servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
Q4. Why Pray?
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Giving, Prayer, and Fasting (6:1-8, 16-18)
We should ask God anyway because He wants us to go to Him with everything. He wants us to ask Him concerning our needs. Prayer make's sense because it is a way of fellowshiping with God. We can pour out our heart to Him and He will listen. No, we are not to talk of our own edification and encouragement , but for others. We are not to thing about ourselves. We are also to give God praise and glory. -
God let Abraham know that He was still in charge and He was faithful to Abraham even though he was not strong in his faith and did not trust God. When God cursed Abimelech and showed him in a dream not to take Sarah, but return her to her husband, Abimelech was firm but gentle with Abraham. He accepted Abraham's explanation. He did not call him a liar or a cheat. Abimelech gave Sarah back plus animals and servants and told him to live where he wanted. Abraham prayed for Abimelech that he would not face the wrath of God. God heard and healed Abimelech.
(1) The dangers were that they were vulnerable to evil people, they were not protected and they could have been abused by kings and religious groups and people that lived a very ungodly life style. (2) The people that were not blood relatives or any relationship. (3) In our community we have mostly Hispanic's. (4) A better way of life for them and their family. (5) I think the way they are discriminated against , they are made fun of for their life style and taken advantage of in job's because they can't speak English. (6) We need to tell them about Jesus and show His love to them through us. Stretch our a helping hand and be understanding.
(1) We are not to do our giving and praying for other's, it is for God only, our audience of One. (2) We are to give our of love and not for our wants and our own desires. Show the love of God by putting other's first. (3) Churches and non-profit organizations often use pride to motivate people to give. They thank by being seen in giving, God is going to bless you greater, but they are being selfish, looking out for themselves only. God looks at the Heart!
Abraham recognized God as the one and only true God. Abraham knew his needs and he needed guidance and direction, he depended on the Lord for all he needed. What it means for me to call upon the Lord is that I know all my cares and problems are taken care of because I know in whom I trust whole heartly and I can rest in His peace because I don't have to worry about anything. I can praise my Savior the whole day long, rejoicing and giving Him thanks.
(1) Verse 48 means we are to be like Christ for we are His children. (2) Yes, perfection is taught, it is our duty to aim and strive for the perfection of Christ, to be able to live a holy and blameless life in a sinful world. (3) Yes, maturity plays a big part. If we do not grow in Christ, we will not receive the spiritial food and teachings from God that we need to help us stand in this world. (4) For the sinless perfection, we are to show love the way Christ did. Friend or enemy, give them the love of Christ unconditionally. (5) Verse 48 relates to 45 by us showing the perfect love of God to all man kind because He did and we are His children.
Yes, we must defend ourselves physically against evil men and against all evil. We are to pray for the Lord's protection and to let his love shine through us and guide us. (2) Love those that hate you and say hurtful things to you, love those that make fun of you, love those that use you, and love those that may abuse you. Let the love of the Lord shine!
It takes a special faith to step out on your faith and believe God is moving and doing what He says He will do. It is getting the revelation of who God really is, and who you are in Christ. Once you get that down in your heart, there is no way you will believe anything other than the word of God. Once you realize that God does love you, no matter what the devil tries to tell you, you know that He will not fail nor forsake you. You can start walking on that faith and it will grow as you learn to depend on God and take Him at His word. Talk the word of God, confess it with your mouth in the situtation you are in and believing it in your heart. Yes, I have had an opportunity in the last five months and I am still in the midst of the adventure now. What an adventure!! PRAISE THE LORD JESUS FOR HIS TRUTH AND FAITHFULNESS!!
Q4. Don't Retaliate
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
There is only one sentence: Love your neighbor as you would have them to love you. Show the love of Christ to everyone. -
They are showing His love for all man kind. It doesn't matter if they are enemy or a friend. He wants His love to be given out. (2) No, I do not agree. When we go that extra mile, we are letting God take care of the revenge for the wrong that was sone to us. (3) We should take these examples to understand the love God wants us to show to our enemies, HIS LOVE. When we have God's love we will have understanding, forgiviness, and peace.
Q2. An Eye for an Eye
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
(1) It was to restrain man's vindictiveness against one another, not to encourage it. We are not to take matters into our own hands. (2) It is to be administered by a court after everything has been investigated. (3) I think it is designed to govern personal action so that we will not take matters into our own hands. -
Abraham was blessed with a great nation, he was blessed with wealth and an heir. He was a blessing to others and to all the people on earth. He was blessed physically and spiritually for his obedience to God. His cup ran over with blessings he could not contain. (2) All the people have been blessed by Abraham through his descendent, Jesus Christ. (3) Abraham continues to bless the people through the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Q1. Beginning Again
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
YES, I have begun something and stopped. NO, the Lord did not tell me to stop. YES, I have renewed my obedience to Christ and I am walking closer with Him than before. He has delievered me from a bondage where I thought God would not use me for His services. My heart's desire is to have a closer walk with the Lord than I have ever had before. Now, I can have that relationship because I know my Lord does care for me. He has taught me so much in the last five months and He is still teaching me. We serve an AWESOME GOD. He is a caring and loving God, He is a true and faithful God, He is an on time God. He cares about every thing we do, say, that troubles us. He wants to have fellowship with us, His children. -
Hello, I am Carolyn and I am from Galax, Virginia. I love studying the Word of God and I am looking forward to these Bible studies.
Q1. Beginning Again
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
YES, I have begun something and then stopped. NO, God did not want me to stop. YES, it is time to renew that obedience and I have. Praise God, I have been delievered from the bondage I was in and I am now walking closer with the Lord than before. Our God is a true and fatihful God, He is a loving and caring God, He will never leave nor forsake us. He has taught me so much in the last five months and He is stil teaching me. My heart's desire is to have a closer walk with the Lord than I have ever experinenced before. -
We are to speak the truth at all times. Let your words say exactly what you mean. The result in our speaking would be that people could see that they can trust our word and believe in our witness for the Lord because we are obeying His word. When we are honest with people, regardless of the situtation. people will see Christ in us.