servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
Q1. Sarah's Legacy
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. Death of Sarah and Abraham (23:1-20; 25:1-11)
I think Sarah's strenght was her faith, her courage, and believing Abraham as she submitted herself to him. Her weaknesses was fear, jealousy, doubt. She really showed her faith when she conceived her son, she knew then that God was true to His word. She lacked faith by not trusting God at the beginning when He told her she would have a son, she took things into her own hands and gave Abraham to her maid. -
Hi everybody, my name is Carolyn and I live in the state of Virginia. I am excited about studying this Bible study because I want a closer walk with my Lord and to learn everything about Him I can. I have two sons, both grown, and a granddaughter that is eleven. I look forward to hearing from you during this lesson. May God bless and keep you.
It shows me that Abraham really, truly, believed God that He would provide the sacrifice that he needed, when he needed it. Abraham trusted God with his whole heart, no doubt or fear, and he was obedient to the Lord. He loved the Lord enough that he was willing to offer his only son as a sacrifice. God did the same for us. He offered His only Son for our sins so that we could have eternal life and relationship with Him. Our Heavenly Father loved us that much. Jesus Christ loved us that much to become that sacrifice. Praise the Lord Jesus for becoming that lamb to be sacrificed and shedding His blood on calvary. I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS.
I learned to trust God when I lost my job nine months ago. He has provided the perfect job that I needed to be able to be the witness for Him that I want to be. He has provided health, financial needs met, salvation for my family, a closer walk with Him. I am coming out of a trial that only God can work and peace will be restored and God given the glory. A situtation that I cannot handle on my own. Jesus Christ is my PROVIDER!!
No, we cannot truly know God until we trust Him with our lives completely. That means getting self out of the way, standing on our faith, and believing in God's word what He says is true and He will do what He says. Yes, I have given my life to Christ. That surrender has meant a closer relationship with the Lord than I could have ever imagined. It means I can trust Him with every little or big problem, He will answer my prayers, He has provided for me, He has healed me, He has comforted me, and I know that I am his child and He is my Lord. He has blessed me by providing a job for me, by saving my family, my helping me get financially stable, and most of all, by letting me know that He does love and care for me.
In the trials of our life, Satan wants us to loose faith in God, keep our minds on our circumstance, and not realize who we are in Christ and that is where our help comes from. God wants the effect of standing firmly on His Word, believing in what He said He would do, not looking at our circumstance but beyond the circumstance. Not keeping our eyes on the natural, but the supernatural. Trusting God completely for the answer and waiting patiently on Him. Praising and thanking Him for what He is doing. Yes, I have been through a trial that has strengthened me and invigorated me at the end because I knew who I was trusting and believing in. Yes, the trial I went through have inspired others and I have been inspired by others through my trial.
I think Abraham was blessed with peace and understanding because he knew God would take care of Ishmael. Abraham was blessed because there was no conflict in the family and everything was working out according to the Lord. Isaac was blessed because he was the true heir. If Ishmael had not been sent away there would have been a lot of danger for Isaac. Yes, I have been rejected. God has always been right there.
Q2. Where Is God?
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Isaac Born, Ishmael Banished (chapter 21)
I think Sarah is motivated by jealousy. No, she is not righteous in doing this. I am a single person, but no, I would not force my spouse to do anything against his principles. No, I have not been forced to do anything against my principles. -
Q4. Lot and His Daughters
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
They turned to icest because they did not believe God. Their values were in the wrong place. They did not look to seek God's values. Lot turns to intoxication because he has lost everything but his daughters, he lived in fear, and he did not trust the Lord. To me, he had very little faith, he had no hope, and his influence was completely destroyed, and his choice of residence was because there was no other place. I think the lesson we should learn is to keep our eyes on the Lord at all times. Learn His voice, listen to it, and obey it. We do not need to try to do things our own way. We will mess up every time. God will not fail us. Trust the Lord with your whole heart, soul, and mind. Seek Him deligently. -
Q3. Lot's Wife
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
I think she stopped and looked back because she could not let go of the past, could not let go of the old life style. I think in her heart she was remembering being brought up in that city and the life style she had and the love of the people she still had. Yes, I have struggled with this many times. Praise God, He brought me through every time. Lot's wife was thinking of her affections of earthly things and not of the heavenly things that God had for her. Her heart was still in Sodom. I think that is what Jesus is wanting us to ask ourselves. Where is your heart? On earthly things or on Heavenly? We have to get our hearts on the Kingdom of God and never look back. There is nothing to look back to but sorrow and destruction. The Lord Jesus is our answer to everything. -
I think Lot took the Lord's warning serious, but not serious enough at that moment. Lot knew he had to leave but just kept lingering, putting it off. He knew he had to make a change in his spiritual life. The Lord wanted to bring Lot out to teach him the way he should go and because God promised Abraham. Yes, I have hesitated and it was almost disastrous. I think the lesson for us is that we have to keep our ears tuned in to God, listen to what He is saying, do not hesitate, when God says move, we move. Do not doubt, take God at His word and let him lead us in everything in our life. He will never, ever lead us astray.
Q1. Homosexuality
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
I don't think there is a balance to be kept. Homosexuality is a sin. We, as Christians have to call it for what it is. It is wrong. Yes, we can be loving and caring towards those who are living in this sin. If we have God's love in us, it will shine through. No, the church should not be silent. We should be reaching out to those sinners and telling them of God's love and try to get them to see the bondage the devil has them in. I think we can say it where ever it needs to be said. We can do it in a kind and gentle way, the Lord's way, because He will lead our footsteps and give us the words to say at the time they need to be said. Let the homosexual know they are loved reguardless of their lifestyle and let them know they can be delivered. -
Because Abraham knew that God was a just and true God. Yes, God expects us to come boldly before His throne. He wants us to intercede for people and He can teach us by getting us to come boldy before Him praying and asking on behalf of others. Abraham's intercession pleased God because he did not give up on the behalf of the people he was praying for. To please God in our prayers, we have to be fervent in our prayers, make our request made known before the Lord, and pray the prayer of intercession and mainly believing that God is going to do what He said He will do.
Keeping the way of the Lord in the twenty-first century is having to live in this world, but not being part of it. Doing right and just is showing God's love to all sinner's even your worst enemy, telling them you love them and do right by them. Treat them as you would want to be treated. This is difficult because there are so many tricks and attacks the devil uses. It is easy when we are praying on a regular basis, everyday, seeking God for guidance, and walking in the love of the Lord. There are challenges when people don't want to hear about God or find fault about the way you live, the things you do or do not do because you are living for God, especially when they can't see where your joy comes from , they think it has to be a worldly answer.
I think fathers and husbands can be godly leaders by being firm, gentle, and most of all loving. Being willing to follow God's commands. Mother's and wive's can be submissive and open by talking things out with husband and children and being honest with them and herself. It takes love , honesty, and trust in the family to stay united. Most of all, it takes God's love and the decision to serve Him and do as He commands.
(1) We can tell if we really believe by the working of our own faith. If we really believe the Lord, there will be no doubt or fear, only praising and thanking the Lord fofr what He is doing and going to do. We will stand firm on God's word and wait on the Lord. (2) I do not think there is any indication in Scripture tha God will stop doing miracles. (3) Yes, there is indication that God continues to do miracles. If you will stop and think on the things in your life where you thougfht there was no way out or answer, you will see the miracle. I know in the last 8 months I have seen miracles in my life and God is still moving. (4) We can regain our actgive faith in God of miracles by realizing who God really is, wgo we are in Christ, and giving ourselves totally to God, gettingourself out of the way, and humble ourself before the Lord, let Him take the broken vessel that we need to be and mold it into the vessel He can use for His kingdom.
Circumcision in the flesh is not enough. In the Old Testament the people had to sacrifice animals for their sins, they did not have a change in the heart. Circumcision was a sigh if a covenant with the Lord. Today, our covenant is through Jesus Christ. He was our blood bought covenant. Baptism is a sign of receiving the Holy Spirit. We have been raised with Christ by our faith in the power of God. We have been raised spiritually and it is the seal of the Holy Spirit that lives in us.
Q3. Heart Circumcision
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17)
I think to have your heart circumcised is to have it cleansed from the inside out. This is a necessity for all believers if we want to be called children of God. We have to have the love of God in us so we can become Christ like. We can keep our faith active by praying every day for God to cleanse us of any sin, known or hidden, that will keep us from doing His will in our lives. Stay in His word, pray for His guidance, and ask Him to teach us in the way we should go. Yes, I have struggled with this and praise God, He has brought me out and He has taught me so much. -
(1) No, God is requiring moral perfection from Abraham. God knows we are human and we are not perfect, that we fail Him from time to time. WE can ask forgiveness and receive it. (2) The kind of blamelessness God is asking of Abraham is to live out his side of the covenant wholeheartedly and honestly, communicating with God, obeying His Word, and trusting God completely. (3) I think God expects the same from us Christians today. We are the seed of Abraham, and the covenant God made with him is our covenant to. g
Q4. Disciple Lessons from Hagar
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
The lesson that God has taught me is not to run from trhe situation, but run to Him. Humble myself, pray, ask forgiveness, and trust the Lord. Not to try to do it myself. The most difficult situation with me had dbeen a family problem. Praise God, that situation has been taken care of and we are closer now than ever before. -
Q3. El Roi, the God Who Sees
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
In her humble admiration to God she realizes that God is an all seeing God. He sees every hurt and pain we have, every problem we encounter. That He does care and wilol never leave you. (2) To some one who is discouraged, it is strength to know that God knows and sees were you are, he willing to help, he will never forsake you. Call on the name of the Lord.(3) For me personally, the trials that I go through are blessed because I know my God is right there with me in the midst of the fire. All I do is pray, believe, trust God totally, and praise Him for who He is. While I am waiting for Him to bring me out, I am being the best witness for Him that I can be. I do not look at my circumstance. HE HAS NEVER FAILED!! -
(1) She tells the truth and a fair confession. (2) The angel sends her back because she is running from her duty and she was out of place. The angel sent her back with suitable and compassionate counsel. He is saying go home, humble yourself, beg pardon, and act better in the future, and she would be welcomed. Yes, I have reacted and got myself out of God's will all because I did not trust God completely and wait on Him.