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Everything posted by seedon

  1. 2 Peter 1: This "like precious faith" seems to be of note because, while it arrives in different ways, the ongoing testing of this faith was the same. For Peter, it first came in the personal, physical experience while walking and talking with Jesus over three years. Then, like us, in the cruel world he found himself working it out over many years before 2 Peter was written. So, for his readers, it was the same faith - an ongoing daily understanding of God's love to His beloved and our response to Him. But, knowing Jesus up front and personal,seeing and hearing Him in His physical body, hearing his works audibly and directly - even for a moment - let alone for 3 years, would seem to make faith much easier. In fact, Jesus prayer for His disciples indicated that "those who will beleive without physical evidence" would deserve special mention. But clearly, the like precious faith always came from the daily walk each day and growth in 'heart knowledge' of Him through life's trials. Perhaps another way to say it is that and untested faith isn't really a precious faith. In that regard many believers around the world are united in faith even thought the testing in one case is for daily survival while in another it is keeping our first love when so many entanglements are possible. But, I'm left with a question in looking at the next verses. Why do we see so many men and women taking ahold of the faith then either coasting or worse - letting go of what they know to be truth and eventually being merely innoculated to the evidence that should really infect them with desire to get on with growth in Him. If we really believed in a Big God with the power and love He has shown, why is there so little desire to go deeper and higher with Him? And, worse yet, what are the seeds being sown for those who follow or just watch? Blessings in abundance as we journey this road of faith!!
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