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Everything posted by iam4-1god
Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? The way I understand this, and please correct me if I'm wrong, if I say that I am a Christian, then I am suppose to emmulate Christ. People should be able to see evidence of this. If there is no evidence, then I am sending a message that I am only pretending, or that I don't really believe. Also, some people might come to believe that one can still sin and be in Christ, which is wrong. We are setting an example. This is how one behaves if they are a believer. So if we aren't living like Christ, then we are sending the wrong message to unbelievers and those who are searching.
Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? Symptoms-going back to the "old habit". Falling back in to sin. Sin will be obvious to all who are around. Detect symptoms in self-oh yea. and if you listen carefully, you can hear the still small voice of The Holy Spirit telling you that you're in trouble! What do other Christians and secular people notice about you-they see that you are a backslider! You're cussing, hanging out with the old croud, doing the same things you did before you got saved. Resaltify your life-This is hard. I believe that, if you are a true believer, that you won't be able to resist the woooing of The Spirit. In other words, you won't be in sin long. For me-in my case-The Spirit let's me know right away when I am wrong, and when I need to repent. I am under heavy conviction. If I weren't truly a believer, then I would just shrug off the conviction. Quench The Spirit. The Verse said, "When salt has lost it's savor, how can it be used? It is good for nothing but to be trodden under foot". So that tells me that a true believer doesn't loose the salty-but sometimes, we just need a little more salt added to make us effective or "flavorful" again. Need more salt? Read The Word. Confess your sins. Pray for disernment. Ask and you shall receive-good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! Gloray! Now that is salt!!!
I see in Mark's Gospel chapter 9 verse 50 it says in the second part of the verse "You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other". So I take that to mean that we must be a preservative and an enhancement. Look at it this way-to a person you may be the only link between this person and God! This person is watching to see what you do-how you talk, your reaction to different situation, etc. Be able to preserve your own beliefs with regular Bible study, and at the same time, be able to season your witnessing with The Word, so that people you witness to will know that you know what you're talking about. The Lord impressed this upon me this morning. When someone asks you a question, for instance, how do you answer? If you know the answer, you give it right away, and if you don't know the answer, then you say "I don't know the answer-let's go find it" or "I don't know that one, but I'll look it up and get back to you today". Don't leave 'em hanging! And also-hesitation is not good. We must be able to enhance right off the bat. That way, you preserve your testimony, and you enhance your witness!
For all these questions, I just want to say this: in my own life, I have experienced a "saltless" life, and I have seen it in others, too. For me, it was dark, and depressing, and I never EVER want to go back! I was filled with emptiness, and meaninglessness. For those of us who have walked the walk-to go back is absolutely pointless! Once God gets hold, well, thank Him, He won't let go. We can run, but we can't hide! I know that I had to deal with The Holy Spirit when my salt had weakened. My conscience was seared with a hot iron! If we are truly children of the Most High God, make no mistake-we'll know when our salt is weak! There is one other thing. Unbelievers, and those who believe, but choose not to worship are always watching us. They love it when we "screw up"! It gives them the perfect opportunity to point fingers and declare us hypocrites. They feel justified in their stance on religion when we make mistakes. Afterall, isn't that what they are looking for? Justification? If I left something out, or forgot a question, I'll come back. I ramble about one thing and forget the other thing.
Q6. Blessed Are the Persecuted
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Rejoice under persecution because that is a real testament that someone feels threatened by your statement of faith! Someone is under conviction, and they want to get even with you, 'cause you said something that convicted them! Gloray! As for receiving the Kingdom-I want to be there, that is for sure! But wait-it's within me! I already have it! Oh what joy! How can anyone not want The Kingdom?! Would I die for my belief? Could I endure pain and humiliation for my testimony? Can I honestly say that I am ready to die? Stay tuned! -
Q5. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
If we have the Holy Spirit working in our lives, then we will know when we have need of prayer, forgiveness-whatever it is that we need. Chronic sinners cannot discern, and they can't know God because they are not praying, studying the Word, or confessing their sins. We can't be holy or pure, in and of ourselves. This is the work of The Holy Spirit. If we don't pray or study or confess on a regular basis, then we will become chronic ourselves. Faith in the work of The Holy Sirit is vital to staying in touch with our sinfullness and our need for repentance and cleansing. It is a continuous procces, and necessary every day that we live in this life. -
A 1-I see so many "christians today that are not seeking the truth about God's will for His children. They go to church occationally, and that is the extent of their relationship with God. They still cuss, drink, live loosly. I believe that God wants a people who desire to be like Him. They actively seek His wisdom and knowledge. They want His will for themselves and those around them. The world, on the other hand, wants to divulge in sensual desires-fleshly sensations. I want to feel good, have fun, be entertained. Afterall, it's about me and what I need and want. Therein lies the difference. Child of God wants what He wants. Child of world wants what child of world wants. I guess A 2 is included with this answer. Put God first- always. Ask Him about everything. Nothing too small or too big for God. A 3-We will be filled, if we seek after these things-righteousness. Desire them with all your heart, and you shall be filled! Gloray!
Q3. Blessed Are the Meek
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
The world is not kind, loving, gentle, etc. The world is just the opposite. The world says get what you want however you can-don't worry about how others feel, or how much it hurts someone else. The world says we are our own boss, and we need no one else. We are self-sufficient. Jesus, on the other hand, was silent when the Roman soldiers were whipping Him, and slapping Him, and all the other terrible things they did to Him-He uttered not a word. He wanted people to see that, no matter what-He was doing His Father's will. It was not about Him, but rather, it was about preparing the way for sinners to come and find salvation. What He suffered, and the fact that He was silent, was part of that. So, we represent The Lord, and as such, we should be like Him. We are trying to lead people to the same salvation that we have, and in order to do that, then we must show the same kind of compassion and love that He shows for us. Also, Jesus never took credit for the work He did. He was doing what The Father told Him to do. OBeience! Imagine that! -
Sorry- I forgot the rest of the questions! I know for me, when I see someone hurting I want to hug them, and when I see someone doing something that makes me feel bad or embarrassed, I want to ask them to please stop. Sometimes I do. If we are in line with The Spirit, and we're listening, we'll know if it's wrong, and then we can move as we're led by The Spirit. Sometimes we'll respond and sometimes we'll just walk away. It is so important to be led by The Spirit! He is our counselor, teacher, guide-well, you know. We need Him in every aspect of our lives. I can't do anything without Him, and when I feel like I'm out of sync with Him, I run to Him! I pray for spiritually bancrupt people- been there, done that. Not good!
When I came to Jesus, I was at the bottom. It was dark, dark, dark! I had no hope, and I knew that it was useless to depend on mortal man (family, friends, etc.) to pull me out of the pit. At that point, I knew my only hope was and is in the Blood of Jesus. When you're wealthy and have it all, you think you can do anything-you don't need help from anyone. Now, I'm not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. Financially speaking, I live just above poverty. However, I am very wealthy-I have riches untold in Jesus. You can't buy those kind of riches!' God wants broken, contrite hearts. Why? I believe that it is because a broken, contrite heart will listen and respond! When are you most apt to listen to councel? When you're hurting and need help. You will be sincere. Real. Then, and only then, can God reach that one and then, after comfort and salvation-teach that one, slowly at first. Milk to meat. Vulnurability is an emotion that God can use to get our attention-it worked for me!
I did a little more research, and I am so stupid-it is so simple! If my heart is right-or, if I truly trust The Lord and am worshiping Him in spirit and truth, then I will be showing the fruit of The Spirit. God knows everything about me, and He knows if I am sincere when I pray. He knows what is in my heart when I give, or when I witness to someone-every aspect of my Christian experience is known to Him. So, if I am sincere, and I am being faithful to trust and obey, then I am blessed. It is not about me. It is all about God. He wants a people who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. So if I am real with God, then I will reap the reward when I enter Heaven! Gloray! That's what I want! A real relationship with my Lord!
Q3. Blessed Are the Meek
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Maybe this story is a good example-my husband is 65 years old, and he has been sick for about three years with different ailments. On top of that, it seems that he has become child-like at times and throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Now the point to this is, the world would have me divorce him or put him in a nursing home-abandon him. Get on with MY life. But, what would Jesus do? I stay because I love Jesus first, and I love my husband second. I am being taught patience, kindness, and humility. Put my husband before me. You just can't buy this kind of love! It's not about me. It is about God and His Glory. In my life that is what I strive for. To be fully pleasing in His sight. Even if it means endurring the ranting and raving of a sick man who doesn't always know how to behave! -
I'm new at this, so please be patient with me. I did a little research on my own before I got the lesson. I discovered that when I read Burkitt's commentary on each "Blessed" verse, well-I saw that each one of these "blessed"s" is a result of sanctification. So, If we truly belong to God, then these "blessed's" Will come forth from us in the form of the fruit of the Spirit. The more we hunger and thirst after righteousness, the stronger these fruits will become, and thus, show in us. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, if we show or have all these attributes (fruit of the Spirit), then we will be blessed with the results of having all these attributes. Or, as a result of being hungry for righteousness, you will be filled. I hope this makes sense.