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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Cia

  1. What had the people done that was so bad? Instead of worshiping and praising God, while they waited on Moses to return, they wanted something to see to worship. In other words the people had slap God in the face and said that they could handle it from now on, they and their hand made gods didn't need the true and living God. Because of Isael living in a country for years where they had hand made god that they could see, they could not handle not being able to see, or feel God. How can a loving God be angry? I would like to know how could God not be angry! After all that he had done for them even before they left out of Egpty. How can anyone say that they love something and not be moved with an emotion. For example when you have done something for someone and they constanly take and never show their gratitude, after a while any one would say I'm not doing this or that again to help them, if they are just going to take from me and go and tell someone else thank you. Even though God is not like man with his emotions, we have a since of that emotion, that we can relate to. Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified? In God's word he said that he is a jeolous God and that he would not share HIS glory with nothing or no one (my paraphraze). Because God is God, he is very justified to have destroyed Israel. But like the 2nd question above states "loving God" he looked for a way around destroying Israel. When God destroyed the world in the 1st flood, it was an emotional thing for him to witness the death of the people so, that he promised that he would not destroy the world like that again.
  2. Cia


    Hi, I'm Cia, I looking to develope my spiritual walk with God, through developing my prayer life.
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