servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
Hi Shawnee, I know you will enjoy this Bible study as much as I did. It help me to grow and understand more about our Lord and Savior. I think the one thing I want to say to you is let the Lord talk to you in this study. Pray constantly, seek His face, let Him guide your path. Open your mind to His Word completely. Ask Him what His will is for your life and to teach you what He wants you to learn through this experience. Believe me, it is an awesome experience. To learn how much God loves us, to know that He is interested in everything that happens in our lives. May the Lord bless you richly as He has me in these studies. Learn, grow, and seek the Lord, to become closer to Him in a way you have never known. My prayer is that God blesses you in a way you never expected. Let Him make the vessel out of you that He wants you to be. It won't be easy, but always remember, He will never leave nor forsake you. God bless you and enjoy the love of God.
Q5. Living to Please God
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
I think the request are to adjust, shape, peace, mend, restore, and prepare his people, make them complete in Him. To do good and to communicate with Him. We should make it our aim to please God because it is right and noble for the believer to strive for excellence, spiritual goals, and all that is honorable before God. We are to care for how we live for the Lord and it should be our passion to please Him. -
The truth that Jesus Christ does not change provides a sure anchor for our faith. It means that present day believers must not be content until they experience the same salvation, communion with God, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and kingdom power that the New Testament believers experienced in their service to God thrugh Christ Jesus. God's Word stands true today. He works today as He did thousands of years ago.
Q2. Greed and Security
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
We can recognize greed in ourselves when we keep wanting more and not giving anyhthing we already have. The signs will be not helping those in need, straying from the faith, selfishness will be visible. The anidote is to be satisfied with what God has provided for us. I think the earmarks would be showing the love of God. Letting God have control of your life, having the joy of helping others in need. Our security should be the salvation we have in Jesus Chdrist. The promises I find is knowing that no matter how limited our earthly possessions may be or how trying our circumstances, we never need fear that God will desert or forsake us. the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear. That is with confidence in times of want, distress, trials, or trouble. -
Q1. Brotherly Love
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Showing hospitality to strangers and prisoners is showing God's love. We do not know how far reaching an act of kindness might be. I think i am strong toward strangers because of the love of God that is in my heart. I don't care who they are or what they have done. I may be weak at times when it comes to people who have hurt or using me. -
Q5. The Fear of God
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
Yes, I think the fear of God is healthy. Because the fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge. Fear implies respect, awe, and at times knee-knocking terror. It also acknowledges that everything, including knowledge and wisdom, comes from total dependence on God. The fear of the Lord leads people toward humility and away from pride. Fear of the Lord recognizes God's central place in the order of the world. God is the Creator and Master of all things. Those who fear the Lord receive wisdom because they begin to understand that everyting is under God's rule and in his service. This is more than just an attitude, it is a way of living that takes into account God's power and authority and our ultimate accountavbility to Him. The fear of God becomes unhealthy when we start to turn away from Him. When we go or do things our way. When we loose the respect and love for the gospel. 1 John 4:18 is saying that there is no fear in the love of God. About mature love marked by confidence in the face of judgment. The love that builds confidence also banishes fears. Fear involves torment or punishment, a reality the children of God will never experience, because we are forgiven. Christians practice love because God, who indwells in us, is the essence of love, because we desire to imitate the supreme example of God's sacrifical love in sending His Son for us, because love is the heart of Christian witness. -
No, God will not punish his children. Yes, He will chasten His children because He loves us. God allows us to go through trials and hardships and troubles because it is a sign that we are children of God, they are an assurance of God's love and concern for us. I think the Lord's discipline for us is that we might not be finally condemned with the world and that we might share God's holiness and continue to live sanctified lives without which we wil never see the Lord. Under God's will, adversity may come as a result of our spiritual warfare with Satan, as a test to strengtdhen our faith and our works, or as a preparation for us to comfort others and to manifest the life of Christ. In all kinds of adversity we must seek God, examine our lives and forsake all that is contary to His holiness. God can turn a wide variety of trials and difficulties to our good, training us in righteousness and holy character.
Spiritual warfare is weary because you become emotionally fatigued because of the persecution we face. We must continue to resist so the devil will not take control. No. I don't think I have. I have come close to giving up, but praise God, the Holy Spirit was right there, guiding and encouraging. I know God was my only answer.
The witnesses are the people of faith,God's faithful, that has gone bgefore us. The analogy is that we can have the same faith as the saints of old. Jesus is the author because He is the supreme example of faithful endurance. Our endurance in the Christian life will depend on our keeping our eyes on Jesus, staying focused on him and his work on our behalf. He is the finisher because He has accomplished everything necessary for faith under the new covenant to be a reality.
Moses chose to suffer with his people because he chose to share the oppression of God's people. He knew there were better things in store for God's people. He identified with suffering. Moses' vision was he knew that God would deliver them by his heand. Moses' faith was such that he responded to God's commands as though God was standing visibly before Him. Faith for us has the same vision that Moses and the others had. We have to use our faith the way Moses did. We have the same God and Holy Spirit, He has not changed.
I think the characteristics would be their faith in knowing that God has a better place for His children. We are looking for and longing for that heavenly home that one day will be ours. We are traveling toward that home. Regardless of what we have to go through on this earth, we are pushing forward to our eternal home. I think the balance is that as Jesus' disciples, we share his separation from and conflict with the world. Even though we live in a world of darkness, we have the light living in us, the Holy Spirit. He is the one that will help us to live and walk like Christ did. We have God's promises that we can depend on. Through the Holy Spirit we can overcome the evil of this world and we can victoriously achieve God's will for our life.
Abraham's faith journey encourages me because I have to realize that I am only traveling through this world on my way to our true home in heaven. It encourages me because I know I am going to have a much better place to spend eternity. The final city we shall see will be the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. and the final country will be the kingdom of God.
The part of faith to the depth is he knwe God was trustworthy. The real existence is that He is faithful. A faith that lacks either is not a very strong faith. In verse 11, Sarah believed God. She had faith in Him. She knew that God would do what He said. She knew in her heart. To me that is what faith is. Knowing in my hert that God will do what He says, knowing He is a true and faithful God. No matter what anyone says or what the circumstance may be. But knowing that I know God's Word, that I am His child, and he hears my cry, He is faithful to His promises. He is a loving and caring Father.
I think the Judeo-Christian type of faith is believing in God, in someone we cannot see,yet knowing that he lives and loves us. The basis of Noah's faith was godly fear. Noah treated God's message with great respect and awe. His faith was expressed in obedience. I think my faith is the same, based on godly fear. My heart's desire is to be closer to the Lord than ever before. As I pray and seek His face, I will have that closeness. Because He will give us our heart's desire. Our faith grows by hearing and believing the Word of God.
The second is just as essential because we must believe that He will reward us when we earnestly seek Him, knowing that our greatest reward is the joy and presence of God Himself. He is our shield and our exceeding great reward. to seek God is to go in search of, to ask for, to try to acquire or gain. We are to learn more about our Lord, become close to Him. If we do not believe God,we are gong to miss out on His promises for us.
To me, faith is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. The faith by which we understand that God created the world is faith in the divinely inspired revelation found in God himself, in our belief that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
Perseverance in faith is hard sometimes because of the trials and the human pressure we have to face. Sometimes we get tired of the battle and want to give up. It is important because we have to run the race for the highest goal which is heaven. We have to keep believing and trusting in the Lord. Christian fellowship is important because of the uplifting and encouragement to one another. We can encouage other Christians by praying for them, loving them, lifting them up before the Lord, and letting them know thay are not on the journey alone.
The sin it is talking about is for people who have experienced the Lord's salvation, keep sinning and eventually turn from God. It is talking about apostasy. The elements I see are (1)to be guilty of trampling underfoot Jesus Christ, treating Him with contempt, and despising His life and death.(2)to covent the blood of Christ as unworthy of our loyalty and (3)to insult and rebel against the Holy Spirit, who brings the grace of God to our hearts.
The prime motive should be to exhort one another daily. Our usual motive is selfish. Christians often get out of habit of attending church because they are thinking of self. The day of Christ's return for His faithful is approaching. As it does, we will face many spiritual trials and persecutions, and much doctrinal deception. We must meet together regularly in order to encourage one another to hold fast to Christ and the apostolic faith of the new covenant.
In the Old Testament, the veil separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place, which is where the ark of the covenant was. The significance is that Christ made a way for man to go to God, we are no longer separated from him. The way is new because the covenant is new. The livingway is a path of eternal life,it was not opened by Christ's sinless life, it required His death. It is new because the Old Testament people did not have the access we now have and it is living because Christ is still alive.
The blood of animals was only a temporary provision or atonement for the sins of the people; ultimately, a man was needed to serve as a substitute for humankind. Christ came to earth and was born as a man so that He might offer Himself in our place. Only a man who was free from sin could take our punishment for sin and adequately and perfectly satisfy the demands of God's holiness. The Old Testament saints had to go every year and present a sacrifice for their sins.