting God without any traceable and tangible sources to rely on. Faith helps or allows me to face challenging circumstances that I may or will face during my daily walk in the Lord. Faith also empowers me to endure these challenging moments. Faith gives me hope in knowing that God will open doors that need to be open in my life or closed in my life. Faith allows me to trust God no matter how devastating the problem I'll face may be.
Jesus came into this world without sin he was not born into sin, so he knew no sin. However he took our sins upon himself and was consider to be every attribute that was displayed upon mankind, such as a killer, adultery, theft, fornicator, idolatry, lier, blasphemer, etc. In which he accomplish his goal for you and I to attain forgiveness of sins to inherit eternal life with Him and the fFther
Perseverance is difficult in faith because as Christians we are bombarded daily with the enticements of the world. When we Christians are confronted with pressures of the world it is so easy to give up and become slack in our daily walk with Jesus, but we must continue to stay strong in the Lord by prayer and fasting and reading the word daily and keep the faith, knowing that we have a father whom we can go to and discuss and present our problems to. Perseverance builds a Christian up to endure and it builds strength, stability and character in our daily walk with Jesus. We can encourage and pray for our brother and sister by letting them known that their walk in Jesus is not along.
I believe that the author is relating to the sins of our flesh sins that we willfully continue to manifest daily. When we sin willfully and show no remorse we are portraying apostasy sins. We have committed ourselves to ways that are against our faith and truth in Jesus Christ, we have gone astray and have refused our salvation that was dearly paid by Jesus Christ.
We are children of God, and as a Christan we are supposed to support one another and lift up one another, pray over the burdens we endure, because we are the body of Christ and if one member is going astray we are to encourage the brethren back into the fold. I believe forsaking the fellowship with one another a Christan will becomes distance and will tend to shy away from the body of Christ. Getting involved with the church ministries and activities will allow a Christian to interact and share their Christian experiences.
The Veil of the Tabernacle was the place were the saints of God will come to worship. The Tabernacle also was consider to be the place were God would communicate with man. The Veil was no longer needed to be used by the high priest as the mediator to go before God to bring a sacrifice of washing away their sins, however Jesus is the go between or the mediator and the sacrificial lamb for all mankind sins to be forgiven. The new and living way is through Jesus who shed his blood for all mankind for the remission of their sins. Man no longer can be wash and cleanse by the sacrifice of goats and bulls daily, now their sins are forgiven by one shedding of blood and forgiven only one time. this is the new way. Our access to God is call living because this living way is were a child of God can go before the Father freely, without having a go between or a veil which keeps a child of God from having that one -on -one relationship with the Father, where you and I can come before the Father boldly and with confidence knowing that we have a God who understands, cares, and is touch by our infirmities.
Jesus share our weakness by taking upon himself our sins, which he did on the cross. Jesus was tempted in every aspect that a human could face yet he did not commit sin. Jesus still suffered the same fate of temptation as mankind but the difference was he did not sin his temptation was not easier as you and I since he had to bear our sins upon himself and he took them to calvary by dying on the cross for you and I. Jesus was tempted as much as we where tempted and every temptation we are faced with Jesus was faced with the same. Jesus came to earth as a man bearing our infirmities and knowing every sinful thought that we go through, but he did not fulfill any sinful act. I John 4:2-3 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of antichrist where of ye have heart that it should come and even now already is it in the world, so this scripture confirms to us that Jesus was a man who came in the flesh who experience the same fleshly desires as you and I, in which he can sympathize with our temptations and weakness with all mankind but he didn't sin. However we were born into sin and Jesus came as a man to redeemed us from sin by his precious blood.
When a Christian comes before the Throne of Grace a Christian will obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. The promises are mercy and grace. Through our High Priest Jesus who is our mediator and advocater who is touch by our infirmities allows and enable us to go before the Father and obtain the promises of mercy and grace.