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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Thinking Butterfly

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Everything posted by Thinking Butterfly

  1. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. Matthew 27:51 In essence - the wall came down!!!
  2. Why is it so important to embrace the truth that "Christ died for the ungodly"? Because without embracing this truth we will forever be putting forth our human effort to appease God's wrath whether it be great effort or even a little in the back of our mind. I picture embracing in this context as holding on for dear life as in when you are drowning and someone throws you a life preserver. Accepting our own ungodliness and utter total depravity is essential to accepting total forgiveness.
  3. Understanding now through this Bible study that tribulations and sufferings mean pressure I was able to identify things in my own life that I would definitely call pressure but just didn't see it before. Some big things actually that are a constant in my life that have most rightly so caused me to grow in ways I believe I would have never grown otherwise. Amen to pressure!
  4. I just started the Romans 5-8 Bible Study and am happy to be doing it. I look forward to this forum!
  5. Hi, I am brand new as of today to Romans 5-8 Bible Study and very happy to be doing this. I am looking forward to this forum!
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