servant for Christ
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Everything posted by servant for Christ
Q4. Psalm 24
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Verses 1 and 2 establish the Lord's right as King because He is the Creator of all. Verses 3 to 6 tells us we have to have a pure heart and a righteous life. Clean hands are free from external acts of sin. We are to seek Him with clean hands and a pure heart. We need to remember that every time we pray and seek for God. Verses 7 to 10 tells us that the King of glory is the Lord Jesus. The generation of them that seek him, faithful believers, must pray that the King of glory shall come. This prayer for God's kingdom to come anticipates Christ's eternal reigh and the final destructin of evil. It speaks to me because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my Lord reigns. He is mine and I am His. -
Q3. Psalm 126
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
The memory of God's deliverance assured them that He would do it again. He had brought them out of one situation, He will bring them ourt of this one. They prayed with belief and trust. I can understand the two metaphors because I have been there. At times I have felt so dry, like God was far away, but I prayed with tears flowing, and believing God would answer. He has answered, I have reaped the joy because I stayed true to God, did not doubt or waver. I claimed His word and held on to it because I knew it would help get me through, and God would bring me through again. -
Q2. Psalm 96
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
To me, what it means to ascribe to God is to give back to Him joyfully, cheerfully, and wondrously what He has given me. He is so worthy of my praises. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Our God reigns! I worship and praise Him because He is my everything. He is my sovereign God. When we fail to give back to God what He deserves, we lose sight of everything, including our relationship with God. Our praise to God is fitting and worthy because of who He is, because of what He has done, is doing, and going to do. To know that He is coming back after His church and we will reign with Him forever. My Lord, my Savior. -
Q1. Psalm 57
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Praise is difficult when we are in trials because we put ou mind on our circumstance and not on God. We start to worry and fret and lose site of God. We don't put our complete trust in God. Our fleshly thinking takes over instead of our spiritual. Praise helps our faith to grow and be strong. Praise affects our attitude by filling us with the joy of the Lord. It affects our motivation by driving us closer to God. -
Q5. Resting in the Lord
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Psalms: Resting in God's Care
To me, to rest in God means giving Him all of my worries and frets of this world. Knowing that He is God Almighty, the Great I Am, that there is nothing impossible for Him. Knowing that I can put my complete trust in Him and evrything is going to work out. I can keep my heart and mind on Christ, and worship and praise Him joyfully. When I have things coming at me. I worship and praise God. I thank Him for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He is going to do. -
God's river is the continual flow of His grace, glory, and power in the midst of His faithful people. This pure life giving river flows from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It flows from the throne of God and consantly refreshes believers, both those on earth and those in heaven. The most significant blessing of the river is that it brings God into the midst of His people. The knowledge of knowing who God is that we can quit holding on to things that keep us from exalting God and giving Him His proper place in our life. We can put Him first and fore most in our life. Our words should be words of worship and praise. We are to be still so we can know who God is, so He can speak to us, to draw us close to Him so we can rest in His peace.
When we commit our spirit to God. we are resting in faith in the promises of God. We express dependence on God and faith in His goodness to His people. To commit ourselves into God's care is equally appropriate during times of danger and difficulty. It brings peace knowing that we can trust God totally, He will never let us down. To me, my times in your hands is trusting God for the plan He has for our lives. Knowing His love is that great. Knowing that He wants the best for His children.
He does it by giving us rest and peace in Him. God, through Christ and by the Holy Spirit, is so concrned about each of His children that He desires to love, care for, protect, guide, and be near his children just as a good shepherd does for his own sheep. The ways: I shall not want because I trust in His love and commitment to me. He maketh me to lie down because of His presence and nearness I can lie down in peace, free from all fear. My confident rest in His presence will be experienced in green pastures in Jesus and the Word of God. He leadeth me beside the still waters of His Holy Sporit. He restores my soul when I become discouraged. He re-energizes my soul through His power and grace. Thou artr with me in times of danger, difficulty, and even death, in every situation of life. God's rod and staff reassures me of His love and guidance in my life. Preparest a table before me, God is caring for my needs in the midst of the forces of evil that attempt to destroy my life and soul. Confronted daily by Satan and surrounded by an ungodly society, I am furnished with sufficient grace to live and rejoice in God's presence. Anointest my head with oil is God's special favor and blessing through the anointing of His Holy Spirit upon my mind, body, and spirit. Goodness and mercy is God's faithful love and kindness. No matter what happens, I can trust the Good Shepherd to work all things together for my good. The goal of my following the Shepherd and experencing His goodness and mercy is that one day I may be with the Lord forever, see His face and serve Him forever in His house.
Q1. Psalm 131
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Psalms: Resting in God's Care
David quiets his inner person by resting in the Lord. I think the elements are hope, trust, rest, and humility. David trusted God to bring him out of his misery and torment and bring him back into fellowship with God. -
Lesson 6. Exercises
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
To me Psalm 91 is special. As I read out loud, to self, and meditate on this Psalm, it is awesome to me. When I am going through trials and troubles, I turn to this psalm. It really shows me God's protection for me. It does not manner how bad things get, God will never leave me. There is nothing or no one that can ever take me out of God's hands. He is my everything. I can turn to Him with everything that concerns my life. He is my Rock, my Fortress, my Shelter, my Protection, my Refuge, my Strong Tower, everything that I need is in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do not have to worry because I am sheltered in the arms of Jesus. -
Q4. God's Protection
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
God's protection doesn't only cover us while we are on earth, but our souls also. The most important. This earthly body will die one day, but the soul will live forever. That is what God is concerned about. He wants us to spend eternity with Him. Satan sets out to destroy not only our human body, but our soul to. I think some aren't protected because it is their choice. They do not believe and trust God completely. They do not take Him at His word. Yes, God really protects us. Protects us by His word, His love, the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us, and by our faith in Him. -
Q3. Psalm 121
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
The reassurance to me is knowing that my help comes from God. I can depend on Him where I can't depend on anybody else. It makes me feel good to know that God is my only source for meeting my needs physically and spiritually because He will not fail. I must trust in Him with my whole heart and seek His grace to help in time of need. To know the faithful child of God is always under the Lord's protection, defence, and watchful care. The person who trust God knows where to turn in trouble. With God to guard us, we can come to no harm. -
Q2. Psalm 91
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
To me this Psalm is a psam of security. Those who commit themselves to the will amd protection of the Almighty and daily seek to dwell in God's presence, has his protection. The more fully we abide in Christ and His word, making Him our life and dwellingplace, the fuller will be our peace and the greater our deliverance in times of danger. We have the authority to send the devil fleeing, we have the power to put him under our feet. That power is in THE NAME OF JESUS! The promises: He will rescue me, He will protect me, He will answer me, He will be with me in trouble, He will deliver me, He will honor me, He will give me long life, and He will show me His salvation. I like manyh of the psalms, but I think I can say Psalm 91 is my favorite. Of all my trials and testing, I go to this Psalm. I feel the security of the Almighty God. I am reassured and comforted, that my Lord is always with me and I have angels for protection. Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come! Praise His wonderful name. -
Q1. Psalm 61
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
The images David uses is God, the Rock, his refuge, his strong tower, the shelter of his wings, and his dwelling place. It makes me feelgreat to know that I am hiding in the Rock, where I can't be destroyed, to know that God is my shelter, my refuse, my strong tower, and that I am under His wings always. There is nothing I go through or have to face tha I have to do alone. Praise Gid, He is always with me. He is my Love, Faithfulness, my Protection, everything I need. It makes me feel safe and secure from all storms. -
The prayer for my life and my church is that God will draw each one closer to Him. Help us realize that we have to get back to our first love. I pray for God to anoint our ears to hear what God is saying and our hearts to receive what He is saying. To teach and guide us to the point to where we will be in unity, ready and willing to do His work in the world. To let the Holy Spirit move in the way He should. That our hearts will be on fire for Him, to get out and reach a dying and lost world. I think the elements should be worship, praise, and humbleness. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says it all. Word for word what we need to do. I think it paves the way because we are getting our heart and mind on God.
We have to humble ourselvess before God, when we do, we trust the Lord with everything in us. We can stand on our faith knowing that our Helper and Deliverer is with us, planning for our deliverance, God holds the plan for our life. We have to trust and believe God for that plan. Humility and faith gfo hand in hand. We are not at our best, our fullest in god if one of these is missing.
It makes me respond with the highest praise and glory I can give to my Lord. When I think about God's love for us, as individuals, that He cares enough to want to be involved in our lives, in everything we do, to talk to us one on one, I just cannot comprehend it all. To know that hte Lord wants to bless us beyond our measure.
They end this way because we can realize that god is the healer of our hearts, that we can stand on our faith because it will be uplifted and we can trust God and give Him the praise and glory. The same for us in our prayers. Praise strengthens our faith. We can get our mind and heart on God. Our faith can let God start working in our situation according to His will.
He could ask God because he knew God was a loving, forgiving, and caring God. David knew he was in God's grace and mercy. It functions the same way in our sins. Our sins are forgiven by a loving, caring, Father. We are under His mercy and grace also.
Q4. Promises for the Future
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
To me the promises that mean a lot is knowing that I am in Christ, even though I go through suffering and trials, God has renewed my strength and he has been my help. He has made me stronger by establishing me in His word. He has made me steadfast by being my solid foundation on which I can be built. All of this I have experienced in my life because I have prayed for a close relationship with God. To be a vessell that He can use for His kingdom. To train me to get self out of the way and be like my Lord. -
Q3. Instructions for Spiritual Warfare
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
The instructions he gives is to be self-controlled, be alert, resist the devil, keep our faith, and be willing to suffer. EXTRA CREDIT: Peter is telling us how to be victorious ove Satan, Paul is telling us what to do to be victorious. Paul is telling us to put on the whole armor of God. -
Q2. Your Enemy the Devil
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
It is important because Satan is real. It teaches us that he is out to destroy us. This teaching is important because we cannot underestimate his powers. He will spiritually destroy anyone who abandons the protection of God. He seeks to destroy us through our experiences of suffering and trials. Through our faith in the blood of Christ, our spiritual warfare by the Spirit, and our prayers to God, we are fully equiped to defeat Satan's schemes, to resist him. and to stand firm in our faith. -
Q1. Dealing with Your Fears
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
According to this verse, we should cast our fears to the Lord and not fret about anything. We shoulde do this because God really cares and is concerned about us. We should do this by prayer and trusting God. I have applied this verse whole heartedly to my life. I have learned that by worrying and fearing, I am not trusting God. I am doubting. When we worry and fear, that is an open door for the devil. We cannot have a Christ like mind when we worry and fear. We cannot get close to God. I think we tie God's hands because he can't move the way he knows best. We try to take care of things ourselves, the flesh. When I learned to truly trust God, do not worry, do not fear, I have a close relationship with Him. I can go about doing His work while He is taking care of me. When Satan tries to put worry and fear on you, go straight to God and let Him handle the problem. -
Q4. Humility in Leadership
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
To be of low social status, unpretentious, humble, humble in attitude, humble in heart. I think we can discern by the persons humility of the heart to God and the church. By their humble spirit. When we fail to do this, it can destroy people's lives and the church. Will be a poor leader and a bad withess for Christ. The church will be ineffective about reaching the lost souls. -
Q3. Preventing Power-Mongering
servant for Christ replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
To be sure that they love God and are committed to God with all their hear. That they fear the Lord with all their heart. The pastor's authority isn't limited when he is following God's leading, listening and obeying the Holy Spirit, a true pastor does not consider the church his, but the Lord's. When the pastor is putting his flock before himself in everything, you will know he is a man of God. I think the test we can do, is the test that Jesus did for his disciples. Use the word to test. I think it can be difficult if we don't pray, meditate on God's word, ask his guidance. We can deal with it by praying, and seeking God's face and guidance for every situation that occurs. Staying on our knees if need be. '