servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
We don't want to ask help from anyone and even God because we want to do for ourselves. We think it is a weakness. We are greedy, self-centered. We think we can do things ourselves. We should ask God for our daily bread because He is our Provider. He wants us to learn to depend on God tatally, for every need in our life. Not our way of thinking or the world's way. God has given us the health to work so we can give back to Him and let Him use us on our jobs for His glory. We are to ask for our daily bread because it teaches us sobriety and temperance. It teaches us honesty and industry. It teaches us to depend upon divine Providence. We have to depend on the mercy of God for our daily bread. It teaches us charity and a compassionate concern for the poor and needy. It teaches us to renew the desire of our souls toward God.
Q2. May Your Kingdom Come
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
We must pray for the spiritual presence and the manifestation of the kingdom of God now. What God had promised, we must pray for. For his will to be done. To be done on earth we sincerely desire God's will and purpose to be fulfilled in our lives according to his eternal plan. We need to pray to be brought into obedience to the laws. We should pray "Lord, do what thou pleasest with me. That I am well satisfied with your counseling concerning my life. Enable me to do what is pleasing to you, give me the grace that is necessary to the right knowledge of your will and an acceptable obedience to it." We need to pray for his will, not ours, not the will of the flesh, or mind, or will of men, and not the devil's will. We should pray that we won't displease God in anything we do and we won't be displeased in God in anything he does. We pray that earth may be made more like heaven by the observance of God's will and that the saints may be made more like the holy angels in their devotion and obedience. -
Q1. Hallowed Be Your Name
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
We hallow the Father's name in our lives and words by living a Godly life and by giving Him praise, glory, and honor for God's holiness is the greatness and glory of all his perfection's. We give Him reverence. We desecrate it by using it in vain. When we begin to pray we should go to the Father in reverence of who He is, giving Him praise, glory, and thanksgiving. We need to put Him first in our prayers before anything else. -
Q4. Why Pray?
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Giving, Prayer, and Fasting (6:1-8, 16-18)
God wants us to talk to Him. He wants us to ask Him for what we need. Prayer is a way of communication between us and God. When we go dto Him with a sincere heart, he hears our prayers and will answer. Prayer makes sense because we are pouring our hearts out to God, talking to Him. No, I don't think is is for our edification and encouragment. Although God will encourage us, it is for him to communicate with us so we can edify and glorify Him. -
We are to pray in secret so as not to show our piety to others. That is our time with the Lord. The church is for public payer and best when lead by the Holy Spirit. Not for personal, not to do honor to ourselves. Flowery prayers can be a hinderance to a disciple. The words are not from the heart. There is no meaning to the prayer. When we pray, we should pray from the heart, a true and loving heart. The Lord just wants us to talk to Him. There is no special way to pray. Just pour your heart out to God and let Him talk to you.
Q2. Giving to the Poor
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Giving, Prayer, and Fasting (6:1-8, 16-18)
We are to treat the poor like our brother's and sister's. We are to help them at all times. It is our duty. God expects it. It is for the love of Christ. What God has given us, we are to give to the poor. We are not to be prideful or selfish. I look on it differently from a respective point. I know whin I lost my job and I was out of work for 6 months, I did not know how I was going to pay my bills or even eat. Praise God for friends and church family that was more than willing to help. They provided food and money and I praise God that He used that situation to get me closer to Him and opened my eyes to a lot. What keeps us from giving more is selfishness and pride. The attitude, well, somebody else will take care of them. We, as individuals are suppose to do above and beyond to take care of the poor. There is never a good enough reason not to help the poor. -
Wen we pray, we are to pray to the Father with a loving and sincere heart. It is not to be a show for men or even to draw attention to ourselves. The motive of our righteousness should be for Christ only. The chief sin was pride. The antidote is God's love and His righteousness. In churches, they make a spectacke of the people by putting their names and how much they gave on a public record or announce it out loud, and they intimidate other people in doing this. They praise and fuss over themselves, saying look what I have done. It is so wrong.
We are to be perfect as Christ is perfect. To do that, we have to let the Holy Spriit control and guide us. In this human nature we are not pefect, never will be. When we love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, then we can learn to love our neighbor as ourselves, because it will be God's agape love that we share. The more we mature in Christ, the more we will learn God's love and how to walk in it and to share it with others. In this life there is no sinless perfection. We will always fall short, but thank God. He will never leave or forshake us. He will pick us up, dust us off, and keep loving and teaching us. There is only one sinless pefection, that is JESUS CHRIST. Verse 48 relates to 45 that we will be showing ourselves as true children of our Father who is in heaven. We will be showing the character of our Father. We are to be perfect as He is perfect.
Yes, we must defend ourselves against evil men, but we have to have the full armor of God on before we do. Without it, we don't have a chance. I very good example I can think of is the men and women that are fighting for us right now, to protect us from evil. If someone tried to physically hurt you or your family, someone that tried to steal your family, friends, and co-workers by deceiving lies. Yes, we have to fight. We have to fight everyday against the lies and deception's of the devil. We are in a spiritual warfare. We have to have on the full armor of God and He has to be leading the way.
Q4. Don't Retaliate
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love our neighbors as Christ loves. -
What they have in common is a higher standard of love than this world can give or understand. No, we would not aid and abet evil. We should take these examples as illustrations of a greater standard and love that God wants us to live by. We are to show love, His love to the people that hurt and abuse us, to people that take advantage of us. To give them more than they expect, by giving lovingkindness and forgiveness.
Q2. An Eye for an Eye
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
The purpose of the regulation was for a guide to the judges and that men would not take revenge themselves. It is to be administered by a court or judge. Is is designed to govern a personal action. The punishment was to fit the crome. No more, no less. What Christ is wanting to teach us in not to be revengeful. Go beyond by forgiving them. The law of retaliation must be made consistent with the law of love. To show ourselves the true disciples of Christ by forgiving. Christ wants us to be charitable and beneficent. Do no hurt to our neighbor, but do all the good we can. We are to show His love. We are to show kindness, and we are to give of ourselves as Christ gave of Himself. -
What our yes be yes and our no be no means is to say what we mean amd mean what we say. Our word should be good enough. We are saying yes, I will or no, I won't. If we obeyed this command our words would be of truth and speak of themselves and God. There is nothing we can swear by because some way or another it is related to God. He is the Foundation for all beings. It is dangerous to swear. Our speech would be like Christ was. For our creditibility, people would know that we can be trusted and that we are speaking the truth. I like what The Living Bible says, " Your word is good enough. To strengthen your promise with a vow, shows that something is wrong." Let our creditibility be what God wans it to be, like His. Let our words be yea, yea and nay,nay. No if's, and's, and but's, but God's words. As Christian's, what we say is a reflection back on God.
No, a person that has remarried after a divorce that wasn't caused by marital unfaithfulness does not live in a perpetual state of adultery. No, that person should not divorce or separate in order to get back into God's will. I don't think God would want us to live in a situtation where our lives would be in danger or even cause death. We can get back into God's will by repenting from the heart, asking forgiveness, and seeking His direction. Yes, it is possible. '
No, you do not need to be a Christian to be joined as one flesh. Christian or Non-Christian, when that sexual relationship takes place, in God's eyes, you are one flesh. I believe it is natural law because that is the way God had it from the beginning. All that have entered into first marriage has been joined toghether by God.
I don't think Jesus agreed with either, but He leaned toward the strictiness of Rabbi Shammai. The exception was martial unfaithfulness. This exception relates to Deuteronomy because it speaks of finding something indecent about a woman or even if she doesn't please him. The reason there was divorce was because Moses gave the law because of the hardness of hearts. God meant for marriage to be an everlasting unity between man and woman. He joins the two as one, and no man is suppose to separate them. If there are problems in the marriage, turn to the Lord for guidance and healing. Let Him be the marriage counselor that He is and wants to be. He can and will restore a life of marriage if couples will seek Him. He is the HEALER and the COUNSELOR.
We are to take **** very seriously. Serious enough that we can condemn our souls to hell. When we have agape love, we have God's love toward one another. An unselfish love that is willing to help, love, and hurt with a fellow being. The way our Lord did. God's unending love. God IS love. With His love in us, we can overcome.
I would pray, read scripture, and talk to the person to help that person realize why they are in this bondage, and to show God's love to this person. Help them overcome this prob lem by getting rid of everything that is connected with this sin. Give them the reassurance that they can do it through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If they are not a Christian, then accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior, give control of their life to Him and He will deliver them. We can protect ourselves by turning away from every temptation that the devil puts in front of us. By using God's Holy Word to overcome, let the Holy Spirit lead us in all things. Learn His voice and listen, and be obedient.
*********** is wrong because it is a sin and a transgression of God's moral standard for his people and against His law. *********** arouse's sinful. **** that will eventually take place if the right moment comes along. It poison's the mind. Going to prostitutes degrades that person. It deprive's one of the moral purity that God desires for that person in order to satisfy one's own self centeed desires. They are showing no respect or real love to that person or their selves. We all are victims in some way or another. We have to learn to control our thoughts. Pray for the Lord to make our thoughts His thoughts, and our words His words.
We can distinguish because we will have the love for our marriage partner and our eyes and heart will not wander because of the love shared between the two. There wil be fulfilment and a satisfaction that will be felt by both. The respect of treating each other as a person and considering their feelings is a part that is in a marriage.
I think the point is that **** is an intense longing to succeed into the adultery act. It is a wrong thought and desire that is accompanied with the approval of our will. If the occassion arose, it would be fulfilled. There is no difference in the eyes of God. The same as adultery when it is committed, you have done it in your heart.
To settle out of court is better because if you go to court you could loose everything, make it hard on your family, and even end up in prison. The law can be very harsh. The best thing to do is be in a humble submission, a just and peaceable satisfaction of the debt. We are to suppose to settle with the one that we have the difference with and the one that has the difference with us. Settling is to bring to rest, come to agreement on the difference that is taking place. We should settle because it is keeping us from God and we are in danger of the judgment of God. A judgment that we can't escape and it would mean death.