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Everything posted by iam4-1god
Q2. The Theft Theory
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Convincing Proofs of Christ's Bodily Resurrection
Q2. On the theft theory, what motive might the disciples have to take Jesus' body? What motive might the Romans have? The Jews? Joseph of Arimathea? The disciples might have taken the body to prove that Jesus had risen Roman soldiers who have fallen asleep on the job are subject to death-no motive there! The Jews just wanted Jesus to go away-permanently. Joseph of Arimathea was already in trouble because it was his tomb that Jesus was in-nothing to gain there! -
Q4. God My Shepherd
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jacob Offers Blessings (Genesis 46:28-49:33)
Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding? God shows us through His word what He wants of us. If we are doing something wrong, or something that will hurt us, He will gently guide us and bring us back to the right path. Only our desire to please God will enable us to be obedient and trusting as we muddle through this world to the next. Yes, there will be potholes, and sideshows, but we have an Advocate and there is no need for us to stray for long. As soon as we see that we have strayed, just call His Name-that name above all names-and we will find that He is always looking, always near, ready to take us up in His arms so that He can head home with us. Glory to God-thank You, Jesus, for being my Shepherd! -
Q3. Blessing and Crisis
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jacob Offers Blessings (Genesis 46:28-49:33)
Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? Because we are selfish, and we only think of ourselves, we cringe at the thought of pain and/or suffering. When I first got saved, I expected God to give me all that I wanted-everything should have been smooth as glass. I was knee-deep in prosperity gospel garbage, and at the first sign of trouble, I back-slid, and fell away. A person who truly belongs to Jesus will roll with the punches, and ask for prayer. With time, the punches won't seem so bad. The person who is not truly belonging to Jesus will not have the stamina to continue, no matter how bad things get. Jesus said that there would be trials and tribulations for the saved-these trials and tribulations serve to make us stronger in the Lord. But, if we are just playing the role, these trials and tribulations will just bury us, and will cause the true nature of our belief to come to the top. -
Q1. What do you think motivates liberal Christian scholars to explain away the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ? Why would they claim that it is unhistorical more than some other event in the first century? Number one-they don't believe the Word of God. Number two-they can't understand or comprehend a physical body being brought back to life with their limited knowledge. Because there isn't enough history to back it up. There are some things written about in the Bible that we take on blind faith-people wrote about it, through the Holy Spirit's guidance. We trust that it's the truth.
Q5. What is the difference between Jesus' resurrection and his ascension? How do the two fit together? In what sense is the ascension the completion of the resurrection? Resurrection is being brought out of the grave to live again and never die. Ascention is going back up to the Father where He came from. One followed the other, just like it was predicted. Jesus was to go back to the Father just like it was predicted, and was necessary so that Jesus could be our Advocate, glory to God! Jesus is there interceeding for us! Folks, it just don't get any better than that!
Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? Jesus still had the capasity for human traits-however, there were some stark differences. For instance, He was able to navigate locked doors, and He could appear at will to whomever He wanted to.
Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? Jesus was dead and buried. Disciples were not ready for Jesus' death. The grave was empty on Easter. A number of experiences led the disciples to believe that Jesus was resrrected. The disciples went and told about the resurrection. Everybody pretty much saw the same thing. Jesus really did die for our sins, and He really did come out of the grave and appear to the disciples, and this means that we are all saved and life is so good, because Jesus loves me, this I know-for the Bible tells me so! Gloray! Got to go shout-bye!
Q1. What differences do you find between the various resurrection accounts? How do you account for differences in eyewitness testimony? How might these differences add to the credibility of the witnesses? The women are different, The appearance to the women are different, the purpose of the women's visit, the purpose of the visit, the location, and the graveclothes were different. It's like when you witness an accident-three witnesses will give the same acount, with just a few minor differences, unless someone is lying. If someone is lying, the story will be totally different, or have a few major differences. Each one will see something that the others didn't see. My interpretation of truth is different than someone elses interpretation. Also, you have different angles, and versions of a matter-it is all wrapped up into a version that is the same, and yet-there will be a few very small differences. Like I said before, if someone is lying, the differences will be big.
Q4. Faith and God's Word
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Jacob's Depression, Fear, and Hope (Genesis 37-47)
Q4. (Genesis 46:2-4) Faith is what quiets our fears. What in God -
Q3. (Genesis 45:4-8) Contrast Jacob and Joseph. Jacob has suffered great loss. Joseph has suffered great injustice. Why is Jacob's vision so bleak but Joseph's, so broad? What have been their differing responses to fear? What insight has kept Joseph from being bitter towards his brothers? The difference between Jacob and Joseph was God. What I mean is, Jacob didn't have the relationship with God that Joseph had. When we sit and wring our hands like Jacob did, we don't have peace that Joseph had because he sought God for everything. That is the difference. When we trust god for all our needs and all our praises, then we can have the peace that passes all understanding. Joseph was not angry with his brothers because he knew that God was in control of everything. And, Joseph knew about forgiveness because he communicated with God on a regular basis. Therefore, Joseph could forgive and help his brothers through the famine, and he knew that everything would work out for the glory of God-it is all good when that happens!
Q2. Jacob's Depression
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Jacob's Depression, Fear, and Hope (Genesis 37-47)
Q2. (Genesis 42:35-43:14) What is Jacob -
Q1. Jacob's Grief
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Jacob's Depression, Fear, and Hope (Genesis 37-47)
Q1. (Genesis 37:31-35) What does bringing the blood-stained robe to Jacob say about these sons -
Q6. It Is Finished (John 19:30)
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Q6. (John 19:30) What had Jesus -
Q4. Why did Jesus' enemies heed his prediction of being raised on the third day even more than his disciples? Did his enemies expect him to rise? Did his followers? Jesus' enemies expected foul play from His disciples, in that they expected the disciples to steal His body and say that He was resurrected, so-no the enemies did not expect Him to be raised on the third day. Jesus' followers remembered Him saying that, after this temple had been brought down, it would be raised on the third day. As soon as they knew that He had risen, they remembered Him saying this, and then they believed.
Q3. (John 11:23-25) What do you think Jesus meant when he said, "I am the resurrection and the life"? What role will Jesus play in the resurrection of the dead? I think He meant that, since He rose from the dead and now is alive forevermore, then those of us who believe shall be raised incorruptible like Him. Jesus is our life, because in Him we have life.
Q2. (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15) According to scripture, both the righteous and unrighteous will experience resurrection. What will be the result of resurrection for the righteous? It is referred to as the resurrection of life, and reward. Just to be in Jesus' presence would be reward enough! We will be judged, and given crowns for our victories in Jesus!
Q1. Job's Vision of Resurrection
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Promise of Resurrection from the Dead
Q1. How does Job's vision of resurrection (Job 19:25-27) differ from the Jews' former understanding of death as Sheol? What is progressive revelation? We believe that we will be in the presence of God when we die-the Jews believed that they would reside in the grave. How sad! Progressive revelation-I'm not sure, but I think it means that new infornation is more reliable than old? I don't know, but referring to the Bible and the info contained therein, the new info is just confirmed by the old. I think. -
Q5. I Thirst (John 19:28)
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus -
Q5. Reuben's Sin
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Jacob Returns to Bethel (Genesis 33:17-35:29)
Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben -
Q4. God Appears Again at Bethel
iam4-1god replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Jacob Returns to Bethel (Genesis 33:17-35:29)
Q4. (Genesis 35:9-15) Why do you think God appears to Jacob yet another time? What are the primary promises that God renews to Jacob? Sometimes we all need to be reminded that we represent God Almighty, and that we are His. God reminds Jacob that he will be a leader of uncountable people. Also, that he should replenish the earth.