servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
Q4. Justice, Vengeance, and Mercy
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Justice- is what we deserve. Vengeance- retribution for wrong doing. Mercy- God sparing us from what we deserve. Yes, God can forgive us our sins without punishing because when Jesus died on the cross he took that punishment upon himself so we wouldn't have to. When we drepent, he is just to forgive us of our sins. God is a loving and merciful God. THANK YOU LORD FOR LOVING AND SETTING ME FREE, THANK YOU FOR CALVARY, THANK YOU FOR BEING ABLE TO KNEEL AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS AND ASK FORGIVENESS. I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS WITH ALL MY HEART. BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD. -
Q3. Helper of the Fatherless
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
We are to always to help those in need. We are to give of what we have and to show the love of Christ in that giving. It should affect our actions by knowing that we are doing it for the love we have for Christ, not for rewards or self, but from the heart because we want to serve Christ and obey Him. -
Q2. Relativity and Righteousness
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
There is no truth and morality in this world today unless you know Jesus Christ as your savior. His way is the only true and righteous way. We can know God by putting on His righteousness, studying His word, seeking His face, and sharing His love with the world. -
Q1. Call of Isaiah
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Isaiah recognizes God's holiness and his sins against God. That he is unclean. It opens his eyes to his sinful state. Isaiah is afraid because he believes if anyone sees God they will die including him because sin displeases God. God makes Isaiah holy by putting the burning coal to his lips. That coal burnt all the sinful thoughts, words, and actions that Isaiah may have away, thus making him pure. Isaiah was now ready to serve the Lord with all his heart. He was at the point to where he could say, Here I am, send me. He wis willing to go where the Lord sent him and do whatever the Lord ask. -
Q4. Creator of the Ends of the Earth
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. God Our Creator
Have you not known? Have you not heard? Have you not been told? Have you not understood? Have you not are the words repeated. He is our strength, we can depend on Him, He will always be there for us, He will teach us to understand His ways and to follow Him. -
I count six names for our God. The Psalmist tells us to worship, sing, praise our Lord Jesus. These actions are appropriate because He is our Creator, our Redeemer, our Savior, our Salvation.
Q2. The Rights of the Maker
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. God Our Creator
The creation will never be greater or smarter than the Creator, He will always be our ruler because He is our Maker. This should effect our lives in a sense that we realize how much God loves us, that He wants us to be in His image, to realize that He wants the best for us and He knows what is best for us in our lives. We should be willing to let God control and handle everything in our lives so that we willl be like Him. To realize that He has given us a purpose in life, to love and praise and worship Him for who He is. -
We, the pot, cannot mold or shape ourselves into what our Creator wants us to be. We have to have the Potter, our Creator, in order to become what we should. We are helpless without the Potter. As Christians, when we grumble and complain about what we have or who we are we are complaining against God. He made us in His image, He wants us to have and to be the best that we can. A better attitude is accept what God is doing in your life, face your trials with praise and worship and thanksgiving to God Almighty. He is shaping you into the vessel that He can use for His kingdom. When you come out of the fire, you will be reshaped and stronger than before.
Q4. The Living God
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Yahweh, I AM, the Eternal God (
David knew his Lord, he had the faith in God that would lead him through any battle. He knew that the Lord was with him, and he trusted the Lord completely. His faith relied on the Lord's word and promises. We should have the fear of God because He is a just God. His judgement will be true and harsh for those that do not know Him. For the Christian, we have to realize that we will be judged for the wrong doing that we do, we need to plead the blood of Jesus and keep our sins under His blood. -
Q3. First and Last
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Yahweh, I AM, the Eternal God (
The idea of first and last tells me that God has always existed. Before time and after time He will exist. He spoke the world into existence. He made us in His image. He has always existed. I AM THAT I AM is saying He is our eternal God, there is no one else like Him. He is the one and only true God. -
Q2. The Eternal God
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Yahweh, I AM, the Eternal God (
It is hard to comprehend what eternity is going to be like with our human minds. It is bigger than we can begin to know and understand. To think about being in eternity with my Lord and Savior, is just awesome. To know that there will be no time as we know it, no more dying, no tears of sorrow, just rejoicing, praising, singing Holy to the Lamb of Glory, around the throne of God is amazing. Our emotions will be of wonder, thankfulness, graditude, and most of all , love for what Christ did on calvary for us. -
Q1. The Name Yahweh
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Yahweh, I AM, the Eternal God (
(1) God's name Yahweh says He is an everlasting God. One that will not forsake his people. He is the great, mighty, and powerful one. (2) Our God is a living God. One that wants to talk and have fellowship with us. The Egyptian idols was nothing but wood and stone. -
Q5. The Battle Is the Lord's
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The God of Might (
Knowing that the battle is the Lord's is knowing that I have already won through Christ Jesus. Believing, trusting, and thanking the Lord for the victory, even when I don't see it through my natural eyes, knowing in my spiritual it is done. Being timid and brashness is trying to do it on my own, not realizing who I am in the Lord, not stepping back and letting God work in the way he knows best. It is when I start getting over confident and not realizing that God is interested in every little thing that concerns us. Our Father wants us to come to Him with every problem we have. We are to put on the whole armor of God that we may stand the wiles of the devil. God's armor is our weapon's to fight with. I don't think there are any battles that the Lord will not fight for us if we stay true and faithful to Him. If we turn our backs, and try to do it on our own, no I don't think He will fight for us, because He will teach us a great lesson about not leaning on the Lord. -
The people knew that as long as they could see Moses holding up the rod, that God was on their side and He has not forsaken them. Moses knew that the Lord would still do wonders for His people, because Moses trusted and believed the Lord in everything He said. The people saw God as their banner, as their refuge, and their victor. The Lord is our banner because He goes before us and fights the battle for us. We can fight beside Him by believing, trusting with all our heart, loving, and He gave us His Son, and the Holy Spirit to help us fight. We can stay strong by staying in His Word, seeking Him, and obeying Him.
Jesus did not call on the heavenly host because he had to fight this battle alone, because it was for our sins to be forgiven and taken away so that we would not have to pay the price as our Lord and Savior did. When he does call on the host, it will be the day that Satan and his army is defeated by the great Commander and His followers. The righteous shall prevail.
Q2. Elisha and the Chariots
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The God of Might (
Elisha's servant was afraid because he could not see with his spiritual eyes until the Lord opened them. The difference between the two is that Elisha knew and trusted the Lord Almighty and took Him at His word. For me, for my eyes to be opened, it took going through a major trial to realize who God really was and who I was in Him. 1 John can strengthen me in my spiritual battle because I know in whom I serve, my Lord and Savior is always with me, the Holy Spirit lives in me to teach and guide me, and greater is He that lives in me then he that lives in the world. Our God is greater than anything or anyone. We have our victory through Christ Jesus. -
Q1. Commander of the Armies of the Lord
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The God of Might (
He said neither because it is not the question if God is on our side, but are we on God's side? God is always with us. The sinificance is that God is still on our side, regardless of what we may be going through. Do we trust and believe the Lord in what He says He will do? Joshua felt the presence of the Lord as his forefathers did, he knew he was on holy ground, the Lord appeared to him. After the encounter, he knew that Lord God Almighthy would be with him where ever he went, he did not have to worry or fret, he believed and trusted the Lord. -
The King of Glory shows me that God is strong and mighty over the whole universe, there is no other like Him, He is the Creator. The Father of Glory, who is Jesus Christ, will give us wisdom and understanding to help teach and guide us in the knowledge that we will need to know about His kingdom. This should affect out attitudes by being humble, giving Him reverence in our worship, and praising and thanking Him for all He has done. God's glory comes to fill our lives by making us into His image.
Q5. Evaluation
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. Death of Sarah and Abraham (23:1-20; 25:1-11)
I got out of this study that Abraham had the faith that I want also. To believe and trust the Lord completely, without asking why or doubting, taking the Lord at His word knowing that He will never fail or leave me, it doesn't matter what trial or test I go through, God is always right there with me, to lead and guide me, to encourage me, and to show me that He does love me unconditionally. This study is excellent. I don't think you can improve on it. It teaches how we can have a close relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. -
I think the achievement of Abraham that inspires me the most is his faith in believing and trusting the Lord. What stands out to me is that Abraham never questioned, his faith never waivered, he obeyed God right then when the Lord told him to do something, he always praised the Lord for everything, and did not hold back nothing from the Lord. He worshiped the one true and only God Almighty.
To me the phrase says that there is no one or anything that is higher and mightier than our God. He is everything. There is no creature to be compared to Him. There is none like Him. When we call Him Father, we are to show reverence to Him, He is our Creator. This affect's my life in a way that I know He help's me to be humble and He gives us courage to keep going, to keep following Him, He is our life, our eternal life. Without Him we are nothing. He teaches me to walk in His love and understanding. To let His light shine through me.
I think the servant's prayer was a good prayer. He wanted the best for his master, he wanted to do the right thing by his master. He wanted the right woman for Isaac. He believed and trusted the Lord to take care of the situtation and send the right one. Yes, the servant found the right girl because God sent her. The servant believed with all his heart and never doubted. The Lord provided.
To me Most High means everything. He is my Creator, with Him I live, move, and have my being. He is my rock and my shelter, on whom I am standing. He is my Father, whom loved me enough that He gave His life for me, He is ever present help in time of need. He is a true and faithful Most High, one that will never let you down or fail you. The Most High whose love is unconditional. I praise Him every day in my prayers and worship Him for Who He Is. I thank Him for everything He is and does in my life. Everything that He is going to do. Most of all, I thank Him for His love and saving grace and mercy that endures forever.
Q1. Abraham and Melchizedek
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God Most High (
They both believed that there was only one God, the God Most High, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all therein. There was none any higher or mightier than Lord God Almighty. -
Abraham knew the land was his even if he did not get to enter the promised land as God said. He trusted the Lord completely. He paid for the land because he knew if he did not get to enter the land, his descendant's would. If he had not paid for the land, and he died, he could have lost the land. Abraham knew he had far more and better wealth by following Christ than the money he paid for the land. Abraham believed and trusted God because he knew he would keep his promises. Abraham never waivered from his faith in the Lord. His faith grew stronger and Abraham grew closer to the Lord. When we put our faith in the Lord completely, trusting Him completely, we untie God's hands to were He can work in our lives. Give thanks and praise to the Lord, and wait on Him, for He is never late and will never fail you. He is a true and faithful God, and an on time God.