servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
Q4. Value
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
Yes, I have. I cannot count the times that I let the devil defeat me over that. I am redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or spot. God loved me enough that He sent his Son to redeem me, his Son became the sacrfice for me. Balance sheet, financial assets, God is the answer. He is the provider for everything in our lives. My true long term investment is to love God, obey Him, obey his word, live a holy life before my Lord, and be the servant for his kingdom that he wants me to be. To stay in his will. Why? Because God is my life, my eternal life. I know I have a better, bigger, and more glorious place waiting on me in heaven. That is why I will continue to run the race until Christ comes again. To be with my Savior and King, my Almighty God. -
Q3. Judgment and Gospel
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
I think they are upset because they don't want their hidden sins judged. They want everything to be okay in their world. We live in a society where God has been taken out and anything and everything is alright. I think in a sense, they don't think they are doing anything wrong. We can reconcile by askingGod's forgiveness for the world. Pray for them continually, asking for their eyes to be opened. That his love and his word will go forth. God promised that his word would go forth to the ends of the world. To everybody, for a chance to receive salvation before the judgment. It is not his will that any should perish. If it is left out or ignored, people will not have the chance to here about God, repent of their sins, and become a child of God. The truth has to be exposed. This world is blinded by the devil's lies and they are dying without hope. -
Q2. Holiness
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
I would define holiness as being pure in heart and mind. Turning away from everything that would defy God. It is living in God's word, it is speaking his word, it is getting his word in our hearts. It is having a hunger to be like Christ. It is having the Holy Spirit living in me. I am holy now because I have the Holy Spirit leading my life. I study God's word, I pray, I ask him to forgive my sins, even if I have not sinned, and I keep my heart and mind focused on him. I pray for him to keep me in his will.Being obedient is the only way we are going to be holy. It is not about us but about God. Our God is a jealous God. We cannot serve the world and God. We have to be willing to get self outd of the way, let God take control so we will be in his will and do the purpose for our life that he has planned. When we are obedient, God has blessings that we cannot contain. I think the biggest struggle I had was realizing who my Father really was. Getting ahold that he really loved and cares for me. Once I got ahold of that, I kew who I was and the closeness I could have with my Father and Savior. -
Q1. Christ's coming
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
To me, what gets my undivided attention about Christ's coming is am I living the life for him that I should. Is my mind focused on Christ, is my body a temple that he can live and dwell in. It should inspire hope because of the struggles and sufferings we have to go through. His coming will bring Christ's salvation, our faith uplifted, his glory manifested, God's inspection of our good deeds, judgment of righteous behavior, receive a crown of glory, and he will restore strength, confirm, and steady us. It should inspire self control and soberness because without it we won't be with Him. We can very well miss the opporunity. We have to be ready when Christ comes back. What happens in our life when we don't really expect Christ to come back is we are not living the Christian life we should.We are not believing in who Christ is, not what he says is true and will come to pass.We are not believing. So many people are going to miss out on Christ second coming because they can't see beyond the earthly things. They are not looking with spiritual eyes to see what is waiting for us. -
Q5. Joy
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
The basis for the joy is believing IN God, not just believing God. To believe in God will denote subjection, reliance, and expectation of all promised good from Him. The faith of a Christian is properly conversant about things revealed, but not seen. True faith is never alone, but produces a strong love to Jesus Christ. True Christians have a sincere love to Jesus because they believe in him. This love discovers itself in the highest esteem for him, affectionate desires after him, willingness to be dissolved to be with him, delightful thoughts, cheerful services and suffering. Where here is true faith and love to Christ there is joy unspeakable and full of glory. This joy is inexpressible, it cannot be described by words. Believe me, I know it cannot be described by words! I experienced this joy just a few days ago. All I can say is taste of the Lord and see that He is good. Happiness is a state of being just content or satisfied. This joy is so different because it is God's love flowing through you. It is a river of joy that floods your soul. You know that you know, that you know who the Great I Am is. EXTRA CREDIT: You will be able to tell genuine joy from counterfeit by the actions of the person. You will not be able to imitate the real thing. People try to express the joy of the Lord, but I think what they are feeling is happiness. I have been there. With the Lord's joy, it is a feeling beyond our imagination. I was so joyful on the inside . I had such a stirring in me. I wanted to shout, run, jump up and down, I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear. You have to smile, you have to rejoice. I was so full of His joy, I was overflowing. I had to share my feelings with other people. The real thing will show through you and it will come out to be shared and God given the glory. -
Q4. Refining Faith
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Oh yeah, there have been several circumstances that God has used to refine and purify me. I praise God and give Him the glory for every one. What He has accomplished is that He has taken a broken vessel of clay and molded it into a vessel that is willing to be used for His glory and kingdom. Genuine, tested faith will bring God glory because you will know that it was God that has brought you through. You will learn who you are in Christ and who Christ is. You will learn to lean on and trust God totally for everything. God will move in ways only He can. You will know and the world will know that the hand of God is moving. You will know that He is the I AM, the GREAT I AM and God will get the glory. -
Q3. Secure by Faith
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
God's part is to protect us from all harm. We are protected by the power of God. The condition required for God's protection is our faith. A living faith in Christ as Lord and Savior is our present responsibility in maintaining God's continual protection. The ultimate goal of God's protection through our faith is salvation. This salvation is the future final salvation, the obtaining of an inheritance in heaven and the salvation of our souls. We have to stand on and believe in our faith in Jesus Christ. -
It comes as a package because we have to obey His word, we have to listen and follow His direction. Jesus is the High Priest. He sacrificed his blood to atone for our sins and for the forgiveness of our sins. That is why we can't have one without the other. EXTRA CREDIT: We are saved by grace because our salvation comes as a gift of God's grace for we are his workmanship. Grace is God's presence and love through Christ Jesus given to believers by the Holy Spirit and imparting to them mercy, forgiveness, and the desire and power to do God's will. God gives grace to believers to be made free from sin, to will and to do of his good pleasure, to pray, to grow in Christ, to witness for Christ, and the obedience to the will of God demanded by Christ is indeed an ongoing condition for salvation, but Christ also declares that is is a grace belonging to the salvation of the kingdom. We must continually pray for it, receive it, and put it into effect by a sincere faith and earnest endeavor.
Q1. Homeland
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
To me, a Christian tha identifies with the world more than heaven is not focused on God. They are living in fear and disbelief. This world cannot meet our needs. We have to live in this world,but we are not of this world. Yes, I use to catch myself doing the same thing. What has to happen, we have to realize who we are in Christ and who Christ really is. We have to realize that God is tha Great I Am. He will provide for our every need. We have to believe, trust, and depend on God completely. He has to come first in everything in our life. -
Q4. Confession and Repentance
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
With self examination we can confess and repent of our won sins. We can go straight to God. The result without confession and repentance, we are heading for judgment. When we come clean with our sins, Christ is able to shine through us. We are able to have a close relationship with God and we will grow in our spiritual health. We will be able to become fruitful. His love and joy will shine in us. -
Let us consider the sacred intention of this holy ordinance, its nature, and use, and compare our own view in attending it and our disposition of our mind of it, and when we have approved ourselves to our own conscience in the sight of God, then we can attend. If we would thoroughly search and explore ourselves, and condemn and correct what we find wrong, we would prevent judgment. To be exact and severe on ourselves and our own conduct is the most proper way in the world not to fall under the just severity of our heavenly Father.
Q2. Judgment and Discipline
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
God brought judgment at Corinth because they would not repent of their sins with a sincere heart. He did it so that they might not be condemned eternally with the world. No, sickness and death was not harsh because that was the way God got their attention. His disciplines works for the good for us because it shows us that we are a child of God, anassurance of God's love and concern for us, that we won't be condemned with the world, and we might share God's holiness and continue to live sanctified lives which without we will never see the Lord. In the Lord's discipline, we may endure the hardships God leads us through, submit to God's will, and continue to be faithful. Under God's will adversity may come as a result of our spiritual warfare with Satan, as a test to strengthen our faith andour works, or as a preparation for us to comfort others and manifest the life of Christ. In all kinds of adversity we must seek God, examine our lives, and forsake all that is contrary to His holiness. -
Q1. Discerning the Body
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Preparing for the Lord's Supper
It is a grave sin because it is done disrespectful to Christ. He died on the cross for our sins. When we misuse the Lord's Supper, we are recrucifying Christ. Then we come under special judgment and retribution. Being guilty of the body and blood of the Lord means being held responsible for His death. No, there is no worse. We cannot still live in sin. -
Q4. We Shall See His Face
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Lord's Supper and the Great Banquet
When I meditate on seeing His face, is to be able to dwell with Christ in the midst of His faithful people, to walk with Him, to talk with Him, and to look upon His face, of the one that died for me. It should stimulate our thoughts because it is what we are striving fo. Eternal life wit God and His kingdom. -
Past, Present, and Future
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Lord's Supper and the Great Banquet
It points to the past as a remembrance to the death of Christ, it points to the present as a communion with our living Christ, and it points to the future as a promise of eternal life in the presence of God. -
They are oriented toward the future so we can know and be prepared for that great banquet to take place. He is wanting to build our trust, our fatih, and our belief in Him. The association I see is with the Jew and the Gentile, the Apostles, Lazarus, five of the ten virgins, just to name a few. Everybody that is a child of God will be there.
Hi Tiffani, welcome to the study of Names of God. You will really be blessed by this study. As you do the lessons and concentrate on the questions, let the Lord open your eyes to His word like never before, and let the Holy Spirit move in your life in a great and mighty way. The Lord wll bless you beyond measure and you will be amazed at the things you learn about our Lord as you study and seek Him. Things you thought you knew, but when He opens your mind to a new realization, it is awesome. Tiffani, I pray that God will bless you richly as you learn and open doors for you that you never dreamed of. God bless and have a wonderful study.
It nourishes our faith by making it stronger. Partaking of the Lord's Supper builds our relationship to God closer and stepping out on our faith for the closeness and strongness. What they have in common is that we are remembering that Christ gave his life for our sins so we can have eternal life. We are believing and trusting in the Lord Jesus.
It means that Jesus is our spiritual bread, our spiritaul life on which we feed every day. His precious word. It is the bread that supports and nourishes our spiritual life. Christ is the living bread which nourishs us by his own power. Christ is the bread of life for he is the fruit of the tree of life. He is ever living and ever lasting, never to mold or grow old, but always renewing and refreshing our spirits. The difference in nibbling and making a meal is when we nibble, we are just in God's word every now and then. We are putting him on the self and getting him down only when we need him. Making a meal, we are feeding constantly on the Bread of Life. Not wanting to loose even a crumb from the Bread. We are getting what we need to get us through today, tomorrow, next day, whatever circumstance we may face, we can be prepared , we can be full and running over if we let the living, Bread of Life nourish us.
Q2. Flesh Given
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Eating His Flesh, Drinking His Blood (John 6:53-57)
Jesus is saying that he is willing to give his life on the cross, even though he is God, and sent by God, he is determined to give his life so we can have eternal life. The similarities are the same. Jesus was telling them that they would have eternal life through his death, BY FAITH. -
Jesus emphasized it so strongly because without faith is is impossible to believe in God. Our faith helps us to believe in God's written word and to believe in the Lord we cannot see.The Twelve knew what Jesus was saying because he taught them of these things. The crowd of disciples did not see or understand Christ teaching. They were trying to understand in the carnel mind, not the Spirit's. True disciples are those that believe in God's word, take him at his word, and stand firmly planted on the Word of God, which is our solid foundation.