servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
Q4. Miracles and Faith
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
The truth of salvation has been confirmed to me by hearing God's word, reading God's word, knowing that the words were spoken by Jesus himself, and the Holy Spirit dwelling in me as witness. Signs and wonders will help the true believer. For those that are luke warm and unbelief, I don't think it would help. For some it might.I have formed my opinion on the whole Bible. Through out the Bible there are signs and wonders for today. -
We are not immune to drifting away because we do not heed to God's word. We cannot hear God's word and do nothing about it. We have to hear and do. We have to believe the truth. we have to be obedient to God's word. There is great danger in being neglectful of Jesus' words. Neglect, carelessness, or unconcern is fatal. We can resist the tendency by paying close attention to God's Word, our relationship to Christ, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus describes the phenomenon of drift by being careless and unconcerned. Not taking His word seriously.
Q2. Son of God
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
To me, the description "the exact representation of God's being" lets me know that Christ is divine. The role is when Christ provided the forgiveness of our sins by His death on the cross, He took His place of authority at the right hand of God. Christ's redeeming activity in heaven involves His ministry as divine mediator, high priest, intercessor, and baptizer in the Spirit. -
Q1. The Idea of "Son"
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
The author is speaking of the Son as a biological relationship. It would have more weight because Jesus is supreme over all things. God's Word through His Son is final; it fulfills and transcends all previous words by God. Absolutely nothing, prophets, nor angels has greater authority than Christ. He is the only way to eternal salvation and the only meditor between God and man. -
Lesson 12. Exercises
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
In these psalms, Psalm 34 is the one that really hits home. I can think of all the things that God has brought me through lately, and it is wonderful to know that He was right there with me. I have tasted of the Lord to see that He is good. He has taught me to lean on Him totally for everything, He has taught me to trust Him in a way I never dreamed possible. I rest in my refuge. -
Q4. Psalm 34
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
The encouragement David gives is that God is always with us. He hears our cry and he will deliver us. God redeemed me when He sent his Son to die on the cross for me. My god loved me so much that He was willing to pay in any way to secure me for my freedom. that cost was Jesus Christ. we can avoid condemnation by trusting in God, let him be our refuge, our hiding place. -
Q3. Psalm 34
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
We should praise God continually because of who He is and He is so worthy of my praises. It is something God wants us to do. When we continue to praise God, barriers are brought down, they are broken. Our continual praise will lift our spirit, help to keep us encouraged and our hearts on God. I am training myself by thanking God for who He is, what He had done in my life, and what He is going to do. I give praise and thanksgiving to Him, when I talk to people, I lift the name of Jesus up. I give Him the praise and glory. -
Q2. Psalm 118
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
Jesus applied this to himself because his people cast him aside, rejected him, he was the Messiah. It prophesies the salvation through Christ's sacrifice. -
Q1. Psalm 100
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
The predominant emotion is thanksgiving. This psalm makes me feel so thankful to God. He is so worthy of my praises because of who He is. His never ending love and faithfulness that will endure forever. The reasons for praise is because He is our Creator, King, and Shepherd, his goodness and righteousness, his steadfast love, and his faithfulness. The commands are to enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise, give thanks to him and praise his name. -
Lesson 11. Exercises
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
In reading and meditating on these psalms, I praise God for His forgiveness and His mercy and grace that endures. Praise God, that when I sin I can go to Him and ask forgiveness. I can go with a repenant heart and know I am forgiven and I can be restored to the fellowship with my Father. -
Q4. Psalm 51
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
God will not turn away a broken and contrite heart that is full of remorse for sin and heavy with grief because of its wickedness. When our self seeking and proud attitude is brought low and we cry to God for His forgiving grace, we can be sure that we will be accepted by Him. I think the earmarks is confession, true repentance, and praying. Just being sorry, you have not truly repented. We are not realizing the damage and the sin against God. We are in a state of denial. Humility is a character of God. When we come with a broken and contrite heart, we will be humble before God. -
Q3. Psalm 51
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
All believers need God's Spirit to create in them a pure heart that hates iniquity and a renewed spirit that desires to do the will of God. Only God can make us a new creation and restore us to true godlines. The relationship is we have turned from our sin with a heart to do the will of God, willing to be taught God's ways and His truth that we might fear God from the heart. When we are experiencing trials and difficulties, we must cry out to God for wisdom to walk in His ways and for a heart that truly fears and delights in His truth. God's Holy Spirit purifies our heart by convicting us of what is right and wrong. -
Q2. Psalm 51
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
No, I don't think he is minimizing his sin, he knows it was wrong, but he is saying that his sin was greater against God than Bathsheba and Uriah. I think what David means is that is was against God and His Word. It was against everything that God stands for. No, he is not excusing himself or blaming Original Sin. He is saying that he is living in a sinful nature, flesh, through and through. -
Q1. Psalm 32
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
With self deceit, it can enslave us because we are not facing our sin, we are trying to push it back, thinking it is nothing, it won't hurt anything. Before we know it, we are doing one sin after another. When our sins are concealed, we are in agony and it brings a penalty. Acknowledging and confessing sin with an honest, sincere, and repentant heart will always result in God's gracious pardon, the removal of guilt, and the gift of His abiding presence. I think we resist the truth about ourselves because it can hurt and our ego. To get us to see the truth, sometimes it takes hurting our feelings, takes us going through trials, and to get our ego out of the way. We can have our joy back and restore our relationship with God. -
Lesson 10. Exercises
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
These psalms are awesome. For me to know and realize that God's ways are not my ways, that His ways are a lot higher and better, is just amazing. To know that God had a plan from the beginning, that Jesus was willing to give His life to bring that plan into action. I use to say that God's love was awesome, which it is, but not it is so amazing. I can see the ways God is moving in my life, and it is so amazing to know what an awesome God I do serve. I praise God for His salvation, for the relationship that I can have with Him through Christ. -
Psalm 22 is speaking of Jesus crucifixion. It describes his suffering, his feelings, his pain. I think Jesus understood it as referring to himself. I think the Holy Spirit had David to writ this to help people understand the crucifixion, that is was our sins Jesus was carrying and dying for, and gave David comfort.
Q3. Psalm 22
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Jesus spoke these words because he was feeling alone. Jesus uttered this dreadful cry on the cross when His heavenly Father's caring and protective presence was withdrawn. Jesus was forsaken by God because He suffered in the sinner's place, having become a curse for us.By quoting this verse, Jesus was also claiming the entire psalm as a description of Himself. God answered his plea by releasing Jesus from his suffering and pain by His death. His death results in help for the afflicted, eternal life, the preaching of the gospel. His rul over all the nations, and ultimate exaltation and glory. -
Q2. Psalm 110
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
I think he ask them to see if they understood that they were talking with the Lord, the Messiah, the Sovereign King. The point Jesus was making was that it was him. As a priest Jesus Christ was sympathetic, gentle, and patient with those who go astray through ignorance, unintentional sin, or weaknes.He must be appointed by God.Christ qualified in both ways. Because of our salvation through Christ, he is our high priest opening a way to His personal pdresence where by we can always seek the help we need. As Prince of Peace, Christ is coming to the earth as a warrior to defeat and judge all those who oppose God's kingdom and His righteousness. He will bring peace. -
Q1. Psalm 2
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
It teaches us that the anointed king was Jesus Christ. God anointed him to redeem Israel and rule over God's kingdom. It is Jesus' public proclamation as God's Son and His anointing as prohet, priest, and king. I think it also refers to his people who are facing opposition, just as Jesus faced opposition. God anointed Jesus to rule over the world so he could take us in as an inheritance at Jesus request. If we do not submit to Jesus, we are lost without God. We will not have eternal life with him. We cannot make it through this world without God's salvation. -
Hi Shelly and welcome to the Bible study. You will learn so much about our Lord through this study. Every name you study, you will learn something different, something that will get ahold of your heart and your mind and it will amaze you. Focus your mind and heart on God. Seek him through this study, let him speak to you through his word. If you are willing to give yourself to God, he will lead and guide you and your family in this study. My prayer for you, is dear Lord, open Shelly eyes to see through her spiritual eyes, ears to hear what you have to say to her. Let her hear your voice.Open her heart to receive what you have for her through this study. Open her mind Lord to understand what she reads and studies. Shelly, God bless you as you seek to draw close to Him. Your sister in Christ Carolyn
Lesson 9. Exercises
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Psalms: Rejoicing in God's Character
These psalms tell me that I am to praise and worship God. My lips are to speak praises. I am amazed at the compassion, love, kindness, understanding our God has. We serve an awesome and wonderful God. His love endures forever. Praise His holy name. -
Q3. Psalm 117
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Psalms: Rejoicing in God's Character
It is important because of God's compassion and faithfulness. God always brought Israel back to Him. He loves them that much not to forsake them. They are his people. In the New Testament, the word praise and mercy and kindness are used. I think Romans 15: 10-11. -
Q2. Psalm 145
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Psalms: Rejoicing in God's Character
To me the aspects of God's character that stands out is faithful, loving, lifts up, near, hears my cry, watches over me. Every human being should praise God for His blessings and gift's he has given to us. He is our Maker, our Redeemer, and Provider. I am worshiping and praising God with everything in me. My lips speak the highest praise I can give to my God by sharing my praise with others. -
Q1. Psalm 103
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Psalms: Rejoicing in God's Character
The aspects of God's character that stand out to me is his compassion and grace and mercy. In Exodus, God revealed himself to his people and they knew he was real and they could trust him. God's limits are as high as the heavens are above the earth, as far as the east is from the west. To me, that means endless. -
Lesson 8. Exercises
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
In reading these Psalms out loud to myself, they have me realize how important it is to exult and lift up our Lord and Savior. When I think about some of the things God has brought me through, He is so worthy of my worship and praise. God is always true and faithful to his people. I have been real sick for the past 3 weeks. When the devil says he is going to stop you, I said no, because I know that greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world. I could imagine trying to get through that sickness without God. Praise God , I knew he was there with me all the time. He never left or forsake me. When we are so sick we can lift our heads up, praise and worship the Lord. Even though I was so sick in body, my spirit was never down. I kept my eyes and heart on the Lord. He brought me through. Our God is so holy and righteous. There are not enough words that I can say to worship and praise my God with that can thank him for what He had done. To know that He is Lord of all the earth and all there in, that He still reigns, and that I will one day be with Him eternally, all I can say is Come, Lord Jesus.