servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
God is the husband of Israel because of the covenant. Israel is God's people. Although they have turned their back on Him. God still loves them, he watches out for them, protects and provides for them. It doesn't manner how bad they get, God still loves them with an unconditional love. The New Testament extension is the believers in the church are the body of Christ and we are united with Himl He is the bridegroom and we are the bride. God becomes jealous when we put the things of this world before Him.He wants to be first in our life, in everything that concerns our life.
Q3. I and the Father are One
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. God our Father
Jesus and the Father are one because the Father is living in Jesus. They are one in the sense that they are Godhead of three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What made Jesus distinct was that He came to earth in the flesh. He made a way to where we can communicate with our God . He died, He rose, and now sits at the right hand of the throne intercedeing for us. Yes, Jesus is God in the sense that the Father is God. -
The Jews saw him as an authoritative figure.They did not think that they could have a relationship with him, that he was there to just correct and punish them. They could not have a relationship for the fear they had toward God. Not knowing He was a loving God, wanting to fellowship with them. Being able to call Him Abba, thrills me so because I know I have a father who cares, who loves me, who listens to me, someone I can talk to every day, take my troubles to him and I know He will take care of themand He will show me His love when He is correcting and teaching me. He will never fail me.
Our union with Christ was through his death. Our sins died and was buried through Him. Baptism symbolize's our union with Christ because we have a new life in Him. We were set free from the power of sin. We are no longer slaves to sin because Christ was raised from the dead, never to die again. He broke the power of sin when He died. Buried correspond's to baptism by his death. Christ was raised from the dead corresponds to new life in Christ by his resurrection.
The concept of "father" teaches us that God is our Creator and life giver, who alone has life in himself.The Old Testament spoke of God as a personal God in relations to his people. God is live, compassionate, wisdom, righteousness, mercy, and I could keep gioing on. We can call him Father because of our spiritual faith. He is the head of the household. God is sovereign. We are to respect him, trust and obey, humble ourselves, reverence him, give him our love. God is a Creational Father- the fundamental relationship of God to man whom he made in His own image. This relationship is for our spiritual nature. Without Creator Father, we would not exist. He is a Theocratic Father-his relationship to his covenant people, Israel. He is a Generative Father- exclusively to the second Person of the Trinity, designated the Son of God, the only begotten Son. He is Adoptive Father- the redeeming relationship that belongs to all believers in context of their redemption through Christ and regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in them. Our Father will guard us, he will support us,he will help us in time of need. Our behavior should be one of love, wanting to worship and prise Him with our whole heart and serve him with everything in us.
We move from being under the headship of Adam to the headship of Christ when we ask him for forgiveness of our sins and make him the Lord of our lives. To bring about this change, our hearts will be made new, the love for the Lord will keep us from wanting to go back to our old selfs. Leave the past behind, walk in the newness that Christ has given us. Walk in the fellowship that we can have with the one that loves us more than we love ourselves. Having died with Christ, we will have Christ like minds, we will have His love in us, we will want to share His love with others, we will be an entirely different person.
Q4. Spring of Living Water
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord Our Provider
God is my Fountain of Living Water because I have eternal life, the Holy Spirit, flowing in me every day. I will never go thirsty because He will quench my thirst with His love and knowledge, He will meet my every need, because He is a loving and caring God. He has given us His wonderful word to lead and guide us, to help fill our thirst with His lovingkindness and understanding. If I keep drinking from the Fountain of Living Water, my future will be bright and wonderful. -
Adam brought sin and death by being disobedient. Christ brought grace and life by being obedient. Adam respresents all humankind because he was the first man created by God. When Adam fail, he brought sin and death into the life of every person. We are of the original sin from Adam. Christ has the right because he brought righteousness by his obedience. By his obedience he made a way that satisfied God's justice, and put us in his favor. If Christ is not our "representative"- which is our mediator to God on our behalf, or "head"- which is our Salvation, Master, Savior, Redeemer, his death can not be effective for us unless we go by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Q3. The Lord Our Helper
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord Our Provider
A lot of the time we resist calling on God because we feel like we are not worthy enough, that God doesn't really care about us because of our sins. We try to do it on our own because we think that God does not love us enough to be concerned about our problems. The devil has blinded us with these lies. It is required of us to believe who God really is, who we really are in Christ, take Him at His word that it is truth and God will do what He says He will do. His word can never fail. God will always come through for us and with us in what ever we face because He loved us enough to give His Son for us that we may have eternal life with Him. -
Q2. The Lord Is My Shepherd
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord Our Provider
Yes, there have been several times in the last few months when the Lord has been my Shepherd, in blessings and troubles. Right now my family is going through some major trials, and I have to depend on my Shepherd to lead and guide me in the way I should go. I am totally dependant on Him. -
Paul is saying that without the law there would be no grace or forgiveness for sins. With Adam, sin was death, through Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven and we are made right with God. All our sins. Yes, there can be sin without the law. There always has been. The law was given so we could see our sin, but people sinned more and more and God's grace became abundant. Sin goes against everything God stand's for.
There are several circumstances where a person acts for and entire group, just a few could be the President, the pastor of a church, a business manager, head of a household, a school principle, most of all, Jesus Christ. Others are tied to these people by their faith in them, their leadership, knowing they are trustworthy, being one with them as we are one in Jesus Christ. Letting God have control.
Q1. The Lord Will Provide
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord Our Provider
Yes, Abraham was expecting God to provide a sacrifice. The support I have is in Genesis 22:5. "And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ***, and I and the lad will go yonder and worship , AND COME AGAIN UNTO YOU." Abraham knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God would provide a sacrifice because he knew God would keep his promises concerning Isaac. Yes, I have received a last minute provision from God. God will supply our need in any circumstance. It does not manner what it may be. The only condition is to believe and trust God with our whole heart, claim His promises, confess His word and promises with our mouths, and receive the results. -
Q4. Reconciliation
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
The dictionary says reconciliation is to cause to be friendly or harmonious again, adjust, settle differences, to bring to submission or acceptance. We have peace with God. He has accepted us as His children. Reconciliation is necessary with God because He is our hope and our eternal life. We are being saved now because ou salvation lies in the blood of Christ and His resurrection life. We are forgiven, we are reconciled to God. We continue to be saved by our faith that is in us and continued fellowship with God. God sent His Son for our sins, to settle the difference, that we may know Him as our Father. Now that we are His children, He will make every provision possible to save us from the evil times that we will face while we are serving Him and walking along His path. Today, He is inteceding for us at the Father's right hand. -
Q4. God Our Keeper
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
For God to be our Keeper means we are safe from all harm, He has us covered in His protection. He goes before us to make our paths clear and straight. He guards us by sending our angels with us every where we go, they are with us with every step we take to protect us from harm. He has given us the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us in the way we should go. -
We are sinner's. It doesn't manner how bad or good you are, without Christ we are dead. When Christ died for the ungodly, He made a way to where we could be forgiven of our sins and have eternal life. It does not manner how bad you think you have been or what you have done, our sins are forgiven. We do not have to believe the lies of the devil. We have eternal life because of the love of Jesus Christ. He died for both, our best and our worst. By faith you are saved . You have to believe and come by the shed blood of Jesus Christ to receive eternal life. It gives us assurance because of Gods boundless love, mercy, and grace that our sins are forgiven, love that endures forever.
We should rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations because God is making us into the vessel that He can use for His kingdom. It drives us to seek His face and to use our faith the way God wants us to. To step out and believe Him. To get the close relationship that God wants us to have with Him. PERSERVERENCE- we learn patience. TRIED CHARACTER- learning from our tests will help us in looking at our lives, what is really in our hearts, that we may help others. HOPE- having Christ in me, knowing who I am in Christ, and knowin where I will be going for eternity.
Abraham believed God. He kept the laws. He remained loyal to the Lord and he stayed obedient. He trusted God for the promises that he was told was his. For us, our justification through faith brings peace with God, grace, hope, assurance, the love of God, the Holy Spirit, salvation from our sins, and joy in the Lord. To me being justified means being in the right with God. Obeying His commandment's, learning to live according to His will, making Him the first piroity in my life and asking Him every day to cleanse me of my sins.
Q3. God Our Rock
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
God is a rock by being our strength, our security, our foundation on which we are built. He cannot be moved or broken, He is solid. He is our cleft. In Palesine, the Rock is their hiding place, a place of security, a place where they can worship God. God the Rock performs the same functions in Palestine as He does for us here in the U. S. even more so because they are His people. -
Q2. God Our Shield
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
He is our protection from all harm. He os our glory with His presence, and fellowship, and help. When we commit ourselves to God, His glory will shine in the experineces of His grace and presence that enables us to rise above our troubles. He is the lifter up of my head because I can lift my head up in joy knowing that everything is going to work for my good. I can rejoice in my heart because I know in whom I believer. This teaches me that God is a loving and caring and faithful and true Father. About ourselves, I cannot live without the Lord in my life. I can't even begin to imagine living my life without the Lord. He is my life. Without Him, I am nothing. I believe and trust in the Lord one hundred percent. HE is my ALL. -
Q1. Shelter of the Most High
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
We are to dwell in the secret place of the most High, He is my refuge and fortress, in Him I well trust, abide under the shadow of the Almighty ( my hiding place). There are many metaphors: Most High, Almighty, the Lord, my God, my protector, my peace of mind, my provider, my shield from all harm, my salvation, my dwelling place, and I can hide under the shadow of the Almighty God, trusting Him totally with everything concerning my life. -
When we declare Jesus is Lord, we are saying it with an sincere attitude of the heart. Which means we have may Him Lord of all areas of our life, that He is worthy to be praised, to be worshiped, to be trusted, and that He has all power. When we believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that we are saved, we are believing by faith. By faith, we declare that Jesus is Lord of all to the public and make a commitment by declaring Jesus is Lord.
Q3. Lord of Lords and Governments
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Our Lord and King
God will bless the government's that bless Him and curse the government's that do not. God is still in control of the world. The implication's of removing God from our currency, our pledge's, our schools, are already having it's affect. This nation has turned away from it's maker. It is time to turn back to our Soverign God, let Him have control back and quit trying to do things ourselves. This nation has made a mess of itself. Go back to our first love, the Lord Jesus Christ and let Him put this nation back together again. If we as a nation, do not turn back to God Almighty, we are in very serious trouble. We have to recognize that God Almighty is our creator, the one and only God, in Him lays our answers to every problem we have, great or small. -
Q2. Submitting to the King
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Our Lord and King
The personal implication is Yahweh being my King, my Lord , and my Savior. To know that He is in full control of my life. The advantages is knowing that I am willing to submit my life completely to Him because I know He has my best interest in His hand. He knows what is best for my life. I love submitting to God on a daily basis because I know He will lead and guide me in the way that I should go, He is always with me, all I have to do is call on His name. I know my every need is met. I love, worship, praise, and give my Lord the glory and honor for being who He is. A person can reject the King by denying who He is, by wanting to go their way a lot of the time, not letting God have full control of their lives, not believing His word, taking Him at His word. I think must of all by not fellowshiping with our Lord everyday and listening to what He wants us to know and learn. -
Q1. Kingship and the Tithe
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Our Lord and King
Tithing is a command from the Lord, when the people in the Old Testament tithed, they showed their obedience to the Lord, they accepted Him as their King, and they supported His ministry. The same goes for us in the New Covenant. When we rob God of what belongs to Him, you will live under a curse. When I decided to put God first in everything, started tithing on a regular basis, my finances started turning around. God is a true and faithful God. He will not let you down. Prove Him, take Him at His word, receive the blessings He has for you by being obedient. If you are under the curse get out, do not let the devil lie to you any longer, pay your tithes no manner what the circumstance looks like, trust the Lord to meet you need as He says He will do. We are to tithe, give back what belongs to the Lord. You will be blessed.