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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

servant for Christ

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Everything posted by servant for Christ

  1. I think the common thread is the divine power. David seem to bask in God's Word by meditating on it. Yes, I have felt this way. When I get to studying and just meditating on His Word, I just soak it in.The creation strikes David at how great the glory of the Lord is. How awesome He is. David is asking God to keep his heart, his words, and his life free from sin and pleasing to him.
  2. This psalm teaches about God that He cares for us greatly. It affirms that we as humans were created by God for a glorious purpose. We are so valuables to God that we are special objects of His concern and favor. He has honored us by choosing us to rule over His creation. Christ cared enough that he humbled himself to become lower than heavenly beings and become like man. To die a horrible death on a cross, so that he might restore fellowship again with our Creator. Our responsibility is the consciousness of our favored position is no reason for praising ourselves, but a reason for giving thanks, and praise, and glory, and honor to the Creator.
  3. Yes, I have pledged my faith to Christ and promised to serve him as his disciple. For me, my baptism reminds me that in the emmersion, my sinful nature was buried because Christ died for my sins, when I came up out of the water, I have eternal life because he rose from the dead on Resurrection Day.
  4. I think for me it would be the reconcilliation with God. I know Christ died for my sins, I know I was not worthy, but made worthy by his righteousness, and the reconcilliation with God is special to me today. When I talk about reconcilliation, I am talking about the close walk with the Lord that the devil said I would not have. Satan once had me bound with self guilt, made me believe that God loved me but not enough that he would use me for his kingdom because of the failures in my Christian walk. The Lord broke that bondage, he set me free and I have that clowe walk with GBod and getting closer every day. When I do these Bible Studies, I am amazed how God reveals his word to me, puts them in my mind and my heart. And how he is using me for his kingdom.
  5. I think it is hard for us to witness because we are being hurt, we are in pain, and we have taken our eyes off the Lord. It is easy in tough places because we have fear and we start to compromise the word of God. I think for me it is "be ready to give an answer". I know in talking to people and they start asking questions, I will always pray ford the Holy Spirit to give me the words. I don't want the answer to be my answer, I want the Lord's answer. I want my words to be his words.
  6. I think the ones that apply to my church are harmonyh and grudge-free. It is hard to live in harmony if feeling's are hurt and there is pain. It is hard for some people to forgive. And that is where satan have people in bondage. I think the most needed is compassion, humble, and full of God. We are praying and seeking God to help us to help the church family to be healed, to be set free, be more like Christ, the whole church to be united with his mind. To be Christ minded in all ways. We are reaching out to those in need.
  7. Hi Agaped1, welcome, and praise the name of the Lord! I know where you are coming from. I also am a prayer warrior, I intercede for people, and I strongly believe in the power of prayer. I may not be close to you, but if you would allow me, I would love to be your prayer partner. We will pray and ask God to lead and direct us. I also am going through a lot of personal attacks. It seems like when God brings me out of one fire, I am back into another. That is O.K. Because I have learned that God is taking this broken vessel and molding it into a vessel that can be used for His kingdom. That is my heart's desire. Do not be discouraged, do not be dismayed, do not think these things strange. The Lord is making you into the servant that He wants you to be. The Lord has taught me to lean entirely on Him for everything. The devil has hit and is hitting me with everything from all sides. That is O.K. too, because I know in whom I believe, I know the GREAT I AM, and I know that He who is in me is stronger than he who is in the world. Seek the Lord with your whole heart. If you are willing to deny self, let the Holy Spirit have full control of your life, the Lord will empower you like you have never dreamed. I believe that is your hearts desire also. The more test and trials that you go through, your faith will increase. Because God will teach you to depend on Him and not the world for your answers. Always remember, that His ways are not our ways, and His ways are higher than our ways. He is always on time! Learn not to worry, but give everything to the Lord. Look through your spiritual eyes and not your natural eyes, natural will deceive. Believe and trust in the Lord completely, whole heartedly. Do not lean on your own understanding. I have learned when I pray, I pray expecting God to move in a great way. I praise Him for answering and I wait upon the Lord to answer when His time is right. My heart's desire is to have a closer walk with the Lord than I have ever had. I believe that is yours also. The road has not been easy, but it has been worth every step of the way. I have that closeness and I am still continuting that closeness. The Lord has taught me so much in the last two and half years. Yes, the Lord will empower you with the Holy Spirit in your home, work, and church, and everywhere you go. I look forward to talking to you and praying with you. May the Lord bless you and take you to another level in your spiritual walk with Him. Love from a Christian friend, servant for christ
  8. Treating a wife wrong ir treating a husband wrong, the answer is the same. God will not hear the prayers and will not answer the prayers. They are not praying and staying close to God. You cannot hide from God. You will suffer for your wrong doing. We are to forgive as we are to be forgiven.
  9. They are to understand the wife's needs and to be sensitive to her needs and her understanding. It demonstrates love because he is showing his wife that he cares and understands her needs, willing to help her by sharing in her needs. I think men and women try to dominate one another because they think one is weaker than the other. One wants to be in control over the other for selfish reasons. This does great harm because it destroys the respect and love that we are to have for one another. This is contary to God's nature because we are to like him. We are to have the respect and honor that Jesus had.
  10. We cultivate our inner beauty by showing reverence, having purity, being gentle, and being at peace with ourself. We gain character by having faith, being obedient, living in righteousness, and having courage to live the life that God wants us to live through him. True character is important to God because he wants us to be the person he created us to be. In his image, so we have to have his character, and be our true selfs because he knows us better than we know ourselves. I think character can help a woman because she will have joy, peace, righteousness, purity, faith, and courage to get her through. She will be believing and trusting God totally. She will be living her life so that her husband will see God through her.
  11. A woman should look her best because it is a reflection on God, and if she is married on her husband also. It can draw her into the world's way. God says that true beauty is a matter of character, not of decoration. I think the balance is if a Christian woman remains loyal to God and His word, seeks him, keeps His love, joy, peace, and meekness, her inner beauty will shine bright.
  12. It is so difficult because we want to be in control. We don't want to be told what to do. No, I don't think it requires you to be silent if you don't agree or feel something can be improved. If it can lead to a dispute or argument, avoid it at all cost. I think submission for a Christin is wrong when it is demanded or taken advantage of. We are to voluntarily obey. We are to have a loving, and cheerful, and a reverential respect. Our actions do speak louder than words.
  13. Hi RHEMA, welcome to the study. The Lord will bless and enlighten you as you study His names. I have taken this study and it is wonderful. I grew so much in the Lord when I took this study. I did not realize the meaning of His names, the closeness that I have because of this study, it will help you realize who our Lord and Savior really is. It will help you realize who you are in Him. May the Lord bless and enrich you as you go along in this study. I pray that you have the WOW's that I had. God bless you RHEMA and enjoy the experience with our Lord.
  14. Sin still has such a hold because we are not truly willing to accept Christ forgiveness. We are still living in the natural flesh. We don't want to let go of the world's ways.We think it to hard to follow Christ. We must deal with sin by accepting Christ forgiveness and his righteousness. We can die to sin by asking God's forgiveness, and accepting his mercy and grace. To live for righteousness means to live guilt free and from doing wrong. To live in God's holiness and obedience. The perfect righteousness of Christ is given to a believer when we accept Christ as our Savior. He is our righteous judge. It means doing the will of God.
  15. The significance th me is that when Jesus bore my sins ti was so that my sins would be forgiven, so that I could live a righteous life through him, and not live under condemnation, and so I could have eternal life. He took my sins to the cross so I could die to my sinful nature and follow him. To be free from sin.
  16. His sinlessness is important to my salvation because He took my sins upon himself so that I may have eternal life and a relationship with my Father. He was sinless, he did not have to do that but he loved me that much that he offered his life for mine. When my sins was poured into his soul, he went through every test, trial, and temptation that I would face. The only way he could stand it was for the love he had for me and by the power of God.
  17. Jesus suffered for me personally by dying on the cross. Jesus was the one sent by God to die for my sins. He suffered in his body and soul for me. He suffered voluntarily, not for himself, but for me, with the readiness and the patience. Of all the suffering Jesus did for me, should I not suffer what little I have here to go through?
  18. Christ's example in my situation's have taught me a lot, how to become like Him. My behavior is different because I am putting on Jesus' character. Through every situation, test, or trial we need to ask God to make us more like Him. To teach and lead us in His foot steps. Teach us to use our faith to trust in Him with all our heart.
  19. By having the conscious of God we will stand up for what is rightr. We will not compromise on anything that is not of God. No, I don't think a conscientious Christian can be a complainer. With the spiritual awareness of God's presence, we should walk, talk, and act like Christ. The way I react, I show the person love and I pray to God for the strength and the guidance to do what is right. To be like Him.
  20. I like what the New Living Translation says," You wsho are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. ( or because you fear God). Do what they tell you, not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel." If we do not do a good job we are reflecting back on God. It is for Him, to give Him glory and honor and respect that He deserves. We are working for God.
  21. We have freedom in Christ, In that freedom Christ's glory is to shine through us by living submissive, obedient lives. We are to love people, have respect for them and the authority over us. I think by doing this, we will show the world we are different and God will get the glory. I think when we get rebellious, we are turning our backs on God, denying Him, and that grieves our Father greatly.
  22. The good deeds we do for Christ will reflect him in us. When we show His love and kindness, people will notice. His light will shine through us. If we blend in, the world can not tell any difference in us and them. We will be like the world and God will not get any praise or honor.
  23. We are to say no to our fleshly ****. We are to consider the respect that we have with God, that we are strangers passing through this world, we are not to give into the wickedness of this world as we pass through. This should be a reminder of the dangers of sin that is possible to our souls. Sin will destroy our soul. It weakens our soul, it robs of peace and comfort, it destroys our dignity. We have to die daily to the flesh. We cann do it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
  24. As believers under the new covenant, we are a holy people, we are God's children, we have to bve separated from the world's ungodly ways and walk in God's righteous ways and his holyu will for our lives. Proclaim the gospel of salvation to His glory and praise. For taking me out of darkness into light and all the benefits that are provided through Jesus Christ.
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