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servant for Christ

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Everything posted by servant for Christ

  1. I think the two parts are the blessings and the character of those who are entitled to the blessings. I think Christ spoke in paradox to help the people understand what he was saying to them, to make a way for His law to come into their hearts. That we can go from death to life through His leve and righteousness. The relationship between the two are to allow the Holy Spirit to direct and influence our lives to destroy the power of sin, the works of the flesh, and to walk in fellowship with God.
  2. The law was weak, but it was not the law but through the flesh, through the corruption of human nature by which we b ecame incapable either of being justified or sanctified by the law. We are unable to keep the law. The weak link is us, the flesh. What it takes to save us is the grace provided by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. The grace that will pardon us and create a new nature in us. One from the guilt and power of sin. Christ came to do what the law could not.
  3. I think Paul is talking about himdelf and us. I think he is talking about the people that are under the law but not under grace, therefore we are under the dominion of sin. There is a struggle that is maintained between grace and corruption in sanctified souls. We will always struggle with sin, but we have the grace of God and the Holy Spirit to lead us in the right direction.
  4. The doctrine of total depravity is that our heart is deceitful. It cannot be trusted. It is out of corruption. The heart is the source of all sin. Some of the things that comes from the heare are evil thoughts, murders, adulteries and fornications, stealing, false withess, and blasphemies. The mind and conscience are defiled by sin and that makes everything also defiled. Sin is defiling to the soul, renders it unlovely and abominable in the eyes of a pure and holy God. No, it does not mean that none of God's goodness shows through. It means that we are made in the image of God and His goodness. Modern man believe's that we are good because of all the kind deed's, good deed's, and hard work that we will make up for the wrong doing. That is not the case. The Bible teaches that we are sin. We were born in sin, living in sin rather than turn to God's righteousness. The human heart cannot be changed by itself. We have to experience the grace of God by being born again through faith in Christ and receive a new heart. One that will turn from sin and evil ways and deligfht in doing God's will and living for Him.
  5. The law reveals that our Lord is holy, righteous, and good. Wha it does poorly is that it cannot keep us from sinning because of our sinful nature. The law is powerless to save us because it doesn't have the power and strength to do so. The problem here is man. We cannot defeat or forgive sin on our own. Jesus Christ had to go to calvary for that and He did. He made a way for us to come out of our sinful nature through His blood.
  6. If the law did not reveal sin for it is, we would not realize how sinful we are and that it keeps us from having a relationship with our Lord. When we covet, the flesh is controlling our body, the wants, the desires and it hurts other people. When the flesh is told not to cover, it rises up in rebellion, our sinful nature wants to do regardless of the effects or who it hurts. Even when we are made aware of our sins, we still do not have control. Only the Holy Spirit living is us can help us control our sinful nature.
  7. When Paul was talking about "flesh", I think he was talking about the inner self, our heart and mind. the part that wants to go the world's way. The part of our nature that want's to live in sin regardless. The inner self that knows the difference between right and wrong but still wants to do wrong because is our sinful nature. We were born in sin through Adam. It is the self that separates us from God.
  8. Our fallen nature will be no more: no pain, no suffering, not sickness, or sorrow, or hatred. There will be rightreousness, holiness, jou, peace, worshipping and prasising our Lord and Savior for eternity. We have a whole lot to look forward to. Being with our King and Savior for an eternity it so amazing.
  9. He named the altar " the Lord Is Peace" because he knew that God would not slay him, that he had kind intentions toward him, that he was peace. God was a friend, a benefactor, one who brought blessing. The Lord offered peace to Gideon through a peace of harmony and fulfillment, a quietness in time of conflict and war.
  10. Synonyms for save: to redeem, to rescue, to preserve or guard, to store. Savior: Jesus, deliverer, redeemer, protector, salvation, strength, provider, and one who saves. Jesus Christ earned the title Savior because he saved us from our sins. He paid the price that had to be paid in order to set us free. He brought us out of death and restored us to eternal life.
  11. The responsibility of the next of kin was to help them out. To get them out of jail, provide for them, whatever the need was. Jesus played the role by becoming flesh, shedding His blood, and paying the price that we could never have paid. He redeemed us. This says of God's love that is unconditional, He has went to the point of sending His Son because He loves us so much. We are priceless in His eyes. To God, we are worthy.
  12. No, there is no place for independent freedom. We have to choose, are we going to serve God or the devil. I think some people choose this independent freedom bcause they don't want to make a commitment. They want the best of both worlds, walk on a thin line. We hesitate because we are afraid of what people may think, rejection, blinded by the lies of the devil.
  13. Good doctrine affects tdhe way we live because it is the Word of God. The gospel that is based on truth and holiness, it is words of healing and salvation. It is a doctrine to be obeyed every day, from the heart. We should honor good doctrine because it is the gospel of Christ, it is to be believed. To be a Christian is to be transformed into the likeness of the gospel, our souls answering to it, complying with it, conformed to it, understanding it, our affections, will, aims, principles, actions, all according to the form of the doctrine. We need to reject any doctrine that does not agree with the Word of God.
  14. When we are obedient to Christ, we are in slavery to His righteousness. Being obedient from the heart. The acts of righteousness demonstrate slavery to God in my life every day by asking Him to forgive me of my sins, known or unknown, I continually make my decision to follow Christ, and my salvation through Christ Jesus. Doing bad things shows you have decided to follow sin instead of Christ. We have not repented with a sincere heart and taken God at his word or really believed in Him. The bondage is broken by the word and grace of God. Obedience plays a part by our conforming to and in compliance with the gospel. God is dealing with me in a fresh obedience by trusting Him completely, taking Him at his word, stepping out on my faith.
  15. I offer the members of my body to God every day by watching what my eyes look upon, what my ears hear, where my feet take me, watching my words, keeping my mind on the things of God, and offering myself to be used for His kingdom. We can sin unconsciously because we do not have our thoughts under control. We let the devil slip in with lies. We are not praying continually. We can begin to offer our members to God by giving ourselves to Him totally. Realizing that we are His temple in which He dwells. The changes it will take would be staying in God's Word, praying, controlling our thoughts and words. and letting God shine through us.
  16. Because we are no longer under the bondage of sin, we cannot let sin reign through the desires of our body. We can resist those desires by being obedient to Christ, refusing to place our body and mind at the hands of sin. By presenting ourselves to the righteousness o God. Being covered by His righteousness.
  17. God has shown His grace to me and my family by the forgiveness of our sins, through His salvation, repentance, showing me His love through His grace, mercy, lovingkindness, longsuffering. and His peace of mind. Peter describes Him as God of all grace because He is . The perfecting, establishing, strengthening, and settling of people in grace and their perseverance is so difficult that onlyu God of ALL grace can accomplish it. We need to seek Him continually and depend upon His promises to see us through this life.
  18. God's steadfast love in the Old Testament has not changed at all in the New Testament. The same redemptive call that was in the Old Testament is still real in the New Testament. It still works for the world today. God's love has not changed. To show His love for the New Testament people He sent His Son to die for us. To bridge the gap of fellowship that the Old Testament people did not have. He wants us to have His unconditional love.
  19. Faithfulnness and trustworthiness neans you are going to be true and dependable in keeping your word. The Faithful God inspire's in me that I have a Father who is true, loving, keeps His word, cannot fail. full of mercy and grace, and cares about everything that concerns me. Faithfulness must be part of our character because it is part of God's. We are made in His image, we are His children. What we do reflects on Him. We are to true and honest just like He is.
  20. God's willingness to forgive was essential to Israel so that Israel would know that He was with them, that it was a promise he would be with them day and night. To show His faithful love, and care, and desire to redeem His people and have fellowship with them. That He was the one and only true and living God. God let His name be known to them, "I AM THAT I AM". Yes, Israel was contrite the second time around. The Lord is a God whose compassion, kindness, and forgiveness are united with truth, holiness, and justice. The fact that God is gracious and compassionate shows He will not punish anyone unless He is rejected and despised.
  21. We need to think and believe thaty we have died to our sins. We havedied to our sins in God's sight, we are considered by God to have died with Christ on the cros and raised in His resurrection, we have died when we were born again of the Spirit, given Christ power to resist sin by putting to death on a daily basis it's evil desires. We died to sin in water baptism as we proclaimed our death to sin and committed ourselves to reject sin and live for Christ. No, we are not convincing ourselves of something that is not true. It is very true and very real. The effect will be as Christian's, we will see itr in our daily living for Christ. Other people will notice the change in us. The Lord will shine through us to be the light He wants us to be.
  22. Our old nature has been made powerless because Christ took it to the cross with Him. We no longer have to let the body of sin control our sinful desires. The slavery to sin was broken. We do not have to let the old mode of existence to dominate our life and body. We have been set free from slavery by the salvation and grace through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that dwells in us. When we face temptation to sin, we have the power to act according to God's will. When we are free from sin, we can test and prove if we hasve eternal life with sanctifying grace living in us. The difference is we will turn away from sin and if we do sin, we can ask forgiveness and learn from our mistake. When we are tempted,we have the power to overcome by the Holy Spirit. We can call the devil for what he is, a liar. Our sins were forgiven and taken at the cross.We have Christ sanctifying powerof his life to help us to live a free, holy, and blameles life before Him.
  23. Paul is referring to a figurative death. It is our death he is talking about. This death becomes our's when a true believer is identified by his death to sin. We have been translated from the realm of sin into the realm of life with Christ. We as believers will have a definite separation from sin. We will not want to sin. It is reality becauuse God is real, Jesus Christ is real, the Holy Spirit is real, and He lives in us to guide and teach us.
  24. Buried corresponds to baptism by his death, by us going under the water our sins are dead. Christ was raised from the dead corresponds to new life in Christ by his resurrection, when we come out of the water we have a new life that is sealed by the Holy Spirit.
  25. We would miss a whole lot if we removed the metaphor of Father and Son. We could not understand the love of our God and Savior. We would not be able to have the relationship provided through Jesus Christ. The feminine metaphors of God that help me is his love, his protection, his provision, his comfort, his understanding. He is everything. There is nothing lacking in our God.
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