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servant for Christ

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Everything posted by servant for Christ

  1. If we are twisting a person's arem they are not doing it willingly, from the heart. It will not benefit the church or the person. The damage it does to the church will be the church will not grow and the Spirit won't be able to move. I don't think it will produce a leader. The so called leader would be man m,ade. They will not have the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  2. I learned the responsibilities are to care for believers, disciple them, feed them with the word of God, amd protect them. What stood out to me was my pastor and elders in our church. They are very loving, caring, and concerned about the needs in our lives and the church. They are praying continually for the people and the church.
  3. Our willingness to die is essential because it helps us to be strong and to stay in the joy of the Lord. We learn to trust the Lord completely. When we aren't willing to die and afraid to take up our cross, we lose fellowship with the Lord. We lose the closeness, our joy, our faith will grow weak. We have to remain committed to God, committed to His word, and truth so we can follow Christ and do the work he has for us, His work.
  4. If we are not persecuted they will not see Christ, they will just think we are like them, like the world. It should make us happy because we are sharing Christ, we are becoming like Him. We should be happy because we have the Holy Spirit to help us.
  5. The perspective it has on me is knowing I can be full of joy because Christ is right there with me. Because I am His child, I am being molded into what He wants me to be, like Him. Because it will increase my faith and joy in Christ. Knowing that I can go through anything and I am not alone.
  6. The danger of avoiding our fiery trials is we will lose our closeness and relationship with God. We will not grow to understand why we suffer. Troubles and afflictions are the inevitable experience of faithful believers in an ungodly world controlled by Satan and opposed to the gospel. We Christians who are committed to Jesus Christ with a devoted and loyal faith, who walk after the Spirit, and who love the truth of the gospel will experience trouble and sorrow. Suffering for the righteousness of God is evidence of the genuineness of our devotion to Christ. It will accompany the warfare of our faith against sin, the ungodly world, and Satan. Through fiery trials God allows us to share in His suffering and forms within us the quality of character He desires. When we suffer and remain faithful to Christ, we are blessed. Yes, I have been distracted. Yes, I have observed it in other Christians.
  7. As I kept reading Psalm 150 over, out loud, I realized how much I need to praise God continually. When I get self out of the way, and worship and praise the Lord, He can move in the way He wants to. In the way that is best for me. To me, I think I am trusting God completely when I praise Him because I know He is in control. I know everything is taken of. I can do the work of the Lord and not be burdened down with the cares of this life. It pleases our Lord when we worship and praise Him. He has done so much for me in my life, all I know to do is worship and praise God. Offer thanksgiving from the bottom of my heart.
  8. The reasons for praise is because He has saved us and because God is coming with righteousness. I think is is so exuberant because for the righteous it will be jouy, hope, and expectation. Christ will rule the earth in righteousness and justice. Praise in our congregation is very exuberant. In my life, it is very exuberant. I am living and expectiing the day of the Lord's return where there will be peace, justice, and His righteousness. For some people it is not exuberant because they don't believe God.
  9. We should worship because God is our creator and He has responsibility to care for us. That He has enough love to want to care for us. I think the warning is included so we will not ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit, so we won't become less and less sensitive to the desires of the Holy Spirit, so that we will hear and obey His word. The earlier elements, we are to sing for joy, we are to shut aloud to the Rock of our salvation, and we are to give Him our thanksgiving. It fits because they are expressions of our worship to God.
  10. To me, it teaches that I am to praise God for everything. It is a command. Everything that He has done, is doing, and going to do. We should praise God wherever we are at. Everywhere we go. Praise should be conducted from the heart with our voices singing out loud. With every suitable instrument man can offer with his God given creativity and artistry. Everyone that has breath should be praising God. After reading this psalm out loud, I want to shout "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!" We can truly praise God when we see His full greatness and goodness, and recall and meditate upon all that He has done from creation to redemption to our personal lives. Praise becomes a powerful response of the heart expressing joy, gratitude, and the desire for communion with our Lord. In addition to praising God with our songs and instruments, I think we can praise God with a life of love and joy, with faith in Christ, with victory over the powers of satan, with a spiritual hunger for His kingdom and righteousness, with devotion to His word, with love of God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, with the proclamation of His gospel, and with the expectation of His soon coming return.
  11. I read and meditated on Psalm 15. I am to have Christ character. I am to walk blameless, I am to do right, I am to speak the truth. I am to have the integrity that will reflect my God.
  12. I read Psalm 27 out loud and thought about what it means to me. I realized that was my heart's desire. To seek the Lord's face, be as close to Him as I can get. I want to be more like Christ everyday. I do not have to fear because He is my strength, my fortess, my salvation, my deliver, in him I can trust. He is the light of my path. I do not have to fear because I under His wings. He is my protector. The Lord is my everything. He is my life. Without Him, I am nothing.
  13. I read and meditated on Psalm 8. It amazes me how an awesome God we serve. He created the whole universe. Everything in it. He created us. He put us in charge to take care of this beautiful place he created. When I look at the stars, moon, and the sky, I can sense His awesome presence. To know that He loved us so much that He created us to be in His image. That He is in control of everything.
  14. They are boasting about themselves, leaving out God completely. They think they are doing it in their own power. They are self-pleasing. They are not very mature. They realism is very dim. They have no humility. The Lord has given me the gift of mercy. He has given me a compassion for people. I am also a servant for Christ. I reach out to people who are hurting and need healing. I love to serve people in any way I can. While I am doing this work, I give God the praise and glory for the work He does. I try to be the witness for him that he wants me to be.
  15. Non-Christian's don't like it because they don't want to be judged for their life style. I think they feel shame and are not good enough. To me, whin I was a sinner, I didn't want to hear anything about salvation. I thought I was enjoying life as it was. I had all the time to call on God, when I was ready. I didn't think I could really believe in someone I couldn't see and understand. I didn't really realize that there was someone that really, really, loved me. I kept looking for happiness in the world and never found it. I quit running and accepted the Lord as my Savior. Non-Christians thenk they have happiness and peace in this world by living and having worldly things. We, as Christian, are the same in a way. We think we can live both life styles and everything will be O.K. How blind we are. The realization is that we are going to be judged and it should inspire us to live according to God's will and His word. We make the choice were we will spend eternity. We are to expect, be alert, and watch for we don't know when our last second on earth will be. The Lord can come any second. We are to be about His business. We need tdo be as close to God as we can get. We need to pray continually to be in and share God's love.
  16. The temper and the behavior of a true Christian seem very strange to ungodly men They feel like they are being judged, that we are better than they are in a way. They cannot comprehend the hope that we depend on. We are tempted to do so because in the sinner's eyes, we are no better than they are if we fail. That we can't live up to what we are professing or living. We can resist the temptation by praying and staying close God. We will not want to go back to our old life style. We need to remember how God brought us out of that sinful nature.
  17. Christ died for our sins, he no longer remembers them. That is what we are to do as Christians. We are not to remember our sins. We are to arm ourselves with the same mind, courage, and resolution as Christ. I think the attitude is the mind of Christ and living for the will of God in our lives.
  18. I think what attracts me is David talking about unity. I tdhink why it is difficult because we look at faults and not God's love. Unity requires fervant love for God and for one another, sanctification in the truth of God's word. It is grace working in us. The Holy Spirit cannot operate in the the midst of us if there is division based on sin and selfish ambitions. It is important to God because it is pleasant and pleasing to Him. Our brotherly love must be with a pure heart devoted to God. Loving people are blessed people. When we dwell together in unity, the Lord commands the blessing. Blessings according to the promise are commanded blessing for his has commanded his covenant for ever. The blessing which God commands on those that dwell in love is life for evermore. Those that live in love and peace shall have the God of love and peace with them now and they shall be with him forever in the world of endless love and peace. HEAVEN.
  19. My two sons are grown. When they were small, even still now, I let them know how important it is to be truthful, honest, consider other people's feelings. It covers unrighteousness, deceit, slander, selfishness, and any other sin we have in our life. The inner integrity is very important.
  20. For me personally, I need to be reminded so I won't forget the sin that God brought me out of. Sin that could destroy not only my life, but my soul. It helps me to remember the love that God has for me. That his Son gave his life so that I could be reconciled back to God and have eternal life. To me, verse 2 stands out to me, "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night." I like it because I not only realize I have to turn away from evil, but I must build my around the words of the Lord. Seek to obey God's will because I am doing it from the heart. That can help me to take pleasure in God's ways and commandments. When I am seeking to obey Go0d's will, I will meditate on his word in order to shape my thinking, my attitude, and my actions. I will read Scripture, ponder on it, compare to other Scripture and ask myself question's about the Scripture. Is there a promise, a sin I msut avoid, a command to obey, is my spirit in check with the Holy Spirit, is the Scripture stating a truth about God, salvation, sin, world, and my obedience.
  21. God's love is the hope of our faith that we can believe and stand on. The realization in my life is that I know I have love that is real, will never let me down, a love that gives me peace, hope, joy, forgiveness of sins, eternal life. A love that cannot be destroyed by the world or satan. It is a love that has helped my faith grow stronger knowing that is is on a firm foundation.
  22. The psalmist was experiencing spiritual dryness and he was thirsty for the closeness and the presence of the Lord. The psalmist combats by hanging on to the hope and remembering what God has done and will do. Remembering his dependence on the Lord. That he could not do without the Lord. Yes, I have felt this way and it is a miserable feeling. Praise God that he will bring us through. I reached out to God by praying, seeking his face, believing and trusting in his word, ans speaking his word, and confessing his truth.
  23. David wanted to live in tdhe presence of the Lord, his nearness, his love, his righteousness, and the power of the Holy Spirit. The hope that David provides is if we persevere, run the race till the Lord comes back, staying in the wil of God, we will receive what he has promised.
  24. Welcome 2BMoreLikeHim, you will enjoy this study and you will get closer to the Lord and you will learn more about the Lord than you ever dreamed. He will open your spiritual eyes that you see, and your ears that you will hear what thus saith the Lord, and your heart that you will receive what He is saying to you. If you keep seeking the Lord, get self out of the way, and let the Holy Spirit have full control, the Lord will give you your hearts desire. I know,he did me. You will not take the Lord for granted as long as you seek and live in his presence. There is so much to know and learn about our Savior. I pray everyday for him to help me remember where He brought me from, and to help me stay at the foot of the cross. To remember what He did for me. You have a hunger for the Lord, keep that hunger alive by praying, studying, and getting the Word into your heart and mind. The Lord will lead and guide you. Do not fear, do not worry, that is a trick of the devil to keep you from getting close to God. Give everything to the Lord. When fear and worry strike, say O.K. Lord, its yours. You are the burden barrier. I trust you totally and I know you will answer when your time is right. May the Lord bless you richly and have a closer walk with the Lord than you ever dreamed. servant for Christ
  25. He begins to meditate on the love and intimacy that God had shared with him in his life. David realizes that God knew him from the beginning to the end. David is asking God to search his heart, test him, and remove anything that will keep him from God. To cleanse his heart.
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