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servant for Christ

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Everything posted by servant for Christ

  1. (1) She was in the wrong by giving Hagar to Abraham. She takes her anger out on Aabraham because she is despised and she is jealous. (2) She takes her anger out on Hagar because she kept throwing up to Sarah that she was barren, she insults Sarah, and she boast of the prospect she had of bringing an heir to Abraham. Hagar thinks she is better than Sarah because of the baby.(3) I don't think she is trying to get rid of either. She wanted Hagar to continue as her servant, but Hagar refused. (4) Hagar's pride was Abraham's fault because he did not pray and consult God before the marriage and the devil slipped into the situtation. (5) Hagar's affliction was Abraham's fault because he would not stand up for her or protect her in anything that was disrespectful to Sarah, to whom he still had the same affection for.
  2. He wanted Abraham to know that God could be trusted and be true to His word. (2) God bind's himself because His word cannot be broken. It is the covenant. (3) Abraham responded by trusting in the Lord completely and believing he would receive the promises. (4) aGod has made the promise of eternal life with him if we believe and accept him as our Lord and Savior. (5) The blood sacrifice is the shed blood of His son, Jesus Christ. That is the covenant and promise for the New Testament people.
  3. Yes, I have. God delays his promises sometimes because we are not ready to receive them. Our timing is not God's timing. Sovetimes He has to work the situtation our and prepare us for His blessing.He wants us to learn from Him. He is an on time God.
  4. What is so amazing about this verse is that God does keep His promises. Abraham was a righteous person because of his faith. The same goes for us today, if we stand on our faith, believe God for what He says he will do, do not doubt or fear, we will receive the promises of God.
  5. For me to call God my shield is to know that I am protected from all harm, there is nothing that the devil can do to touch or destroy my faith in my Lord Jesus. To me, the promises of God is more than I can imagine. I have and still experiencing the blessings of God. We serve an awesome, true, and faithful God. For me to call God my Sovereign is more than I can say in words. He has brought me through so much in the last six months, and is still teaching and guiding me. I know He is my Protector, Healer, Provider, Comfort, Counselor, Delieverer, and everything else that I need Him for.
  6. Abraham refused the spoils because he knew the king was evil and did not want anything to do with him. Abraham believed in the Lord God for everything, he had everything he needed because God provided it. The lesson for us to learn is to depend totally on God and do not look to the world for our needs to be met. When we put God first, our money needs or what ever we need will be taken care of.
  7. God's view of adultery is an absolute no. It is a sin against God and the people do not realize the punishment that they bring upon themselves. YOU will reap what you sow. Yes, God can and will forgive adultery if you repent with a truthful and repentant heart. That means not doing it again. Thank the Lord that he has forgiven you and delivered you from His punishment.
  8. Pharaoh and his household got sick because they sinned against God by taking Sarah into his household. The effect it had on Pharaoh was it made him seek to find out what brought this curse upon him, when he found out, he sat Abraham and Sarah free. Pharaoh was not mean and hateful with Abraham, he ask Abraham why he had done such a thing, accepted his answer, and sent him away with everything he had and more. Pharaoh feared the Lord God. God was seeking Abraham and Sarah's release, and to show everyone concerned that God was still in control. For Pharaoh, that God was real, for Abraham, that he should have trusted the Lord completely for all his needs. Yes, it had the desired affect that God wanted.
  9. The dangers that faced Abraham was that he was in a different country, no loved ones around him, evil people could take advantage of them. They could have been killed for everything they owned. Other kings,leaders, and even other travelers could have oppressed them. We have a lot of Hispanic's that live in our city. They came for a better way of life for their families and freedom. They have been discriminated against by their jobs because a lot of them can not speak very good English or no English at all. Other's make fun of them because of their dress or life style. Our churches have reached out to these people by inviting and bringing them to church, telling them that God loves them, and give them a helping hand in anything when needed. We show them the love of Christ.
  10. (1) Abraham knew that there was only on true God and he trusted the Lord completely with everything concerning his life. He put the Lord first. (2) For me, it is basicly the same as Abraham, I call upon the Lord to hear my prayers,but most of all I worship and praise the Lord because He is number one in my life. When we put God first everything else will fall in place.
  11. Abraham knew that there was only one true God. He believed and trusted God completely with everything concerning his life. He put the Lord first. To me it means basicly the same as Abraham. I have put the Lord first in my life and I trust Him completely with everything I have concerns about. When I pray, I know He hears my prayers about my needs and I praise and worship Him above all else.
  12. It takes a special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God because we cannot see God with our natural eyes. We have to believe and trust Him totally and stand on His Word believing God will do what He says He will do. God said He would provide our every need. He is a true and faithful Father who cares for His children very much. (2) Yes, I have had an opportunity. (3) I am coming out of the trial I have been in for the last six months. I lost my job and the bottom came out it seemed like. I have the close relationship with God that I had ask Him for and He has taught me so much and is still teaching me. He has showed His love for me and He has provided for me every single day. I had learned that His ways are not our ways because His ways are higher, His timing is not our timing, but His timining is right on time. Praise God, I can not put in words how much I love my Lord for His faithfulness and truthfulness. I know in whom I serve and I know who I am in Christ. We have to put God first in every thing we do. I can still see His hand working in my life. I love Him with my whole heart, soul, and mind.
  13. Aabraham was blessed with wealth, an heir in Isaac. He was the father of the Arab people, he was a blessing to other people. All the people of the earth have been blessed through his descendent Jesus Christ. Abraham continues to bless people through our lives by us being a blessing to others. Reach out to others and tell them of God's love and let them see God in you.
  14. Yes, I have begun something and then stopped. No, God did not want me to stop. Yes, Praise God, I have renewed my obedience and I am closer to the Lord than ever before. He has showed me to keep my eyes on Him and not on the circumstance. He is the answer to ALL our problems and situtation's. Trust Him!
  15. We are asking for His kingdom to come into our hearts. We are to live the life as He would. When we ask fo his will here on earth, it is because we are under submission to God's will in our life. When we are doing his will, his will will be done on eartgh. This prayer should affect our living by living the Christian life that we should by praying, reading the Word, and fellowshiping with Christ.
  16. Abraham was showing that he trusted God to bring Lot out. Lot was his family, Abraham was going to set him free, it did not matter what he faced. Abraham had the ability because he trusted God completely. Abraham showed respect for his neighbors. We are to reach our with a helpinghand for our neighbors whoever they may be. Show them the respect and love we would want. Show them the love of Christ.
  17. Now a day's asking for help is being weak and prideful. We think we have to do everything ourselves. We seek to be independent of God because we don't really realize who our Father is. That He is a loving and caring Father who wants to provied for us. All we have to do is ask. We should ask Gof for our daily bread because we learnevery day more about the Lord and His kingdom and the things we need to live for Him on a daily basis. His word, his love, his power, if we will seek first the kingdom of God, all things will be added.
  18. (1) By Abraham giving to Melchizedek he recognnized God as his provider and from whom all his blessing's flowed. (2) Yes, I think tithing today represents the same kind of worship because we are to put God first. We are to give back one-tenth of what God has given us. In the last six months I have found out what it is to be a cheerful giver. I would love to share what God has done for me in the last six months. The Lord has taught me so much and still teaching me about obeying and following in His foot steps. (3) We have to give back to God first before we pay our bills or anything else because God commands it. The devil will keep telling you, you need that money, pay it later but later never comes. You will not pay your tithes. If you do not want to live under a curse, pay your tithes. Receive the blessing's God has for you, " taste of the Lord and see of His goodness".
  19. If we are living a Christian life the way we act and the words that come out of our mouth will reflect on the Lord Jesus. That is why we are to give respect and reverence to God every day. We are to speak His words and live the life Christ lived. He is our HOLY GOD. We desecrate His name by using it in vain and by swearing upon it. We are to be very careful about how we use our words concerning God or any matter as far as that goes. We should hallow the Father when we begin to pray we respect and reverence Him, giving Him thanksgiving for His holiness and faithfulness and truthfulness.
  20. Yes, Abraham's material wealth reflected God's blessing on him because they were in a famine and God promised to bless Abraham. Material wealth does not always reflect God's blessing. Physical poverty does not always reflect God's curse.
  21. Pharaoh and his household got sick because he sinned against God by taking Sarah. He learned his mistakes and returned Sarah to Abraham. He feared the Lord. Through the afflication God showed Aabraham and Pharaoh they had done wrong. He was still in control. Yes, it had a desired affect.
  22. God's view of adultery is thet it is absolutely wring and His punishment is very harsh. Yes, God will forgive if repented from a sincere repentant heart.
  23. We are to pray in secret so we can be sincere and honest from the heart. We are to humble ourselves before the Lord. Prayer in church service can lead to praising men and not God. Flowery prayer can hinder a person because they are reperting the same word's over and over, it is not coming from the heart. We cannot grow in our prayer life if we are not sincere. Talk to God from the heart, be yourself.
  24. Abraham and Sarah fell on their faith. They did not trust God completely. Yes, I would say they were wrong. The Bible says call sin for what it is, sin. A lie is a sin, no matter how small or large. Yes it does. The lessons we can learn it to step our on our faith, take God at His word, and let Him work. If we try to do it, we will mess up. GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL OF EVERY SITUTATION!!
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